🥇 | Mistress of the Obvious | 6,969 | |
🥈 | Grokly | 3,893 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | Yumyumbublegum | 3,741 | ⤴️ |
#4 | Yatsufusa | 1,999 | ⤴️ |
#5 | Pr0nWayne | 1,216 | ⤴️ |
#6 | Pastahead | 1,030 | ⤴️ |
#7 | Blitz the Assassin | 1,018 | ⤴️ |
#8 | Theon | 903 | ⤴️ |
#9 | ailUrodRaGON | 726 | ⤴️ |
#10 | MagFitch | 722 | ⤴️ |
#11 | kirByllAmA | 458 | ⤴️ |
#12 | Skent | 270 | ⤴️ |
#13 | Hasand | 156 | ⤴️ |
#14 | Magic2729 | 151 | ⤴️ |
#15 | Candice Dick | 113 | ⤴️ |
#16 | Ayyno | 109 | ⤴️ |
#17 | HorseloverFat | 108 | ⤴️ |
#18 | Nanimonai3 and Nomnominus Rex | 103 | ⤴️ |
#20 | caducus | 100 | ⤴️ |
#21 | little lisa | 98 | ⤴️ |
#22 | Nikademus | 84 | ⤴️ |
#23 | BraydenKyler | 78 | ⤴️ |
#24 | Sting88 | 71 | ⤴️ |
#25 | hobo_13 | 70 | ⤴️ |
#26 | Matt_afi | 67 | ⤴️ |
#27 | Tibbiara and brent ObeRLin | 65 | ⤴️ |
#29 | TurtleGirlPower | 60 | ⤴️ |
#30 | Loathario | 57 | ⤴️ |
#31 | Phonegnome | 56 | ⤴️ |
#32 | EXOR169 | 55 | ⤴️ |
#33 | WitlessEron | 54 | ⤴️ |
#34 | Oldsfrk | 53 | ⤴️ |
#35 | guubear | 50 | ⤴️ |
#36 | PastryPusher | 47 | ⤴️ |
#37 | Cosmosis Kwik | 45 | ⤴️ |
#38 | DosBoot | 43 | ⤴️ |
#39 | Squeegee McDoo | 41 | ⤴️ |
#40 | Buzzbuzz | 40 | ⤴️ |
#41 | DocGonzo and Jaimie6776 | 38 | ⤴️ |
#43 | LEMMING53 and Tom808 | 37 | ⤴️ |
#45 | DeDiddlyDawg | 36 | ⤴️ |
#46 | Rabid Alpaca | 34 | ⤴️ |
#47 | StickFigurine and TVirus26 | 33 | ⤴️ |
#49 | CannonFoddah, Cinnabah, rosa blanco and whizdad | 32 | ⤴️ |
#53 | Acen and Virnomine | 31 | ⤴️ |
#55 | Athanatos, Dibbin, Michel and Poncho the Sane | 30 | ⤴️ |
#59 | Garfnobl, Ioeth and Unconventionable | 29 | ⤴️ |
#62 | IngaTBW, Kartok, SRO and Snott | 27 | ⤴️ |
#66 | Aeralis and wondersherL | 26 | ⤴️ |
#68 | Bobje Ratata, Kjell and raynstorm | 25 | ⤴️ |
#71 | Brady the Bold and sensibleb | 24 | ⤴️ |
#73 | ElronBean, Linguinelad and Sasori_uk | 23 | ⤴️ |
#76 | ARthuR the human, Betrayer, Edgy, RustyPilotWrench, Wheremydemonslie and hellsfruition | 22 | ⤴️ |
#82 | JMABirdUSC, JunChieve and re4master543 | 21 | ⤴️ |
#85 | Deltoramastr, MikeMar, Raylin, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, takenoko and thOngy | 20 | ⤴️ |
#91 | JRRTolkienNut, Jeddiah, Lord Kobel, Trajolifer and superfoot | 19 | ⤴️ |
#96 | ClaudioFratelino, Keldar the Unbrave and macoronikevin | 18 | ⤴️ |
#99 | BB Karo, Farfalle al Dente, Foxy Boxy, Glamhag, JimmyJunk, Lokiator, Lord Stefano, Master Grimwulf, Rumour Rhemer, Splaily and Tara the Inept | 17 | ⤴️ |
#110 | AKenny47, Aeslyn, Alex Spence, Benjamin Brown, Bluewoods, Guy Incogneeto, Guymeperson, Jorgensen, MammyMuse, Mictlan, Sal the Rapacious, Shoop8000, SidVicious and killerwill | 16 | ⤴️ |
