Rethinking Candy

Rethinking Candy

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This is a book on how to be more creative in the kitchen, with a focus on making candy into other kinds of candy.

馃de nisovan7


馃Mistress of the Obvious6


#4Hojo Hominygrits5


#5Nodens, kevinzana and winna4


#8AtlanteanScion, Bubicus, DocterDJ213, FredRulz, Sherm Firmwood, Spramen, ToBuyandSell, kirahvikoira, myrth77 and saldon3


#18Anonemuss, CharlesBumgaurd, Donavin69, False Dragon, Gemelli, Hunior, JerseyBoy, Lynn Gwynny, Mac_Gyver, Mr McGibblets, Mr_GlitterBall, Mr_Parks, MysticalMolly, Phrunicus, Ron_dogg, Ryo_Sangnoir, Space Ace, Splotz, ThunderGate, Uncanny Adventurer, deadleeplatapus, eusst, herr_bergen, kirByllAmA, ora henry, testostronaut and whizdad2


#45Allis, Argwarg, Bandanaman, BankofSenam, Bean, Blarghuh, Bloody, Boesbert, Brirad, CapHector, Chelonia, Chunky Spelunky, Cowdude101, CrashCoredump, Cryanger, Curbludgeon, D3tox, Daelm, Dah Cheese, DarkAndBright, DeathKnight668, Desmondman1, Diabolico, DosBoot, Dr Strange, Dragonegger2, DuRhone, Duddy01, EasilyDistracted, Emerilla, Emhgee, Eroquin, Fig Bucket, Finalstuff, Firemummy, Flaming Turtle, Fronobulax, Froogle Man, GT1, GadTheHero, GeneGene, Gorrilla Hands, Grantasaurus, Guis, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, HappyDeadChicken, Happychaos, Honesty, Ima Blonde, Itsaspade, JizzMasterZero, KaosFreak, KapmK, Kealan124, King, KingFelix, Kitsunegami, Kreegah, Lady Tomo, Leg o Lam, Lerdy, LogicalMadness, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord_Josh, Major159, Malachi Constant, Mega Ogg Boolbar, MiB, Mick Bagger, Mme_Defarge, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, Nightvol, Niven the Squeamish, Now I know why, OlWotchamakalit, OldBobLeashed, Oldsfrk, Omnibus, OrganizedMayhem, PJ45, PanSolo, Pastahead, PatTheAlmighty, Perkk, Peskil, PigRAT, Pineapple of Despair, Princess Erin, Psyche, Psycho Sledge, Pumpkinheadme, QVamp, Queen Zo, Rammerking, Reaper Hippie, Retnuh, Riidi, Roonygc8, Rubius, SABER, Sal the Rapacious, Schlurp, Seahawk, Snarkypants, Spagetty, StuBorn, SuzyQs, Tallror, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TechRat, Terrapin_Man, The Possum Trot, The Wishing Well, TheGreatReferencer, TheLetterM, Thok, Tibbiara, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, Towelie, Veracity, Walowitz, WunderKraut, Xande1, Zarqon, Zinnia, aarkwilde, agargan, ale, amytrip, arbalaragan, aukermdr, caducus, chacmool, eXtYnt2, eav, fractalnavel, goom, hotdeth, italia_stallion, jenrose, kinglink, legom7, linkster, lupus4, mat9h, moORtEnsOn, nardo polo, noinamg, rifforama, sAuRman leRoux, siege72, slushpuppie, spaghettigirl, vewybody, xKiv and xwingace1
