
#4414-dimensional guitar1
#3499.44% pure math1
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
#170Ankh of Badahnkadh2
#126Bruno's blessing of Mars1
#1366Copper Alpha of Sincerity1
#106Crimbo crystal shards1
#151Crimbo dinner1
#76Crimbo food scraps103
#219Crimbo train emergency brake1
#347D roll1
#1494Dr. Hobo's scalpel1
#2735Drowsy Sword1
#150Duskwalker fangs1
#242Friendliness Beverage6
#784Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#440Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer1
#75Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance13
#232Iiti Kitty Gumdrop1
#220Iiti Kitty phone charm13
#996Knob Goblin harem veil1
#724Lucky Surprise Egg1
#693Maxwell's Silver Hammer1
#370New Zealand iced tea1
#1567Nickel Gamma of Frugality1
#56Othello's handkerchief3
#98Othello's military jacket1
#357PEEZ dispenser1
#811Pink Heart of Spirit1
#474Private Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Jacket1
#252Professor What T-Shirt1
#147Roman sadnals1
#204Roo trading card1
#185Sinful Desires3
#921Spooky Surprise Egg1
#82Steam Card: DemonStar (#1)1
#79Steam Card: DemonStar (#2)1
#69Steam Card: DemonStar (#3)1
#22Steam Card: Dungeon Fist (#2)13
#26Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#1)14
#21Steam Card: Space Trip (#3)14
#239Strix stix1
#197TI-9000 calculator1
#66The Emperor's new hat1
#64The Emperor's new pants1
#81The Emperor's new shirt1
#62The Superconductor's CPU1
#229Thwaitgold fairyfly statue1
#87Thwaitgold harvestman statuette1
#157Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette1
#209Thwaitgold protozoa statuette1
#446Thwaitgold slug statuette7
#246Thwaitgold splendor beetle statuette1
🥇Time Lord Badge of Honor1
#174Trainbot circuitry1
#73Trainbot harness1
#165Trainbot linkages1
#163Trainbot optics1
#168Trainbot plating1
#159Trainbot servomotors1
#196Trainbot slag3
#171Trainbot tubing1
#116Ye Olde Bawdy Limerick13
#218Z-Bone steak1
#1135adorable seal larva2
#1101amulet of extreme plot significance3
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
#729antique hand mirror1
#179attorney's badge1
#35automatic wine thief1
#60baloney rotgut6
#822bejeweled cufflinks2
#152birdbone corset1
#43black blade13
#40black cloak13
#61black eye shadow13
#87black magic powder13
#631black pudding1
#256black spot3
#190blue grass2
#110blue pixel potion13
#59blue shell5
#135blue tulip1
#167bone abacus1
#81bottle of drinkin' gas1
#1524bottle of goofballs15
#51bowl of Jeal-O208
#91brand new key1
#146brass gear14
#167brilliant oyster egg2
#624broken sword1
#94bronze polish1
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#1204can of Binarrrca5
#136candy cigarette14
#83carton of gaspers2
#72centurion helmet1
#13ceramic cestus1
#85charisma potion1
#505chintzy saucepan earring1
#108cinnamon machine oil41
#1979club necklace3
#1217cocoa egg1
#85combat fan1
#170compression stocking2
#48crude voodoo doll13
#121crystal Crimbo goblet1
#113crystal Crimbo platter1
#102damp bar rag1
#140dancing fan1
#113decomposed boot8
#329depleted uranium seal figurine2
#904designer handbag2
#2464diamond necklace2
#1520disturbing fanfic5
#584dope gangsta bling-bling1
#24dove DNA1
#99dregs of a Crimbo cocktail61
#50drink chit1
#39ear poison206
#82electric copperhead potion13
#127elegant nightstick1
#378empty Cloaca-Cola bottle30
#187ert grey goo ring1
#70extremely confusing manual4
#654fancy opera glasses4
#545fat stacks of cash12
#100filthy monkey head1
#77fire of unknown origin13
#9flagstone fez1
#6flagstone flag1
#6flagstone flail1
#5flagstone fleece1
#7flagstone flip-flops1
#6flagstone fringe1
#20flapper floppers1
#57flat cider1
#694flirtatious feather2
#80floral-print skirt1
#494foam noodle1
#1439friendly cheez blob1
#430frightful feather13
#826frilly skirt1
#196future drug: Coolscaline1
#187future drug: Muscularactum1
#190future drug: Smartinex1
#589fuzzy earmuffs1
#728garish pinky ring3
#37gelatinous meat mass1
#160ghost beer1
#92ghostly dagger1
#1350ghuol egg1
#700giant designer sunglasses4
#1637giant discarded bottlecap1
#1645giant discarded plastic fork3
#1145giant discarded torn-up glove2
#161gilt perfume bottle1
#110gladiator tunica3
🥇glass eye1
#249glass of herbal tequila1
#164gleaming oyster egg2
#181glistening oyster egg2
#122glittery mascara13
#171gold tooth1
#227gold toothbrush1
#44government per-diem5
#1159green candy heart1
#213green clay bead57
#93green pixel potion13
#841green snowcone1
#194gremlin juice11
#4470grue egg2
#239hamlet sandwich1
#106hand of cards1
#98hand-carved bokken1
#5198handful of confetti1
#35handful of napalm1
#131handful of tips4
#30head-mounted Trainbot1
#3379heart necklace1
#1453heart-shaped balloon1
#1192heavy D1
#50heavy crown48
#159heavy leather-bound tome1
#88honey-drenched ham slice42
#71huge mosquito proboscis1
#183impure gasoline1
#111industrially-crushed ice5