#124 | AxiS Shadowbane, BlackJackFool, Btrfly9IRL, Crinkum Crankum, LilLisaLuna, Mikeyii, ToneDeafBawb, Wolfman X, dedhed, devjoe and elsen | 15 | ⤴️ |
#135 | Ace Palarum, Firbaelvan, GGXTCC, KiIIa, Landar, Mars the Infomage, Menlo, SirChuckles, Spicy Noods, StaticMan, Two__T, Xortag, ds13j, goonjiboonji and hyuuint | 14 | ⤴️ |
#150 | Amazonian, BurntKechup5, DanElectro, Donavin69, GMoneyClip, Gulf of Roo, Juntao, LustyPirateWench, MaKayla, Mogwai_Hunter_99, Mr_GlitterBall, Mystic Knite, SkullRock, SpasticDancer, Uade Green, falconj, girlina and imbrium | 13 | ⤴️ |
#168 | Badde Hugs, BuRNJoB420, Darmut eDrien, ElVatoLoco, ErstwhileWarrior, Quietust, RattyLabray, The Ghosty, hellfire15, slag and the pope444 | 12 | ⤴️ |
#179 | Archipelago71, Astrane, Clubbrz L337, Death by Gnocchi, Fluffy48, GreatChef, Jill_Bob, JoeyX, Klyth, Lord_of_Ants, Magnus Thunderblade, Monkeyboyjp, OldBobLeashed, Princess Erin, Pyctsi, QhRiZ, SikSyko, alan0823, burns14hs, denial and spooky kid | 11 | ⤴️ |
#200 | APPLE BLOSSOM, Baalbarith, Duena, Escaflowne, HansGruber, Jared_Allen, JhaX, Magister30, MaryHadaLilAnti, Mathfalda, Mongrel the Apathetic, Mr_World, Mud Duck, MugWump, Neomaster, Nick4925, Nora Batty, Rendar55, Sherman Potter, Stik guy, abusohana, annamonster, beckdawg, fluffkins, linakrade and moxom_s | 10 | ⤴️ |
#226 | AccordionStu, Beschemel, Caerphilly, Delilah, ErsatzHipHop, Gradis, IPrayForSound, Jos, Ninja Karl, Noisyhand, Nyx, Sezja, SirKlasu, Snugglypoo, Terrapin_Man, Teyrnon, Widget1985, WishfulSinful, augias, kingdedede117 and ratqueen | 9 | ⤴️ |
#247 | A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Bob Saget, Chewbud, Grump the Gump, HadesSL, Imorphiac, Ithanox, Jeny, Kruntus, Lexicon, Lotan, NeuroticPunk, Nursey Nurse, Seymore Butts, Solve_Omnis, Sprite Lee, Squirefred, Tz_BG, Yarple, completebastich, gwesj, nospiNe, pheanix, silohcin, themezzosoprano and yogini | 8 | ⤴️ |
#273 | AChickCalledLeah, Aeann, Alfredo Boyardee, Alldarker, Arp, AuntBeast, BabyScarface, Bananahead12, BlackShield, Blit, BobbleheadJesus, CeeLow, Cerberus111188, Christian Klauser, Cicadalek, Daigotsu_Soetsu, Dammit Janet, Evangelist_Nine, Faded, Fanatos, FluffyThumbTacks, FreezerBurn, Hexidimentional, Higgy, High Voltage, Inferno_dmn6, Jamez EX, KillianHabel, LUNAirie, Lacey Laces, Linnellia, LordTJ, Lycaonz, MammaBear, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Pumpkinheadme, QcuriousQ, Quothz, Rana Sylvatica, RedNeckReb, SauceAlt, Squall Thrawn, TTBoyArDee, TheBrent, Torquemada, Tortica, Trump, WalterEgo, Wolfman6666, Yoshi 3, baloume, cesspool, clacklack2, dueltrack, gen0615, heavybag, lupus4, sweettooth_tm2, xKiv and ziggywolf5 | 7 | ⤴️ |
