cocoa egg

cocoa egg

Wiki linkwiki

This is an egg made of chocolate, from whence will hatch who knows what manner of chocolatey madness.





#4Miss Sexualconduct24,677






















#15the Mayor of Fuzzytown1,337


#16Mistress of the Obvious1,242
































#32brent ObeRLin535










#37Mistress Doom492


#38Player 42489


#39icy toes474


#40Dave of the Hill People473




#42Gryphtronic Maven455




















#52Clan Bank and DoctorRotelle348












#59La Zania305


#60Turtle Juice301






#63Grime Jello281


#64Rutger von Horeburg267




































#82Hatchet King199










#87IndianJack, Kreegah and whizdad186


#90DarkStanley and Raisin of Utter Despair185






#94Brew Geared and hotdeth180


#96Phuata and Tenchikun178


#98Void Runner63 and cRAzyjay777177




#101KING Eggas167






#104Auroter, Yorick and d00bie158






#109Jakalilly and LunaWolvesMan148




#112Longo and mylittlesister141




#115Talwraith and WhopperJr139


#117Cloud Strife135










#122Antfattener and stu22125


#124HasteBro and Unmei124




#127forlorn soul122






#130Brat forcE, Coud and DarkMaiden116




#134Also Five114






#137AresGodOfWar and kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT110




#140mintie and schmy106


#142Nikademus and cahtbot104


#144Albino Ferret, NooBnooB123, Thingy and schnuffler103




#149APPLE BLOSSOM, Darkling, DosBoot, Friznik, Hog, SnowAngel, StinkyDrunk, The molehIll ThaT rIdES and TiffanyB100


#158Retro_Thrusters and booze_man_brain99


#160Calatan and hohofolderol98


#162Drew Carey, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Gustavef, MaxEarWax and Zornfalke97








#170Artie Effham, Garfnobl, Von Bek, crash bang boom, icKygiRl, jryee and wrassler92




#178Istanbul and eibbeD87




#181Spartan_Demon and annamonster85


#183Cobain Dougans, DiscoGrim and loungemonkey83


#186LaSalsa, Trumper and Verminous82


#189Galeesa and Phantom Stag81




#192Drazool and Theophrastus78


#194Mystic Knite77


#195Ace Palarum and malphador76


#197CA Dude and Turtlebella375


#199Babaganoosh, SilverbackTiger and Sweet Honey74


#202DevilCreme, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Troje and Vanir73




#207Doglover3716 and Leannan Sidhe71


#209Barbari0n, Betrayer, Obnoxio The Clown, Quarkinator, Valarauko, eXtremist69 and kirByllAmA69


#216Skent and crowmomma68


#218POkEy the brave, TastesLikeChicken, antic THE FEARless and winterjade67


#222Clubberella, Dibzannia, Quackosaur and moop65


#226astronomer UNIsus64


#227Lake Snow Killer and madamkiss63


#229FrenchiePoo and marnaza62


#231josyjoker and monopolyman00161


#233Ariston, Family Of Salsa, Timewraith and Weird Al Yankervick60




#238Kinttavo and tHeEvIlIsHiE358




#241EarWaxMax and rhiarian56


#243Altoholic, Spoonbende, Ultranibbles and case55


#247St Givenstein54


#248Batsubabe and paci334653


#250Antunar, Minon_of_Vorad, Roonygc8 and ramaSod52


#254Master Bates, Senor Velasco and Vandalee51


#257Cyan Luna, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Pakem, TheSilentMantis, december_saige and sistinas50


#263Blakeatwork, Dilldo_Baggins, PsiStarPsi, Snugglecat, Squall Thrawn and Ticklemytoot49


#269Kalliandra, crystal_ingram, elzie and mmcbride48


#273Mongrel the Apathetic47


#274Benjie Arclas, Soba Rigatoni and slotwin46


#277Dalyia, Juliet, Merr, Narbe, PolyesterMan, Ramonphilius and wickedspikes45


#284Lady_Deimos, Old Ned, Picklenose, Raylin, Riska, Starfevre, VainBloodheart and Venovel44


