The Spirit of Giving (used)

The Spirit of Giving (used)

🥈A Gressive Coffee Addict, AELFgifu, ARgon07, Actually Steve, Adonisrules, AelWyn, AelfRhian, AelfRhianN, Ahorriblesn, Akael, Al Alizzeza, Alan Gorealan, Aldieb, Aldo13, Allis, Amish Information Systems, Ampersans, Andalusia, Andranovich3, AnxiousHyrax, Aramada, Archon386, Ardlen, Arithil, Asmodais, AtlanteanScion, Aubra, Autumn Moon, Awnnree Bastiche, BC_Goldman, BabyDragon26, Badarse Larse, Bamump, Bananafluff, Bank of Muush, Baron Von Chrys, Bashy, Big_Shoe22 the Invincible, Bigquack, Birdy, BizzKitt, BlackVelveteen, BlakAcid, Boesbert, Borishaughingoff, Brakkham, Brirad, Bronwyn, BuRNJoB420, Busch Light, Bushwiggler, Butts McGruff, Cantor Malus, Capn Gnarly, Capoke, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainRondo, Casca, Castiel, Cedric E Collingswood III, Celtic, Chadomancer, CharmingMimi, Cheesy Noodle, Chelonia, ChesterArthurXXI, Chocolust, Cholupa, ChrisMcG, Chunky_boo, Chymes, Clan Mule, Cloudy J, Colympian, Cookie, Corporal Pibb, Crack_Rock_Beat, Cratmanghetti, Crimbo Muush, Croft, Crumbling Buttercookie, Cryanger, Curbludgeon, Curt, DJ_Tobymac, Dafro, Dah Cheese, DanaO, DarkAxz, Deatvert, Demonsquiggle, Derpins32, DiamondT, Disposable Hero, Doc Greasy, DocRosey, Doktor_Bamuse, DosBoot, Dr Strange, Drok, Duddy01, Durf, Dysis, Eclipsing, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Eggbert, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Emerilla, End of Time, Erathaol, Ereinion, ErisDiscordia, Evil Taco, Evincar, FXfghbg, Faeries Wear Boots, Fart Scauce, Fast Eddy, Flammo, Fnord DeWalt, Foggort, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Frieds, Frosty Fox, Fundamagargle, GadTheHero, Galapagos James, Ganomex, Gawea, GeneGene, Gigglii, Glibbet, Glitch, GodOfEverything, Goldman Sachs, Grapplejack, GrayWing, Gredashe, Greenfrog74, GrendelPrime, Gretzky, Grimdel, Gudruun, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hairshirt, Hamusutaa, Hareless, Hasand, Hedgemonster, Huang the Hustler, Huncat, Il Cazzo, Ima Blonde, Infernau, Infopowerbroker, Iridia, IronChefIrish, Irrat, JLE, Jakhin, Jdan, Jef, Jenna Jameson Is Hot, Jhusdhui, Journ_O_LST_3, Judy Patootie, JudySeagram, Jynnan Tonnyx, Kaptain Kidd, Kariolo, KatieDragomir, Kayyisti, Kinnah, Kizehk, Kjaru, Kjvkw, Kneegrow, Kreegah, KuanKYH, Kubota, KushKush, Lady Tomo, Landamus, Lasagnalla, Leanna, Lesbian_Syphilitic_Spanker, LetsT, Liadan, Lightbender, Lincoln Home, LinkFromLoZ, Linknoid, Loot, Lord Stefano, LunaDancer, Lyle332, Lytol, Mac_Gyver, Machevort, Maddog Doan, Mafia Pumpkin, Magister30, Manendra, Mara _Jade, Marge, Maria Mafaldine, Marie Elin, Marterix, Martyr Dom, Matini, Matt_afi, Meester Slow, Melvin DoOver, Michael303, Mighty Quincy, Minerslave4, Misha_Z, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, Monkieboy, MontyPythn, Mooker, Moon Baby ST, Morgana Rose, Morticle, Moxsassin, Mr H, Mr Knee, MrSpeed, MuggleGal, Muush, MzSwan, Natedogg, Necrophage, NeuviIlette, NewbieFoundation, Nikademus, Niles Crane, NoctiBeard, Nonia, Noodletarian, Nox Ultionem, Nucleartoad, Nurse Janeway, Oldsfrk, Opa Wulfen, Orc Rogue, Oztrich, P3T3Y, PKPenguin, PacHINKOid, PanSolo, PatTheAlmighty, PatTheGreat, Peach_Arrow, Perkk, Phil de Pants, PhilThese, Philosofik, Phoenix Flame, Pigrat, Pious Homeless, PizzaPotato, Poncho the Sane, PrehensileSpine, PresidentCorporal, Psyche, Pumpkinheadme, Quadris, Quickbaby, Raffy, Randall Flagg, RandomDewd, Randomologist2000, Ransak_the_Elder, Ranzer, Rawonall, Rick Tyger, Rikimaru903, Rinnith, Roadhouse Anni, Runus, Ryo_Sangnoir, Ryrik, SM Joker, SPIDERBLOOD360, SadOatcakes, Saint Jimmy, Sal the Rapacious, SalMonella, Salsus, SarcasMage, Schlager, Schweetie, SecondChances, Shamgar the Bold, Sharky, ShinyPlatypus, Shiverwarp, Shock_Carnage, Siloslider, SisterCoyote, Skent, Slowmo10, Slugshadow, Snott, Snugglypoo, So and So, Soba Rigatoni, Soleil Bellefontaine, Spramen, Sprypyro, Squeegee McDoo, Starbearer, Stethorel, Styre, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, Superechidna, SwenQ, Syi, TDMH, TaPol, TallinnIsLit, Tenyuji, Terrapin_Man, The Butter Bandit, The Last Pirate Solomon, The Other None, The_Dancing_Viagra, ThunderGate, Tiaan, TillyMcMuffin, Tim_Enchanter, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, ToKoLoSH, Tombot, Torby, Toshe, Trevor Hynes, Triffels, TwirlyRotini, Unameme, Veeder, Veracity, Verol, VerySarcasticOne, Vhalantru, Vinnie B, Viridis, Volc, Volvo, Von Bek, Vorwilwarin, Wapow, WeLL, Wendel XD, Wendigo, XYZ Gladiator, Xandor, Yarvin, Yasmine, Zanthia, Zasqdddas, Zhimena, Zinc Saucier, Zitim, Zog_the_Flatulent, Zoidburglar, Zulu Romeo, aLiRaZa111, aStOP, adwriter, apenny, bSmith, biggreencow, bitnb, burrows, busstop82, c2t, caducus, chalon9, chubbiechupi, ckb1, coryvanmeter, danielthespirit, dapanda, davidsan, eXtyNT, eppin, exkep, footrest, fractalnavel, gatekeeper66, gauSie, greatandpowerfuloddz, groli, hadesbringer, halfpenny, hekiryuu, hellskidoo, herocaim, hrdahl, idk anything, italia_stallion, jaXal, jewells of cheese, jmasta, jon diaz, kirahvikoira, lAidAK, larsi_kolbot, lazy_fire, legom7, liffe, lopey, lupus4, nixon66, no one 1, payguhn, peter_damien20021, phyllis dietrichson, proven, rgarz1, riotgurrrl_420, robot ze, runeslayer, sensibleb, shod, shootgun47, sillyMoose, silver nickel, taltamir, termagant, testostronaut, theWotF, the_loath_ranger, threebullethamburgler, tuppence, txranger, wakela, whizdad, wind0wlicker, window_licker, worthawholebean, wumbology, xaznmunkey and xoutkastx31
