Thwaitgold scorpion statuette

Thwaitgold scorpion statuette

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This is a tiny statue of a scorpion made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. Scorpions are emblematic of the West, in that everything in the West is unpleasant and really wants to kill you.

🥇Lord Kobel33


🥉AscensionsEatYourSoul and Spiffie30


#5Curbludgeon and kwhauck29


#7Boesbert, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste and kirahvikoira28






#12Waffles Delgado24


#13Doc Greasy, Dreamtears and Josim23




#17Hepcat Merkin and Morgana Rose21


#19Niven the Squeamish20


#20Cheesy Noodle, Frogstomp and Irresponsibility19


#23Darzil, JLE, Lxndr, Tombot, Xande1, basbryan and darkcodelagsniper18


#30Borishaughingoff, Cairnarvon, Sherm Firmwood, Slick Sam, apenny and randomx00717


#36Bale, Marge, QLou, Yendor and wardeath1116


#41Agburanar, Celtic, Chunky_boo, Darth Lenore, Drakono82, Frieds, Frosty Fox, Gordito, Hannibal Smith, HastiferArken, Ima Blonde, InspectorX, Jag2k2, Keogh, Kwaidan, LastChans, Lokiator, Mana Yachanichu, Mme_Defarge, Omgaporing, ProfessorKilljoy, Samog, ShakenNotStirred, Veracity, adeyke, cyborgstan, hngkong and jeanbern15


#69Gemelli, Hasand, RNGHeHateMe, YanYing, destroyerbeacon, shkspr and umnitza14


#76Disco Lord Ross, Ezandora, Jawise, Lynn Gwynny, Sayomi Kuronuma, Seaxburh, rainierburger, werewolfman2, williabr and zombamafoo13


#86Adite, BarArdo, Eroquin, GrayVTrain7, Kafl, Macdaddy, Noskilz, dextrial and exkep12


#95Johnatton, Jokei, KapmK, Kriana, SadOatcakes, Sairindhri, Skipr, Tibbiara, Xero Storm, Zorns Lemma, myrth77, scullyangel and yoioY11


#108Arzea, DuRhone, Hellno, Kurtispj, Lord Stefano, Master Tortellini, Mattematical, Nekosoft, SnackAttack, Squeegee McDoo, Strappy, Tristifer, andrough, blisterguy, lordsuZAKU and windracer10


#124Asmodais, BaronessRatsworth, Batisaw, Bleeko, Cheesecookie, Chelonia, Durf, Foggort, JerichoShade, Kirbydude616, MonkeyMan200, Sir Biff, Totentanz, WiseFather, Zeuxippe, ckb1, exixx, hoohaw, jon diaz, panne and viandebaiser9


#145AXEBLADE, AzAngel, Beljeferon, Bigquack, BubbIeWrap, CaptainUrsus, Comrade_Petrof, DiscoShen, DocRosey, Duke Larry, Erathaol, Framistan, GrEEnKing01, Hamusutaa, Kol Miners Daughter, Lady Tomo, Mathesis, Mega Ogg Boolbar, NeonHusky, PeKaJe, Ryo_Sangnoir, Spramen, Styre, TechRat, TheMediocreSpork, Valmo, dark lich of doom, digitrev, eXtYnt2, maddsurgeon and xKiv8


#176Bonekicker, Chazriel, Creelie, Danny27, DeadlyAngel, DiscordantSong, Eyeball, Gaephrius, Gringdor, Hugbert, Jaeshala, Jeedai, Moon Moon, Nurbleface, Oldsfrk, Pants_O_Rama, Pooter the Flatuant, SeerSaraph, ShinyPlatypus, Siloslider, Sines314, Spice Trader, Theoriok, Turtlini, Ven Naul, Zinnia, bigevildan, caducus, cameron, dorian78, eXtyNT, iaruk, isNot, maxsnotwick and neugents7