#292Ambrose Thrall, Katz, Mirian and ziu43


#296Aife, Avigdor, Barrererry, Gollum, IAmNotOog, LAMPayatot, Nashtinka, Ranud, SpyderMunkey, Woodrow, nagyss and tanstaafl42


#308GreenKnight90, Harukodo, Miss Informed, RedJack, Verklompen and jASejaSEjaSe241


#314Aslan the layer, ChevellemanX, Dadaca, MadamMayhem, Sowyrd and jb9340


#320KiMMi, Rizzen, purple_queen, suicidalsue and theflamingokid39


#325Lazer, Tolonen, Vonbek and loir138


#329Chrysthanium, TheBarracuda and kissi197737


#332Aerodynamic Trunks, Danger Mouse, Doctor Rockster, Generic Hero 1, NullusAnxietas, PokeyMan, The Fluffy, rutted road and selkiexangel36


#341Bobje Ratata, Cowgirl, Supermooer, completebastich and sfwarlock35


#346Grammardor, KnightofCheese, Lady SUMMERbrook, LiamAndMe, Noskilz, Not That Kat, PlutoOfPluto, SauceAlt, agargan and ghost2893034


#356Cannonball, Munkee, Tiny Plastic Knight and reinstag33


#360ChefBoy, Loachette, Master Grimwulf and TamerAlt32


#364Angua von Uberwald, Beljeferon, Eriadan, Graev, Halueth, I be Will and VegemiteSandwich31


#371Chicken in Black, EddieLoo, Stubbysquid, cukky, dmack293, edman18, neromike2, rcl1917 and spewed30


#380Barrysoff, FleetwoodMacTruck, JoshZero, Kaas Chuig, Tissen, Triplebass and glaucos29


#387Anne with an e, Hannibal Smith, Ivan the Ignoble, Sam the Seal, VicciousPoo and cThules28


#393Jittery_Fist, Joeyjoejoejr, Rodiicio, The Ghostly Shadow, Vacated_Cranium, doctorwaffle and sPlEndo27


#400Astrane, Daisy_Dukes, GarlicGrim, Hexidimentional and wondersherL26


#405BDF Loathers, BGDubb, Cheeseboyardee, LisaTheMad, RoLlyKoLly, The Sly Guy, Veeder, danlimski, hydra_shok and unisus8025


#415Bart Logan, BlueThunder, Clan Mule, JangoFettucine, Jared_Allen, Mardie, PinnipedPounder and Steve VAN24


#423ACMuseum, CuteNDeadly, IngaTBW, MrSqueezeBox, PassivePoo, aenimus, calico_pirate, chaosagent, ishootthings, mike9999, racheldancer and txster23


#435BorgClown, Edahs, MadddddDog, OOnuthin, Plummy, PrinceCandyAss, Teyrnon, Wylin, Xyll, Zai, asterick, cakeytaste, jackstraw, kilroi, sarah_white, schrodingerscat and yoshimon2k22


#452ChaotiX the Conquer, Derdrom, Eggcentric, Ishavriel, Kitcats, Knux7, MariposaTheMonarch, Mirsadies, Sephiroth107, XT_m_n_tx and wohenhaonibuhao21


#463Do Not_uhm_I told ya, HelBaron, LordBron, PhotoFlow3, Pumpkinheadme, TCA Stash Guy, billybobsteve, blornferter, ilda and pLaster20


#473Aere0n, Chelonia, Damic, Davrick, El Vibrato, Godfighter, Grandpa Joe, Hairshirt, Infopowerbroker, MAnicDepressive, Oggy McOggogg, PandaPants, Pyctsi, Quixote113, Rubius, Surviver, Turleyron, ZenMonkey, delvis_one, farmGirl, laddus, phantom_child_23, quwertie and sauceclubber19


#497BlackThunder, CancerMan, CaptainRondo, Kelyva, Mariance, ReploidArmada, Tirg08, chanaleh and homefrombasic18


#506Allis, Coyerre, Duddy01, Espio, Kara Rae, Kurtle, Meowchi, OMNIsemaj, Phoenix Flame, TarapinTerror, Tear E Pin, Wembley Fraggle, Ziust and slugBoy17


