Thwaitgold butterfly statuette

Thwaitgold butterfly statuette

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This is a tiny statue of a butterfly made from Thwaitgold, the hilariousest substance known to man. Looking at its beautiful, shimmering wings makes you want to throw away everything in your closet.











#7Artie Effham, Draven, Mishau and Splotz16


#11Brar the Crusader, ElectricChairJ, Thumbtack and noodlemaster15


#15Axaca, LastChans and sleightmind14


#18Dumb333 and Velestian13


#20Agburanar, BlortHorc, Hadean, Ioeth, JLE, Lord_Josh, Ragudantalus and RantWilliams12


#28AtlanteanScion, Bleeko, Crim799, Darsel, Drothar the Omniscient, Eevilcat, Jokei, Kismet, Kyta, Paran, Simon Sludge, Tawt Strat, Terragent, blahdiddyblarg, mondemon and semicharmed11


#44Archham, Bale, Chipchaw, Funktopus, Jaylee, KAIN, Lincoln Home, Lord Stefano, Ming Merciful, NardoLoopa, ToKoLoSH, ToneDeafBawb, UomoDellaPasta, Valmo, Wamphyr, Zare, anitert, caducus, myrth77 and ololo66610


#64Big Al, Bodhazapha, BurgerFlipper, Casanova, FetusXmas, FishFishFish, Flatus X, FurballNinja, Hermit_Boy, JamesMatte, Muertos, Muroni, Philosofik, PolkaNDBack, RICKErscotT, RouxBrewer, SchrodingerCat, Sir Biff, Sklar, Spiffie, Squirrelnuts, Twistedbutterfly, Volc, Zanthia, doglord, iMAGE, neugents and shummie9


#92Ajaxis, Aramada, BmR, Buffetty, Chymes, Comasynthesis, DeathSpot, Delilah Jones, Demonsquiggle, DiscordantSong, El Gigante Elegante, FryingBirran, Handhand, Kaela Wyrdbringer, KapmK, Karl Marxinara, Kristofski, Maharito, Marterix, Mr Knee, Mukiba, Onyxio, Pierp, Rigatone the merciful, Scrabbled, Tobamf, apenny, iAREt, shoptroll, sohryuden and thug4less8


#123Bandoneon Bandit, Buried Anagram, Cafenoire, Chelonia, Choo Choo, Club, Delecti, DocRosey, DuRhone, Fundamagargle, Gemelli, Giguy00, Gimpagorn, Gnocchi Masala, Golfball, Graev, Jeff the Mediocre, Jizwink, Joquie, Kamaros, KillerNoj, Legomancer, Limeback, Lord Kes, Major Meat, MiB, Mideon, Mistress of the Obvious, Montanus, OldGuardMeat, Optimus747, Prima Vera Angelhair, Skelwing, Snorktapus, Speisi, Stonecat, SvenTS, Tantio, TheLetterM, Valenice, Vot Musik, anakha, cptjsparrow, dorian78, jeep, lordsuZAKU, maddsurgeon and underscorewas7


#171Alsier, ArashiKurobara, Art_Shamsky, AscensionsEatYourSoul, Belly16, BleepBlorp, Bruce Garetz, CheesCake, CliffClavin, Daffrid, DanaO, Darkuwa, Darkwing, DeathToRudy, Doll, Emanon176, Eristottle, Eroquin, Evil Dead Ned, Fig Bucket, FooFooCuddlyPoops, Funk_Fu, Grogum, Guiseppi, Gygax, Halaa, Hammered, Hannibal Smith, IceColdFever, InspectorX, Isladar, Jherskow, JoshZero, Jwylot, Kaine, Karptisyold, Kooky Kirby, Kruncho, Lavion, LittleCrow, Lyndis, Maku450, Megabass, MotherMary13, Mybloodyself, Nekosoft, Ninifi, Paygunn, Perkk, Pithlit, PokeyMan, PuttyMcman, QLou, Queen Diem, RedSix, Saddler, Sir Indy, SnackAttack, Soluzar, St Thomas Pornificus, The Amazing Mr Toothpaste, The Captain, TheDreadTurnip, Tsunami Knighthunter, Tyche, Velucio, Wagr, Westcliffe, YaRRRRRble, Yarvin, YorickTheSecond, blisterguy, core_gRip, dark lich of doom, highqualityx10, jaks, kiwi and lemon, salticid, scullyangel, tenshi_a, theocide and toledo6


