Pink Heart of Spirit

Pink Heart of Spirit

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This medal was awarded to you by the Council of Loathing, for starting (and finishing) a war between the Frat Orcs and the Hippies.





#4Foxy Boxy74


#5Kemistry and Mistress of the Obvious68


#7Auntie Pasta61




#9Devd and Jehanmandeville51








#14ChevellemanX and rufuskin36










#20Anuvar, Nomnominus Rex and slopmaster31


#23George P Burdell and StaticMan30


#25Tania Australis29


#26Ralar and dungbeetle28




#29DuRhone and Sakaki26


#31IP_69_16_150_196, MauveBerry, Odiuhm, Sherm Firmwood and hoohaw25


#36Keldar the Unbrave and Mega Ogg Boolbar23




#39Biznatch, Merihand, The Big O and Yendor21


#43MrSqueezeBox and thelagmonster20


#45Ms Bus Driver and PolyesterMan19


#47Garfnobl, LaRoni, Prima Vera, Volvo, amanojaku, lupus4, myrth77 and reinstag18


#55Ballroom Blitz, Bobje Ratata, HastiferArken, KidCharlemagne and Ripkus17


#60Brew Geared, Kerrigan, Teezonk, cometdave and davidsan16


#65Cactus Pillow, Flanders, Guiseppi, PastaPhallus, SleepingDragon, Swid2 and The Hangman15


#72DeathToRudy, Desperatta, Er_Murazor, Foggy, MaryNara, RoidRage, Skent, WangoTango and Zelda Ziti14


#81Agburanar, Eroquin, Hledjolf, Immelan, Kyndi, Lxndr, Nikademus, SmugBastage, TamCoan and minders13


#91Arthur Dent, Sadglad, TheBub, Wallace and Zulu Romeo12


#96Artie Effham, BorisTheSpider, Chartan, Delilah Jones, Eloquent Rune, Hasand, KingFelix, Leannan Sidhe, Lew_b81, Mayabird, Vampiregrrl and deelystan11


#108Boxy Brown, Bruno2788, Delecti, Ereinion, Major Meat, Pageturner, Yavnik, ZatoIchi, ZmFlavius and cameron10


#118Almar Zamasee, BikeThief, Luke, Solve_Omnis, TheArtfulDodger, ThePeace22, WpwW, adeyke, hekiryuu, riebeck and vpnLibrarian9


#129Ashlock, Binaanne, Cienheridas, FearlessX, Hulyen, Managwa, Nurbleface, Paragon99, Pat McGroin, RandomExtremity, Strahan Runeshadow, The Toastmaster General, Two__T, abcq2, ckb1, eppin, gruper4, oodleook and younguancho8


#148D L, Farflier, J Random Adventurer, K2_Fujative, Lord Bezoar, MOTH, Olorin, Oyeseduck, RaZ, TTBoyArDee, Velvet Knight, Xclockwatcher, baledorthian, cheesedude, jairen1, jeanbern, taltamir and wondersherL7


#166AltaZorn, Asuki, AvocadoPirate, Azrane, Brat forcE, Catalyst, CofLBelgarion, Defying, Donavin69, Drothar the Omniscient, Faress, Graev, Gryphon, Irresponsibility, Jill Apagos, Majsju, Metraxis, Prima Vera Angelhair, Queubus, Snarla, Space Ace, TangerineTiger, Tinfoil Chef, Tom808, Volc, W0rm, bogseyluke, hellskidoo and jamfan146


#195Aramada, BWF Jeff, Caldric, Crab Legs, Crowbar, Famoth83, Fujiko, Gleamglade, IAmTheManWithNoName, InspectorX, Jardis, JuneM, Katezilla, King Stupid, Lildogg747, Lokiator, Lord Stefano, Marge, Nescire, Nightvol, OldBobLeashed, Rata Tooey, Roy, Rsm_lazarus, Rude_Badger, Siennaschall, Slugshadow, Squeegee McDoo, Stan Maskelyne, Tombot, Turtlegeuse, Wiseworm, Xaldri, case, chalon9, dementia13, evilmoxie, footrest, hipchicken, lethalbyte, motoXXXozzy and wildflowered5