#211Actually Steve, Aramada, Archon386, AtomicPopcorn, Aubra, AvocadoPirate, Biff Demiclaws, BillysBalloon, Biznatch, Chadomancer, ChesterArthurXXI, Chibz, Chromatic Walnut, Destre, Don the Failure, Eclipsing, Galapagos James, Gawd uv Rawk, Happydance, HotTomato, ILILILI, Julitewn, KennyMan666, KingFelix, LaRoni, Laserrobotics, Lyle332, MagicToast, Mindy, Mirrorshades, Misha_Z, Mr_GlitterBall, Muffin_D_Mule, Nigel Rath, Nikademus, Oztrich, Paugus, Perkk, Pineapple of Despair, QVamp, Qalthos, Rinnith, Ryan_Galen, SOOLAR THE SECOND, SUGbert, Snott, Stalh, Starbearer, Tastee Boi, Theo1001, Thumbtack, Trinity_Dalfae, Tuga, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Yankee, Zerstoren, Zombie Feynman, cheesyramen, glimb, greycat, mWAZLIB, payguhn, psYcho_strEsS, rickpay, rufuskin, tiny plastic youngerpants and udon_rouge6


#278Abarth, Aunt Bettie, Babaganoosh, Boogiecleaver, Bubicus, Butts McGruff, CaptainSpam, Chaosblackwing, CyroN, Dessalvara, DirkDagon, Discdeath, Ereinion, Famoth83, Fundamagargle, GadTheHero, IAreBacon, Imjachary1, Iwa Robusta, KidCharlemagne, Kyta, LeafRivr, Macaroni the Bent, Melon Squeezer, Mr McGibblets, PacHINKOid, Pedersen, PigRAT, Queen Zo, Ralar, SalMonella, Schik, TheOrdinarySpork, TwoHearted_Flail, Volvo, W0rm, Warren, Zog_the_Flatulent, babberton, de nisovan, herocaim, ohNOanotherPUTZ, roTINHell, taltamir, waywardLeader and wrldwzrd895


#324Ampersans, Asimantos, Balton, Batman080580, Bee money, Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog, BorisTheSpider, CathyOak, DosBoot, Fitje, FlaxMouse, GamesMaster, Handhand, HotCha0, Juan Taco, Jynnan Tonnyx, Kamis, Karptisyold, Kirana, Krisjekwakje, Landamus, LordWallyWartbottom, Manendra, Michael303, Mister Saturday Afternoon, Mobilis, Mystif, Pinkysgod, Prestige, Prima Vera Angelhair, Ragudantalus, Ridiculy, Ripkus, Sacreth, Shelldor, Snugglypoo, TheSkedaddle, TillyMcMuffin, VonZero, Wonky Legface, ZaphodB42, Zerous, abbywill, eppin, hellskidoo, industrialpunk, peter_damien20021 and txranger4


#372A2Z, Aeralis, Ajaxis, Akael, Alan Gorealan, Aleril, Allis, Amish Information Systems, Ancientofearth, Anguaskye, AshleyC, Axt71, BacchicApollo, Blastphemist, Blue Magic, Bobje Ratata, BowToChris, Brakkon, Brandon_The_Sage, CalvsiE, Captain Sensitive, Captain Yaksworth, Cedric E Collingswood III, Charasan, Chealsea, ChevellemanX, Chrysoares, Clawleone, Cookie, Coorong Jack, Croft, DVB, DaGimpster, Dafro, DeFalen, DeaksDeetee, Dinsdale67, Donutmaster, Drar, DrownedWoods, Efftien, Eisler, End of Time, Erichwanh, ErnieR, Euan McLeod, Fessor Eli, Fewmbert, Fig Bucket, Firetitan8, Foamy The PastaMancer, Foggy, Foxy Boxy, Fyll, GaUSIE, Ganomex, Gawea, Genbu Cosplayer, George P Burdell, Gerbilman, Glaister, Glittersnorter, Golfball, Gredashe, HIDINGHERMIT, Helix Fossil, Herr Doktor Kleinfurz, Hoaxmetal, Icon315, Iridia, Jef, Jeff_3PO, Jimothe, Joquie, Joy, Jugger, Kalsarikaennit, King Stupid, Kurooroo, KweenIsabelle, Laa, Larsi, Lexitrix, Lincoln Home, Linguinka, MCScaredOfBees, Machevort, Mayoress, Mco, Mister Saturday Midmorning, Mooker, Mopie, MoxieMolly, Mr Knee, MuggleGal, Mukiba, Nightvol, Not another Bob, Owen09, Pa amb Tomaquet, Pastahead, Psyche, Random Lee, Riley37, Roonygc8, SRO, Sal the Rapacious, ShawnD, Shure Song, Sichel, Sir Indy, SisterCoyote, Slugshadow, Smackers, Smex, Spleenmaster, Splotz, Sprocket14, Stereo Therapy, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, SuperJen, Sven of the Dead, Sweet Honey, Tania Australis, Tektek, TerrEnigmA, Terrapin_Man, The Phantom Wiggler, Theoklymenus, Thingamore, ThrowAChairAtMe, Thud the Barmaid, Tim_Enchanter, ToffyTom, Tressa, Tweeky, TwirlyRotini, TwoLions, Valdus, Vicerious, Whale Clubber, White Candy, Xaldri, Xopher_tm, Zasqdddas, Zulu Romeo, aberesque, alegna, amytrip, ann ihlator, axecat, bSmith, billybobfred, buckethead4563, deelystan, dementia13, didion, ebontane, fewyn, guaranteed, harumph, hekiryuu, larsi_kolbot, lopey, lupus4, mARty mcfly, mclean, mockable, nixon66, ora henry, phantom fox, scole, sillyMoose, sub, surrealkitten, tbell30, tbell31, the Left Hand Jack, trimas, virGINmary, wakela and zeroflexflyer3


