atomic vector plotter

atomic vector plotter

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This plots, oddly enough, the vector of atoms as they collide with its glass case. Don't even try to get it out of the glass case; it's just too hard. Anyway, since there are rather a lot of atoms in the world, you'll find this is basically a machine that makes a constant beeping noise. It's not annoying at all. No, really.

🥇El Acordeonachi13,337
🥈Mr Croup4,473






#5AtomicPopcorn, Vesiv and Zatchel1,337












#13Saucey Salamander420














#20Draven2 and tHe_pOst200










#26reX kwon138








#30Kayarath and Lord Zathrus125










#36Alqarine, AmISam, Bacon Stoned, Draven1, Sen, Spiffie, art, inuss352 and kingPOGo100


#45Prima Vera Angelhair96








#49Mistress of the Obvious84


#50ShakenNotStirred and eusst83


#52Phelonius and regnad80


#54jbnimble and meh_64_1279




#57Arthas and Bernini77




#60ToneDeafBawb, red grog and septimus75




#64Biohazzard, DarkSerge and justhappytobehere71




#68Dr_Snugglebunny and Envoy69








#73BronMac and DJBling63




#76Revier and shaggy10061






#80Fneeee and Immelan58


#82Wednesday, fly_boy42, jackal73, motie and mudwog57


#87Caplin, Ljutefisk and dolphingirl_za54


#90Cockroach, MayaOwhy and Peu400053




#94Gulf of Roo, Hardy24, RttlesnkeWhiskey and Triskelion51


#98Anarch, BobbyMcBain, CaptainSpam, Eujester, Mordoc, MysticMelvin, SamEvening, brent ObeRLin and the_postman50


#107FoodFest, LeMuffin and Webley49


#110DocValance, IdlnPb and Necco Wafer48


#113Fawfulhasfury and pizza nazi47




#116Don Quai Poncerello, SassyMcAsspants and Xentrix45


#119Respek Knuckles44


#120Mars the Infomage43


#121BjornStronginthearm, Gorillaz2D, ImprobableKate, Jill_Bob, Mivayan and tHejudOMadOnna42








#130i am sham, melonmuncher, sirCoOlWhip and urizenXVII38


#134AmpleHacksaw, Blue Dragon, Item Dude and Luxxor37


#138CousCous and grimwald36


#140Flinguine, GiveMeANameDammit, Vanir and drinks galore34


#144Alldarker and PastaGolem33


#146Bare_Bear, Chrysalis and reinstag32


#149Family Of Salsa and Lexicon31


#151Grinder, Sella and Vaan30


#154Anouris, MonkeeBuddah and Simon the Mystificator29


#157Moxious Mystery and ratbert28


#159AetherWind, MajorCrash, Two__T, alfabit and ladderman27


#164AKU, Alkalibrarian and Noskilz26


#167Asgard, DiscoFevaDiva, EvilTwinSkippy, Gumbyman, Katerina, LeetFoo, MrSnerg and Trump25


#175Kaze, Paksukainen, Poncho the Sane, Sasori_uk and jadziadax24


#180Alfonso the Great, Dik, DoctorWeebl, Queril, Sel Ibrix, ZombieElvisImpersonator and glaucos23


#187ArmAstevs, ChaoticGalen, Danger and sweet maple22


#191Demonic, Disneeyore1, Duhric, Ekeinos, Kreagar, Photon Chang, Viridinia, Xtanstic, cjgustafson, dIRKdiggler, demchak, moop and plk21


#204Bad Hat Harry, Bubble Girl, Devan, Ewie, Fellatrix, Grrlvert, Igor Heep, Jesus, Qdo, Snarla, The DMD, arikamuji, ebaywulf, evilzombieking, nvx, punicron and sgtbob20


#221Augon, Beljeferon, Issira, Keri, Mal2Mult, MalLardo, RUMlEY, blocko, chrissy mcgrade and setrius19


#231BlueWasabi, Chalks, GligSith_Tcharf, Hawkie, Moosenoise, Wagr, benjaminysmall, karma_247 and wumbology18


#240Ankopitch, Barbari0n, Geldar, NML Manticore, Oroku Saki, PassionFever, Patamunzo Lingananda, Victorinox, dreamisle, nospiNe, slugBoy and wexer917


