
#1141.21 jigawatts1
#72100-Watt bulb1
#932Better Than Cuddling Cake1
#163Cerebral Cloche1
#312Cerebral Crossbow1
#188Cerebral Culottes1
#676Cloaca grenade19
#721Cloaca-Cola c-rations4
#533Cloaca-Cola fatigues5
#337Cloaca-Cola helmet7
#324Cloaca-Cola knapsack8
#351Cloaca-Cola shield7
#610Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife1
#900Crimboween memo12
#668Doc's Miracle Cure1
#84Dyspepsi grenade140
#772Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations3
#322Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues8
#240Dyspepsi-Cola helmet10
#347Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack8
#725Dyspepsi-Cola shield3
#227Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen3
#679Happy Birthday, Claude! cake1
#127Kevlar balloon1
#264Meat detector2
#171Mr. Balloon1
#23Mr. Eh?1
#116Mylar balloon2
#266Pretty Predator Clawicure Kit1
#144Raggedy Hippy doll2
#239St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket20
#574Tiki lighter1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#85Valentine's Day cake6
#183Venus flytrap1
#383abominable snowcone32
#84all-purpose flower2
#3681ancient unspeakable fruitcake1
#53angel-food cake1
#678anniversary balloon1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#147apathetic lizardman doll1
#53arrow'd heart balloon10
#144astral mushroom110
#951bag of Cheat-Os1
#871bag of airline peanuts28
#998bat-shaped Crimboween cookie2
#681beach glass bead1
#251bell-shaped Crimbo cookie4
#93birthday party jellybean cheesecake1
#26black lotus5
#930black paisley oyster egg5
#1130black plastic oyster egg3
#1001black polka-dot oyster egg4
#430black snowcone7
#1475black striped oyster egg3
#185black velvet box2
#998blood flower4
#30blood-faced volleyball162
#667blue paisley oyster egg6
#1675blue plastic oyster egg2
#1672blue polka-dot oyster egg2
๐Ÿฅˆblue ribbon1
#274blue snowcone64
#1113blue striped oyster egg4
#125blue velvet cake1
#52blue-frosted astral cupcake32
#771bouquet of circular saw blades1
#142bow staff1
#150bowlegged pants1
#3786box of sunshine16
#318brass stinger1
#214can of fake snow2
#2395can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce2
#57candied yam pinky ring1
#2874candied yams1
#2438candy cane8
#355cheap toaster6
#409chocolate spurs1
#939chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses1
#1565chunk of depleted Grimacite3
#3273club necklace1
#617cocoa egg11
#213colored-light "necklace"2
#95congratulatory cake1
#49cool whip335
#34deactivated MicroMechaMech7
#57deadly nightshade1
#618deck of tropical cards1
#1130defective skull7
#41devil's-food cake1
#2467diamond necklace2
#226disco ball228
#227disco mask223
#90disturbing fanfic3,034
#60double daisy8
#903dwarf bread3
#292empty blowgun8
#145exotic orchid1
#831fake fake vomit32
#827fake hand25
#513fake plastic grass3
#291false eyelashes1
#1070fancy but probably evil chocolate6
#968fancy chocolate3
#95fertilized ghuol egg7
#379flaming glowsticks1
#469fuzzy dice10
#56gazing shoes1
#377ghost pickle on a stick2
#521ghuol egg24
#78giant stuffed bugbear1
#82gilded lily1
#2188gingerbread bugbear5
#2302gingerbread horror3
#753googly eye17
#882green balloon1
#202green snowcone104
#268green-frosted astral cupcake4
#3141grue egg5
#1043heart-shaped balloon2
#252helmet turtle271
#2513herbal stuffing1
#87homeopathic healing powder3
#357hot pink lipstick1
#55hovering sombrero9
#381hypodermic needle4
#121ice stein3
#206iced-out bling2
#1028jazz soap18
#1085lavender paisley oyster egg3
#2306lavender plastic oyster egg1
#359lavender polka-dot oyster egg8
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#545length of string21
#32leprechaun hatchling19
#328limburger biker boots1
#599loaded serum blowgun7
#590long-stemmed rose1
#565lovecat tail1
#784magical ice cube with a fly in it33
#26magnetic field1
#100maple leaf10
#121mariachi pants232
#480mauve paisley oyster egg6
#618mauve plastic oyster egg6
#1845mauve polka-dot oyster egg1
#312mauve striped oyster egg12
#235meatcar model2
#99metal mandible1
#302miniature carton of clove cigarettes1
#137miniature dormouse1
#78miniature stuffed Goth Giant8
#116munchies pill6
#875off-white paisley oyster egg2
#1822off-white plastic oyster egg2
#900off-white polka-dot oyster egg3
#760off-white striped oyster egg3
#265orange snowcone81
#184orange-frosted astral cupcake7
#1889oyster basket1
#473pack of KWE trading card7
#396palm-frond toupee1
#132pasta spoon388
#1060personalized birthday cake1
#942pet rock "Groucho" disguise16
#824pet rock "Snooty" disguise31
#495petrified time1
#162picture of a dead guy's girlfriend5
#239pink-frosted astral cupcake4