#554Alduous, Amyetti, Avandor, Azizal, BFlakes, BlortHorc, Brenea, BuRNJoB420, Bunkertor7, BustaMcJohnson, Carnivorous Turtle, ChE clarinetist, Chron X, Cobwebs, ComradeKraken, DJ Dungeon, DanaO, Deatvert, Devin The Knight, Draconik, Drize1989, EasilyDistracted, Elayle, EndisNi, Ermidor, Felgar, Ferocion, GeneGene, Grantasaurus, Grapplejack, Gryphon_2, Hairshirt, Haleuth, Hardcore Foamy, Hsilwo, Infernau, Itsatrap, Janus_Stark_, JerseyBoy, JimFromTx, JorGen Van Doe, Khutulun, Lasagne, Loch Lomond, Loys, Mabel Rawlinson, Major159, Mangled Pumpkin, Matt_afi, Mellissaleo, Mezzo_soprano, Mifdsam, Molie Tazker, NeoDream, Neran, Nerdyfro, Nik, Odd Alfred, Omegle2357, Paran, PastaDurf, Rabbit House, Rainborn, Random String of Letters, Reuben Sammitch, Roguebandit, Ryo Noodlestorm, SarcasMage, Slothpyle, St Thomas Pornificus, Tantio, TeeEmEff, The Hangman, TheKidlet, TheVarian, Tremayne, TripWood, Turtlegeuse, Upforit, Vaikyuko, Vesuvion, Vigilamus, VioletRay, Viziertim, Volc, Vulcan9009, Wyvern Soul, Xevabis, YankaTexee, Ypp, Zanelron, abcq2, biggreencow, deadtravle, drgillybean, genericPsycho, halfpenny, icy toes, idk anything, indaZZler, jtoast, lAidAK, miniLizmeis, neWplayeR164, octopodey, phyllis dietrichson, quwertie, saucyBABE, spaghettigirl, theWotF, threebullethamburgler and vertmem2


