
#413Aluminum Epsilon of Humility1
#54Angry Farmer candy3,725
#345Argarggagarg's fang5
#569Breathetastic™ Premium Canned Air6
#287Cinco Mayo Lager1
#49Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration6
#9Cookbook of the Damned49
#123Copper Alpha of Sincerity21
#257Corpse Island iced tea21
#16Frosty's iceball1
#39Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire10
#4Gnollish autoplunger2,545
#155Heimandatz's heart9
#389Hodgman's blanket3
#262Instant Karma35
#408Iron Beta of Industry19
#375Jocko Homo's head5
#342Knob pasty1
#34Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub3,898
#234Misty Cloak5
#576Nickel Gamma of Frugality9
#519Orange Star of Sacrifice4
#250Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster14
#314Pink Heart of Spirit3
#165Pokëmann figurine: Bloodkip11
#209Pokëmann figurine: Duck7
#274Pokëmann figurine: Frank3
#286Pokëmann figurine: Galumpagump5
#152Pokëmann figurine: Hoboking9
#203Pokëmann figurine: Kagosan7
#231Pokëmann figurine: Magikrap9
#564Pokëmann figurine: Moog1
#146Pokëmann figurine: Nothing9
#210Pokëmann figurine: Porkachu10
#373Pokëmann figurine: Shoggoth2
#97Pokëmann figurine: Smugleaf16
#236Pokëmann figurine: Twitter9
#151Pokëmann figurine: Vegemite12
#128Pokëmann figurine: Vermouth13
#25Retenez L'Herbe Paté37
#390Safari Jack's moustache4
#18Sinful Desires78
#292The Mariachi's guitar case6
#650Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette6
#287Thwaitgold bee statuette7
#414Thwaitgold bookworm statuette3
#1013Thwaitgold butterfly statuette1
#549Thwaitgold firefly statuette8
#1377Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette2
#624Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette1
#1317Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette7
#518Thwaitgold wheel bug statuette1
#1153Thwaitgold woollybear statuette1
🥇Uncle Crimbo's Sack1
#16Warm Subject gift certificate16,714
#394Yakisoba's hat4
#202Yellow Moon of Compassion14
#165ancient frozen dinner14
#2224ancient unspeakable fruitcake3
#35ancient vinyl coin purse587
#44antique greaves255
#48antique helmet229
#38antique shield299
#50antique spear257
#43around the world118
#33awful poetry journal11,427
#252banana-frosted king cake11
#5bat-ass leather jacket3,652
#25black pension check1,110
#1653blood flower1
#181blueberry-frosted king cake8
#83bottle of single-barrel whiskey11
#146bowl of fishysoisse6
#3615box of sunshine18
#214breaded beer3
#114broken carburetor2
#71bunch of bananas88
#96chaos butterfly5,341
#89charged magnet1
#292chocolate-frosted king cake7
#262club necklace22
#880commemorative war stein1
#97concentrated magicalness pill26
#215corpse on the beach24
#131cranberry schnapps4
#179decanter of fine Scotch1
#375dense meat stack334
#564diamond necklace12
#101distilled fortified wine23
#76disturbing fanfic3,996
#66dumb mud5
#214effluvious emerald6
#204enchanted barbell10
#201enchanted leopard-print barbell14
#427extra-greasy slider4
#126extra-strength strongness elixir17
#65facsimile dictionary112
#43fancy beef jerky4
#325fat stacks of cash30
#65fat wallet28
#137frozen banquet15
#50furry fur4,795
#398giant glass of brandy1
#57giant moxie weed95
#58giant needle1,879
#33giant pearl8
#179glacial sapphire4
#365gloomy mushroom wine1
#107goblin water5
#227gold wedding ring36
#197guy made of bee pollen16
#182handful of Crotchety Pine needles1
#189handful of Laughing Willow bark1
#507handful of confetti79
#71handful of honey144
#236heart necklace24
#256heart of the volcano28
#49heavy D3,377
#413jar of fermented pickle juice4
#301jar of squeeze3
#650jerky coins21
#211kickback cookbook3
#102liquid ice5
#22makeshift cape16
#326marshmallow flambé2
#128massive gemstone28
#68meat stack4,015
#85metallic A946
#55moxie weed624
#225mulled cider8
#74neoprene skullcap4
#116old coin purse156
#107old leather wallet144
#56original G3,390
#184pack of KWE trading card15
#101penguin skin2,095
#293pig-iron bracers1
#64pig-iron shinguards3