#253ALAVG, Aeroplane, CHrIshelma, Calmera, Chadomancer, Chuck Steak, Cordelia the Enabler, Crowbar, Curt, DancinMachine, Darkemaster, Doctor Nick, Dragonpaws, Egg Salad, Faloun, Fe1nt, Fee, Ftunch, Hayden Kinsman, Hnetu, Hojo Hominygrits, Holyevil, I said therefore, ILILILI, Jayeless, Jeedai, Jesusisagurl, Jezdar, Jim But, Junata, Keator, KillxthexJoy, LizardKing, M3ph1st0, MC Face, Maeamian, Melandry, Mezzo_soprano, Miles Bluefalls, Mister Manager, Mongrel the Apathetic, Naode, PacHINKOid, Phalocrocorax, Rebeccah Sharp, Riznok, SIR POtato1, Schik, Sliquid, Slowmo10, Smedley, Solazy, Spindle Legged Stork, Spudchat, Starbearer, Static, Suessical, Tania Australis, Tarragon, The Hombre, The Weretree, Thortellini, ToHFB, Tyme, Uewebawo, Valdus, Victorinox, WyldWombat, Xenosis, basbryan, iaruk, lkgundel, llamastrich, magiKal mUffiN Top, maxlex, playultm8, quantuman65536, sleepy G, spazym, whizdad and zm0mbiez8mybrainz5


#334Aickman, Airicus, Alldarker, Araym, ArcTheLad, Arck, Asmoridin, Asshat Mascot, Auntie Pasta, Beljeferon, Blastphemist, Bruscettalia, ChevellemanX, Croft, Crystally, Cullots, DaisyMaesy, Dead_Phoenix, Demicanadian, Dessalvara, Destre, Dyne A Might, EasilyDistracted, Eoghnved, FitzTheDestroyer, Fortez, Gromulus, HotCha0, IcLubYou, Ignaysia, IncapabLe, Irresponsibility, JayPro22, JennaMaroney, Jererry, Kathlan, Kyler Thatch, LAnGadof, Landar, Lilac, Loch Lomond, LordWallyWartbottom, Machevort, Maxmaker, Mekgineer, Melon Squeezer, Metal_Mickey, MogamboRanger, MonkeyPants23, Moraglar Khilen, Morgain, Morgan Blair, Ms Bus Driver, Muhfin, Myrtle, Nanna BuBu, Narkareth, NightShadeQueen, Nossidge, Owlish, Panama Joe, Patamunzo Lingananda, PestoSauce, PlutoGang, PolyesterMan, PrOphetOftheeNd, Random Lee, Rei_Jin, Ryebread, Sal the Rapacious, Salsa Joe, Saracen, Scattaloquarious, Sessorach, Shadoweh, ShakenNotStirred, Shalegrey, Sines314, Skipr, SkyElf, SmugBastage, Snot Man, Sop1119, Stephie, StickyMeat, Sven of the Dead, SwenQ, TawnyBrawn, TekLaris, The Kestrel, The Woo, TheArtfulDodger, TheNice1, Theduffman13, Three_Eye, Tiddlypeeps, Toivol, Tom808, Tweekums, Vacuumus, Vandaahl, Werefrog, Wesley Milton Dagwell III, WhyMan, Wussy Pride, Xarethe, Xenthes, Yoyogod, ZephyrAvatar, Zionico, Zoot, ajosHI, blik, caelea, cameron, ckb1, cyborgstan, deusnoctum, effensee, excellente, gnoCCo, hustlinloki, jaXal, mdvpip, monkeyv, octagon8, ohNOanotherPUTZ, pantsthief, raginghawk, s l e e t, sleeptalking, tHegERb, takenoko, tarfu92, zmobieDementor and zoutroi4


