🥇 | Marxl23 | 372 | |
🥈 | eibbeD | 361 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | Not Ned | 236 | ⤴️ |
#4 | tHe_pOst | 200 | ⤴️ |
#5 | Tiny Plastic Grimmy | 113 | ⤴️ |
#6 | EdFlash | 94 | ⤴️ |
#7 | Skent | 93 | ⤴️ |
#8 | CathyOak | 83 | ⤴️ |
#9 | kansei | 77 | ⤴️ |
#10 | Splotz | 56 | ⤴️ |
#11 | KiwiGuy | 49 | ⤴️ |
#12 | Mistress of the Obvious | 47 | ⤴️ |
#13 | Incarante | 45 | ⤴️ |
#14 | Pastahead | 43 | ⤴️ |
#15 | Danger | 42 | ⤴️ |
#16 | Biohazzard and BobbyMcBain | 40 | ⤴️ |
#18 | jcrkk | 36 | ⤴️ |
#19 | PH Stuff | 33 | ⤴️ |
#20 | Brulak and willied1 | 31 | ⤴️ |
#22 | Baldwin and BuyMEaRound | 30 | ⤴️ |
#24 | Ceirdwyn and Trixar Fo Kids | 24 | ⤴️ |
#26 | hotdeth | 22 | ⤴️ |
#27 | Family Of Salsa and noodleEd | 21 | ⤴️ |
#29 | BigglesWorth and kissenger | 20 | ⤴️ |
#31 | Bastows, HBar, Keptuvis and YaoSHI | 19 | ⤴️ |
#35 | Allen_36s, HR_Puffnstuff, Jellyman, Nitethorn, P o o P and habeansha | 18 | ⤴️ |
#41 | Stargazer67 | 17 | ⤴️ |
#42 | Bballer11, EPsonIC, Poncho the Sane, Trump, girl007, raynstorm and rounDchilD | 16 | ⤴️ |
#49 | Bananahead12, Big Boss, Locatelli, Monster Hunter 2 and SABER | 15 | ⤴️ |
#54 | Caseman09, MoxiousMonkey, Rutiger, insaneasian, izchak and schmedy | 14 | ⤴️ |
#60 | Crimbomaster918, DarkWaters, Dr_Snugglebunny, Ethanson, Evan Andrews, Lord Stefano, Tara the Inept, WelcomeToEarth and cinsangel45 | 13 | ⤴️ |
#69 | Grokly, Lumeria, PrincessEmily, Somebody101 and eusst | 12 | ⤴️ |
#74 | Chrtrptnt, Club, Clubbrz L337, EvilKOLBot, Jadyte, Larry Trousers, Mr Eus, NewtMaster, Phaete, ScUd RuCkInS, SupermanCY, TheBub, Thistlehair, Vandaahl, anakha, carborundum, david awesom, spooky kid and zeeT | 11 | ⤴️ |
#93 | AFallenLover, APPLE BLOSSOM, Bacon Stoned, Big_Mike_55, Dante Kinkade, Dark Eagle, Dik, Entish Power, Frediablo, IdHitIt, Kolcat001, Majin Vlad, Muffin Break, Septh, apozon, lechef, mr sleepy and poppin69 | 10 | ⤴️ |
#111 | CSS_puke, Calatan, Chickenkong, Devilpapaya, Dez, Donavin69, Elfea, Geebee, Haughty, Malik, McBain77, Necros, QhRiZ, Quaxalot, RebelWolf, Spkie, SufiZak, Thepersonwhohatesyoubestest, Vanir, murphs, phoenixash90, snpr and starspiritgeno | 9 | ⤴️ |
#134 | Anthology, Batwood17, CPF, Dannyb0y, Darth Brooks, DeckApe, Drok, Friznik, Hedera, Highwaywoman, Hulihuli, Kalliandra, Meowchi, Orbrisa, Shellie_Webster, ShineyBucket, Shlhu, Toymiester, VikingGoddess, alibulibadaha, rzst, vulvacrust and weird | 8 | ⤴️ |
#157 | Arthas, Ashallond, BurntKechup5, Calamus Root, CreOsOTe, Darmut eDrien, Decaying_corpse, FlerN_Dip, Gracie Law, Gunny Roxx, JudySeagram, Kamael, Kerchara, LIVERflukes, Marius IV, Master Bates, OHogan, Ohyes, Prague, PsymonM77, RaZ, RazorbackX, Sendaben, Shakti, Sinead O Colander, Slet Varthash, SonDEnise, Spiffie, SwordsRCool, Tiny Plastic Gnar Kill, Traven1, Trumpeteer, UnknownUser, Wolfman X, Yoshiko11, bad_player, kryXtyn2, mule1, niotrul, renzdiaz, skulz13, warjunkie, wholelottaman2wash, wumbology, xxsuccubusxx and yodaBABE | 7 | ⤴️ |