#520DarthB1, Devilpapaya, Freak of Freely, Han FalconFlyer, Kol Miners Daughter, LorD420, Malorinaka, MetalHouse III, Pentagram, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, Toby Softpaw, Totenkopf, Xcess, katcob, lilbrew, scout42, wza and xXxSnappyxXx16


#538Avanar, Carilgar, Dorkzilla, ForteSP, IanDaemon, Isladar, Kaley, LadiRose, Laria, Speisi, Stanley the slight, TheDotGamer, ThorthePenguin, dennisrmulljr, minders, nachothesecond and narfster15


#555Damasta, DisComBoBulAteD, Highbeam, Moosenoise, MurderMaid, MysticMelvin, OxyTheMoron, SatireSloth, Smarmalicious, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, Voxy, eav, iceangel666, kenfowler and unsavoury_charlatress14


#570Agent006, Ahante, Bdrag99, Chainblade, Fearium, Karnyvore, Lowca, Morganus Maximus, Muluk, Pioc, Plorg, RelthasVe, Satoshi, Shrek, SwordsRCool, The Dashing Protagonist, The_Smartass, Thelaan, VeszerinIRC, Villain Extraordinaire, h_town_football21 and penguinGRI13


#592Androcles Antepasta, Azrael079, Danryas, DivideBy0, Eroquin, Gassits Meat Ho, JoMardie, Krogoth42, Mitchell, Otterpuss, Paran, Poncho the Sane, Qwerky, RandomLeeAnnoying, Ryx, Skipr, Vidalia, aClArie, cam16914, diepengindie1, l4g0s, perianna, pestodigator, raynstorm and triconda12


#617AdraLamia, AppleBottom, Archipelago71, Bang Boom, Bert of the Northwest, Brally, Damarosa, Deffener, Dik, Donavin69, FrogNinja, GregDaGrimReapa, Hurax, JAD, Jimi the Stool, Lord_of_Ants, Magnus Thunderblade, MysticalMolly, OldBobLeashed, Otterbee, Pablo, Padoogie, Pescara, Princess Erin, Quothz, Sal the Rapacious, SnackAttack, Sondroch, TarIa aTOrs, Tara the Inept, TechSmurf, Triffels, Yakubyougami, Zermelo, angelamarie, bulbocapnine, inaafss69, kaoskiller1, kirahvikoira, ravenstock, sadieseaside, spooky kid and white_horror11


#660AlmAlphiA, Asho, BonesHurt, Escaflowne, Fasta, Higgy, Leef, Lord Stefano, Lux, Nardolin, Nuclear Griffon, P1ayer, Perem, PotZie, Sadglad, Sandpapyrus, Septh, Slothpyle, Stormkeeper, ThiefAlt, UFOSDESeal, Ubiq, Vigilamus, Whiskaz, Zanchvegas, ZetaReticula, Zs bee, beautiful_sorrow, howlin_mad, ur1fear and wholelottaman2wash10


#691Benz_Doctor, BitEMetWICe, CrowManyClouds, Cruor Extrahorum, DeadGirlsDontSayNo, Debobe, Deimos, Diamond Stud, Galapagos James, Geremiah, Growland, HappyCrab, KoL Honey, Littlegett, POIEDa, Riddick09, Slamboy, Snapperjack, Tod Booster, Yoyogod, Zeklan, debbie chinique, drag0n_master, grovel, kidMissile, krasm, kslash1, ladderman, murphs and schroedre9


#721Amarand, Anthalessa, Ardlen, BoboMonkey, Boesbert, Cristao, CultofPersonality, Dazzle, Fighting Hippie, Griffin77777, Grym Reeper, HanaYume2, HavokAndPandemonium, Jack Storm, Karrde03, LimboLimboLimbo, Livnmenwalk, Lord Finisher, Lorith, Lush Slacker, Megaman Zero, Mistress_Shock, Mr Toothache, MugWump, Nils, Optimus747, PastryPusher, Reuben Sammitch, Samantha Carter, Sephrena, SousChef1, Turnpike7a, Uurson, little lisa, micros the tiny, mngaljac, searge1691, thebanjoman and whitnmart8