#333 | AlexHahn82, BlueWasabi, CaptainRondo, Charles the Cat, Dirx, Dust, EEPiccolo, Eggsaladdin, FairyCharmed, Fredric Von Dothelmyer, GARYZHEN, Griffonics, HammeredOne, HavokAndPandemonium, Jark, Jusano, KingFelix, KittyEatsYou, Klutzygirl, Late nite Ramen, Makka, Malik, Mandible Jones, Meester Slow, NSNick, Nekosoft, PunkCerebus, Qena, Rithlander, Sexy Sock, Shiigirl, SmileyByte, Splotz, Teaxe, Torok, WallaWalla23, Wesley the Explorer, Zyrac, andrew3, call_me_ishmail, emu, evilrat, jISm bArd BrUNel, jackASS, logincharacter, ohNOanotherPUTZ, pestodigator, pybu, thebaglady and thexmanlight | 6 | ⤴️ |
#383 | Alexandrine, Androcles Antepasta, Anna Rexia, ArchangelUK, Arras, Aslyn2, Astin, Big_Mike_55, Bigger Gayer Al, Blythe, Brat forcE, Cobain Dougans, Delilah Jones, DocValance, DonPuza, Donnie Drakon, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, JuliaGoolia, Kearia, LolaColada, LoneWolf1541, LumDaddy, Marge, Mariance, Meira, Milly, Minnakht, Nardolin, Neenie2, Psychobabe, QuietOne, RShellNZ, Retro_Thrusters, Rutger von Horeburg, Scattaloquarious, SchrodingerCat, Shadowknightx, Slugfly, StaffordMeister, TC0418, TeddyRaptor, Teramaze, The Hunter of Thompson, Throwic, Tiffany Anne, Two101, Ubiq, Viki, Webley, demarcis, dixi, down home kitty, erebus detritus, gunfighter, madamkiss, oof, rock star, stoicheroic, vulvacrust and zombiedust | 5 | ⤴️ |
#443 | Airika, Anselm, Banker Bob, Bean, Biggen01, Boxy Brown, BrickTracy, CA Dude, Comm911, CuriousGeorge, Deemoney, Defenseman, Dethanc, Diss, Dungy, Elfea, Er_Murazor, EvaSaDiablo, FMtheGood, Farflier, FirstMateNora, Foggy, GryWizard, Hison, Jenny Saucepn, KTHippo, Karinator, KiMMi, Kspec, Lollie, LorD420, Madmax721, Ming Merciful, Moxious Mystery, Mr Bill, MsSparky, MzSwan, Nick_Carney94, Not Quite Right, Olorin, Oneechan, Perrin, PlutoOfPluto, PokeyMan, Ragamonster, Rcraft1, RenRetard, Rethgif, SoItBegins, Spoon37, Tear_Drop_Kisser, TerraAire, The Kestrel, Thrawn, Trenidel, Trumper, Uchiha Yohan, VanDyre, VileAspirin, Watari, White Candy, Wireus, Yavnik, YuriGagarine, Zerai, agargan, apisguy, astronaut, beautyredefined, chebutykin, chrissy mcgrade, crawatt, crystal_ingram, fnkymnky243, fugitive247, fyre_tzygrax, kissenger, knightofdarkness, ladderman, mskc, pLaster, pastaredefined, sewer rat, squeally, sultry, turtlesrock1 and zhuge | 4 | ⤴️ |
