

🥈Death by Gnocchi440


🥉Mistress of the Obvious428


#4Turt Tennabaum403












#10Poncho the Sane202


#11Smiling Spectre182










#16Sir John the Great149


#17Butt Pirate and agargan135






#21Grim Digger127


#22Artie Effham123




#24Seth_OS and bukky gooldstein119








#29Foxy Boxy110






#32Pumpkinheadme and kirByllAmA101




#35Papa Smurf98






#38NightRipper and Spiffie89


#40Athanatos and Bruscettalia87


#42Solve_Omnis and eav85


#44LEMMING53 and glaucos83




#47The Possum Trot77






#50Gean Lynch and Tibbiara71






#54Depro Fundis, Maniac Paul and Noskilz67


#57Madelyn North and bullhead66


#59BlueWasabi and Mynar65






#63Elayne and TheBrent61


#65El Changito Mal60


#66cubeof11 and miniLizmeis59




#69Mana Yachanichu, Sir Jefe and The4thHorseman57


#72MasterBigsby and Stan Maskelyne56


#74EnderNightshade, HackandStabby, Louis of Apshai, Wagr and phantom fox55




#80Radcliff247, Wraithkin and prETty53




#84Nikademus and rosa blanco51


#86BrassOnes and Ernie Maskelyne50


#88Eroquin, MooButter, Oldsfrk, whizdad and zwier48


#93Castiel and Galapagos James47


#95Lobster, Saddler and SmileyByte46


#98Baltar, Decaying_corpse, ZatoIchi and wildflowered45


#102Awake, LastChans and Mansausage44


#105Darth Elmo, Sal the Rapacious and jenrose43


#108JebusCripes and Snugglypoo42


#110AnxiousHyrax, Catatonia, Dogola, Lizmeis and Zs bee41


#115Babaganoosh, Kill_Life, TechRat and jWang40


#119LogicalMadness and Saucy_McSaucor39


#121DreamTune, Generic Hero and LiamAndMe38


#124ChevellemanX, Flaming Turtle, Splendor and liffe37


#128Ninja Karl, PrinceParadox, Rosarinita, Smoke Bellew, Sololord, Sp8z, VelmaVelma, Zeklan and fractalnavel36


#137Bradley Morris, ErnieR, Felisleo, Nikolita, Quisar, Wheremydemonslie and bluedancer35


#144StinkyDrunk, Thraxus, Unconventionable and kindit34




#149Rutger von Horeburg, ShineyBucket, ajoshI, fractalSauce and harrytaco32


#154Captain Comrade, General_Herpes, GheyRay, OHogan and Scattaloquarious31


#159ArchAngel771, Cres, LeMuffin, LustyPirateWench, Ravenous Muffin, SuantKaliMa, claudiouscat and kahroo30


#167DocGonzo, DoctorRotelle, Mythticalness, UGZ_Log, Yarple and w_ron_g29


#173Kara Rae and Moonchilde28


#175Steelheadon, bad_player and guymansir27


#178AutoBot, Delilah Jones, Kareth, Mud Duck, Sephiroth84, TawnyBrawn, UltraSuperboy, sfwarlock and willied126


#187AgentRocko, AssTractionHero, CancerMan, EXOR169, HubertCumberdale, Nardsmasher, Olorin, Optimus747, Stabotron, Stony Porker, l4g0s and street baby25


#199Big_Papa_55, Bofo the Great, CharlesBumgaurd, Razorpack, Rita Rehab, Stabby Mcstabber, eibbeD, hagrid333 and xEggy24


#208Baka, Chicken in Black, DISCokeir, Dammit Janet, Foxxy_Cleopatra, Kalismaal, Sakurabisu, Schwetty, Sweet Honey and Turleyron23


#218Azeron, Brew Geared, Cri, HotCarrier, Miss Sexualconduct, PolyesterMan, Xenophon, Yessu, harryposse, hotdeth, john1008, ki77bot and toefungus22


#231Bors, Gourdy, Kevin, Miridian, PuttyMcman, Retro_Thrusters, SRO, Ulrika, Webley, Zermelo, crash bang boom, fireandice, lupus4, shaft007zz and superfoot21


