bad gambler

#569Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air6
#640Feynman gate14
#156LED block10
#1560MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech2
#914Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler2
#396Miniborg beeper1
#362Miniborg hiveminder1
#394Miniborg laser1
#443Miniborg stomper1
#405Miniborg strangler1
#465Pink Heart of Spirit2
#1171Zinc Delta of Tranquility1
#2224ancient unspeakable fruitcake3
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#1619astronaut pants2
🥈biomechanical crimborg helmet1
🥈biomechanical crimborg leg armor1
#2730bottle of goofballs6
#457bubbly potion17
#1784candy stake4
#1344capacitor relay4
#700carbon nanotube frame14
#1199chaos butterfly18
#1660cheap toaster1
#444cloudy potion19
#2494club necklace2
#1245cyborg stompin' boot2
#404dark potion25
#1956diamond necklace3
#413disco ball88
#378disco mask95
#656donkey flipbook1
#2108duct tape2
#446effervescent potion20
#1391evil googly eye1
#1386evil teddy bear6
#1288fancy but probably evil chocolate4
#2422fancy dress ball1
#1049filthy lucre24
#470[2426]fire flower2
#514fizzy potion13
#4735fuzzy dice1
#877ghuol guolash2
#2302gingerbread horror3
#693golden ring40
#3471grue egg4
#4023handful of confetti3
#2507heart necklace2
#459helmet turtle94
#1009herb brownies3
#594immense cyborg hand7
#1370incredibly creepy marionette1
#1012ion grid9
#201irradiated pet snacks1
#1288killer rag doll1
#1864killing feather23
#737laser-broiled pear12
#1114logic synthesizer6
#1349mad scientist's sock monkey1
#225mariachi pants100
#81meat paste66,665
#472milky potion16
#413murky potion22
#915mushroom fermenting solution6
#3075nanite-infested candy cane2
#1928nanite-infested eggnog3
#833nanite-infested fruitcake6
#2715nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear2
#696nanofiber cloth6
#48oily golden mushroom8
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#956pack of KWE trading card3
#354pasta spoon75
#2716pet rock1
#329plexiglass pikestaff1
#861polyalloy shield5
#1319pork elf goodies sack2
#2220possessed top1
#226prehistoric spear17
#374ravioli hat70
#1537razor-tipped yo-yo3
#1224robotronic egg18
#2339rogue swarmer14
#2146rubber WWBD? bracelet3
#3659rubber WWJD? bracelet1
#2735rubber WWtNSD? bracelet2
#1021rusty chain necklace1
#1989sawblade fragment25
#559scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil1
#395seal tooth31
#455seal-clubbing club69
#282seal-skull helmet49
#593skull-shaped Crimboween cookie3
#570smoky potion10
#1175spade necklace6
#2992spectre scepter3
#1947spooky eggnog3
#846spooky felt10
#1220spooky stick1
#2243stainless steel shillelagh1
#448stolen accordion87
#374stringy sinew27
#3938stuffed Cheshire bitten10
#3533stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech12
#1484stuffed alien blob4
#6269stuffed angry cow4
#3985stuffed astral badger10
#7027stuffed baby gravy fairy3
#3668stuffed cocoabo11
#3608stuffed flaming gravy fairy12
#4949stuffed frozen gravy fairy7
#3614stuffed hand turkey12
#4027stuffed mind flayer10
#4049stuffed scary death orb10
#3753stuffed sleazy gravy fairy11
#4144stuffed snowy owl9
#4586stuffed spooky gravy fairy8
#5736stuffed stinky gravy fairy5
#3752stuffed undead elbow macaroni11
#411swirly potion22
#701synthetic stuffing7
#525tattered scrap of paper5
#953theoretical string8
🥇time sleigh1
#42tiny plastic Boris1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#8217tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#4882tiny plastic fuzzy dice3
#4856tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick3
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#8123tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#6131tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime2
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#8221tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#8155tiny plastic stab bat1
#604toothsome rock16
#2400toy crazy train1
#748toy hoverpad13
#1689toy jet pack2
#1815toy ray gun2
#1722toy space helmet2
#1328tree-eating kite14
🥇tropical Crimbo pressie1
#506turtle totem70
#1986unstable laser battery26
#783vampire duck-on-a-string11
#1488vibrating cyborg knife5
#673vitachoconutriment capsule7
#870white chocolate and tomato pizza1
#700woven baling wire bracelets1

Wow, that's 68,615 items total!

what items are this player missing?