#470AXEBLADE, Akonas, AltrashiKurobara, Anonemuss, Ardsnard, Autumnwinds, B4444, BarArdo, Benohawk, Blackhorseman, Bluewoods, Brink450, Bummerman, Busch Light, Capsr, CaptainSpam, Catachresis Rex, CathyOak, Ceredwin, Chartan, ChipmunkDJE, CrackerMack, DJRubberducky, Daav, DarkSpuddle, DaveK, DeadlyAngel, DerMagus, Don the Failure, ERJ1024, Einherjar, El Guapo, Ephesos, EvilErnie13013, FSM Worshiper, Fallen, Fangotang, Femtotechnician, Flammo, Frogstomp, Gargamelli, Garrulous Grace, Gaston, Ginpeporimeg, Granite_Grizz, Groshing, Gurei, Gwydion, Hachi, Hard Headed Woman, Hawumph, Heliophage, Higgy, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Hsilwo, Hustle, JD McSquinty, Josim, Kahdrick, Kenshin8671, Khamul, KidCharlemagne, Kirbydude616, Klatuu, KrennVonSalzburg, Latte, LazyLoki, Lilandra, LimeyGreg, Loys, MAD JEDDAI, Machevort2, ManaUser, MaoZedong, Mecharius, MeowTiger, Mocean, Morgad, MoxieMolly, Mr Hunts, MrSqueezeBox, Mudflail, Murphy Brawn, MysticroniNCheese, NeonHusky, NeverEndingGlory, Nim, Niomara, Now I know why, Omegle2357, Onomat, Osobayasan, Oveja, Palissandre, Pandum, Papilionoidea, Pedantic, Perigueux, PhilThese, Phoenix512, Poit Narf, Poppy Propercock, PsychoPerson, QVamp, Ragned, Rainmaker709, Rashmooga, Rebeccahgotsharped, ReveRKiller, Rogue Specter, Rude_Badger, SCOTTICUS, SaintDogbert, Samitchdoo, SandyFlash, Sativarg, Segatron, Shadowfyst, Sidrock, Slick Sam, Sloeeyed, SnarLier_Bear, Snarkypants, Someuser14, SpiderMcFly, Spiriel, Sprocket14, Stumblemeister, SuperSonicWarior, Sutra, Takauji, Tatorlicious, Terlis, Terrabull, Terrapin_Man, TheBrent, TheCarrot, TheKidlet, Ti Puchon, Tiamat271, Tom Sawyer, Turlo, Turtlini, UberPithMeister, UrbanSuicideJunkie, Valcrest, Van Diemens, Volteccer, Wednesday, Whym, Willy the Small, Ypp, Zerg_Rush, Zinc Saucier, Zirrrus, acm, agenT 99, anarchy06, bSmith, branmart, bulby, cattus in divum, ceramic windpipe, darkgreycat, de nisovan, dementia13, driedsponge, enigmator, gortV2, harumph, lazy_fire, lechef, lulwut, mansho, mat9h, meh_64_12, mereCat, mustakruunu, nworbetan, red96talon, shesgotglasseson, smoots, spriteless, strange_consequences, surfer treecko, tRoUBlefacE, tbell30, tsuran and windmilan3