#203 | Aboul, AleCross, Archipelago71, Athanatos, BadFish, BarbarianBob77, BlueWasabi, Brom the Wise, CheGuevara, ClaudioFratelino, Crostatino, Cydewinder, DeadlyVirus, Dirty Immigrant, FurryBird, Gollum, Goodch, Hawkie, HeavnzRogue, Henderson, Hi132, HippyBasher, Juroma, JustinCarto, Killa K, KittYhm, Lalorelei, Lord Budroe, Lord_of_Ants, Luc1fer, Madmax721, Perin, Prima Vera, Rodiicio, Shadowlord, SiG, SigmaJargon, Skojar, Sweet_n_Evil, Terps, TrentMaster T, Xaositects, amplitude, beer101, bissextile, clichecow, cvutsin, dcfiregirl, docmARionum1, eav, hellfire15, ig88, jeremypv, kevtron, la fee Verte, madamkiss, mmcbride, mooie, necrohades, pantsthief, sizzle_frizzle, stack1691, wile E Quixote, zhuge and zwier | 6 | ⤴️ |
#268 | AccordionBoy, Amazonian, AmpleHacksaw, AnantA, Anouris, AznHaxor666, Baalbarith, Big_Papa_55, BigdoG, Byrallyn, Crazy Jimmy, Deeliteful, Deimos, Doz, Dreygyron, EFFING THUG RYE, Echo_Blue, FireFreak91287, FirstMateNora, Flash Gordon, Gordon McStats, Grinder, JekCromium, Kara Rae, Kool23kid, LeMuffin, LiamAndMe, Likal Coraer, Loathario, Lord Zelix, MaKayla, Mapleiscool, Mariani, Maryland, Masyr, Montoya, Motrax, MoxieMozzie, Murfag25, Mutha Mature, Nikademus, OSUfootball102, Odinblade, Oroku Saki, Pasta_Alfredo, Phixius, Pumpkinheadme, Quixote113, Radcliff247, Ragin_Rigatoni, Ralph The Wonder Llama, RobotMachine, Samos, Sherman Potter, Show No Mercy, Sideways, Slick Devlan, Tape Roll, TarapinTerror, TheGreenLing, Thraxus, Vaan, Valandilv, Viki, Wraithtech, Yoshi 3, aClArie, bigboy2, brirye, broke robot, checkeredkowala42, darkhour, ds13j, eegee, firstplaceloss, hanna_the_dream, its Jennuh, jlchamberlain49, jryee, kapok, kashara, mwahaha, omegamasterchief, peter89, pheanix, pyrostick and reefer | 5 | ⤴️ |
#355 | Airen, Alqarine, AppleBottom, Argeth, Avisamo, Aximili, Azrael079, Bangaroo, Beljeferon, Bowldipper, Branwen101, Buzzbuzz, Cappas420, CinemaGuy1, CocoY, Confuzed, Corgano, Count Scrofula, Diss, Dragon5, DrkStr, DustinTheAwesome, Dyann, Elranthan, Enitsirhc, Faie, Fallen2004, Farfalle al Dente, Fluffburger, Fryd, Fubishi, Garblesnarf, Gleezus, Gobbla, Gourdy, Imperial Exchange, IndianJack, JamiriQue, JawG, Jimmy da Pooh, Johnny Ringo, JuliaGoolia, Kayleigh, Kobra, Kuranes, Legomancer, Lewy210, Logmo, Loqub, MaliciousMaiden, Mansausage, Marchelute, Master Polka, McDizzle, Miss Informed, Monty the Zamboni Driver, Mystic_Potato, Nathanl, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Nomnominus Rex, NotaSandwich, Oliver Klozov, P Scritty, Pen 13, Penguin Overlord, PeopledOntunDerStand, PetesSake, Phoenix55, Pixsi, Plater, PrincessMisery, PsychicBlade, QueenOfTheNight, Ragudantalus, Raisin of Utter Despair, Rutger von Horeburg, Sarge247, Sasori_uk, Satire, Saucer Mom, Scat, Shadowglaze, Sherlock Hemlock, SirJello, SlapperSusan, Smoke, Sniper_Echo, Spagettanator, Spooky Crimboween, Suessical, Szilard, THEcrazyPYRO, Teaxe, TeddyRaptor, TehUberAnge, The Catbus, The Funktipus, TheClyde, The_Smartass, Tiny Plastic Traveler, TomCat, Underlord76, Vesiv, WaitingAndBleeding, Wank, Watter, Widget1985, WunderButt, abiku5000, aspElLclArK, automation2, ballzy8, baloume, blik, bloodprince175, bob128, boy howdy, chARlie_murphy, chrissy mcgrade, cnutt, d00bie, deadinthebrain, december_saige, embRiodED, evldrag, fatalerror42, froodian, fyre_tzygrax, gaLAGa, glaucos, hotc17, ibdslayer, ilda, jOgel, john1008, justhappytobehere, lilbrew, mejeepnut, melonmuncher, mflGrMp, nod_, octothorpe, opai, raspberrybuddha, robbahood, serion, sfwarlock, squeally, stuntmonkey, tacoman, tehow, whizdad and winterjade | 4 | ⤴️ |
