
#51,970 carat gold3,492
#20A Guide to Safari1
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
🥇Bird-a-Day calendar1
#61Crimbuccaneer premium booty sack2
#78Elf Guard honor present2
#81Elf Guard temporary (permanent) tattoo1
#55Golden Mr. Accessory2
#5KoL Con 13 snowglobe1
#36L.I.M.P. Stock Certificate1,800
#93Lil' Snowball Factory1
#37MayDay™ contract1
#4Oopsie IPA3
🥇Pocket Meteor Guide (well-thumbed)1
#47S.I.T. Course Voucher1
#23School of Hard Knocks Diploma2
#16The Big Book of Every Skill3
#4The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 1 (used)1
#4The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 2 (used)1
#5The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 3 (used)1
#8The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 4 (used)1
#7The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 5 (used)1
🥉The Journal of Mime Science Vol. 6 (used)1
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 (used)1
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 3 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 (used)1
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 (used)1
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 6 (used)1
#10The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells (read)1
🥈The Spirit of Giving (used)1
#42Twelve Night Energy23
#27Twitching Television Tattoo2
#139Yeti Protest Sign1
#2607anniversary gift box1
#82baby chest mimic1
#95box of Gratitude chocolates1
#332box of sunshine1,212
#44combat lover's locket lockbox1
🥈dark potion31,437
#69deed to Oliver's Place1
#49dense meat stack240,254
#49designer sweatpants (new old stock)1
🥇diabolic pizza cube1
#22flat cider7
🥈hockey stick of furious angry rage20
#441meat stack61
🥇packet of beer seeds1
🥇packet of tall grass seeds1
🥇packet of thanksgarden seeds1
#168rack of dinosaur ribs1
#92raffle prize box4
#238really dense meat stack26
#20sequin-encrusted sweater4
🥈spinal-fluid-covered emotion chip1
#6spooky hockey mask473
#91stuffed kraken1
#11super-sweet boom box1
#4the Crymbich Manuscript (used)1
#127tiny plastic sword1
#34undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella1
#76unidentifiable dried fruit1
#88wrapped candy cane sword cane1

Wow, that's 278,873 items total!

what items are this player missing?