#666A Gressive Coffee Addict, AdjectiveFool, AgentB90, Al Frodo, Aldo13, Aldron, AltheWeird, Amra, Ancientstorm, AnneOnAMouse, Anonemuss, Archondelnoche, Ardikey, Arithil, Arkannoyed, Arrgy, Asterdw, Asterea, Ayana, Aybara, Azryhael, BabyScarface, Banditman5, Baron Meriwether, Bayushi, Beleg_strongbow, Big Jilm, BigLebowski1, Blackhorseman, BloodDoner, Bloodlust, BluTriffid, Bo Peep No Sheep, Bo634713, Bob The Not So Interesting, BobbyMcN00Bmaster, Boogee_Man, Boozy Weather, Braggadochio, Brammie, Brinkyhats, Brirad, BriteSponge, Busch Light, ButterflyGirlKMC, Bwomper, CK_, Cactus Pillow, CafeBabe, Caliginos, Captain Insano, Captain Tragedy, CaptainCavemaniac, CaptainRondo, CaptainZeep, Castle Greycat, Cavatellia, Cayan, CecilBTurtle, Character1, Cheat Ball, Chickenkong, Chira, Chris K, Chymes, Click_Clack, ClinkKongDingDong, Cod, CombatSeal, Coppy the Copper, Corporal Pibb, Cpow83, Crack_Rock_Beat, CrapMachine, CreOsOTe, Cruithne, CrzyMdScntst123, Cuculain, Cynemem, Cyrean, DJ Artyom, Dagless, Dah Cheese, Dannyb0y, DanteDim, Dark_Spiri_Bass, Darsabre, Darth Twinkie, Dashu, DeDiddlyDawg, Deadmanwalking, Deafgeek, DeathNight, Deedsy, Demonsquiggle, Denizen_of_the_Dark, Derpins32, DjTeriyaki, Djansou, DomTSVG, Donquixote Doflamingo, Doughy Goo, Dr Ragon, DrPlacebo, Dregoth, DrthTater, Druss, Dryhad, Dryke, Duvi, ELFfaw, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Edward19Dean, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Elachim, ElekksAreSeriouse, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Elpizothegreat, Eluria, Embodiment, Emerilla, Er1s, Eradrazil, Erik the Lemming, Extremophilia, FGCFuccgirl, FSM Worshiper, Fatbob, FearlessX, Fedora, Fiery1, FinaiAttack, Fishfr1es, Fnord DeWalt, Footstorm, FranswahPetite, Fujiko, Furbulae, Furian, Gallagen, Gamecubist48, Garganelli, Gauln, Gedren, General_Kurt, Geodis, Gladstone, Gleamglade, Glibbet, Goobertina, GorgeousGeorge, Gorwyn, Grang, Graymalkin, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Greylin, Grushvak, Gryffe, Gu0y1, Gustavo Kingsberry, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackandStabby, Halloween, Hamfish, Hammered, Harukodo, HawkinVXN, Hawumph, HayzeusChristo, Helicam, Higgleton, Hinrich, Hobs Goblin, HolBrook, Honesty, HowardthyDuck, Huncat, Hunkpapa, IAmtheDisco, Il Cazzo, Ilex, IndigoGremlin, Izhebel, JAD, JMowgli1, Jack Harlequin, JakeMastaFlash, Javs, JayPro22, Jeffio, Jehanmandeville, Jellyman, JenZahara, Jessalyn, Jezdar, Jezibelle, JimmyJoj, John Tesh, Johnny V, Journ_O_LST_3, Juliiw, Kariin, Kariolo, Karsteel, Keldar the Unbrave, Kenosaki, Kerrigan, Khavren, Kilbia, Kincaid, King, Kingdom Of Celibacy, Kinof, KittySCaveGirl, Kopi11, Kreegah, Kyzyx, L1BBERAToR, Lady Buttercup, LadyFauxHawk, LadyOracle, LaraAnita, LasagnaAddict, LazyLoki, Lazyareyou, Leaper, LeePopsicle1, Lena Linguine, LeoBarudi, Less Than Three, Lil Miss Wonder, LinkFromLoZ, Loach king, Lonora, LordGrape, Lord_Josh, Lord_of_Ants, Lordhyperion, MOTH, MRB_255, MacaroniMenace, Mad Matt, Magic Bacon, Magic2729, Magister30, MajinTB, Major John, Major Woodrow, Majsju, Makito, Marconius, MarenG9, Maria Mafaldine, Marlon Shakespeare, MaxHeadphones, MayaB, McCrusthead, McNally86, MeGrimlock, Meaticus, MelKatts, Merihand, MickeyG42, MickyPain, Miguelius, Mike Antleg, Miss Lowtide, Miss Sarah Jane Smith, Missus Kelain, Mister Edge, Mister Tambourine Man, Misterfish, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeyLlama, MonkeyPants23, Monkieboy, Moon, Mother Russia, MotherMary13, Motorman the 1st, MoxyMoe, Mr Bitterness, Mr Nooodles, MrFatso, Mr_Parks, MrcyBorg, Multifarion, Mumflrfumperdinks, Murrman, Muush, MystroMan, MzSwan, N00B1N4T0R, Nabo81, Naelyn, Nashtinka, Natedogg, Necrophage, Neotrup, Nerdyfro2, NikoNoes, Nips, Nonia, Noone, NotaSandwich, Nymall, Oboe Janglepants, Ogmok, Ollie Oxenfree, Omnibus, Otto of Prussia, PKPenguin, Pando the Gourmet, Partasah, Pasta_Saucy, Pastalpal, Pasztot, Pat McGroin, Patchy, Peekous, Perire, Pestoned, Phil_N_Groovy, Philosofik, Phoenix_of_Oblivion, Phuata, Pinge, Pithlit, Plute0, Pokey the Brave, Polka Gal and Poncho the Sane1