#237Aariana, Billad1, Blastphemist, BlueThunder, Boris The Spider, Borishaughingoff, BrooklynNellie, Busch Light, CA Dude, Candice Dick, Capn Gnarly, Cat_Killer, ChasteGalahad, CrassMandoo, Deafgeek, DickLeaky, Django, Doctor Jones, Dust, Dyzzyah, Efelo, El Geedo, Ffthed, Frogstomp, GpHerder, Grandpa_Jeb, HackandStabby, Icnochys, J Mo, Jantastic, Justarius, Kreegah, Kyta, LabRat, LadyLaik, LastChans, LunarTic, Mobilis, Mongrel the Apathetic, Mybloodyself, Nalsa, OwlSaint, Ozark, PapaCap, Pasta Far Eye, Perchorin, PiusIII, Poit Narf, SdoGoo32, ShakenNotStirred, ShinyPlatypus, SpasticDancer, Static, Steestee, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste, Totentanz, Werefrog, Xaxor, Yarple, Yawsh, Zanchvegas, badaduci, badgrrl, bigevildan, bonehead, cvutsin, dornbeast, erTEST1, gwesj, lowrez, magnetman, nbkbank3, nimrod_1, shaktinah, shkspr, tanstaafl and zombiedust4


#314Akaiya, Amlethus, Another_Player, Aughtuvtoon, Azatoth, BAHZAHKAH, Baron von Wurlitzer, Boadicea, Bodhazapha, Bollo, BuRNJoB420, Bunkertor7, CannonFoddah, CarltheChemist, Cedric E Collingswood III, Chickenkong, Cloudy J, CronoTalon, Cyris Flare, Cysma, DJ Dungeon, DarkSpuddle, Demicanadian, DerMagus, Doctor Nick, DoxieDog, Doz, Dr Danger, Dragonlady, Drar, DrunkenBob, Duty, Ekeinos, Erindrea, ErstwhileWarrior, Euan McLeod, Farfalle al Dente, Fiery1, Finners101, Framistan, FrankNBeans, GCByzantine, Garioch, Gezol, Glitch, Hardcore Foamy, HoboJoe, Imposterous, Iridia, JR Trolkin, Jherskow, Jill_Bob, JizzMasterZero, Joell, Johnatton, Jollytim2, JoshZero, Joshageddon, Kishibe, Kmart Unit, Kostej Kostejsson, Liquid Sasquatch, Lis, Lunos, MI4 REALs Ascension Account, Mac_Gyver, Marie Elin, Mashiro, Master Grimwulf, Master_of_monkeys, Mehified, Methusalah, Miss_Kala, Ms Adventure, Mystiballs, Nappa, Newbot, OOnuthin, Parmesan Marshmallow, Parse, PastaDurf, Pieces, PowderedToastMan, QueenMaleficent, Rafon, Ranava, Rashmooga, RockClimb, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryan_Galen, SadOatcakes, Salsus, Sativarg, ScUd RuCkInS, Scarface, SentiuS, Seventh Sister, Shaman_Drood, Shiigirl, Sir Bum, Smiling Spectre, Solazy, Spiffie, Steelheadon, Stingerano, StrapOnSally, Strobus, Sunpocket, Tableau, Tatterwasp, The Prof, TheBrent, TheChad, TheogrinHaphand, Thor the Vincible, Timemutt, Tiny Plastic Sea_Hatake, Tolim, Torok, TreacleToes, Tz_BG, Vandaahl, VoiceVoice, WeatherWarrior, Xandor, Xenthes, Xu Bhu, Yatsufusa, Zumacher, Zyrac, bubbafraze, ds13j, dyeote, eXtyNT, eddo, evilrat, garm, iMMASMASHYOFACE, lazy_fire, lopey, magiKal mUffiN Top, rainacake, ramenteflon, ratqueen, scole, sinthetix, thE tRAveLiNg RetArD, tiny_plastic_beef, umnitza and yarrrrrble23


