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This is a saucepan, which can be used to beat something about the head and neck. Unless that something doesn't have a head and/or a neck, in which case it could be used to beat it about whatever passes for a head and neck in its particular case.

🥇Pan and TamGarTrinKiJoiDar1,000,000










#8Yo Its Joe71,667






#11Mistress of the Obvious49,905






#14Angel of the Night27,426


#15Drab Emordnilap18,553


















#24Artie Effham5,640
























#36tanned albino 502,803






















#47L to the P1,973
















#55Clan Mule1,582








#59Perchorin and Ribbon1,506








#64Mikemtl, Phillllllllll, Poulet, V3it Thug, fearfactor7 and meggi1,337






#72Candice Dick1,180


























#85WingAngle and omg_thats_so_funny1,000


#87The Stone997










#92Poncho the Sane949






#95Wolfman X909




#97Sal the Rapacious892


#98Rumour Rhemer872






















#109Darmut eDrien728


#110Star Gazer720














#117Kinglett, Kren and Storm Dragon666










#124Brat forcE648






























#139Cosmosis Kwik545








#143Rebel SMURF505










#148Panasonic Penguin490






#151TheCakeBoy and grovel479
















#160Ultranibbles and a91003582919995453


#162Korlon and Lorad449








#167Bahke and TheGreenLing432


#169Advn2rgirl and Solve_Omnis430












#176Zenjah and bdawg406


#178Ramonphilius and Snugglypoo405




#181blue monkey and raynstorm402






#185Melon Squeezer384




#187SpiderVeins McGee380




























#201Nancy Callahan and Wiseworm343


#203Bobje Ratata342






#206CA Dude335


#207TheGreatCornholio and shadow6870334






#211Dysamyne and Ryet_1320






#215BabaRam dAss and Beswycke Bechamel307




#218Jaxnoth and Theebel303










#224BDF Loathers292




















#234Crida and MrSqueezeBox259








#239CoupleK and olleH254


#241Balkin, japan38_, pikachubuffbot and tHeEvIlIsHiE3253




#246Joseph Lillo250












#252Delilah Jones240




#254Betty Page233


#255bidet to you231


#256Aitch, Fadladinida and Rogar7209229


#259Cynorio and Hanson The Mighty228




#262General_Herpes and Phred221


#264Barrysoff, JawG, Polished_Turd and Yarble219




#269Kevin Rivalry and PolyesterMan215








#274Princess Ro Mar210


#275Oroku Saki207




#277Gezol and NPFan205










#283Entish Power and Jesusisagurl197




#286sfwarlock and skulz13194




#289Allen_36s and buxtehude191


#291KiMMi and john1008190




#294The molehIll ThaT rIdES187






#297Lord Zathrus and queenoftheNAUGHTiez181




#300dennisrmull and kagero179


#302P Scritty177


#303Aife, BuzzsawPirate and kissenger175




#307LiamAndMe, Taylan and murphs171










#314Egg Scrambler, Paroni, Phantom Stag, Stargazer67 and bicostp161




#320Master Grimwulf158




#322Nora Batty155


#323Kaboon, Ms Bus Driver, PipIup and Valryia154


#327Elkstra and Lil L8152


#329Tara the Inept150




#331FarceFenrir, Thix Darkmoor and Tz_BG148






#336The King Of Subtle144


#337Corwin, Ming Merciful, bad gambler and blackprinceofmunchies143


#341Hastings and Kairu142


#343Saltyman and murky343141


#345Ashes, Meparanoid and Voz Accord140


#348OHogan and hiupotato139


#350Almanax, NotAnother1 and crash bang boom138


#353ErstwhileWarrior and Shwa137


#355General_Seth and MuReiD135






#359Louie Looter132


#360Simon the Mystificator131


#361Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Super_Pizza7 and UlanSigaw128


#364BlueThunder, ilda and silly_na127




#368GroundedPidgeon, I Urn Chef and Slick Ace125


#371Amaris and polkapolka124




#374Dr Capitalism and evldrag121


#376Vacuumus and glaucos120


#378Large Axe119


#379Evil Twin of Jick and Talon__crow118


#381BillyFail and Giselle117117


#383AKU, Butt Pirate, Dave from Hackensack, LuckyPuck and LustyPirateWench116


#388Decos, Genecide and Wylin115




#392GreyBeer and PokeyMan113




#395Goopy Goober, Terran Karapace, fFATsgnAL and shylarah111




#400Antfattener, Mr Rusty, h00k, koutetsu and wza109


#405Jor_El, Kaypep and gwesj108


#408NeverEndingGlory, Red_X, Stabotron, Tod Booster, Valarauko and bobbyj31107


#414Bl4ckDl2agon, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly and gen0615106


#417Sir Jimeth and aspElLclArK105




#420Miridian, Rogorx_THEmadd and alli103


#423Mars the Infomage and Ty_Sylicus102


#425Kelvron, RATM, Soddi, Thingy, completebastich and jaelkw101


#431Androcles Antepasta, Astin, Callaway, Darkling, Family Of Salsa, Friznik, SnowAngel, Sylph Aldente, Wizunon, n00b fACe and pinkanselmo100