#252Bil the Hero, Farfetchedchild, Haminiyah, Holzwurm, MrEff, Oldsfrk, Sutra, Tuffy, WalterEgo, Wilks, bigboy2, eRUtan999, pantsthief and will454516


#266Amazonian, Antipode, Astrocette, FluffyThumbTacks, Justin Credible, RedPhred, Tara the Inept, Teyrnon, Trajolifer, chlorophyll and magic miss ile15


#277MissPolka, Mysty42, Nightvol, NotArgent, Wildcat_693, azupnod, barneb and roflcopterlol14


#285Arkham, Brap, KumihO, Nomnominus Rex, Quaxalot, ShaggyJDub, Skent, Thelaan, Volante, falcoln0014, h00k, humongous and jayvaughn13


#298Annihilator, Arc9, Claudia_Balzac, Club, Creepingcrud, DISCokeir, Derdrom, GoZ The Great, JawG, Kelpie C Waters, Lysander2, Merik, Metraxis, Mr HeadCase, QuiCksteR, Soul Crusher, Tear_Drop_Kisser, Vaginal Bloodfart, flyinglama and sPlEndo12


#318Archipelago71, Astraleaf, BDF Loathers, Batwood17, Betty Page, Bolognix, Clubbrz L337, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Donavin69, Doz, DreamBreaker, FlySox, HK_4750, Ha1Ha1Ha, Hero Protagonist, HushAngelico, Ice_Nine, Johansensen, KikiVonHuffleburger, KitTheHunter, Kobra, Longuine, Lord_of_Ants, LuvLuvChef, Maharet, Malik, Matt the Fish, Mexximan, Monkeyboyjp, Phaete, Pimpjuice, Quietust, Ragin_Rigatoni, Rainbow Warrior, Right2Wrong2000, Rip Green, Sad Monkey, Shagie, SiG, Sp8z, SuperAscender, TarapinTerror, TheBrent, ThunderGate, Toric, UncleBen, Vandaahl, Waddle Dee, WaterMelonMan, Wojo, aClArie, fFATsgnAL, herbmann022, jho mamma, jimmy_hoffa, malalalalenanana, rhod_hook, silly_na, snarl, spooky kid, udon_rouge and zeeT11


#380APPLE BLOSSOM, Aukele, Baggerschmakle, Baughbe, BogeyMan, Cassildra, Ceelgohsplatt, Chicken n Dumplings, Craggle, Darmut eDrien, Domeus, Dutton, Entish Power, Escaflowne, Francisco101, Humiliations Galore, Iffrat, Jebustheathiest, Johnny the Johner, KorTehGehn, Kyrbis, Lauts, Lord Stefano, Mage_of_Flames, Mercenary9, Mitheor, Mystic_Potato, Perkk, Rubius, Septh, Shadowglaze, Slamboy, Slick Devlan, SlowMotionMagic, Spikeykiller, Thorbert, Thraxus, ThunderSource, Turkey_Pox, UndeadOmelet, Vidalia, WhiteWizard, feedhead, idgrave, kibi, mansho, octopodey, phoenixash90, thesandslv and zaksquatch10


#430Choochoobear, Dark_Horse, Deeliteful, Flaaron, Hachtman, I_am_the_Night, Lord Skrusti, LordTJ, Manion, OctogenariCherub, Rahenna, Shadiyah, Sir Gupp, TrunkleBob, blade740, bogseyluke, elarrina, galefrost, iLLMaTiK, kheelmaster, mmcbride, nakeddave, oh_the_WIT, the strongest guy ever and uncle9


#455Brat forcE, CuddlyBear, DrunkenStupor, Goodch, Grimmie, Grippingworm, Hautrek, Jack S, JozanGalanodel, Kairen, Locutus, Lorc, LunaWolvesMan, MsFinch, NeoOfTheWilderness, Noip, Quimble, Quinlan, Raph Fury, Razorbell, RobN, SanGurth, Secret_treaties, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, SirKlasu, Steel Nut Dave, Tarragon, Vandelay, Vbfreak_21, caliope, checkeredkowala42, noodleEd, senon, sodyakaflyta and within temptation8