#659Adam1WPI, Adeeda, Aerin Frost, Aftiel, Ahorriblesn, Akael, AlchemicalPanda, All the Good Names Are Taken, Amra, Ancientofearth, Anuvar, Archon386, Ardlen, Aristabulus, Ashles, AspDIY, Asuki, BAz2201, Babaganoosh, Baethan, Bauble, Beldur, BiggusTeaselus, Bigquack, BitEMetWICe, Blizzy, BloodyJakeKidd, BlueOx, BobBrewer, Boccolotti, Brady the Bold, Brars Mall Multi, Brennil Skybar, Captain Sensitive, Captain Zen, CardiusNecronis, Celion, Celtic, Charasan, ChronosN, Chyld, Cnorgard, Colendez, Comrade_Petrof, CoupleK, CoveredinBees, CyberTurtle, Cynden, Cyrean, DTMaster, DangerMonkey, Dark Lord Poofy, DarkAxz, Darkfacimile, Dave the Mild, DeathofPasta, Decay, Dirty Crimbo, DiscoSal, DiscoShen, DrPlacebo, Drakono82, DrunkenBob, Dweebobibo, Eddie Trojan, Efelo, EiriasValar, El Zaban, ElroyJetson, Euan McLeod, Evangelist_Nine, Extirpator, Ezhuks, Farflier, Faustisnot, FinaiAttack, Flanders, Florin, Foxy Boxy, Franzoid, Frieds, Frito, Fujiko, Fungo the mildly annoyIng, Ganguran, Garfnobl, Garganelli, Gerbilman, Giestbar, Gnocchus, GriffonBob, Griffonics, HaliBoranje, HamsterishOne, Happydance, Harry Canyon, Hasand, Heeheehee, Henrietta Hustler, Herustari, Hexed, Higardi, HodgeyBasher7L, HotTomato, HowardthyDuck, Hunkpapa, IAmATurnip, Infernau, Ingemarr_Dinkyweiner, Ironshaft, Itsatrap, Izumiko, J Random Adventurer, Jacky T, JakAtk, Jasper_Claire, Jaunty, Journ_O_LST_3, Kabroz, Kara Rae, Kargos, KbobK, KeltiThePastaQueen, Keptuvis, KingBobson, KingSavage, Klaithe, Krisjekwakje, KujjieKujjieKoo, LarryB, Lis, LittleVietnameseDoctor, Lokiator, Lord Artan, Lord Mellman, Lord T1000, LouTini, Lxndr, Lyle332, MC_Macro, MOTH, Magister30, Maito_Gai, Makito, Mana Yachanichu, MarioB, Martel, MayaMina, Mayoress, Mc7Man, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Michellle, Microwave, Mindes, Mirrorshades, Mocmo, ModeSix, MontyPythn, MoonageDaydream, Morgana Rose, MrLacey, Myrya, Mystiballs, NataliaM, Neran, Nienor, Nikademus, Noshous, Nydidia, OOnuthin, Odina, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, Paragon99, Parry Hotter, Pastahead, PastryofDeath, PeKaJe, Phred Green, Pineapple of Despair, Plott DeWeiss, PlutoOfPluto, Poison_Taquito, Psata, PsyMar, Pudin, Qaianna, Qalthos, Que Chan Mok, QuietTalking, Rabid Alpaca, RadRad, RatherDashing, Raug, Ravingmad, Raymond Kinger, Raz Mattaz, Recon, Reiko Ishikawa, Rev Noodlyson, Reverend Bizarre, RickyRoc, RikAstley, Ristridin, Rivercloud, RobbieAB, Robi207, Rosarinita, Rosella, Ruby Eyes, Rumbleburst, Russer Butter, Sairindhri, SalsaShark, Sardines2, Sbe123, Schmeckel, Scyld, Sean Clannery, Seaxburh, Serhina, Shadow Tiger, ShinyPlatypus, Silelda, SinPro, Sir Hassel of Hoff, Sir Jimeth, SirOrban, SkullRock, Slugfly, Snazz, Solanda, SomethingSnappy, Sparky372, Speedball, Spij, Squeekers, StaffordMeister, Steam, Stevo56, Stool Sample, Stormfox, Stormkitten, StronGlad, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, SupermancerPrime, SweetPotatoeFries, TNewm, TStroh, Teresa, Teuvi, The Blue Wizard, The Poet, ThePeace22, Thor the Vincible, Tibbiara, TimRem, TinyplasticZutroy, Tissen, Tolth, Tom42, Tommy, TonyV, Trebe, Trinity_Dalfae, Tze, Ultranibbles, Vampirate, Vampiregrrl, Vashnar, Veracity, Vkkhamul, Volotani, Vyrin Silentwind, Walking, Wembley Fraggle, Wendil, Whale Clubber, WhopperJr, Wraithtech, Xarite, ZaphodB42, ZedINGale1, Zinnia, Zog_the_Flatulent, Zombie Feynman, ZombieWomble, Zulu Romeo, amytrip, angst in the butt, azn_dr4g0n, barBara strisaNd, biggie528, blitsnik, boyrdee, bum3, cHArReD, catchops, cmh5, cycle231, dirac, dizshdani, e7ora, eCheese, eFloss, fergyball88, fusiongrenade, gamma_RAy, glimb, glitterboy, gvalKO, gyrosscope, hallehoopma, hotdeth, iniquitous, intrepidcat, ivy_dizzie, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, kagero, kasanax, kettle hine, kissi1977, kittEnthATeatBABIES, knlbr, krae, kurtASbeStos, lACEy jONEs, littlelollismurf, littlesunSHINE, magermagician, melferburque, mhwombat, minders, mooingsheep, mr_jetlag, ozelot, phantom fox, rchicken, reggaejessie, relyk, rifforama and rosa blanco2