#508 | Akmage, AlienMarky, AlmAlphiA, Amrothlin, Anubis 9, AshFender150, Ashes, Astraleaf, AuroraGirl, BUrNingdeSire, Bandanaman, Baranduin, Belero, BenjaNoob, Betty Page, Biotchka, BleedingMetal138, BronMac, Bronwyn Ddu, Bruleemix, CA Dude, Caitirin, Caleb Hellforge, Calypte, Captain Yaksworth, Carrot Bandit, Ceasarious, Cereal Killer 024, Cethlion, Chalks, Charles Bronson, Chocolate Man, Clan Bank, Claudia_Balzac, CoronaDude, Crazy Ernie, Crease, Crosnore, DarkDraconius, Darth Milo, DeathKnight668, Demian, Der_Koenig, Dick Shunary, DickLeaky, DisComBoBulAteD, Disneeyore1, Doctor Pepper, Doctor_Mubobo, Domeus, Doug, Doxical, Drag0n, Dragonex80, Duceswild, Dyynamo, Earlmo, Eau Rouge, Edwizzle, Eileen, El_Pirateo, Enameless, Enigma, FMtheGood, FeaRLeSS_Gaia, Fenwald, Flabberjack, FleurNode, FlySox, GARYZHEN, Galapagos James, Gemma Blake, General Tak, George Gay, Ghent, GhostRider, Glamhag, GolfinNinja, GoodnightMonkey, Goopy Goober, Greystoke, Gringo, GuyWith4Arms, Hagen Black, Hal_Borski, Haminiyah, Harleagh, I be Will, IPrayForSound, Inferno_dmn6, Jark, Jeffro, JenZahara, John the Red, Jorgensen, JoshZero, JunChieve, Justarius, KINGoftheKONGo, KaNGa, Kannayen, Karbadin Herttuatar, Keri, KimVengeance, Kottonmouth, Krazny13, KydrouKair, Kytlan, LT_Vicious, LUNAirie, Lack Luster, Lady Luck Fortuna, Lady Tomo, LazloFruvous, Leg o Lam, Legend Dan, Leo, LeoAt2am, LeperChaun, Littlefair, Lizamaroot, LordTshil, LustyPirateWench, Lysander2, Mad Dudy, Malaidar, Malevolus, Maminka Muminka, Mandible Jones, Mariance, MarinaraMario, Marmazett, Maruzze, MasterGasser, MayaOwhy, Mekare, Merkan, Mike Czech, Mindy, Mitheor, Moyibi, MrAdventurer, MrEff, MrFezziwig, Mr_Self_Destruct, Nalsa, Nancy Callahan, Niner, Nobodys Hero, Nocturnal_One, NoneofYourDarnBusiness, Orlando, Pakse, Paper123, Peacelovenoguns, PeachyPeachy, PhilThese, PhilipJFry, Portis51, Punked Up Monkey, Quijibow_II, Qwystin, Raiff, Rana Sylvatica, Rea, Redcap04, Reynard, RockClimb, Roebuck Teeth, Rokusho999, Rubius, S3phirothsdemise, SUPERKerch, Sand_Buffalo, Sarevok1, Scarydave, ScoopKW, ScoutOwl, Secevalliv, ShinyPlatypus, ShoTheBandit, SidVicious, SirSwank, SkyHouse52, SlowMotionMagic, Sombody Else, Sp8z, SpamooFighter, SquishSquish, StinkyChip, Succubus, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, SuperGillies, TNS, Tarotina, Teggun, The Mother Of All That Is Evil, TheDarkOne, TheNice1, TheRealNothing, TheRuler, Thomas Anderson, Throwic, ThunderGate, TinyPlasticScheijan, Truffledino, Ulrika, Unknown1, Urbane G, UtterFool, Vaikyuko, VanDamien, Victorinox, VileAspirin, Vogarth, Waffie, Wargolem, WeatherWarrior, Wendella, Whiplash690, Wilbur, Willy the Small, WpwW, XDavidX, Xanthia_Althor, Xenthes, Xych, Zeggy79, Zkeleton, Zoner, ZuzusPetal, abreetome, aerozeppl, aldervan, angelamarie, arioch78, babs2005, beerhog, blocko, blornferter, bluedancer, cheesedoom, cmeister2, coyotepup74, creeping