#442Cookiecutter, jessishere, pOOx and wolf man beens299


#446Ainosenshi Noni, Pinkytoe, Zanch Pornoflict, aenimus, shesgotglasseson and timetorun98


#452Bluewoods, Neithyme, Peu4000, Zomnambulist, alegna and little lisa97


#458Dark Porygon and The Hogfather96


#460Megasonicry and jcrkk95




#463Maryam, Pinksu, Plato and SaxonViolets93


#467Mattacius and Ralfredo92


#469BlackThunder, HavokAndPandemonium and Tolim91


#472Blades666666, KageOokami and RyuNASH90


#475Kytlan, Mystic_Potato, Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn, TerraAire and sauceclubber89


#480King of the games88


#481Asgardol, SilveRaven, Wagr and Xaositects87


#485Beezu, EvilBen and kjhkjh86


#488Caillean, Nion, Timid and grimwald85


#492Cantaloupe, HansGruber, Kool23kid and varooka84


#496Ced, Geologygirl, Kavakava, Reimu, Tenebrae and VaginaEnvy83


#502Kinttavo, ShoTheBandit and Sowyrd82


#505MorriesOtherAccount and Ugmo Joe81


#507KOLOKI, Skin Deep and iambob80


#510FunkyCheese, Loachette, Trullum, Wildcat_693 and chanaleh79




#516EnderW, Fearium, Kruntus, PrinceCandyAss and mOrBiDaNgEL77


#521Fallador, Isvarka, Mad Dudy, MiLkeE, Quimble and ikazuchi76


#527Bonnikers, Higgy, Natashaa, ZombieKing and aLiRaZa11175


#532Caplin, Eoghnved, FerretKnight, Macaroni the Bent and c00lb0t74


#537Dedan Zone, Devildude106, GeorgieG, RuthlessX, SBD, Trompe Loeil and thewolfdog12373


#544Bizarre Puppet, Ceelgohsplatt, Drag0n, Mighty Xerxes, Tiny plastic raging vole and lawlboy72


#550Danger and Firefox073071


#552Curly Howard, I be Will, dennisrmulljr and tanstaafl70


#556Barbari0n, BarbarianBob77, Chocolatethunda and eXtremist6969


#560Hero Almighty and Ninja Karl68


#562RSM, Zelgar the Savage and slayer_7837267


#565Astrid44, Billyspeed, DeDiddlyDawg, Devilpapaya, Faded, Silas_L_Denturez and checkeredkowala4266


#572ForcedToWork, Kneegrow, Lug, Sandslash, SirKlasu, Thud the Barmaid, Underlord76 and melegacy65


#580Razorbell and Stealin n Run64


#582Character of Loathing, Chasing, Lord Apolon, Mabster, Max52, Penelope X, Salsa Picante, Ulysses Katarn and pestodigator63


#591GligSith_Tcharf, Lewdguini and Quialiss62


#594GKG, Monarch309, SpaghettiGoon and Tiny Plastic Lehks61


#598Rand0m__her0, chaosagent and ytrewq60


#601Cos, Hurtster, Minon_of_Vorad and kirbyfan91259


#605Joel Damour, Stan Maskelyne, copperbottom chef, foshnanaba and magshift58


#610Calatan, Donnick, KIRBACHEV, Notwau, SatireSloth, Stanley the slight and TheSilentMantis57


#617Klink and Stickie Pants56


#619AlaSkAn_bALLeR, BBSmiley, CuddlyBear, Damic, Josette, Lan1324, Quothz, Snapperjack, Thor, Vashalla and neusa55


#630Baughbe, ForteSP, Guacanator, IdlnPb and kartez54


#635Sennin and Zermoid53


#637Illarion, Kemistry, Miss Informed, Totenkopf, blace89 and goldendragon152


#643BeesKnees, Slaek, Trumper, case, maliphik and shanabanananut51


#649Dik, EyeYam, LordOfCreepers, peNgoX2, ricardo1234567890, tiny plastic explosive and ybbob22950


#656Chineselegolas, Darth Gangsta666, DrAZoN, Hairshirt, Rhade, TinyPlasticScheijan, Vigilamus, Wife of Plaster and schrodingerscat49


#665ArsianDuck, BenzDoc, Davolta, Einhart, El Vibrato, Fylgia, Seilyth, Sjakie, Trippedandfell and XT_m_n_tx48


#675Angetet, Cool_DingDong, Keator, Sllobb, The seal and Truckdriver99947


#681Aravagantos, ElronBean, Strych, Tess LaCoil, Vozroz, disfunctionalmember4 and hotdeth46


#688BigSchtick, Galapagos James, Gollum, KoC RuLeR, Laurelly, Malathos, NukeDeth and Starfevre45


#696Turbuchai, l4g0s, mark magdamo and teb44


#700Avigdor, Chubber, Dns, GoDream, HackersCard45, Olaf the Hungry, PaganPrincess, Tristis, ajoshI and zmb43


