White Dragon Fang

White Dragon Fang

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This is a glowing magical manifestation of White Dragon Fang, one of the Nine Swords of the Emperor. It is said to have gotten its name from the fact that the pure white blade was carved from a dragon's tooth, the hilt wrapped with its hide, and the tassel woven from its eyebrows.

It's hard to say if any of that is true or not, but it's certainly more powerful than your typical pigsticker.

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#4Ahorriblesn, Alex the turtle tamer, All the Good Names Are Taken, Allonze, AnxiousHyrax, ArcaneSpirit, Archham, Archon386, Asmodais, Athanatos, BBHood217, Babaganoosh, BabyScarface, BastardGhost, Beavis P_Ness, BeelzeBear, Bob Bobson2, Bodhazapha, Cannonarm, Cannonfire40, CaptainRondo, Caspanion, Charasan, ChesterArthurXXI, Clopedion, Confined, Curbludgeon, Dah Cheese, Daltonator, Daron, Deatvert, Delilah Jones, Dessalvara, DiscoShen, Donavin69, DosBoot, Drar, Dryhad, DuRhone, Eclipsing, Ereinion, Eroquin, Farflier, Fewmbert, Framistan, Fronobulax, Garganelli the Dreadful, Greggerygregington, GrendelPrime, HOldeRofSecrEts, HadesSL, Hamo_Boy, Hasand, Howdy Masterson, Hugbert, IAmtheDisco, Izhebel, JAD, JD McSquinty, JDubbaYo, JLE, Jack Harlequin, Jimmyking, Jonny Extreme, KaniBal Klown, KennyMan666, Khurby, KingFelix, Kneegrow, Kuile, Kulthozuer, LaRoni, LazyLoki, Lildogg747, LordVyle, Lyle332, Malik, Mc7Man, MeGrimlock, Minute Man, Mistress of the Obvious, Mme_Defarge, MrGandalf, Nanimonai3, Natedogg, NeuviIlette, NightRipper, Nikademus, NoctiBeard, Noskilz, OhMahGourd, OldJanitor, PacHINKOid, Pando the Gourmet, Perkk, Pierp, PigRAT, Poncho the Sane, ProfessorKilljoy, Psychosis730, Psycomaniac, QVamp, Rokov, Ryebread, Ryo_Sangnoir, SCOTTICUS, Savior, Scattaloquarious, Sea_clothes, Sennin, ShakenNotStirred, Sheenl, Skulth, SlipshodSliver, SmittyBoy, SomethingSnappy, SpiderMcFly, Spindle Legged Stork, StaffordMeister, Styre, Testudiney, TheArtfulDodger, TheLetterM, TheNovaci, Thicc Earth Society, Thumbtack, Tibbiara, Tigzy, Tobias, Torquol, Totentanz, Uncanny Adventurer, Veeder, Vernatio, Violet42, Whitefiver, WizzieBarb, Xandor, Xedo, Yendor, Zanelron, Zauc, Zerous, abbywill, adwriter, biff99, bigevildan, caducus, cakeytaste, eaSy money, enigmator, fARCHyld, iaruk, jcdenton666, kamikaze_watermelon, lich135, lupus4, pengy999, proven, quwertie, rpxx, runeslayer, s l e e t, sensibleb, talas300, theDUDEster, werewolfman2 and wile E Quixote1
