Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed)

Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed)

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This book is published by Pocket Press and is small enough to fit in your handbag. Despite its size, it includes the sum of all human knowledge regarding meteors.


Everyone's a winner


Looks like everyone just has one of this item in their display case, so you can probably only get one per account. Nevertheless, well done them.
🥇A Gressive Coffee Addict, Achernar, Adeeda, Adite, Aduine, Agburanar, AintThatTheTruth, Akael, Aldo13, Alexander the Okay, Alium, Allodoxaphobe, Ampseconds, Anagram, Ancientofearth, Anelloni, AnxiousHyrax, Aramada, Aravagantos, Arbos, ArchangelUK, Archon386, AscensionsEatYourSoul, AshleyC, Asmodais, Astorius, Athanatos, AtlanteanScion, Aubra, Aunt Bettie, BC_Goldman, Bale, Balton, Banditman5, Bandoneon Bandit, Barry Noodlebrow, Bashy, Beldur, Beljeferon, Biff Demiclaws, Bigquack, Blirrra, Bloody, Bobface11, Bobomancer, Boesbert, Borishaughingoff, Brally, Breathingferns420, Bubicus, Butt Pirate, Butts McGruff, CalvinTheHobb, Cantor Malus, Capoke, Captain Insano, Captain Scotch, CaptainRondo, CaptainUrsus, Chadomancer, Charasan, Charlesque, CharmingMimi, Cheesy Noodle, Chelonia, ChesterArthurXXI, Chompkins, Chromatic Walnut, Clubby McClubberson, Cobwebs, CombatWombat, Crack_Rock_Beat, Crapstorm, Croft, Cryanger, Curbludgeon, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Daitis, DanteDim, Daqh Kiri, DarkAxz, DarkCalisto, Dark_Adonis, Dazz, DeathofPasta, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Derpins32, DesertMagic, Dessalvara, Dfo2, Diabolico, DirkDagon, Discdeath, Division_00, DocRosey, Donavin69, Dontkillmezach, Dorngen, Dr Ragon, Dragonegger2, Dreamtears, Dude2004, Durf, Dysis, Eblamer, Eclipsing, EdibleComplex, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Efftien, Eggbert, Eisler, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Erathaol, Ereinion, Ericrct, Eroquin, Escrow Estaunte, Foggort, Force of Light, FoxtrotUniformCharlieKilo, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Frieds, Fundamagargle, Furbulae, Fyll, G1R, GT1, GadTheHero, Galapagos James, GamesMaster, Ganomex, Garlic, Gatito, Gawea, Goldman Sachs, GoodKnYght, GpHerder, GreatWyrmGold, Gredashe, Gretzky, Grimdel, Grizzled the Grizzly, Gryphon_2, Guy Bone, H473N4, HOldeRofSecrEts, HP 48GX, HadesSL, Hammered, Hamusutaa, Handhand, HappyDeadChicken, Hasand, Hnetu, Hotchkiss, Hrotli, Hunior, I am here_why, IAreBacon, ILILILI, Ibaslomofo, Idu, Immelan, InsomniAxeMurderer, InspectorX, Ixidor1219, JD McSquinty, JLE, JackalKat, Jakemon, Jean_Genie, Jehanmandeville, JerichoShade, Jexjhuy, Jhusdhui, Jinzo Fusilli, Johnny V, Jokei, Jolyne Joestar, Just Eyes, KastleKrusher, Kbpikachu, Kejim, Keogh, Ketchupynugget, Kingdom of Sam, Kreegah, Kurtispj, Kyzyx, Laa, Lack Luster, Lady Tomo, LarfSnarf, LastMinuteName, LeafRivr, Lesbian_Syphilitic_Spanker, Lightbender, LilyBugBandit, Lizmeis, Looth_Teeth, Lord Stefano, LordHaplo, Lucelle Ball, LunaDancer, Lyle332, Lynn Gwynny, MOTH, Mac_Gyver, Machevort, Mafusail, Major Meat, Manendra, Matt Damon Jr, Matt_afi, McNally86, MeGrimlock, MeLcator, Meester