#530 | AceMcGrudy, AndromacheNoble, Araius, Araym, Ark42, Arthur Dent, Azumel, BDF Loathers, BOOgieBabe, Barbarian, BenzDoc, BoiRDee, Boyscout, Budselect, Bulgai1, CaMo DaWg, ChaotiX the Conquer, CheeZy, Chocolate Man, CreOsOTe, Cristao, DJRBK, DeathlessDragon, Denorea, Derrikan, Dimloep, Dis Coban Dit, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dumba55, Enitsirhc, FarceFenrir, Flaming Gummi Ork, Forsquilis, Fryd, Fuzzy1994, GI Jessico, GadTheHero, Glerf, Godsinjustice, Guacanator, Hallan Meras, HappyCrab, HyperJ1, Ice Fire, JR Trolkin, Jadesapper, Jezdar, Jidam, Juniper, Juror 2, Kaas Chuig, Karnyvore, Kaspersai, Kerrian, KevDeneen, King Texas, KnifeCzar, KoIKing, Kreagar, Lagorio, Lasher, LazyStarfish, Leet, LiamAndMe, Llamaface, Lord Baldrick, MadEyePixie, Magnoodle, Mala the Sad, Marqphex, Martavius, Michael303, Mike Czech, Mr HAwHAw, Mr_Happy_Boy, Mr_Parks, Muttolomule, MysticalMolly, Natalia Borisovna, Nearly, NotsoBraveHeart, Nuurgle, OHogan, Oldy, Oliver Klozov, Pakalolo, PassionFever, Pastangum, Phillis, Pkersteven, Pyrosocks, QuiCksteR, RelthasVe, Rogueling, SBD, Saucier, Senor Velasco, Shadowstorm, SonDEnise, Sparki, Spiny Twizzler, Stargazer67, Subacai, Taen_Dreamweaver, Takuma Sato, Tatsuya, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, Third Year Fruitcake, Thor God of Thunder, Toan, Tokek, Uroshnor, Vaginal Bloodfart, Valarauko, Wylin, Zappilie, Zermoid, ZmFlavius, abyssus, adamcurry, azupnod, benderama, beowuuf, blocko, darius180, drinks galore, gabrayle, hollythegreat, hotdeth, indefinite104, katneedscrack, magnolia, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, menggu, miamifan2, moonpounce, noxious, octopodey, paulemperor, questlove, ramenteflon, reinstag, rylie, salticid, scout42, speedofsugarrush, tazgoal, teh swabs, testostronaut, the_P_O_E, txster, xxsuccubusxx, zaksquatch and zoidman | 3 | ⤴️ |
#684 | AgentRocko, Aione, Aleke, Antirrhinum, Arsinoe83, Artie Effham, AuroraGirl, Azuriel, BS91690, Bangaroo, Bare_Bear, Belzebubba, Blart DudaBarra, Blue Dragon, BlueThunder, Bluerockworld, Boesbert, Boobjob, Bosefus_Brown, BranNew, Brick Chicken, Bristelle, BrittyBear, Buffy The Buffer, Bungee, Burning Monkey, Busaiku, Caplin, Carl Pants, Cashflake, Chasing, ChevellemanX, Choochoobear, Chuck McKnives, Clown420, CodSmack, Cold Pizza, CrassMandoo, DaBaddestHic, Damic, DandE, Davidson, DellyBelly, Demeos_9999, Devore, Diatonic, Dik, Dingo69, Donnie Darko, Dough123, Drag0n, Dragonlady, DutchBoyClogs, Electro, Elf12, Emote Ranger, EyeYam, Faelin, FalconNotHobbit, Fallen2004, Family Of Salsa, Fettucini Carabinieri, Flegel, Fluffmullen_the_Bad, Frxnix, General_Herpes, Gengis, HNWombat, HaQuim, Hagen Black, Haminiyah, HappyBizu, HarryTruman, Hatereliminator, Hooligan72, Howling Rhombus, Hutchimus Prime, IAmtheDisco, Impalator, InfernoHero, IntellectualWhore, Jacky Faber, Jaylee, Jayuul, JediKnight219, Jef, Jeyn, JiaGuru, Kaetarin, Kalismaal, Kaos_Demonik, Kareth, Kipling, KrabbyApple, Kreegah, Krevlornswath, Kyp