#163plexiglass pikestaff2
#64plot hole5,341
#81pregnant gloomy black mushroom2
#33probability potion3,735
#40procrastination potion3,392
#586radio button candy1
#273really dense meat stack23
#288rubber WWBD? bracelet21
#319rubber WWJD? bracelet20
#343rubber WWSPD? bracelet19
#345rubber WWtNSD? bracelet18
#184sandwich of the gods16
#212shimmering rainbow sand2
#318sinister altar fragment1
#372solid gold bowling ball50
#74solid gold pegleg109
#318soy cordial2
#371spade necklace17
#64special sauce glove2
#268stainless steel scarf11
#534stainless steel shillelagh8
#309stainless steel skullcap9
#381stainless steel slacks9
#209stainless steel solitaire11
#178stainless steel suspenders17
#260steamy ruby4
#149strongness elixir68
#1044stuffed Baron von Ratsworth40
#393stuffed Cheshire bitten96
#491stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech84
#1332stuffed Meat30
#208stuffed alien blob27
#507stuffed angry cow84
#475stuffed astral badger90
#557stuffed baby gravy fairy82
#165stuffed bandersnatch1
#486stuffed cocoabo84
#1871stuffed crazy bastard sword1
#53stuffed doppelshifter247
#620stuffed flaming gravy fairy74
#448stuffed frozen gravy fairy95
#92stuffed gray blob423
#415stuffed hand turkey96
#809stuffed key64
#559stuffed mind flayer80
#1098stuffed mink39
#1199stuffed monocle35
#471stuffed ninja snowman10
#83stuffed sabre-toothed lime1
#497stuffed scary death orb87
#619stuffed sleazy gravy fairy74
#491stuffed snowy owl84
#802stuffed spooky gravy fairy61
#230stuffed spooky mushroom34
#508stuffed stinky gravy fairy84
#1079stuffed teddy butler41
#1282stuffed tin of caviar32
#936stuffed treasure chest51
#547stuffed undead elbow macaroni81
#226stuffed yo-yo3
#112suntan lotion of moxiousness101
#211tawdry amethyst4
#296thermos full of Knob coffee2
#31thin black candle13,385
#353tin cup of mulligan stew3
#651tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#478tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf15
#98tiny plastic Ancient Unspeakable Bugbear38
#261tiny plastic Axe Wound25
#510tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth9
#84tiny plastic Battlesuit Bugbear Type24
#157tiny plastic Beebee King14
#251tiny plastic Beelzebozo15
#384tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#266tiny plastic Big Candy1
#232tiny plastic Black Knight26
#786tiny plastic Bonerdagon6
#258tiny plastic Boss Bat15
#94tiny plastic Bugbear Captain10
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#202tiny plastic Charity the Zombie Hunter20
#416tiny plastic Cheshire bat38
#220tiny plastic ChibiBuddy™1
#154tiny plastic Clancy the Minstrel14
#622tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#304tiny plastic Crimbo elf31
#269tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer33
#155tiny plastic Crimbo wreath15
#577tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#155tiny plastic Father McGruber24
#250tiny plastic Felonia16
#282tiny plastic Fudge Wizard1
#211tiny plastic G Imp28
#378tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser18
#273tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester23
#259tiny plastic Hank North, Photojournalist17
#233tiny plastic Hellion26
#375tiny plastic Iiti Kitty18
#49tiny plastic Jarlsberg1
#236tiny plastic Knob Goblin King16
#260tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter24
#325tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl20
#550tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist13
#497tiny plastic Knott Yeti14
#129tiny plastic Lord Flameface8
#214tiny plastic MechaElf1
#593tiny plastic Mob Penguin2
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#188tiny plastic Norville Rogers22
#284tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy23
#376tiny plastic Protagonist18
#152tiny plastic Queen Bee14
#40tiny plastic Rene C. Corman19
#102tiny plastic Scott the Miner34
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#300tiny plastic Spam Witch21
