Mr Eus

#413Aluminum Epsilon of Humility1
#1130Asleep in the Cemetery1
#222Benetton's Medley of Diversity1
#882Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
#814Blizzards I Have Died In1
#523Blue Diamond of Honesty1
#117Chester's Aquarius medallion1
#182Chester's bag of candy1
#174Chester's cutoffs1
#185Chester's moustache1
#145Chorale of Companionship1
#1368Copper Alpha of Sincerity1
#17Crimbo Elf creepy bobble-head1
#17Crimbo bottomless hot cocoa mug1
#17Crimbo light-up Rudolph doll1
#16Crimbo stogie-scented room odorizer1
#16Crimbo tree flocker1
#210Elron's Explosive Etude1
🥇French slippers1
#27Frosty's arm2
#212Frosty's carrot1
#699Frosty's frosty mug1
#16Frosty's iceball1
#195Frosty's nailbat1
#76Frosty's old silk hat2
#120Frosty's snowball sack1
#1602Glass Balls of the Goblin King1
#893Green Clover of Justice2
#87Hodgman's almanac1
#667Hodgman's blanket1
#81Hodgman's cane1
#73Hodgman's garbage sticker1
#95Hodgman's harmonica1
#166Hodgman's journal #4: View From The Big Top1
#65Hodgman's metal detector1
#99Hodgman's varcolac paw1
#1675Iron Beta of Industry1
#835Kissin' Cousins1
🥈LARP membership card1
🥇LWA ring1
#1063Let Me Be!1
#849Maxing, Relaxing1
#347Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot1
#597Mr. Joe's bangles1
#1570Nickel Gamma of Frugality1
#216Ol' Scratch's ash can1
#128Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork1
#100Ol' Scratch's manacles1
#64Ol' Scratch's ol' britches2
#624Ol' Scratch's salad fork1
#93Ol' Scratch's stove door1
#53Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat2
#1272Orange Star of Sacrifice1
#526Order of the Silver Wossname1
#188Oscus's dumpster waders1
#26Oscus's flypaper pants2
#108Oscus's garbage can lid1
#8Oscus's neverending soda1
#195Oscus's pelt1
#2360Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster1
#815Pink Heart of Spirit1
#175Prelude of Precision1
#233Purple Horseshoe of Honor1
#259Red Balloon of Valor1
#973Sensual Massage for Creeps1
#34Staff of the Kitchen Floor1
#946Summer Nights1
#152Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword1
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#136The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#934Travels with Jerry1
#1251Uncle Crimbo's Rations1
#431Uncle Greenspan's Bathroom Finance Guide26
#249Uranium Omega of Temperance1
#205Wand of Oscus1
#1613Yellow Moon of Compassion1
#1171Zinc Delta of Tranquility1
#17Zombo's empty eye1
#182Zombo's grievous greaves1
#187Zombo's shield1
#105Zombo's shoulder blade1
#85Zombo's skull ring1
#51Zombo's skullcap2
#93bananarama bangle1
#643bed of coals1
#687beholed bedsheet1
#400bottle of bubbles22
#2494club necklace2
#715comfy coffin1
#568corncob pipe1
#597cup of infinite pencils1
#3285diamond necklace1
#2230enchanted leopard-print barbell1
#743extra-greasy slider1
#377fancy canapés1
#634filth-encrusted futon1
#498flamin' bindle1
#578frayed rope belt1
#459freezin' bindle1
#562frigid air mattress1
#398giant glass of brandy1
#152glow-in-the-dark stuffed burrowgrub1
#1144grue egg23
#514grue egg omelette3
#689invisible bag1
#697jar of fermented pickle juice1
#84kumquartz ring1
#563lucky bottlecap1
#256pack of pogs75
#140pair of pearidot earrings1
#582panhandle panhandling hat1
#501pog #01 (spider)1
#484pog #02 (Knob goblin)1
#480pog #03 (warwelf)1
#501pog #05 (ninja snowman)1
#321pog #06 (filthy hippy)3
#321pog #07 (orcish frat boy)3
#2146rubber WWBD? bracelet3
#2222rubber WWJD? bracelet3
#2196rubber WWSPD? bracelet3
#2735rubber WWtNSD? bracelet2
#1270sandwich of the gods4
#511sleazy bindle1
#1377spade necklace5
#554spooky bindle1
#672stained mattress1
#493stinkin' bindle1
#77strawberyl necklace1
#1770stuffed Baron von Ratsworth16
#1613stuffed Cheshire bitten31
#408stuffed Hodgman1
#1421stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech36
#2548stuffed Meat5
#167stuffed Mob Penguin1
#1805stuffed angry cow28
#1032stuffed astral badger49
#1943stuffed baby gravy fairy27
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#161stuffed carpenter1
#162stuffed caterpillar1
#1766stuffed cocoabo28
#1575stuffed dodecapede1
#3202stuffed doppelshifter1
#1352stuffed flaming gravy fairy38
#1292stuffed frozen gravy fairy40
#499stuffed ghuol whelp2
#1635stuffed hand turkey32
#1654stuffed key15
#1985stuffed mind flayer26
#2333stuffed mink7
#2083stuffed monocle11
#83stuffed sabre-toothed lime1
#2378stuffed scary death orb21
#1663stuffed sleazy gravy fairy31
#1917stuffed snowy owl26
#1765stuffed spooky gravy fairy29
#2367stuffed spooky mushroom2
#133stuffed stab bat2
#1859stuffed stinky gravy fairy27
#2013stuffed teddy butler12
#2091stuffed tin of caviar11
#1551stuffed treasure chest18
#2053stuffed undead elbow macaroni25
#179stuffed walrus1
#152stuffed yeti1
#776stuffed zmobie1
#360thermos of brew1
#582tin cup of mulligan stew1
#651tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#384tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#220tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™1
#622tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#1731tiny plastic Crimbo elf5
#1303tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer7
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#577tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#836tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram2
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#282tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#214tiny plastic MechaElf1
#1056tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#98tiny plastic Scream Queen9
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#237tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#302tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#102tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll10
#243tiny plastic animelf1
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#264tiny plastic colollilossus1
#1018tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#427tiny plastic fax machine1
#132tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire9
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#1036tiny plastic mutant elf1
#74tiny plastic skeletal reindeer11
#585tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#978tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#1653tiny plastic sweet nutcracker5
#225tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#313tiny plastic trollipop1
#106tourmalime tourniquet1
#600voodoo snuff1
#637wind-up meatcar8
#613witch hat1

Wow, that's 1,004 items total!

what items are this player missing?