
#760Bit O' Ectoplasm1
#295Brimstone Chicken Sandwich27
#312Cerebral Crossbow1
#1238Cold Hots candy1
#1928Daffy Taffy1
#393Double Bacon Beelzeburger18
#1690Imp Ale5
#407Jumbo Dr. Lucifer19
#943Knob Goblin love potion2
#230Knob stuffed shells4
#383Lord of the Flies-sized fries20
#1315MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech3
#234Princess Rutabaga trading card1
#2349Rock Pops4
#1318Senior Mints1
#209Serenity trading card1
#1954Tasty Fun Good rice candy1
#1629Wint-O-Fresh mint2
#2861Yummy Tummy bean2
#2224ancient unspeakable fruitcake3
#435asbestos crossbow1
#1374astronaut pants3
#1088atomic vector plotter1
#1029balloon monkey1
#1912bat-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#1022bi-lateral logic compressor1
#103bill bec-de-bardiche glaive-guisarme1
#352calle de miel3
#902candied kobold2
#620candy brain3
#4136candy cane2
#1784candy stake4
#109chocolate box1
#3273club necklace1
#1222cocoa egg1
#1020coconut shell5
#805computronic processing unit2
#374denim axe1
#815dry noodles12
#1978drywall axe1
#1279dwarf bread1
#1286evil teddy bear7
#74exactly-three-shaped box1
#1288fancy but probably evil chocolate4
#391fancy dress ball34
#1088ghuol egg3
#3938gingerbread bugbear1
#3809gingerbread horror1
#699goat cheese pizza3
#983guy made of bee pollen1
#1996heart necklace3
#758hellion cube2
#1026hyperbolic plasma focuser1
#739incredibly creepy marionette3
#1178ion grid6
#835ion-pulse modulation stabilizer2
#883killer rag doll2
#413leprechaun hatchling1
#179less-than-three-shaped box1
#1040little paper umbrella5
#218lucky Crimbo tiki necklace1
#939mad scientist's sock monkey2
#993magical ice cubes5
#119miniature coffin1
#1237pet rock5
#1405possessed top3
#1167potato sprout1
#1150prehistoric spear2
#419quantum polarity inducer8
#1303rag doll1
#1105razor-tipped yo-yo6
#760recursive spline reticulator2
#1131red plastic oyster egg4
#843reverse-oscillating klystron2
#406rhesus monkey1
#1121ridiculously huge sword1
#287rockin' wagon3
#3659rubber WWJD? bracelet1
#558rubber axe1
#308sausage pizza3
#801scrumptious reagent11
#681servomechanical torsion facilitator3
#1806skull-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#1348sock monkey1
#1126spooky eggnog5
#478spooky length of string22
#685stick of "gum"2
#5207stuffed Cheshire bitten6
#6269stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech4
#1831stuffed alien blob3
#5254stuffed angry cow6
#5349stuffed astral badger6
#7027stuffed baby gravy fairy3
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#6847stuffed cocoabo3
#1575stuffed dodecapede1
#3202stuffed doppelshifter1
#7019stuffed flaming gravy fairy3
#6347stuffed frozen gravy fairy4
#5751stuffed hand turkey5
#5754stuffed mind flayer5
#5811stuffed scary death orb5
#4800stuffed shoulder parrot1
#7047stuffed sleazy gravy fairy3
#6908stuffed snowy owl3
#6993stuffed spooky gravy fairy3
#7772stuffed stinky gravy fairy2
#6344stuffed undead elbow macaroni4
#1049sub-molecular interocitor1
🥇time sleigh1
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#4038tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#2806tofurkey gravy1
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#708toothsome rock13
#995toy crazy train7
#1217toy jet pack4
#1116toy mercenary4
#1342toy ray gun4
#1190toy soldier1
#1271toy space helmet4
#1429tree-eating kite12
#600tropical paperweight1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#1409vampire duck-on-a-string4
#363wooden axe1
#811wooden stakes1

Wow, that's 510 items total!

what items are this player missing?