Slow, MegaNube, Megabuster, Mekgineer, Melon Squeezer, Melvin DoOver, Mezmorizor, Michael303, Mick Bagger, Mike Antleg, MinaPoe, Minerslave4, Mirrorshades, Misha_Z, Mister Edge, Mistress Darkmoon, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, MontyPythn, Moon, Moose_Drool, MrFahrenheit91, Mr_GlitterBall, Muush, Myrmaker, NamelessAngel, Nanimonai3, Necrophage, Nescire, Nigel Rath, NightRipper, Nikademus, Niktu, Niles Crane, NoctiBeard, NotHere, NotaSandwich, Nox Ultionem, OOnuthin, Oldsfrk, Omnibus, Orgre45, Oyeseduck, Oztrich, PacHINKOid, Pants_O_Rama, Parco Molo, Pastahead, Pastasheep, Peach_Arrow, Perkk, Phil de Pants, PhilThese, Philosofik, PigRAT, Plankman, Poncho the Sane, PowerfulJB, PrehensileSpine, Prestige, Prima Vera, ProfessorKilljoy, Professor_Underscore, PsyMar, Psyche, QVamp, RNGHeHateMe, ROdger_FLint, Rainmaker709, Ralar, Ranzer, Rathskellar, Raymond Kinger, RedOne, Ridiculy, Riget123, Rinnith, Rock N Rolla, Rodde, RogerMexico, Rowenthus, Ryo_Sangnoir, SOOLAR THE SECOND, Sacreth, SadOatcakes, Saddler, Saiyansooner, SalMonella, Sans the Comic, Sayomi Kuronuma, Schlager, Schlurp, Scrabblewench, Scudworths, Sean Clannery, Shamgar the Bold, ShinyPlatypus, Shiverwarp, Shridrea, Siloslider, Sir Phil Shady, SisterCoyote, Skent, Skooterdude13, SkullRock, Smex, Smoking_GNU, SnackAttack, Snott, SoNobodyMissedMe, Soba Rigatoni, SolarChicken, Solve_Omnis, Somethiax, Spiffie, Spindle Legged Stork, Splotz, SquintyNinja, Starbearer, Stenson, StiffKnees, Stormblessed, StrLikeCrazy, StrongbadfanEX, SuperYepa, Superechidna, SupernovaMe, Sven of the Dead, Syi, TDMH, TakeHeart, Tarl, TarrumanThur, Telekinec, Telrin, Terrabull, Terrapin_Man, Terry P, The Buccinator, The Dashing Protagonist, The Hangman, The Predator, TheLetterM, TheNovaci, Theophrastus, ThrowAChairAtMe, Tiaan, Tibbiara, TillyMcMuffin, Timbatim, Tiroroko, Tombot, TorfbokJr, Totentanz, TriggerOfHel, Turtle Juice, Turtlini, TwirlyRotini, TwoLions, Tzapquiel, Vhalantru, Vighugr, Vkkhamul, VladYvhuce, Volc, Volvo, Von Bek, Vulcan9009, W0rm, WE1RD, WPolly, WaFFle_Reaper, Wapow, Warren, White Candy, Whitefiver, Willwork4food, WreckedEm, Xande1, Xandor, Yerizael, Yo Its Joe, Zarqon, Zimmydoom, Zinnia, Zirrrus, Zitim, Zoidburglar, Zorns Lemma, Zs bee, Zulu Romeo, aLiRaZa111, abcq2, adeyke, adwriter, alBATross, apenny, arbalaragan, bearica, benaz, blobbalipston Mamabopeep, busstop82, caducus, cakeytaste, capn castom, chalon9, clemons95, cmajastin, crystal_ingram, cupcake1713, dapanda, de nisovan, digitrev, dingo13and7, dorian78, doublejesus, dune rune, ePITAthx1, eXtyNT, eppin, erTEST1, evilmoxie, exkep, footrest, forsureman, frazazel, gaUsiE, gatekeeper66, gianterq, gulaschkanone, hekiryuu, hellskidoo, herr_bergen, iaruk, idk anything, ikusat, imnotapinata, itzsaltychipguy, jag8897, jon diaz, kirByllAmA, lACEy jONEs, lAidAK, lordsuZAKU, lulwut, lupus4, maddsurgeon, malice93, mark4851, mat9h, maxsnotwick, mflGrMp, mx indigo, nixon66, numerrik, panic lord, payguhn, phyllis dietrichson, porkfist, regenald, rifforama, runeslayer, shootgun47, silrog, smugleafthesmug, taltamir, testostronaut, theWotF, thexmanlight, timble2, twixenstein, wakela, whizdad, will408914, worthawholebean, xKiv, xXxSnappyxXx and xoutkastx31