#1323Ancient Saucehelm2
#538Angelhair Culottes2
#1229Argarggagarg's fang1
#536Bandolier of the Spaghetti Elemental2
#609Bling of the New Wave2
#331Claw of the Infernal Seal3
#1483Colander of Em-er'il2
#1697Disco 'Fro Pick2
#167Dreadsylvanian Almanac page28
#1105El Sombrero De Lopez2
#949Elder Turtle Shell3
#81Fitspiration™ poster20
#508Galapagosian Cuisses2
#519Garter of the Turtle Poacher2
#473Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob2
#308Hollandaise helmet9
#188Iiti Kitty Gumdrop6
#140Knob Goblin Mutagen6
#336Krakrox's Loincloth3
#551La Hebilla del Cinturón de Lopez2
#527Lederhosen of the Night2
#126Mark of the Ghost1
#130Mark of the Vampire1
#128Mark of the Zombie1
#237Newbiesport™ tent11
#488Newman's Own Trousers2
#112Red Army camouflage kit3
#1139Scalp of Gorgolok3
#202Shivering Chèvre3
#123Skullery Maid's Knee6
#97Smart Bone Dust3
#94Stone Golem pebbles12
#128Tears of the Quiet Healer22
#816Thwaitgold slug statuette1
#519Thwaitgold wheel bug statuette1
#600Volartta's bellbottoms2
#161White Chocolate Golem Seeds3
#1161adorable seal larva2
#123alien autoautopsy kit1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#129artisanal hand-squeezed wheatgrass juice7
#114assassin's cheese knife1
#403awful poetry journal282
#1853baby killer bee1
#87black friar's tonsure16
#86black magic powder14
#122blob of acid9
#89blue oyster badge20
#117bottle of Red-Out1
#99brigand brittle148
#158bull blubber1
#103button rouge4
#112censored can label1
#98cheap clip-on ninja tie3
#168chrome stick1
#97clove-flavored lip balm9
#122costume rental shop1
#94cube of ectoplasm3
#102dancing fan5
#183decomposed boot1
#114demonic surgical gloves1
#1264dense meat stack1
#226depleted uranium seal figurine3
#1042disco ball12
#833disco mask18
#143donated booze95
#176donated candy65
#195donated food51
#86ectoplasm au jus8
#101eldritch dough8
#130electric copperhead potion3
#167enchanted muesli6
#1373fat stacks of cash1
#727figurine of a charred seal2
#553figurine of a cold seal8
#339figurine of a sleek seal6
#85filthy armor3
#76flask of rainwater21
#126flayed mind9
#1460friendly cheez blob1
#78gamer slurry9
#161giant breath mint1
#94giant neckbeard16
#149giant tube of black lipstick27
#119glass of gnat milk11
#125glass of warm milk8
#166gold toothbrush8
#1708googly eye4
#108handful of stubble2
#125hellseal claw253
#866helmet turtle26
#78holistic headache remedy100
#93hustler shades9
#75invisibility cream3
#165janglin' bones6
#119jazzy cigarette holder1
#104kobold kibble15
#120leather glove1
#102lynyrd skinner toothblack11
#1432macaroni duck1
#301mariachi hat9
#85ninja eyeblack7
#114ninja fear powder2
#108novelty fruit hat1
#99page of the Necrohobocon20
#897pasta spoon11
#147perpendicular guano2
#65pickpocket protector10
#78plastic Jefferson wings21
#89punk patch28
#102pygmy adder oil31
#177pygmy dart1
#103pygmy papers24
#152pygmy witchhazel1
#663ravioli hat23
#313roll of toilet paper331
#121salt water taffy3
#51scrunchie tourniquet97
#1039seal-clubbing club10
#472seal-skull helmet18
#107secret mummy herbs and spices40
#95short deposition21
#132skelelton spine30
#107skeletal banana13
#109smut orc sunglasses10
#116spicy jerky stick2
#51spooky gravy fairy warlock hat32
#104steampunk potion23
#1342stray chihuahua1
#62temporary yak tattoo4
#101the kindest cold cut1
#128tiny canopic jar5
#982turtle totem18
#159una poca de gracia2
#972untamable turtle2
#1549unusual disco ball1
#138voodoo glowskull7
#82wand of pigification11
#152zombie hollandaise3

Wow, that's 2,466 items total!

what items are this player missing?