Madak, Ladle_Master, Lady Miss Wolfie, LastResortMan, LittleBlindMouse, Lonely Teardrop, LordVadar, LuciferWolf, LuckyPuck, Lugiatic, Lysander, MadddddDog, MalMult, MarcyRoni, Maruzze, Matterhorn Fan, Mayhem_And_Destruction, Mayting, McPedro, MeLcator, Miss Informed, Mister Bum, MisterDoobs, Mistress Darkmoon, MrAnnouncer, MrPratt, Mrjingjing, Mynar, MysticMelvin, Naros, Nate Pyrokai, Neopifex, Newman, Nicarra, NightShayde, Noskilz, OldScratch, Olidimarra, Ominous, OrangeWesty, Orangepeel, Pedeka, PegLeg, Pen 13, Perpetua, PrinceCandyAss, Rand0m__her0, RasputinTimelord, Rebel SMURF, RebelWolf, RedJack, Regmar Kinczuk, Revier, Rhyet Swordmistress, Riget123, Royspin, RubyDallas, Rudiger Skeiyer, SCYankee, Sadako, Sakon777, Sallymonella, SatireSloth, Secret_treaties, Sennin, Sephris, Setral, Shannon the Psychic, Shellie_Webster, Shirley I Jest, SignorSenor, Skojar, Sloth Rop, Snarfla, Socrates, Soldan, Sophomaniacal, SpaghettiGoon, Spanky McSpankenheim, Spelling_Police, Stanley the slight, StormCrow42, Sutra, Svidrigailov, SweeneyTodd, SylvieMyrtevik, TamCoan, TenmaKnight, The Great Googaly Moogaly, The Toastmaster General, TheDarkening, TheSilentMantis, Theralyn, TimJing, Timebender, Tirronius, Twilyte, TwoDrink, Underaling, Vidalia, Vinyl_Black, WendyG, Wheatflake, Wolffauer, Xura, Zao Fato, Zarr, Zeitgeist, ZombieKing, Zoowaerter, amrodg, badaduci, birthofBlues, blueberry, bugzilla, c0zm0, catholiccomposer, cattus in divum, cheshirecat387, cnutt, crash bang boom, delvis_one, destroyerbeacon, doggone_dezzie, doublefistodoom, eeyore211, elisethegreat, embobly, funiboy, fuzziwuzzi, geos94, gingerhat, grimwald, isildur73, j01041999, jjhender, jodez4, kayrah, kof, kryXtyn2, malphador, mflGrMp, mhwombats notsoevil twin, micros the tiny, millardfillmore, moop, mumbeeni, myrth77, odaffer98, pnaermao, questlove69, raselok, rhod_hook, sacred_kitty, sepharoth, sfwarlock, shoyu_weenie, spud the mysterious, stp115, suPer mACho MAN, too_cool, uncle_edna and xephyne | 2 | ⤴️ |
#943 | Abishai, Abunai, AceLogan, Aelfredo, Aeoline, Agent006, Ajaxis, Akaiya, Akuji, Al Frodo, Aldus, Alex, Allora, Alloran24, AlmAlphiA, Amarand, Anarch, AnchoPete, Angetet, Angra Mainu, Ankorite, AnomTheTerror, Anubisection, Aras, Arckanghel, Arctic Ara, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Arry Potter, Aryck, Asarelah, AshesToAshes, Asinine, Asset_NoseGal, Astraleaf, Aubra, Augon, Autumn1983, Avanar, AverageJoe, Ay7k, Aybara, AznMoNkeY, Azoun, Azzedar, BDrag0n, Babaganoosh, Baltar, BanditAlt, Barbari0n, BarbarianBob77, Barbecue Sauce, Baron von Chickenpants, BaronMalakai, Barrysoff, Bassvamp and BeaverFan | 1 | ⤴️ |