wedgie, crusaderV1, d00LeY, daehtihS, danakatz88, darknessaven, darnoc123, deathbunny32, delvis_one, dolphingirl_za, drabber, elljaeT, fatesjoke03, ferretsrock1, fly_boy42, flyngterd, fnkymnky243, fredward the great, garanimalstains, gillatt, grimwald, hairgirl, hardcore_vision_, herbmann022, herpman, humongous, ikmf, indefinite104, inuss352, jWang, jeffk42, jotajota, jvhoef, kevinzhou3, kingdonvito, l4g0s, ladderman, laurathequeen, lautnitha, leluna, mEtropoliskID, makuta, meh_64_12, moonpounce, muhs420, n0ob, nocturnal penguin, noodlerama, otter75, portwony, rogue of Doom, rudie_skank, saber_tooth_mouse, sepharoth, sinisTeR dUdE, sk8erboilance, snstrx, sofpunisher, stanley, staygold, stone5150, sttae, takoshi515, the strongest guy ever, themezzosoprano, tikilu, williabr, wolf man beens2, wombat18 and zippledoon | 3 | ⤴️ |
#822 | Aammyy, Abaddon1, AccordionStu, Ace Palarum, AceLogan, AgentRocko, Airlessvoid, AkumaExtreme, AlBassoon, AlexHahn82, AmISam, Amandine, Anadara, Ancientofearth, AngrySeal, Annia, Antonyious, ArchangelUK, Ark42, Art_Shamsky, Ashfox, AsiTtlEr, Asimantos, Attila, Aubra, AuntBeast, AvalonHunter, Avatar, AznInvAzn, Azrane, BS91690, Babaganoosh, BabyGravyServer, Baggerschmakle, BambaBaby, BanditAlt, Baraka, Barbari0n, Bartender_1, Bast, Belegbast, Bella Blue, Beornald, BillDaKat, Bingo the Clowno, BlaDeeBlah, BlackOpsElf, BlackThunder, Blackened White, BleachedBaby, Blogzo, Bloodlust, BloodyStupidJohnson, Boman, BonesHurt, Boobscotch, Bors, Bosefus_Brown, Boyscout, Brainiac, Briddy, Brinta, Bubba321, Butt Pirate, CGSFSS, Caelum Militis, Cappy Carl, Captain Zen, CatsCat, CelexaMaris, Celsey, Cerie, Chade, Chakaal, CharlesBumgaurd, Chasing, Cheerio, Chell_Shock, Chinchila, Chineselegolas, Cholo, Choolies, CingCok, Clarity, Clemmy the Spotted, Cletus the slackjawed, Cool Guy Mc Handsome, CorranH, Crack Jackie, Crack_Rock_Beat, Critchley, Crusader Rabbit, Cthulu_Zombie, DISCokeir, DMeleedy, DaBaddestHic, DakX, Damic, DanElectro, Danidotexe, DarkDeath, Dark_Heart, Dayv, Debauchee, Deks, DemonChild, Derdrom, Deriol, Deth Halo, Devan, Dhampire73, Dibbin, Diceface, DiscordantSong, DiseasedRiddenBarmaid, DmtEEtop2, DocDETH, Doctor Beef, Doctor Rockster, Dominator773, Dossy, Dr RiZZeN, DragonSlayer86, Dragoon Sage, Draymirs Place Holder, Droidlocks, Duhric, DummyHead, Dumpkins, Dussk, Dust Bunny1, Dyad, EXOR169, EbolaWoman, Eddie Trojan, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Efilnikcufecin, Egg Scrambler, El Heggunte, Elflet, Eliza Dane, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Emtu, Ephraim, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, Eshutales, Ethanodude25, Evictus, EvilPanda, Ewie, Fables_Of_Legend, FamousMortimer, FarceFenrir, Fedhax, Felientje, Feminine Dave, Ferdawoon, Ferrex, Fezzik28, Fijikin, Finners101, Firebyrdx, Fisty Cuffs, FlawlessWalrus, Foxgirllover123, FrankNBeans, Fremen, FriarPop, FufuBunnySlayer, Funny_Snake_100, Gaddse, Gavin is hawt, GeeWizz, Gemdrina, General_Herpes, Geoffjay and Gessika33 | 2 | ⤴️ |