#246Ankorite, CasRaven, Hare Raiser, JoJobi, MrsSpookyKat, Palladium, QueenMaleficent, Raylin, Salsa Picante, Serhina, Shadowknightx, Simon the Mystificator, homsar biotches and joyrekz20


#260Aariana, CA Dude, CapHector, Darmut eDrien, Django, FoB, Nappa, Porny Stroker, Samos, Void Runner63, awesomedawson, flowerbed and slotwin19


#273BoiRDee, Dr Newdell, Junestar, Korlon, Lyle332, MrDeFault, Raging Fire, Shadiyah, Terrapin_Man, Zubera, malphador, rumblebot and thexmanlight18


#286Asixton, AuDz, Bruce Garetz, Chansey, CombatWombat, DarkMaiden, Drag0n, Highpockets, Mystiballs, Nion, Rice Merchant, SidVicious, Splotz, StaffordMeister, Tristifer, Volvo, WillParryHDM and rIcHaRdTsO117


#304BaddeMulti, DarkDeath, Dirk Anger, Farfalle al Dente, Leg o Lam, Master Boognish, MiracleWh1ps, Nerdzord, SchwahXP, Secret_treaties, TheOtherSpike, WalterEgo, Zwickle, bluephoenix, ghostfire, itisempty, josyjoker, monopolyman001, muskratlove, padth and pgunn16


#325Agapanthus, Baalbarith, Bassvamp, BusterCap, Dawgpatch, Deeliteful, Diamond Stud, Grimm Tooth, JustABass01, Lorad, MrSqueezeBox, Mrmongoose, Nomme, OminousJackal, Ranger, Rethgif, Rikmach, Spammo, Targrod, TriggerOfHel, Triplebass, apisguy, hiimchels, la fee Verte, orasfir, patricia, shonk and xain15


#353Biffle, BlueThunder, Cheesecake102, CrimboWeenie, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Erichwanh, I am a Banana, Jeny, Juha, LadyDelilah, Malik, Moonflame, Nasher, Tazy, Terps, Thudder, Werefrog, biGNINJa, chaosagent, freedoM_Justice, ladderman, lhart7907, misque, pOOx and payguhn14


#379Alf, Bearskinrug, Caldric, CaptainRondo, Cockerham, Disneeyore1, Duena, Forsquilis, Gullwhacker, Harml3ss, Heffed, Isladar, Jesus, Kaspersai, Kyp_Durron, LeafRivr, Lorc, MrEmann, Ms Bus Driver, Neave, Punsoe, QueenOfTheNight, Rebel SMURF, RedNeckReb, Shannon the Psychic, She Who Twaddles Turnips, Shoop8000, Shorts, Snapperjack, StrawberryLetter23, Sux2BU, TaintedMeat, Tariya Bonedigger, Weird Alice, Widget1985, coconub, drunkslut, e i Pi, jlchamberlain49, kaotix, meh_64_12, scudunculus, sellars21, tush the pastagirl and varooka13


#424Batsubabe, Binaanne, Bioland, Debster, Estivarus, FMguru, Healer, Immelan, Jenny Saucepn, Klink, Llamoo, Logmo, Makkaiveri, Meester Slow, Othniel, Rumour Rhemer, Sezja, Squeaky_ball, Tarotina, The Mushboom, bigwavedave, conquer987, hoyifung04, royalpurpleDiamond and ssj3nappa12


#449Archipelago71, Astrane, Betty Page, BlindOne, Bobje Ratata, CBParker, CecilBTurtle, Cinimod, Clubbrz L337, Cratus, Crowbar, Damasta, Daron, Donavin69, DraconisUK, DrewT, El Vibrato, Gryphtronic Maven, HappyHead, Kakadesu, Kaley, Lespectre, Lord_of_Ants, Magnus Thunderblade, MysticalMolly, Nachtmahr, OldBobLeashed, PokeyMan, Poot, Princess Erin, Pyctsi, Quietust, Razorboy, Rude_Badger, ShoTheBandit, SnackAttack, Stanley the slight, The Muffin Man, TheaterDemon, Third Burglar, Tiger11, Vigilamus, Zanchvegas, clacklack2, dragonfly15, jlc2, maestro13, maliphik, muhs420, neromike2, scheijan, spooky kid and weggiecat11


