Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette

Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette

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This is a tiny statue of a mosquito trapped in a drop of amber made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. The fact that the amber isn't actually made of amber means it isn't transparent, so you'll just have to trust me about the mosquito.





#4Candice Dick13


#5Destre, eXtyNT and kirahvikoira9


#8Jeff_3PO, Marge, SwimmingBear, Zanthia and apenny8


#13Chelonia, Croft, HastiferArken, JD McSquinty, Lyle332, Mistress of the Obvious, PacHINKOid, de nisovan and rickpay7


#22Alan Gorealan, Aramada, Arual, AtomicPopcorn, BWIceSoldier, Boesbert, Cedric E Collingswood III, ChevellemanX, Comrade_Petrof, Crazybone, DocRosey, Eclipsing, Erathaol, GamesMaster, Gawea, Gringdor, JLE, Kol Miners Daughter, Lord Stefano, Mme_Defarge, Morgana Rose, Perkk, Rinnith, Ryo_Sangnoir, SadOatcakes, SarcasMage, Sherm Firmwood, SirStabsaLot, Spiffie, Starbearer, StrongbadfanEX, Styre, Ven Naul, Veracity, Volvo, Yendor, adeyke, dapanda, hellskidoo, isNot, lazy_fire, mskc, runeslayer and sillyMoose6


#66Bigquack, Bob_Loblaw_Law_Blog, Celtic, MsTakened, Nikademus, Psychoticynic, Ripkus, Zinnia and lonesomedwarf5


#75Aubra, BlackVelveteen, DALEKSECOND, Dinsdale67, HayzeusChristo, Howdy Masterson, Snickles, Snugglypoo, ToKoLoSH, Zasqdddas, Zog_the_Flatulent and mockable4


#87ArchangelUK, BaronessRatsworth, Captain Scotch, Captain Sensitive, Chadomancer, Chibz, Curt, DeFalen, Dirk Dinkler, Elmo_The_Thundergod, GreatWyrmGold, Hison, Johnatton, Josim, JulianGitche, Magic2729, Magister30, Pageturner, SecondChances, ShinyPlatypus, Trinity_Dalfae, YankaTexee, abcq2, holyzien, jaspermeer, littlesunSHINE, payguhn, rgarz1, txranger and umnitza3


#117A Gressive Coffee Addict, Abarth, Actually Steve, Aldo13, Asgreth, Axt71, Batisaw, BigLebowski1, ChesterArthurXXI, DaBaddestHic, DeathofPasta, Djansou, Dorngen, Extremophilia, Foggy, GadTheHero, Golfball, Hamstersar, Hasand, Ima Blonde, Iridia, Izumiko, Jezdar, Jimothe, Kemistry, Knails, Leg o Lam, Makito, MessiahCow, MikeSusina, Nodosaurus, Noone, Nurse Janeway, Oldsfrk, PinnipedPounder, Quelzie, Quickbaby, Raymond Kinger, Rosella, SnackAttack, Stereo Therapy, Stethorel, TamCoan, TheGreatReferencer, TheVarian, Timmothy J Frog, Tissen, Veeder, aly77777, amporasavenger, avuncula, blaisenwolf, busstop82, enki704276, guaranteed, iRCi, idk anything, snow_clone, theopenandclosedbook, vertmem, wind0wlicker and zmonge2


