
#413Aluminum Epsilon of Humility1
#123Ankh of Badahnkadh3
#787Argarggagarg's fang2
#27Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones (used)1
#8Booke of Vampyric Knowledge15
#38CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) (used)1
#36CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) (used)1
#16Ellsbury's journal (used)1
#755Heimandatz's heart2
#198Hollandaise helmet30
#878Jocko Homo's head2
#227Lead Zeta of Chastity1
🥉LyleCo Contractor's Manual1
#48Manual of Lock Picking1
#88Mer-kin darkbook1
#170My First Art of War1
#18Purple Beast energy drink750
#233Purple Horseshoe of Honor1
#1073Safari Jack's moustache1
#31Space Tourist Phaser37
#702The Mariachi's guitar case2
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 (used)1
🥇The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 5 (used)1
#48The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells1
#10The Nose Knows, A Guide to Smells (read)1
🥈The Spirit of Giving (used)1
#1001Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette3
#406Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette1
#348Thwaitgold buzzy beetle statuette1
#980Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette1
#174Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette2
#1786Thwaitgold maggot statuette1
#32Thwaitgold mosquito statuette24
#210Thwaitgold nymph statuette5
#115Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette12
#1034Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette2
#660Thwaitgold scorpion statuette1
#373Thwaitgold slug statuette11
#2339Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette1
#1260Thwaitgold termite statuette1
#1117Yakisoba's hat1
#11actual blood sausage2
#676adorable seal larva4
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#5943badass belt3
#14blood roll-up1
#8blood-soaked sponge cake24
#7blue money bag20
#6715box of sunshine2
#588corrupted data8
#32crated wardrobe-o-matic1
#134demon-horned hat1
#3285diamond necklace1
#7dusty bottle of blood6
#405friendly cheez blob6
#308huge Crimbo cookie2
#590macaroni duck4
#441mariachi hat1
#8mulled blood2
#2222old sweatpants1
#1885phish stick2
#1729really dense meat stack1
#12red money bag81
#17ring of the Skeleton Lord1
#1539solid gold bowling ball6
#530squirming egg sac14
#447stray chihuahua6
#8936stuffed Cheshire bitten1
#8863stuffed angry cow1
#8950stuffed baby gravy fairy1
#161stuffed carpenter1
#6175stuffed cocoabo4
#8922stuffed flaming gravy fairy1
#8971stuffed frozen gravy fairy1
#8910stuffed mind flayer1
#8943stuffed scary death orb1
#8957stuffed sleazy gravy fairy1
#8881stuffed spooky gravy fairy1
#7821stuffed undead elbow macaroni2
#3936tiny plastic Black Knight1
#6223tiny plastic Cheshire bat2
#3908tiny plastic Hellion1
#4540tiny plastic accordion thief1
#4841tiny plastic angry goat3
#8249tiny plastic baby gravy fairy1
#4898tiny plastic barrrnacle3
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#6127tiny plastic cocoabo2
#3296tiny plastic coffee pixie5
#3935tiny plastic demoninja1
#4494tiny plastic disco bandit1
#6180tiny plastic fuzzy dice2
#8185tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#6153tiny plastic ghuol whelp2
#6096tiny plastic grue2
#6145tiny plastic howling balloon monkey2
#2461tiny plastic killer bee7
#4875tiny plastic leprechaun3
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#6159tiny plastic mosquito2
#3996tiny plastic ninja snowman1
#4343tiny plastic pastamancer1
#4798tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime3
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#4450tiny plastic seal clubber1
#3834tiny plastic spiny skelelton1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#8155tiny plastic stab bat1
#4890tiny plastic star starfish3
#4478tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#3869tiny plastic warwelf1
#767tortoise's blessing1
#445untamable turtle5
#449unusual disco ball6
#9white money bag34
#78zombie dinosaur egg1

Wow, that's 1,971 items total!

what items are this player missing?