#282tiny plastic Spunky Princess23
#49tiny plastic Susie1
#207tiny plastic The Big Wisniewski19
#298tiny plastic The Man14
#200tiny plastic Trouser Snake31
#76tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo29
#237tiny plastic Uncle Crimboku1
#116tiny plastic Wu Tang the Betrayer17
#321tiny plastic XXX pr0n20
#302tiny plastic abominable fudgeman1
#433tiny plastic accordion thief10
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#391tiny plastic angry bugbear18
#472tiny plastic angry goat34
#132tiny plastic angry space marine29
#320tiny plastic anime smiley20
#243tiny plastic animelf1
#197tiny plastic apathetic lizardman33
#262tiny plastic astronomer24
#440tiny plastic baby gravy fairy36
#243tiny plastic barrrnacle58
#105tiny plastic batbugbear33
#329tiny plastic beanbat20
#132tiny plastic bee swarm29
#113tiny plastic beebee gunners32
#100tiny plastic beebee queue35
#360tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar11
#110tiny plastic black ops bugbear32
#87tiny plastic blazing bat38
#477tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball33
#199tiny plastic blooper30
#202tiny plastic brainsweeper31
#263tiny plastic briefcase bat23
#129tiny plastic bugaboo30
#205tiny plastic buzzerker20
#108tiny plastic cavebugbear34
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#454tiny plastic cocoabo36
#313tiny plastic coffee pixie46
#264tiny plastic colollilossus1
#257tiny plastic conservationist hippy16
#234tiny plastic cubist bull26
#197tiny plastic demoninja32
#609tiny plastic disco bandit8
#196tiny plastic drunk goat32
#1018tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#427tiny plastic fax machine1
#220tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus26
#423tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker16
#100tiny plastic fire servant20
#328tiny plastic fluffy bunny20
#70tiny plastic four-shadowed mime1
#425tiny plastic fruit golem16
#425tiny plastic fuzzy dice36
#278tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick50
#385tiny plastic ghuol whelp40
#338tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers19
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#296tiny plastic goth giant21
#319tiny plastic grue46
#488tiny plastic handsome mariachi14
#230tiny plastic hermit15
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#452tiny plastic howling balloon monkey35
#123tiny plastic hypodermic bugbear31
#347tiny plastic killer bee43
#132tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box45
#219tiny plastic leprechaun62
#296tiny plastic levitating potato50
#205tiny plastic lobsterfrogman28
#105tiny plastic moneybee34
#292tiny plastic mosquito51
#88tiny plastic mumblebee39
#579tiny plastic mutant elf2
#366tiny plastic ninja snowman19
#237tiny plastic pastamancer15
#148tiny plastic peacannon14
#67tiny plastic protector spectre1
#296tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime51
#326tiny plastic sauceror12
#290tiny plastic scary clown22
#303tiny plastic seal clubber13
#383tiny plastic senile lihc17
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#260tiny plastic smarmy pirate25
#107tiny plastic spiderbugbear19
#425tiny plastic spiny skelelton16
#337tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton43
#392tiny plastic spooky vampire17
#326tiny plastic stab bat47
#359tiny plastic star starfish42
#585tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#534tiny plastic strand of DNA2
#165tiny plastic sweet nutcracker47
#280tiny plastic taco cat23
#225tiny plastic taco-clad Crimbo elf1
#264tiny plastic the Free Man9
#232tiny plastic topiary golem26
#313tiny plastic trollipop1
#451tiny plastic turtle tamer10
#321tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni21
#387tiny plastic warwelf17
#338tiny plastic whitesnake20
#276tiny plastic zmobie23
#416unearthly onyx1
#46wolf mask1,602
#56yeti fur7,128

Wow, that's 118,762 items total!

what items are this player missing?