Howdy Masterson

#105"Remember the Trees" Shirt1
#182Baja sopapilla5
#232Boris's key lime1
#63Caveman Dan's favorite rock1
#88Cheer-Up soda9
#72Cocktails of the Age of Sail1
#98Crimbo dinner5
#30Crimbow Rainbo2
#59Crimbuccaneer bombjacket1
#82Crimbuccaneer breeches1
#47Crimbuccaneer captain's purse11
#34Crimbuccaneer fledges (disintegrating)2
#42Crimbuccaneer fledges (mint)5
#200Crimbuccaneer flotsam1
#12Crimbuccaneer invasion map6
#63Crimbuccaneer mologrog cocktail11
#71Crimbuccaneer nose ring1
#101Crimbuccaneer piece of 12100
#90Crimbuccaneer premium booty sack1
#56Crimbuccaneer rigging lasso20
#48Crimbuccaneer runebone1
#45Crimbuccaneer shirt11
#32Crimbuccaneer squirtblunderbuss3
#41Crimbuccaneer tattoo gift certificate3
#12Crimbuccaneer tavern swab3
🥇Crimbuccaneer war standard1
#54Crimbuccaneer whale oil11
#136DUFRESNE Suds35
#100Dust bunny20
#154Elf Army machine parts1
#49Elf Guard Field Manual: Culinary Arts2
#26Elf Guard Field Manual: Extortion6
#33Elf Guard Field Manual: Wilderness Sleeping3
#221Elf Guard MPC100
#26Elf Guard SCUBA tank2
#15Elf Guard broom3
#15Elf Guard clipboard3
#26Elf Guard commandeering gloves11
#39Elf Guard eyedrops11
#45Elf Guard fuel tank2
#32Elf Guard hangover cure2
#107Elf Guard honor present1
#36Elf Guard hotpants4
#52Elf Guard insignia (general)2
#85Elf Guard insignia (private)1
#24Elf Guard mouthknife11
#29Elf Guard officer's sidearm11
#57Elf Guard patrol cap2
#47Elf Guard payroll bag11
#13Elf Guard red and white beret4
#51Elf Guard safety bear2
#19Elf Guard squirtgun3
#48Elf Guard strategic map2
#54Elf Guard temporary (permanent) tattoo2
#117Elf Guard tinsel grenade4
🥇Elf Guard war standard1
#13Elvish underarmor4
#43FantasyRealm key1
#11Jamaican coffee45
#204Jarlsberg's key lime1
#37Kelflar vest7
#19Law of Averages1
#55Lil' Snowball Factory3
#307Mayo de Mayo™ mayo1
#20Mer-kin cookiestove324
#17My First Paycheck envelope5
#672Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster11
#150Roman sadnals1
#117Saccharine Maple pendant1
#212Sneaky Pete's key lime1
#6Swedish coffee70
🥈Sword of Procedural Generation1
#225T.U.R.D.S. Key1
#39The Encyclopedia of Fruit3
#4The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 1 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 2 (used)1
🥈The Night Before Crimbo, Ch. 4 (used)1
#1564Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette1
#317Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette2
#794Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette2
#340Thwaitgold chigger statuette2
#176Thwaitgold fairyfly statue3
#93Thwaitgold harvestman statuette1
#316Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette1
#164Thwaitgold listening bug statuette1
#186Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette2
#206Thwaitgold metabug statuette2
#203Thwaitgold mosquito statuette7
#85Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette3
#441Thwaitgold nymph statuette1
#316Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette4
#777Thwaitgold slug statuette1
#951Thwaitgold spider statuette1
#113Thwaitgold splendor beetle statuette7
#127Thwaitgold time fly statuette1
#69Thwaitgold wolf spider statuette2
#47Twitching Television Tattoo1
#63VYKEA hex key1
#4White Dragon Fang1
#27ancient Elf dessert spoon2
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
#100antique beer4
#15automatic wine thief2
#45baby bark scorpion1
#79baby rigging snake1
#11bacteria bisque10
#1029balloon monkey1
#24barnacle-encrusted sweater6
#25barrel-aged eggnog1
#80black Crimbo ball100
#241black and white cracker2
#5booze drive button1
#99boxed gumball machine1
#92brand new key1
#275bread man1
#51bread pie50
#60brown pirate pants1
#244buñuelos Jaliscos3
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#68can of mixed everything2
#6candy drive button1
#55candy harmonica7
#5canteen of eggnog50
#85carnivorous potted plant1
#78centurion helmet1
#128cheer extractor1
#16chest of "pirate gold"10
#11ciliophora chowder10
#54clear Russian50
#747clockwork key1
#176concentrated fish broth2
#90contract enforcement stick10
#12cream of chloroplasts10
#113crotchety pants1
#127crystal Crimbo goblet1
#118crystal Crimbo platter1
#129cursed wishbone1
#60deadfall branch1
#116depleted Crimbonium football helmet3
#219digital key lime1
#374digital key lime pie1
#162donated booze79