#179AL R, AdamPhone, Al Frodo, Alf, Alfredo Boyardee, Ampersans, Amyetti, Ancientofearth, Araym, Archon386, Archondelnoche, Arcticwolf15, AshleyC, Asmodais, Astorius, Aunt Bettie, Babaganoosh, Baltar, Barbarian, Bee money, Beepep, Belero, Beljeferon, Ben786, Blastphemist, BlueBaker, Bluntor, Bob The Not So Interesting, Bob_Ross815, Boxof, Brakkon, Brammie, Brandon Koh 1, Brenea, Busturr, ButtBoo, Butts McGruff, CK_, Cactus Pillow, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Captain Yaksworth, CaptainRondo, CaptainZeep, Castiel, Castle Greycat, Cavatellia, CharmingMimi, Chenny, Chiasa, Chocolust, Clawleone, Click_Clack, Clubby McClubberson, Cobwebs, CombatSeal, Cookie, Copyright 2020, Corporal Pibb, CreOsOTe, Crex, Cynemem, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Dark_Adonis, Deadfishcafe, DeathStriker24, Derpins32, Derrin, DirkDagon, DizzyJ, Domald Trump, Doppelgrimmer, DosBoot, DoubleGold, Drar, DrownedWoods, Duddy01, Dysis, Eadric Martona, Eddie Trojan, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Efftien, El Zaban, Electro, Emerilla, EmphalerFish, EndisNi, Eradrazil, Eric28371, EricDraven26, Erik the Lemming, Erosophia, Estamir, Eyeball, FOGGYshot007, Fanril, FearThePigtails, Felix Croc, Ferocion, Fewmbert, Fiery1, Fire Knight, FlaxMouse, Foamy The PastaMancer, Foggort, Freakin Awsome Bounty Bar, Freckleguy, FredericaBlue, Furian, Gaephrius, Galapagos James, Garganelli, Ginger Beard, Giobblin, Glaister, Gleamglade, Glibbet, Glitch, GodOfEverything, Goldman Sachs, Goron Soilder, Grapplejack, GrendelPrime, Gu0y1, Gunthar the Huge, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackandStabby, Hamfish, Hamusutaa, Handhand, Hedgemonster, Herr Doktor Kleinfurz, Hippasus, Hippie Dude, HolBrook, Honesty, I have no hair, IcyOldYear, Infidelbert, Infopowerbroker, Inky Dinky, InsomniAxeMurderer, Iwa Robusta, JAD, JB77, JMowgli1, JToner, Jack Harlequin, Janus_Stark_, Jef, Jeffio, Jessalyn, Jinzo Fusilli, JoshZero, Jpnkn, Juan Taco, Judias Iscariot, Juliiw, Julitewn, Jynnan Tonnyx, KING Eggas, Kariin, Kariolo, Karsteel, KattyKet, Keldar the Unbrave, Kenosaki, Kenshin93, Killer Leader500, Kubota, Kuile, KweenIsabelle, LadyFauxHawk, LadyOracle, LasagnaAddict, Le_Chuck, Leading Lady, LeafRivr, LeoBarudi, LeonSky, Leviathon220, Linguinka, Lord_of_Ants, LukeMcNuke, Lynnielily, Mad Matt, Major Woodrow, Major159, Malakite1976, Marterix, MayaMina, MelKatts, Melon Squeezer, Melvin DoOver, Meredith Gray, Mifdsam, Mike Antleg, Minerslave4, Misha_Z, Miss Sarah Jane Smith, Mister Saturday Afternoon, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeyMan200, Monkieboy, MontyPythn, Mooker, Moon, Moon Moon, Moose_Drool, MrGrimm, MuggleGal, Muush, Myrella, N00B1N4T0R, Nachunte, Napis, Natedogg, NekoCheshire, NeonHusky, NeuviIlette, Nodo2, Nonia, Noodletarian, Not Me Yet, Nyokki, OOnuthin, Orzoornot, Oztrich, Pamster, Pando the Gourmet, Pasta_Saucy, Pastalpal, PemyJay, Penny Lane, Phoenix_of_Oblivion, Pinge, Plute0, Pokey the Brave, PumpkinEve, Puroseki, Ragudantalus, Raile, Random String of Letters, RedIrish, Reuben Sammitch, Ri Betani, River_Song, River_Song2, RoboBobo, Roguebandit, Rosarinita, Saddler, SalMonella, SaulTheBoss, Schik, Selentra, Sethiroph, Shade06, Shamgar the Bold, Sheber, Shellfish Jane, Shellshocker Shen, SilenceHand, Siloslider, Sir Tuck, SkarsinDeathfrost, Skipr, Slugshadow, Spazmodic, Spectrolite, Sphevical, Spice Trader, Spleenmaster, Spramen, Squeegee McDoo, Sr Adamsquare, StabNslice, Steestee, Strahan Runeshadow, Stroganof Guy, Sunesi, Superdan, Sweetie Belle, Syrup God, TDMH, THrip, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, The Fig Master, Thingamore, Tombot, TonyV, Tortolia, Toshe, Tremayne, Tuga, Tuhka, Tweekums, Tweeky, Tyrone_Jones, Uncanny Adventurer, UnnAmed004, UnusualScar, Urban_Kenobi, Valdus, VerySarcasticOne, Vesuvion, Vicerious, Viziertim, Volc, Vormov, Vreck, Vulcan9009, Vuvuzela Virtuoso, W0rm, Wallace, Westcliffe, Whitebat0, Wolfman6666, Wonky Legface, WreckedEm, Ygmar, Youther, Zerous, Zoroastafari, Zulu Romeo, acm, albrong, amanojaku, apisguy, bLObStER111, bSmith, bearsdotzone, bum3, burgin, chocofungi, crimbohemian, darknessfalls90, darkraven, darkver, dextrial, disco_1_, dr3wrocks, dynskeet, evilmoxie, gracie thorn, groggarth, halfpenny, hamofmight, hamphrus fiddler, herocaim, heyaretheybetterthanmyspitones, imnotapinata, invader doom, jewells of cheese, jon diaz, kamikaze_watermelon, kokille, kvibe, lAidAK, learnedone, mARty mcfly, mEtropoliskID, magnetman, minion1stclass, misqellaneous, morganah, mynameistall, nachothesecond, nikeas, orochibi, pastacooker100, perfectecho, philthecat, prisimmon, rosa_hale, rossy boy, rufuskin, sWITCHie, saynotocomicsans, shakezoola, shootingtowin, sleightmind, smacky, surrealkitten, tHegERb, the_eternal_paradox, thelagmonster, threebullethamburgler, tookums, totallyinnocentpasserby, trimas, vortex2365, wRAR, wakela, xXxSnappyxXx, x_Elysium_x and yoioY1
