Mr McGibblets

#1671952 Mickey Mantle card6
#39Batfellow comic5
#18Brain Food Pastaco3
#36Cool Brunch Pastaco1
🥉Crimbo Carol tattoo kit10
🥉Crimbo Cheer tattoo kit10
#6Crimbo Commerce tattoo kit10
#192Crimbo Factory surprise box14
#16Crimbo stockings1
#24Energy Buzz Pastaco1
#41Eye and a Twist1
#361Instant Karma20
#12January's Garbage Tote (unopened)2
#105Liam's mail3
#37MayDay™ contract1
#23Medical Pastaco1
#103Mr. Screege's spectacles6
#17New-You Club Membership Form1
#26Our Daily Candles™ order form1
#1599Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster2
#26Pocket Meteor Guide1
#18Rethinking Candy2
#52Rock Garden Guide1
#47S.I.T. Course Voucher1
#26Satan hat1
#16Spacegate access badge1
#87Spookyraven signet12
#25Taco Dan's Basic Taco Dan Taco2
#33Taco Dan's Taco Fish Fish Taco1
#728Taco Dan's Taco Stand Taco3
#451Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette9
#503Thwaitgold amoeba statuette1
#316Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette1
#276Thwaitgold scorpion statuette5
#378Thwaitgold termite statuette23
#93Unfortunato's foolscap5
#633anniversary gift box6
#31bottled Vampire Vintner1
#45box of Gratitude chocolates2
#3066box of sunshine27
#110burnt snowpants4
🥉candy necktie495
#214catgut taco1
#539chorizo taco4
#72closed-circuit phone system1
#44combat lover's locket lockbox1
#23corked genie bottle2
#80cursed monkey glove1
#49designer sweatpants (new old stock)1
#17disconnected intergnat1
#72donated booze306
#100donated candy171
#121donated food155
#1481enchanted leopard-print barbell2
#94fleshy lump6
#80frigid derringer17
#16fruit bat1
#169goat cheese taco1
🥉government booze shipment23
🥉government candy shipment38
🥉government food shipment25
#35grey gosling1
#17hand-crafted candy cane1
#70haunted bindle16
#6headhunter necktie882
🥉heat-resistant necktie272
#892hemp string1
#130jumping bean taco1
#9locked mumming trunk2
🥇overflowing gift basket1
#35packaged Daylight Shavings Helmet1
#41packaged June cleaver1
#54packaged Jurassic Parka1
#38packaged backup camera1
#51packaged cold medicine cabinet1
#25packaged familiar scrapbook1
#25packaged industrial fire extinguisher1
#26packaged miniature crystal ball1
#56packaged model train set1
#536papaya taco1
#688pat-a-cake pendant1
#323plain brown wrapper1
#17poncho de azucar1
#25power seed1
#150pr0n taco2
#845quantum taco1
#342questionable taco1
#154royal jelly taco2
#1524sandwich of the gods3
#26shortest-order cook1
#64shrink-wrapped 2002 Mr. Store Catalog1
#64shrink-wrapped Cincho de Mayo1
#77sleeping patriotic eagle1
#297slime convention swag bag1
#87smoldering bagel punch7
#105standards and practices guide6
#2227stuffed Baron von Ratsworth9
#6292stuffed Cheshire bitten4
#4240stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech9
#2145stuffed Meat10
#6269stuffed angry cow4
#4929stuffed astral badger7
#5769stuffed baby gravy fairy5
#577stuffed can of asparagus5
#6847stuffed cocoabo3
#6369stuffed flaming gravy fairy4
#5334stuffed frozen gravy fairy6
#5291stuffed hand turkey6
#1618stuffed key16
#7005stuffed mind flayer3
#2263stuffed mink8
#2314stuffed monocle8
#6374stuffed scary death orb4
#1123stuffed shoulder parrot18
#6196stuffed snowy owl4
#4586stuffed spooky gravy fairy8
#3041stuffed spooky mushroom1
#6924stuffed stinky gravy fairy3
#2914stuffed teddy butler2
#2472stuffed tin of caviar6
#1627stuffed treasure chest16
#7014stuffed undead elbow macaroni3
#59suspicious stocking1
#16tinsel orb1
#82tofu taco2
#23topiary necktie1
#34undamaged Unbreakable Umbrella1
#35undrilled cosmic bowling ball1
#43unopened tiny stillsuit1
#184water pipe bomb420

Wow, that's 3,282 items total!

what items are this player missing?