#10donated candy1,504
#87donated food294
#110electric pants2
#657enchanted leopard-print barbell10
#296executive mime flask1
#60festive egg sac3
#100filthy monkey head1
#202flan del mar4
#21flapper floppers1
#19flask of egggrog16
#270flour cookie1
#496foam noodle1
#8food drive button1
#33free boots1
#63funky junk key1
#130ghost key1
#178gilded ancient cursed key1
#17gingerbread nylons50
#156gladiator tunica1
#14glob of salty molasses536
#88golden fleece4
#57gooified animal matter101
#49gooified mineral matter115
#61gooified vegetable matter102
#118green and red bean69
#1909green beer1
#171green rocket1
#71grilled mooseflank39
#90grip key1
#28grog nuts22
#8gunwale whalegun1
#17hand-crafted candy cane1
🥇hand-knitted Crimbo socks1
#16hot wine17
#89huge Crimbo cookie3
#252hushed puppy2
#576inflatable duck1
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#1897kneecapping stick1
#36liquid SONAR3
#49little piece of steel1
#195lost key1
#97mafia filofax2
#27mafia organizer badge3
#60mafia pinky ring2
#76mafia thumb ring1
#316magical pony: Rosey Cake5
#60marshmallow bomb1
#11massive wrench7
#24military-grade peppermint oil30
#128mime army camouflage kit1
#72mime army challenge coin1
#25mime army insignia (intelligence)1
#228mime army rations1
#71mime army shotglass1
#90mime army superserum2
#205mime army wine1
#115mime eraser5
#73mime pocket probe1
🥇mime-proof sunglasses1
#78miming beret1
#100miming corduroys1
#57moist Crimbo spices183
#74muffled muffuletta5
#5mulled wine50
#86multi-level marzipan6
#124negotiatin' hammer1
#85officer's nog3
#51old-school pirate grog7
#9optimal spreadsheet1
#178ornate ancient cursed key1
#70peppermint bomb2
🥇peppermint harpoon gun1
#46peppermint tack20
#31pet anchor8
#4pirate encryption key charlie20
#262plain candy cane1
#8plastic passion fruit1,910
#96potato alarm clock1
#155powdered powdered sugar4
#16prank Crimbo card20
#155primitive candy cane3
#86protection stick10
#7punching mirror6
#140radiator heater shield1
#60red and white claret7
#18red white and blue claret2
#43replica Elf Guard medal1
#1022roasted marshmallow10
#97roll of meat1
#18rum-soaked fruitcake37
#262runny fermented egg1
#23runny icing540
#143rusty metal key1
#98salt plum74
#101salty gumdrop23
#703sandwich of the gods11
#28sawed-off blunderbuss11
#58self-repairing earmuffs6
#27sequin-encrusted sweater3
#29shipwright's hammer11
#326shushed potatoes1
#37silent I16
#149silent L1
#108silent M4
#30silent O23
#143silent P3
🥇silent nightlight1
#8silver table-scraper3
#170simple ancient cursed key1
#943skeleton key1
#438skeleton key ring1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#86steel drivin' hammer10
#70strange helix fossil1
#2669stuffed key1
#39stuffed kraken3
#4sugarplum ration848
#54sundae ration11
#90synthetic rock1
#106temperance whiskey3
#100the Crymbich Manuscript1
#74thick walrus blubber100
#18time shuriken2
#59tiny bomb128
#65tiny plastic Abuela Crimbo1
#16tiny plastic Abuela's cottage1
#19tiny plastic Armory1
#17tiny plastic Bar1
#61tiny plastic Café Elf1
#16tiny plastic Cafe1
#36tiny plastic Cheer Core1
#47tiny plastic Crimbo caroler1
#42tiny plastic Crimbo cheer1
#59tiny plastic Dolph Bossin1
#18tiny plastic Factory1
#46tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#45tiny plastic Mirth1
#40tiny plastic Penny1
#67tiny plastic The Silent Nightmare1
#39tiny plastic caboose1
#38tiny plastic chem lab1
#37tiny plastic coal car1
#36tiny plastic dining car1
#53tiny plastic dolphin "orphan"1
#37tiny plastic food lab1
#37tiny plastic locomotive1
#71tiny plastic mime executive1
#72tiny plastic mime functionary1
#73tiny plastic mime scientist1
#74tiny plastic mime soldier1
#46tiny plastic multi-level marketer1
#39tiny plastic nog lab1
#57tiny plastic orphan1
#39tiny plastic passenger car1
#39tiny plastic primary lab1
#58tiny plastic reindeer1
#45tiny plastic sea elf1
#53tiny plastic wild beaver1
#52tiny plastic yuleviathan1
#351traditional Crimbo cookie6
#14trick coin20
#66van key1
#251warehouse key1
#473water wings1
#28wet tack2
#62whale cerebrospinal fluid10
#78white Crimbo ball100
#15white arm towel2
#25white earbuds1
#91willowy bonnet1
#36wooly loincloth1
#31worksite credentials2
#32yabba dabba doo rag1
#19yule grog2
#108yule hatchet4

Wow, that's 9,086 items total!

what items are this player missing?