#490Abiku, Aschen, BigdoG, BucephalusBouncingBall, DanElectro, Egrim, Eoghnved, Gauln, Gouku, Joorrke, Keator, Kerallyn, Quothz, Ranava, Rebel SMURF, SATsucks, Shwagg, Snapperjack, TNTBioHazard, Wizard_Hat, delvis_one, ghost28930, gunfighter, mervella, pork chop thug and shengii7


#516Ancient Cheese, Bandgor, BoB_138, Calamus Root, DakX, Dexorcyst, DrQuafer, Dungeon Princess, El Vibrato, GedTheFlayer, Hooky the Hooker, Johnny Ringo, JustinCarto, Kaley, Kenpo Karate Boy, Kilovian, LIVERflukes, Late nite Ramen, MasterPython, Necroman, Nuclear Griffon, Old Ned, Oliver Klozov, Pudvirus, Rutger von Horeburg, Rutiger, Silas_L_Denturez, Smurty, Southen, Tindomerel, TomTurbo17, Ur Future Is Death, Wilbur, amokk, bluephoenix, bobdindian, case, kjacobso, koutetsu, sensibleb, sleepyjason, stannius and wikkest6


#559AdmiralKit, Almanax, Angry1, Anta, AquaticRes, Bitsy, Castlekin001, CosmoCornelius, CronoTalon, CyberTurtle, DaGreatMomoVII, Dark Eagle, DaybreaK, DeathAngel, Despard, Disneeyore, DonPuza, Eamon, EffervescentLife, Elation, Faizah, FijneVent, Framistan, Gwinnifred, HelloTomorrow, Jaladan, Kerrian, Kodikun, Kyree, LdySaphyre, Loincloth Boy, Madmax721, MrGuy, NateTheDuck, Nectara, PrincessMisery, PsychoBoy, QuicksilverFox85, Ramonphilius, Rashy, Relim Gorsen, Retro_Thrusters, Roga, Snugglypoo, StalkingOfAshles, StinkyChip, Sumire, Talon__crow, The_F34r, Therum, Timo Tolkki, Viki, VikingGoddess, WelcomeToEarth, andimmintyfresh, brirye, chickenmaan3, cyborgstan, denominator, epondo, h0m3r, lobstermonster, n0ob, shepherd, tinkeron, txranger, whizdad and yodaBABE5


#627AccordionBoy, Amaya Rain, Angra Mainu, Big Gun, BlackOpsElf, BoiRDee, Deimos, Dez, DiskoChick, Dominator773, Drag0n, EdFlash, FoxyMoxy, Hexxx, Jinya, Kae0s, King Puff, Lord Merkin, Mala the Sad, Marchelute, McKool, Mikel, MolotovH, Nardolin, Oldy, PrehensileSpine, Rgon, Rufus the Sequenced, RustyPilotWrench, Samanthra, SatanicJellyBean, Scorpios, Sean_Seannery, Sjcs, Smokey J, Southwest, Spoonbende, Stephie, Terry, Timon, Tumnus, VarnishBoy, Velvis, Vlad The Compiler, Wadjet, Winzette, Wylin, amplitude, emerson, grovel, happycabbage777, jlc2, lizzydgreatest, mooj, mumbeeni, noname3794, payguhn, raynstorm, sitka, smokey smokerson, theMalcolite, thejewishninjasfriend, thoby123, umfum and whiskey0024