#502Asset_NoseGal, Babycakes, Bjornhilde, Bormoglot, Coalface, Deimos, Dire Seaslug, DirtyChurro, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Escaflowne, FUNKERIFIC, IdHitIt, Kearia, KoIKing, Livnmenwalk, Lord Stefano, Lottobot, Marsrock7712, MazayBey, Megabuster, Meira, Mongrel the Apathetic, Normanreedus, Out Of Adventures, Penguinist, Pesto Presto, Phreakyphobic444, Pokit Lynt, Roy, Sayick, SirThursday, Snavley, Space Ace, Squeekers, Wank, Wylin, aClArie, aenimus, alLANrox1, hoyifung05, lordFaulkner, mlhuff12, nekrotoxin, noinamg, radicaledward101, sheldonbunny, snivlem, splinter and thesandslv10


#551Adam1WPI, Alexandrine, Am33, BlueSeashell, Boozman, BrittyBear, Captain Kirk, ChaoticGalen, Davolta, Disco Dread, Doc Rock, Evil Dead Ned, Gaknar, Gromph, Hunkpapa, IcebergSlim, Jingo, Lewdguini, LostWushu, MelodiousDissonance, Miss Tarball, Mubobo, NinjaGodKing, Nomnominus Rex, NotHere, QGrav42, Ravi Oli, RockClimb, Rolagza, Sennin, Telvenia, The Game, Tragus, Valarauko, Wr3cktangle, bulbocapnine, dumpybabe, gLEnN_zhoU, jetcrash9, kaateke2, sixs, the dARKness, wildwoodViolet and wombatICUS9


#595ADH, Aduine, BlakAcid, CWango, Crimbolecious, Crinkum Crankum, Dadacanaidu, DevilCreme, Endrion, Godspeed, Goochy, GorgeousGeorge, Gumbyman, Hallan Meras, Hulyen, HybridDragon, Idle Hands, IngaTBW, Jessalyn, Jill_Bob, Kerchara, Koshchei, LUNAirie, Leviathan90, Lily Summers, Luke, LuxoCrusher, Maller, MarcLaw, Marcella, NinjaThief, Rhyet Swordmistress, SCYankee, Scutterman, Shaa, SpiderMcFly, Splaily, Subacai, Tanliel, ThaT CooL KiD, TheLadyEsme, Theralyn, Thrap, Vorbis, WiseFather, Z3RO, Zerai, ZoeHarriet, andreaes, asmanla, codeSmack, home_grown75, ishmael, jalalipop, jmkg, maeron, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, mark twain, micros the tiny, noxious and starksroadkill8


#656Allis, Blzbob, BurntKechup5, Candice Dick, Cosmosis Kwik, Dae su Oh, Daisy_Dukes, Damine, Danger, Davyboy, Dysamyne, FarmerBrown, Fellatrix, Fredric Von Dothelmyer, GryWizard, Hairshirt, HansGruber, Hentai_Bob, Hostility Incarnate, I Wrestled A Bear Once, Itsatrap, JayCrow, JoMardie, Karnyvore, Kenawick, L Teal, LabRat, Lokiator, MaxEarWax, Mehified, Mnemosyne, Mona Subip, MotherMary13, NickHab, Not Quite Zen, Obsidion, Pertelote, Rayi, Shrek, Sigurd Sigurdsson, Snarla, Sombody Else, Spicy Noods, Sprite Lee, Sprucer, Squirefred, ToadSlayer11, Toan, Turtlsoop, UncleJoe, Usedboy, Wildcat_693, Wintersmith, Zao Fato, Zen00, bkworm, cukky, e7ora, eskimodave, infernokrusher, insaneasian, loottool, maloney4545, murky343, narfster, pestodigator, qoobits, razorh, resiliang, selkiexangel, siege72, silly_na, smilydeth, spencah, turtlesrock1, xsneAkeR07x and yonpytr7