#464Accordion Abuser, Ackyri, Afrogumby, Albreicht, AlienMarky, Allis, AltonTan, AmaraMagma, Analma, Anchovy, Andrella, Androcles Antepasta, Angry Villager, Angry1, Archipelago71, Asset_NoseGal, Augon, Avoca, Aximili, Baeltor, Baka, BakaPyrite, Baranduin, Beavis P_Ness, Birdy, BlackThunder, BlackVelveteen, Blarghgh, Bloodyfish, Bluewoods, BoiRDee, Bonepuppet, BonesHurt, Bruce Garetz, CDF4796, Calistus, CancerMan, Casca, CeeLow, Celebmacil, ChesterArthurXXI, Christineressiatulanie, ClubberLang, Cod, CodSmack, ComradeKraken, Coogi Hat, Cousin_Daisy, Cpow83, Craft, Czuki Czyzz, DJWaz, DVB, Daffrid, Dakios, Damasta, Darmut eDrien, Darsabre, Darth Steve, DeaconBlueZ, Dead_Phoenix, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Delilah, Dirty Immigrant, Disposable Hero, Don Quai Poncerello, DraconisUK, DreamTune, DuctTape, Eevilcat, EhSteve, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Eoline, Eriadan, Erichwanh, Erik the Lemming, Eventvwr, EvilPanda, Faeries Wear Boots, Farmboy81, FatQuack, Felyndaer, FhThD, Filboid Studge, Filmore, Ford Fairlane, Foxxy_Cleopatra, FriedSteak, FriedTofu, Frodo Ramone, GSrider, Galapagos James, Gamaliel, Gannet Swift, Gargon123, Giannavur, GorgeousGeorge, Gracefire, Grandmaster Tygon, Grave Disturbance, Gredashe, Grollo, Gry Wolf, Gulgothica, Hamon, Hard Headed Woman, Harry Trout, Higardi, High Voltage, Hison, IAreBacon, Igor Priapus, Izhebel, Janno, JawG, Jenny, JennyUnderpants, Johnny Yen, Jojo Ironface, Joshiskoolguy, Jubala, Kareth, Keagro, Keranita_ye, Kovacs, Kwon, Laa, Landamus, LarfSnarf, LarryB, Legend Dan, Lilandra, Lisa Marie, Lizmeis, Loathario, LokiFred, LordDerby, Lord_of_Ants, Lyssander, MadddddDog, Maharito, MainGaler, MariposaTheMonarch, Meezer_Wrangler, Mike Czech, Miss Sexualconduct, Mme_Defarge, Moee, Mollie, Monkey Junky, Moraglar Khilen, Mr HeadCase, Mrs LSTB, MsMoz, MuontheBarman, Mutcha, Myrtle, Natano0, Nekosoft, Neuromancer, Nitocris, NotJim, NotaSandwich, Oldbot, Omnibus, Otocyon megalotis, Oveja, Paanin Diaz, Palmer, Paradoxtim, Phanpy, Phoenix512, Pioc, PlastikObst, Plorg, PoiPoi, Poobug, Psychonaut, Punsoe, PuppyKisses, Pyctsi, QCN, QVamp, Quaxalot, Que Chan Mok, QueenOfTheNight, Quialiss, Rainmaker709, Ranged Lunatic, Rathskellar, Ray_DK, Razorbell, Rdnckj258, Regnar, Rev Razna, RobLobster, Russer Butter, SadMonkey, Saint Jimmy, Sal the Rapacious, Salvador, SauceAlt, Sauceticles, Sceezmo, ScoopKW, Segatron, ShadowMonk, Sharif DelMonte, ShawnD, ShoVer RoBot, Shorty007, Shrek, Sinister Loathing, Sir Cheddar, Sir Clement the Meek, SkullRock, Sleynddyn, Slothpyle, Smiley Doobinator, Sopoforic, Spamantha, SpiderMcFly, Splaterpunk, Splotz, Sporty Spice, Squall Thrawn, StinkyWizzleteats, Stormcaller58, Stukie, Stynkee Fingazz, Swervy, SwordsRCool, THrip, TNewm, TaDfG, Tanliel, Tannerhaus, Terion, The Conqueror Worm, The Consumer of Pie, The Ghostly Shadow, The Mushboom, The Raging Beerseeker, The Woo, TheMightyDOOM, TheVarian, Themrog, Thesis4Eva, Thumbtack, Thundernuts, TillyMcMuffin, Tom42, Tommy, Torgul, Tristifer, Tsolarok, TunaTaco, UWishUWereMe, UbeRmonKey, Ugh_MightyClub, Ulysse, Underpants Girl, Valryia, VampireCake, VileAspirin, Vorthox, Willwork4food, Wole, Wyldnfryd, XYZ Gladiator, Xahil, Yefi, Z3R0v2, Zair, Zephro, Zoid, Zyrtec, apisguy, bad gambler, blazingthunder, bluebear, c2t, caelea, canniBALLS, completebastich, corkythewinelord, crash bang boom, crazyeddy, crystal_ingram, dalryaug, dark lotus, doublefistodoom, elsen, engthish, flareplay, flerdle, fret669, gaihtf, gorgontamer, greatauntSALLY, grendiehl, hEyWood22, ilitchev, iniquitous, jediknight, kirahvikoira, lennon42, lich135, lindsay lohan, locavoracious, loot weasel, lordsuZAKU, lucyinthesky, madagaskar, maddsurgeon, mtnfs, muskratlike, myu2k2, natedog2023, nov68, ora henry, pastacooker100, patricia, philthecat, phishfOOD, puddin_up, punicron, quinn_julia, rpxx, sAuRman leRoux, safeforwork, sensibleb, shaggy100, slag, slappy_THE_cat, smelly_viking, sunbird, t4kato, talas300, tangerineBaer, teh_pwnererer, the_Khamul, thor from the village in the n, thug4less, trill, truthseeker, vatriala, verybob, vonschiller, w33b0, whoneedsaname, windmom, xanatos_s and zacius2