#692A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Alphastrike, Ark42, AsiTtlEr, Autumn1983, Avanar, Aznlegend1991, Basket__Case, Beaverhausen, Bigquack, BlaDeeBlah, Bomby, BrassDogma, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brink450, Buckley, Ceasarious, Chocolatethunda, Cobra8644, Comtesse de Cork, Cosmosis Kwik, Cowbell, CrazyBrain, CreOsOTe, Crinkum Crankum, Dallbun, Danimaniac, Dark_Seriphim, Darth Elmo, Darth Spoon, DataVortex, Dawnshadow, Deetviper, Desiderata, Devilpapaya, Dilldo_Baggins, DiscoToon, Elfy, FMtheGood, Fianor, Finners101, Fluck You, Fluffie, Free Martha, Frogzilla, Gamerman, Generic Hero, Goldilocks, GoodnightMonkey, Gouda, Grabtharr, Hallowed Weasel, Halueth, Hison, Hulihuli, ImperialBest, JR Trolkin, Juntao, Justarius, Kaboon, Killin Monkey, Killjoy, Kurtle, Lady Tomo, Larkspur, Lauren_zi_an Wormhole, Lnk the Lurker, Lord of the Souls, Mac_Gyver, Madai, Marlow, MeGamer29, MeJimo, Meester Slow, Morboe, MotoInushonen, MrCoyote, Nagol, Oforf, Pantless Pete, PastaWoman, Pastatizer2, Posen, Pugnax, PunkCerebus, Pustulio, QubitsLie, Qwystin, ROdger_FLint, RazorbackX, Red_Zinger, Rhps_Elf, Rumour Rhemer, SCYankee, Scarred Angel, Seven Combusted Poliwags, ShawnD, Slet Varthash, SnOwFiRe23, Soren K, Swine, TarendelCymir, Terpsichore, The Toastmaster General, TheDanno, Thistle Paws, ThunderTurtle, Tinkling, Tiny Plastic Jyxtrant, Traverser, Trullum, TsunemonoPinku, TullyLao, Uberw00tage, Underlord76, Vecna_Reborn, Volume Render, Wd123, WillGruff, Xortag, Zappilie, aerozeppl, akiraadam, aldervan, andyisverydumb, birthofBlues, cch0405, cinamingirl, cukky, davidgro, debbie chinique, delFuego, delenos, docmARionum1, dragonspar, dudeofthecountry14, edman18, evilsquirrel, fayzeshyfft, fishh, fourandtwentyblackbirds, glimmer, jaqueitche, nATEn53, omastar444, oogabooga, rowanthorn, seanqtx, sizzle_frizzle, skeeTshOOTer, theraininspain, vloky, webojunk, williabr, yonpytr and zoidman3


#848AccordionStu, AltheWeird, Alycya, AngrySeal, Aramiss, Aro CantCatchABreak, Baltar, Bart Logan, Beautt_had, BenzDoc, Big_Mike_55, Blogzo, Bloodyfish, Bluerockworld, Boesbert, Boman, BoozerBear, Boxwood, Bruscettalia, Bury_Your_Dead76, CSS_puke, Canadala, Catan, Cobain Dougans, CodSmack, Communist China, Crack_Rock_Beat, Craftage, Croow, Daav, Dan Dancing, Danthemanowar, Dark Trooper, DarkNewton, Darth Milo, Darth Steve, Darth_Davey, DisComBoBulAteD, Doggie Bear, Donutmaster, Dorkomatic, Dust, ERJ1024, Ebola, Eldoth, Elektra, EnemyX_ Peaches, Eseche, FatQuack2, Felicity, Fenwald, Flanders, Fodder, Friznik, Frxnix, Galapagos James, General_Herpes, Glitch 319, Glukthar, Gnomesquid, Grizzor, GryWizard, Gulper, HBar, HMSRobotman, Hari, Harris Pilton, Henrietta McTwinkie, Hula Girl, I g g y, Ibaslomofo, IceBlake, Idle Hands, Illarion, InkWax, Inokie, Itsatrap, J03, Jaolen, Jared_Allen, Jeetsta, Joe_da_thug, Kaos_Demonik, Kethoth, KimmyRocks, King Stupid, Kippia, Kishibe, Kitch Wing of Angmar, Kneegrow, KyRoS, Kytelae, Lady_Blueshift, Lightwolf, Lord Noel, Lutz Turger, Magic2729, Magnus Thunderblade, Malevolus, Maryland, Master Sage, Mekare, Mentaiko, Mighty Xerxes, Miss Informed, MissGnomer, Miss_Kala, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeyThatIsToxic, MoxieDoxie, MrBiggg, MrSpikey, Nakkita, Nalsa, Nathanl, Neithyme, Nicodemus Lord of Canned Meats, Nilly, Noisyhand, Numinak, OldCW, Olmec, Oneechan, Palladium, Panasonic Penguin, Papa_Cools, PatrickChua, PeopledOntunDerStand, Petite Mort, Pixelated, Pojo3x, Presence, Pumpkinheadme, Quijibow_II, Rasta_Man, Raventhief, Reekusan, Rikmach, Riznok, Robur Velvetclaw, Saberclaw, Sajer the Forgotten, Samos, SapphirePhoenix, Sheep, ShineyBucket, SiN wYrM, Sir Porkloin, Soreth, SoulCatcher73, SoupMama and Spooky6662