#710ACMuseum, Akadia, ArticRoze, CottonMouth, DiRk1992, Fitje, Ratclaw, Torquemada, TrajikEcho, Veter, caboose1, rhod_hook and teke18442


#723Moosenoise, Randomloser, elina and kasanax41


#727Dytrppr, Felix Croc, MeLcator, Mighty Kes, MrBiggg, rowanthorn and vlord40


#734AWDBall, Another_Player, Diellan, Herustari, Saucy_ash, ZotOfMu, bladerboy60, cakyrespa, d00bie, maelstromata and purdyview39


#745Altoholic, Blue Dragon, Chaiden, Kaspersai, SweeneyTodd and wickedspikes38


#751Dane, Huntergap, Jidam, Legalese, Mae_Romja, Steal My Toast, Yinyang55 and theTEEFxninja37


#759Amarand, Edir, Gemstoon, KoLAddictIsMe, MrKeen, Soccer Troll, kaoskiller1, kemoore86 and tiny plastic delvis36


#768D_Pro, Darkstar95644, IncyWincyQuincy, Jasonbot, KaiserMatthias, Knitbone, TwoDrink, WK Vampire Heart, WetRats, blackmyth, nEverHere, qwerty55 and zoidman35


#781Foxfire the Dorky, Friar Bacon, Going Home, Gourdy, Mattpoppybros, Mongrel the Apathetic, MurderMaid, Sau_Kazumi, evil_egg, riebeck and whiston199534


#792Carrackus, Flegel, SchrodingerCat, Shaydn, Splitknuckles, Tynan Ranae, cukky, halo jones, mage_kane and yoshiko1333


#802Agent006, Diamond Stud, ELROSS, FMtheGood, Fenric, Gaunt, Hallan Meras, Jovid5, Kalliandra, Lycaeus, Madame Cholet, Pimpjuice, SAUCE PAN, SandyFlash, Smellypharterer, Veszerin, WBD and Zerai32


#820Capashen, Capnplague, CreOsOTe, KingFelix, Rayi, Spaghettoria, jaffa_cak and malphador31


#828Avatar, JinYe, KendricksRedtail, LazyStarfish, Rachiannka, Ranava, Senor Velasco, Thok, stabbypisces and zcearo30


#838Adam222, Alix6, C Murda, Exodisma, Juroma, MariposaTheMonarch, MaryNara, ToosdaysChild, banchogep, odaffer98, sciFIwiZ and zeldaroolz29


#850Dark Eagle, Dexorcyst, FuBaR236, Kaas Chuig, Keldar the Unbrave, LiteralKa, Nithle, OrangeLazarus, P1ayer, The_Smartass, ordeith and swift00128


#862Akeldama, Burninator, FaeRiEDancer, Infinite12, Jimmy da Pooh, Tera, Unguided and the_hat27


#870Banker Bob, Cristao, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, GLWill, Minor Annoyance, Omnibus, Onilinkx, SeDemon, Sharkeater, Stinkman06, TheBaron, TheFunkBot, The_Masta_Funk, Thurlingdrome, X666X, burara2117 and suwakia26


#887Forkbomb, Gillis, KeMpY, Nils, Pantless Pete, darius180, jayjaywalker3, mark_tran, nostalgia and saesteve41625


#897Albreicht, BRRITO, FrenchiePoo, MCsalsa, PSYCHOFISH, Phaete, SaucyGhoul, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, Squire of Loathing, jon316, leveta, mark315 and sleepyjason24


#910Atomic Mud, Farfetchedchild, Jokko, MangyMutt, Noonan, TriassicGrrl, Vonbek, lil grif, sombrehippie and thesandslv23


#920Bewitched, BillyBob101, Conor_Oberst, Fat Ninja, JCS, Jamie Old Liver, MeTorterra, Naughty Sorceror, OffaMyLawn, RoqueFort, kslash1 and spankeyhamsbro22


#932CharliePaige, Darth Milo, Ducky, HotAuctionz, IMJack, ShadowStafford, Sir Bruce, The Muffin Man, Wooanaz, charitybot, deadr0sa, filafal and khoitrinh21


#945Alaindrea, DycesKynes, KaLIaUsE, Kaed, RuncibleSpoon, SakuKoivu, Slamboy, Slugfly, Spunky, nordmert and safetymonkey20


#956Aoife, Asmyr, Dr_Snugglebunny, Hal Hawk, LameGuy, MARCkind19, Milk Duds, Numb Skull, Qena, TullyLao, Turkney Sol, WackoKid, Wadjet, WeeMan147, Wolfman6666, hollycow, iscream2, questlove and warbix19


#975AbBrCyDaEn, Backbacon Bob, Beeplet, Castlekin001, ChefBoyArtie, Debobe, Gryntin, Lalartu, Nymall, Raylin, Soft Noodle, Symphony, Talbot, Vidyan, jlc2, questlove69, senorheadbang, soelo, squalleohart and theflamingokid18


#995GuyWhoCooks, Jamez EX, Kivuli, Meester Slow and Sheman17