#818A Tiny Plastic Puddle, ADH, AMIELLE, APOCALYPSE THROB, ATrain64, Aaramir North, AaronBSam, Aasimar42, Abhishek, Acarpous, Accordiologist, Adam1WPI, Addictomycin, Adite, Adonisrules, AdrianTepes, Aegis Black, Aella Le Fae, AeonfLux iii, Aeralis, Aesinver, Agliata, Ahorriblesn, Airika, Aivilo, Aiwe, Akael, Akeldama, Akrim, Al Frodo, AlBassoon, Alan Gorealan, Albert, AlchemicalPanda, Aldarana, Alf, Algen, Aliilla, All the Good Names Are Taken, Alldarker, Allodoxaphobe, Allora, Alotar, AltrashiKurobara, AmISam, Amish Information Systems, Ana, Ana Ng, Anabel Leigh, Anatoly Stromboli, AnchoPete, Andyzero, Angelorum, AngrierKid, Angum, AnimalsAreTasty, Ansuz07, Anta, AntiMoron, AntiPasta, Antirrhinum, Anton LeTigre, Antonyious, Antunar, Aots, ApolloYK, Apollyon, ArashiKurobara, Aravagantos, Arc9, Archham, Archon386, Ardlen, Ardsnard, AresGodOfWar, ArgUS5, Argrus, Arket, Arkose Realgar, Arle, Armadillo Al, Armak, ArtemisDove, ArtisanBlowfish, Aryies, Ascensor, Ashallond, AsheRedacted, Asinine, Ass Pounder, Asshysteria, Astraios, Astrane, AtalayaLeda, Atan, Athanatos, AtomicLobsters, Aubra, AuntBeast, Autumnwinds, Avanar, Aventuristo, Awnnree Bastiche, Aybara, Azkal, Azoun, Azreal, B A Takaline, BB Karo, BaBaBing, Babaganoosh, BabyGravyServer, BabyScarface, BabySmasher, Bad Seagull, BadWillow, BaddeMulti, Bakula, Balala, Bale, BambooRick, Banana Lord, Bandanaman, BanditAlt, Banesworth, Bao, Barbarian, Baree, Baron Meriwether, Basil the Sardonic, Bassvamp, Bastil, BatWinger, Batda Nojac, BeanHead, BeerDude, BeerHead, Beethoven, Behoimi, Beljeferon, Bellona Kai, BenzDoc, Beswycke Bechamel, Betmen Brkic, Betty Wrong, Bevanz, Biffcool, Big Coffin Hunter, Big Evil, BigCoffinHunter, BigJerBear, BigPickle, Bigquack, BingBon, Bingenhaus, Bingo the Wallaby, Bingohost_age, Black Belt, BlackOpsElf, BlindOne, Bloodlust, Bloody Sam Hackham, BloodyJakeKidd, BlueToad, BlueWasabi, BobDoleSuperior, BobThompkins, Bobaloo Revival, Bobbin, Bobby Rehab, Boberalla, BoffinHunter, Bogtha, Bokodasu, Bolognese Bozo, Bolverk, BonJonBovi, Bookmom, Boondog_Dan, Booze_Seller, Boozman and Boozy Weather1