#753plastic passion fruit1
#19potato sprout62
#557potted cactus2
#208potted fern3
#65pregnant mushroom7
#209prosthetic forehead8
#919puce paisley oyster egg3
#2103puce plastic oyster egg1
#488puce polka-dot oyster egg8
#281purple snowcone82
#140purple-frosted astral cupcake11
#342questionable taco1
#1303rag doll1
#103rainbow tie1
#90rat head balloon1
#142ravioli hat341
#229red balloon1
#851red paisley oyster egg4
#1131red plastic oyster egg4
#2205red polka-dot oyster egg1
#279red snowcone81
#25refrigerated biohazard container1
#94rewinged stab bat12
#554right half of a heart necklace1
#1855roll of toilet paper6
#10rose-colored glasses1
#3636rubber WWBD? bracelet1
#2794rubber WWJD? bracelet2
#1839rubber WWSPD? bracelet4
#2124rubber WWtNSD? bracelet3
#867rubber emo roe31
#114sabre-toothed lime cub14
#103seal tooth339
#228seal-clubbing club237
#50shock collar13
#387skewer-mounted razor blade2
#330skull-shaped Crimboween cookie5
#390sleeping snowy owl8
#3319spade necklace1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#257spooky eggnog17
#1365spooky felt4
#410spooky pirate skeleton5
#1600spooky stuffing1
#1571spooky toy wheel1
#1767spooky wooden block1
#88star starfish7
#225stolen accordion293
#243string of blue beads42
#231string of red beads43
#2489stuffed Cheshire bitten19
#3175stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech14
#167stuffed Mob Penguin1
#3199stuffed angry cow14
#2655stuffed astral badger18
#1864stuffed baby gravy fairy28
#729stuffed can of asparagus3
#2497stuffed cocoabo19
#651stuffed dodecapede4
#3202stuffed doppelshifter1
#3095stuffed flaming gravy fairy15
#2464stuffed frozen gravy fairy20
#374stuffed ghuol whelp3
#2676stuffed hand turkey18
#2888stuffed mind flayer16
#1715stuffed ninja snowman1
#83stuffed sabre-toothed lime1
#2479stuffed scary death orb20
#4032stuffed sleazy gravy fairy10
#2211stuffed snowy owl22
#3812stuffed spooky gravy fairy11
#246stuffed stab bat1
#2658stuffed stinky gravy fairy18
#3568stuffed undead elbow macaroni12
#152stuffed yeti1
#776stuffed zmobie1
#431sucky decal4
#384targeting chip1
#269teddy bear sewing kit1
#36ten-leaf clover1,337
#148thought balloon1
๐Ÿฅ‡time sleigh1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#411tiny balloon knife1
#382tiny knife and fork1
#17tiny makeup kit12
#463tiny maracas1
#3991tiny plastic Cheshire bat4
#2040tiny plastic Crimbo elf4
#1956tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer4
#924tiny plastic Crimbo wreath4
#358tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram4
#370tiny plastic Scream Queen4
#956tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo4
#1792tiny plastic accordion thief3
#420tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll4
#2857tiny plastic angry goat6
#4862tiny plastic baby gravy fairy3
#3313tiny plastic barrrnacle5
#2569tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar2
#6186tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball2
#1811tiny plastic cocoabo10
#6237tiny plastic coffee pixie2
#2685tiny plastic disco bandit2
#3344tiny plastic fuzzy dice5
#2521tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick7
#2021tiny plastic ghuol whelp9
#438tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire4
#3943tiny plastic grue4
#1832tiny plastic hermit3
#2521tiny plastic howling balloon monkey7
#2810tiny plastic killer bee6
#3332tiny plastic leprechaun5
#4835tiny plastic levitating potato3
#2510tiny plastic mosquito7
#2600tiny plastic pastamancer2
#3301tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime5
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#2607tiny plastic seal clubber2
#355tiny plastic skeletal reindeer4
#3365tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton5
#3946tiny plastic stab bat4
#6165tiny plastic star starfish2
#1916tiny plastic sweet nutcracker4
#2657tiny plastic turtle tamer2
#343tiny shaker of salt7
#2298tofurkey gravy2
#1884tofurkey leg3
#324tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie5
#1190toy soldier1
#1384toy train1
#469toy wheel20
#194tree skirt2
#315tree-shaped Crimbo cookie3
๐Ÿฅ‡tropical Crimbo pressie1
#600tropical paperweight1
#388tropical wrapping paper3
#158tuning fork1
#210turtle totem284
#79unwound clockwork grapefruit2
#78weegee sqouija1
#902white balloon1
#913whoopie cushion29
#892wind-up chattering teeth29
#224wooden block14
#509wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie2
#1797yellow paisley oyster egg1
#1121yellow plastic oyster egg5
#846yellow snowcone36
#1061yellow striped oyster egg2
#339zombie pineal gland13

Wow, that's 11,643 items total!

what items are this player missing?