hand-crafted candy cane

hand-crafted candy cane

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This is visually indistinguishable from a regular candy cane, but you're assured that its hand-crafted nature makes it special somehow.

馃Mistress of the Obvious13


馃Hojo Hominygrits8






#6Cryanger and Magister303


#8Crooker, Melvin DoOver, MontyPythn, Nikademus, Pumpkinheadme, Rock N Rolla, Snugglypoo, Uncle Ruckus and burrows2


#17ARthuR the human, Adeleine, Advent of Pasta, AtomicPopcorn, Azagoroth, BC_Goldman, Baltar, Barracuda535, BlakAcid, Blorth, Boabe, Brirad, CK_, CafeBabe, Cappy Carl, CaptainRondo, Cedric E Collingswood III, Celtic, CheeseyPickle, Chelonia, Cobwebs, Crumbling Buttercookie, Curbludgeon, DaBaddestHic, Dafro, Dah Cheese, DakkonBlackblade, Darth Ceder, DataVortex, DeathofPasta, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Dpfran, ElVatoLoco, Elmo_The_Thundergod, False Dragon, Figfewdisgewd, Flammo, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Frieds, Fronobulax, Galapagos James, Glitch, Goth, Graelk, Grimdel, Gu0y1, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hairshirt, Hamusutaa, Hanson The Mighty, Hasand, HolBrook, Howdy Masterson, IBarracuda, IronChefIrish, Isibeal, Jdan, Jeff_3PO, Jesusisagurl, Junestar, KatelinB, Keldar the Unbrave, Kemistry, KevinTheLucario, KindFox, King Candy, King Virus XXVII, Kizehk, Kneegrow, LeoBarudi, LinkFromLoZ, LisaTheMad, Lord Stefano, Lorighitta, LunaDancer, Lyle332, Mac_Gyver, Machevort, Major159, Mara _Jade, MeatballMarinaraMaster, Mist Furor, Mister Edge, Mme_Defarge, Mongrel the Apathetic, Morticle, Mr H, Mr McGibblets, MysticalMolly, MzSwan, Natedogg, NeuviIlette, NoctiBeard, Oldsfrk, Opa Wulfen, PJ45, PanSolo, Pastahead, PastryofDeath, Perkk, PhilmASTErpLus, PigRAT, Queen Zo, ROdger_FLint, Rawonall, Rax, ReveRKiller, RichardRahl, Roland Of Gilead, Rubius, Runus, Ryo_Sangnoir, SDLynn, Sacez, SadOatcakes, Sakurabisu, Serhina, Shad0, Shylok, Sircian, Skent, Skipr, Soba Rigatoni, SpamNinja, Spazmodic, Splendor, Spramen, Sprypyro, Straha, Superechidna, SwordsRCool, Tarjmov, The Rogue Fedora, TheBarracuda, The_Python, ThunderGate, TillyMcMuffin, Tiny Plastic Grimmy, ToastPancake, Trebelos, Versil, Wapow, Winolord, Wolfman6666, WonkerBonker, Zerous, abbywill, agenT 99, asmanla, bSmith, blixa, busstop82, caducus, chocofungi, cpenny86, creepypasta1, elijahjang, erct657, fractalnavel, gLEnN_zhoU, gege221133, hekiryuu, heyaretheybetterthanmyspitones, hiimchels, hleghe, infernox 8274, jon diaz, kha0z, kirahvikoira, lazy_fire, lich135, liffe, lolz834, lowrez, lupus4, motoXXXozzy, msimmons, no one 1, pLaster, proven, runeslayer, scudunculus, sensibleb, shadeylady, shellmaster, sillyMoose, slidebomb, smashlee, tekkers, testostronaut, trimas, txranger, wertyloop and xKiv1