#574inflatable duck1
#92invisibility cream1
#86invisible potion1
#148irradiated turtle2
#139ivory cue ball1
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#243jive turkey leg1
#72killing jar13
#245kiwi beak1
#1166lavender candy heart1
#148law-abiding citizen cane1
#29leg-mounted Trainbots1
#279legitimate business on the beach1
#52little black book13
#8loofah ladle1
🥉loofah lavalier1
#5loofah lederhosen1
🥉loofah legwarmers1
#4loofah lei1
#7loofah lumberjack's hat1
#1977lucky rabbit's foot1
#48lucky-ish pill1
#103lump of goofball ore1
#91lustrous oyster egg5
#1411macaroni duck1
#598magical pony: Pearjack1
#163magnificent oyster egg2
#1201metallic A1
#121minin' dynamite7
#111mostly-empty bottle of cookie wine16
#226non-aged vinegar1
#467ocarina of space1
#440opera mask1
#1229orange candy heart1
#860orange snowcone1
#231orcish hand lotion1
#185orcish rubber3
#1171original G1
#137outlaw bandana1
#164painting of a glass of wine1
#666peanut brittle shield1
#63pearlescent oyster egg12
#146pewter claymore1
#762phonics down27
#96pickled egg1
#48picture of you1
#220pile of Trainbot parts1
#191ping-pong ball1
#50ping-pong paddle1
#1155pink candy heart1
#182pink clay bead113
#102pipe wrench1
#2046pixellated candy heart1
#129plaid cowboy hat1
#19plaid skirt1
#1220plot hole2
#130pocket ace1
#106portable table6
#133potion of temporary gr8ness13
#200pr0n taco1
#781probability potion13
#805procrastination potion13
#194purple clay bead22
#111radiator heater shield2
#82rattler rattle20
#42red book13
#125red button19
#711red class ring7
#40red eye13
#276red pixel potion13
#85red silk skirt1
#114red tulip1
#553right half of a heart necklace1
#738rocky raccoon2
#1758rubber WWBD? bracelet4
#3656rubber WWJD? bracelet1
#3655rubber WWSPD? bracelet1
#3643rubber WWtNSD? bracelet1
#1005ruby W1
#76rusted-out shootin' iron4
#1018rusty chain necklace1
#126salt wages25
#77scintillating oyster egg11
#186screwing pooch1
#93seared dino steak1
#246shot of mescal1
#32shoulder-mounted Trainbot1
#197silent pea shooter2
#42simple AI1
#81sinister-looking cat13
#100six-rainbow shield1
#99skeleton beans1
#107sleep mask1
#160sleeve deuce9
#176slime convention coupons1
#183slime convention flyers1
#145slime convention pin1
#188slime convention t-shirt1
#234smut orc keepsake box1
#1069soft green echo eyedrop antidote11
#156soggy used band-aid2
#3317spade necklace1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#250spangly mariachi pants1
#212spangly mariachi vest1
#255spangly sombrero1
#668spark plug earring1
#98spectral axe1
#1417spectre scepter19
#114spooky lasso8
#1798stainless steel scarf1
#2239stainless steel shillelagh1
#2144stainless steel skullcap1
#2250stainless steel slacks1
#102steamed oyster9
#113steampunk potion13
#945stick of "gum"1
#144stolen necklace1
#2650stuffed Baron von Ratsworth4
#4841stuffed Cheshire bitten7
#5722stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech5
#2542stuffed Meat5
#4826stuffed angry cow7
#5798stuffed astral badger5
#5273stuffed baby gravy fairy6
#4471stuffed cocoabo8
#5307stuffed flaming gravy fairy6
#6336stuffed frozen gravy fairy4
#7010stuffed hand turkey3
#1612stuffed key16
#5293stuffed mind flayer6
#2417stuffed mink6
#2307stuffed monocle8
#3407stuffed scary death orb13
#5784stuffed sleazy gravy fairy5
#6187stuffed snowy owl4
#5312stuffed spooky gravy fairy6
#5724stuffed stinky gravy fairy5
#2141stuffed teddy butler10
#1905stuffed tin of caviar14
#1438stuffed treasure chest22
#4894stuffed undead elbow macaroni7
#161tarnished bottlecap1
#573ten-leaf clover13
#1195thin black candle13
#155throwing candy3
#17time shuriken2
#15time-twitching toolbelt1
#8171tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#256tiny plastic Duke Starkiller4
#299tiny plastic Jared the Duskwalker3
#38tiny plastic caboose1
#38tiny plastic coal car1
#35tiny plastic dining car1
#3886tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box1
#36tiny plastic locomotive1
#38tiny plastic passenger car1
#23topiary necktie1
#34topiary tights1
#88totally sweet mohawk helmet1
🥇train whistle1
#72unidentifiable dried fruit1
#156unidentified drink1
#235unquiet spirits1
#182unused soap1
#1114unusual disco ball2
#783useless powder89
#640valuable trinket111
#668vampire collar1
#130vampire pellet1
#192viral DNA1
#471water wings1
#190watered-down Red Minotaur1
#247whiskey in a broken glass1
#28white arm towel1
#1162white candy heart1
#584white class ring9
#23white earbuds1
#123white tulip1
#172wind-up Whatsian robot1
#87wind-up ensign4
#68wind-up navigation droid5
#105wind-up owl3
#165wind-up vampire teeth1
#36wooly loincloth1
#359worthless gewgaw12
#420worthless knick-knack13
#345worthless trinket10
#587wreath of laurels1
#559wussiness potion13
#32yabba dabba doo rag1
#1378yellow candy heart1
#9yellow pixel potion13
what items are this player missing?