#733A Tiny Plastic Puddle, ACDCFreaK, Aankhen, Ander Hammer, AndromacheNoble, Archondelnoche, Augon, Bartendantalus, Berith, Bloodpurge, BobDoleSuperior, Cardflopper17, Casteel, Ceasarious, Chocolate Puma, Crazy Larry, Damic, Devan, Dewlanna, Doz, Drazool, DrunkDuckie, Duo245, EaterOfSorrow, Ekcipher, Erik Von Cloobbin, Fearium, Femtotechnician, Feralmonkey, Fury Some, FuzzyPlushroom, Ganguran, Ghostface Killah, Glerf, Goooheroes, Gruebeard, Halueth, Hellfire_Death, HighD, I Am, Infinite, Invisible Purple Pixie, Jigga k, JizmStick, Junk Drakul, Juze, Kneegrow, Korvizzle, Lazer, LilyNoire, LoneZealot, Lothp, Mabster, Maloki, Mirian, Mosquito, Mr HeadCase, Nary, Neithyme, Newman, Noobular4, Nymall, Obnoxio The Clown, PinballLizard, Polyphema, Ralph XI, Regmar Kinczuk, Rev Maskelyne, RikAstley, SBD, Sakurazaki, Shellie_Webster, Sirploko, SkyOfCrimson, Slamboy, Sowyrd, SpiderVeins McGee, Steffi666, TIny PlaStic impY, Tasogare101, The Ghostly Shadow, The Hoff, Tongue, Ultimate Tokyo Vigilante, Ulysse, WeeBuffBot, WhoaHey, Wolfman6666, Youthful Corpse, YuukiHideki, alexbishops, astronomer UNIsus, bleachninja, cakyrespa, dammed if I do, deadr0sa, deepthinker566, efraim, geopetal, girlpuke, gylfi, halfway, jadefishes, jdfinnie, laddus, lilwinston, mylittlebrother, mylittlesister, re4master543, red grog, rgarz1, sHiNsEn, sealmaster55, sensibleb, setolc, the_Khamul, unisus80 and vanis6


#851AkumaExtreme, Anagram, AntiMoron, Artful Dodgerr, Atomic Dog, Aunt Malice, BabaRam dAss, BabyGirlTigger05, Badde Hugs, Baron Munchhausen, BenzDoc, Birgette, BlackfireTheUnmaker, Borachio, Butterz, CaptainSilly, ChaseZ, ChiOnGster, Chineselegolas, Christoph, ChubbyCake725, Cleo, Crym, DAMNEDguy, DMeleedy, DaBaddestHic, Daav, Danza, Darknight123, DellyBelly, Devine, Don Quai Poncerello, Dragoon Sage, Ekeinos, Firebyrdx, Gaeriel, Garioch, Gen Eric Cola, Ghent, Gladius752, Goodch, Grime Jello, Grokly, Grommitt, HiHoMerryO, Hinaguy777, HobNobber, Hulihuli, I am here_why, Jacquelyn Hyde, JenZahara, Josette, Jzzybbe, Kassandra, KatanaMaster, KrisKo The Reaper, Kull, LAMPayatot, Lamb, LobsterHime, Longo, Lord Artan, Lord Merkin, Lord_Towers, LstRemainingName, Magic2729, MarcyRoni, Mars the Infomage, Merkan, Miki_Ger, Mr_Parks, NAYSLAYER, Nectaris, NeuroticPunk, Not Quite Right, Padre_LUPO, Pallidyne, PapaCap, Papilionoidea, Peppa Mint, Picklenose, Pimp Ninja, PolyPanda, PrinceCandyAss, Quimble, Ragnok, Ransak_the_Elder, RenRetard, Rev Razna, Rowenthus, S3w3rGn0m3, Sau_Kazumi, Shantalya, Stargazer67, SulVetta, Tara Peen, Tard, TastesLikeChicken, Tealsac, Telekar, Teyrnon, The Cereal Killers, TheDotGamer, Tiny Plastic Snypah, TinyPlastic Alumni, Truckdriver999, TuzlaRuja, Ulysses Katarn, Victorinox, Viki, WKUAlumni, Wellew2, Wintermute, Zacharygolf, bloodflower13, bored at work, callidus, cheddaqueen, chococrispis, completebastich, delvis_one, demchak, devjoe, eggibagga, erimus, evilsarah, excellente, faa Gamer, fleshy, iBlackSheep, jaqueitche, jibe, jimmy_hoffa, jsh, katlazam, kidMissile, kilb, manakabab, more better, myu2k2, nAmor ordep, nancels, nicekitty, pezdood123, purdyview, safeforwork, snooty, stink palm and theflamingokid5