#760Akeldama, ChaseCross, Dalton Hilliard, Drizzit, ElronBean, Eoghnved, ForcedToWork, Frogstomp, Harry Dotter, JohnCub, Lizmeis, MarkneiL, MrTowel, Msyjsm, Nalak, NightSmoke, Ninamo, Sklar, Sundkvist, The Funktipus, Wyngrade, Xaositects, arioch78, bad_player, bayer143, copperbottom chef, daisybell, ds13j, eddo189, gunfighter, gwesj, kurtASbeStos, mangojuice14, mooncow22, nickoven, omigodlucy, siniam and uncappedmarker7


#798BanditAlt, Blackened White, CeeLow, Chachoregard, Chadomancer, Del Ilnaki, Egg Scrambler, Fylgia, Lanista, Malathos, Meranna, Naelyn, Quimble, Razorbell, RedRuffenSore, Romeo614, Sanguina, Scattaloquarious, SirAzor, Spirit_Dragon, Stroby, TheGreenLing, Water Dragon, abyssus, amidabutsu, c00lb0t, jon316, moym, octopodey, snpr, sombrehippie and testostronaut6


#830BatWinger, BenzDoc, Chili man, Chris Blackstone, Clubby McClubberson, CometStarmet, Cri, Dino72898, DrewT, Eddy9007, FSM Worshiper, Fiery1, Fisheyez69, FoodFest, Hyperla, Innis, KalliKitten, Kjell, LadySea, Leg o Lam, Letifir, NolanShields, Oldsfrk, Onic, Phleefi, Pustulio, Que Chan Mok, QuiCksteR, SATsucks, SZINN, Salsa Picante, Sanorace, Slippery Sue, Slugfly, StinkyWizzleteats Mall Multi, Sucuri, Terrapin_Man, TheDarkening, TheGreatDrunk, Viki, Wadjet, Webley, Zacharygolf, alreadytaken, chibiace, clemson, filafal, fsfwannabe, goldendragon1, imperator, innle, myu2k2, nATEn53, nerfherder, raney53, rellim, rowanthorn, rumblebot, scaremonger, thesandslv, tush the pastagirl and whersmacheese5


#892Alphastrike, Balmung 09, Bassvamp, BettyAlfredo, BlueHeart_627, BlueWasabi, CSIguy, Cactus Pillow, Candice Dick, Cayce, Crystal8645, Dark Guy177, Dessa, Doodooking, Edmund Fitzgerald, Esmi, Feanor of Valinor, Gin Rummy, Gorrilla Hands, Haschel Cedricson, Jdan, KrennVonSalzburg, LittleGeorge, Lotta Potz, Mabus, Moxious Mystery, Naked Knight, Nanimonai3, Nilly, Pale, Piros, PoolFiend, QLou, Quadris, RaidiN, Shrewd 2, Skop, Snikch, Somber Goat, StrangeGuy123, Swiffer, TerraPain, The Master Debater, Tolim, Toodles, Vampqueen, WereMan, apisguy, backstabb41, bickel, cranberryfitsnappy, disco basket, don diego, faithinloathing, giygus007, lollypophunter006, maelstromata, mark315, meringue, morvita, natraj, nevena, pastacooker100, pikachubuffbot, rainbow rocket frog, rampaging wizard, scorpian kings halfwit brother, seong lIkes bulls, shonk, shylarah, wBreeona and xXxMrsSnappyxXx4


#964AKU, Agapanthus, Albs, Arugulord, Ashles, Ballroom Blitz, Bo Peep No Sheep, Buddhakan, Chiori Blackember, Choolies, Colon olon, Damom, Deliandra, Dysamyne, El_Pirateo, Elmobobo, Error1, Falcos, Farfetchedchild, Flegel, Foggy, For Example, Iwiseguy, JR Trolkin, Jane Saddiction, Jehanmandeville, Jubblegum, Keldar the Unbrave, Kikki, Lars the Mediocre, LumDaddy, McPedro, MoRox, Monochrome Jesus, Moongoyal and MrBiggg3
