
#67A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 13
#76A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 23
#32A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 34
#39A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 43
#78A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 53
#102A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 62
#399C.H.U.M. knife2
#1199Corpse Island iced tea3
#1041Crimbo Candy Cookbook3
#1234Crimbo candied pecan2
#1380Crimbo fudge1
#1027Crimbo peppermint bark5
#583Crimbo pie2
#1527Crimboween memo5
#193Feynman gate61
#212Frosty's carrot1
#699Frosty's frosty mug1
#16Frosty's iceball1
#195Frosty's nailbat1
#76Frosty's old silk hat2
#120Hodgman's bow tie1
#356Kissin' Cousins3
#54MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech146
#624Ol' Scratch's salad fork1
#100Oscus's flypaper pants1
#108Oscus's garbage can lid1
#209Serenity trading card1
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#216The Grand Poo-Bah trading card1
#85Zombo's skull ring1
#58Zu Mannkäse Dienen44
🥈antique 8-Bit Power magazine125
#170astronaut pants50
#191atomic vector plotter21
#1912bat-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#172bi-lateral logic compressor22
#208big rock6
🥈biomechanical crimborg helmet1
🥈biomechanical crimborg leg armor1
#334bottle of Ooze-O1
#663bottle of sewage schnapps1
#570bowl of fishysoisse1
#437bunch of bananas9
#2007candy cane12
#1094candy stake6
#89capacitor relay142
#98carbon nanotube frame140
#1037chunk of depleted Grimacite8
#1155club necklace6
#805computronic processing unit2
#789corpse on the beach6
#443cup of infinite pencils2
#99cursed black pearl onion23
#126cursed bottle of black-label rum15
#86cursed bottle of rum28
#73cursed cannonball27
#105cursed dirty joke scroll18
#85cursed sea biscuit24
#105cursed voodoo skull18
#537cyborg stompin' boot4
#213delicious salad236
#620diamond necklace11
#1286evil teddy bear7
#588extra-greasy slider2
#1288fancy but probably evil chocolate4
#526fancy dress ball24
#339flamin' bindle2
#459freezin' bindle1
#329frozen banquet6
#1225gingerbread bugbear15
#2302gingerbread horror3
#1227heart necklace6
#459hyperbolic plasma focuser7
#757immense cyborg hand6
#1370incredibly creepy marionette1
#119ion grid131
#316jar of fermented pickle juice6
#240jar of squeeze4
#156jar of swamp gas499
#737laser-broiled pear12
#152logic synthesizer92
#249lucky bottlecap6
#225mad scientist's sock monkey14
#80monomolecular yo-yo661
#2043nanite-infested candy cane4
#2559nanite-infested eggnog2
#1397nanite-infested fruitcake4
#1476nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear4
#178oil of oiliness3
🥇old-fashioned Crimbo Pressie1
#131ornate ancient cursed chest2
#50ornate ancient cursed key6
#1186pack of KWE trading card2
#338pet rock22
#1614prehistoric spear1
#224quantum polarity inducer17
#226recursive spline reticulator17
#130roasted marshmallow281
#271rogue swarmer99
#985rubber WWBD? bracelet8
#1544rubber WWJD? bracelet5
#1124rubber WWSPD? bracelet7
#1482rubber WWtNSD? bracelet5
#163servomechanical torsion facilitator27
#532sewer nuggets2
#351sewer wad1
#1806skull-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#511sleazy bindle1
#539snifter of thoroughly aged brandy10
#1975spade necklace3
#1947spooky eggnog3
#846spooky felt10
#249spooky wooden block30
#672stained mattress1
#2300stuffed Baron von Ratsworth8
#1476stuffed Cheshire bitten34
#1421stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech36
#2379stuffed Meat7
#1831stuffed alien blob3
#1172stuffed angry cow43
#1839stuffed astral badger28
#1534stuffed baby gravy fairy34
#1465stuffed can of asparagus1
#1837stuffed cocoabo27
#3202stuffed doppelshifter1
#1894stuffed flaming gravy fairy27
#1580stuffed frozen gravy fairy33
#139stuffed gray blob303
#2112stuffed hand turkey24
#1734stuffed key13
#1849stuffed mind flayer28
#2422stuffed mink6
#2083stuffed monocle11
#142stuffed porpoise1
#1376stuffed scary death orb38
#988stuffed shoulder parrot21
#1551stuffed sleazy gravy fairy33
#1715stuffed snowy owl29
#1765stuffed spooky gravy fairy29
#3041stuffed spooky mushroom1
#1487stuffed stinky gravy fairy34
#2468stuffed teddy butler6
#2238stuffed tin of caviar9
#1486stuffed treasure chest20
#1360stuffed undead elbow macaroni38
#776sub-molecular interocitor2
#174teddy borg60
#368teeny-tiny magic scroll2
#219teeny-tiny ninja stars4
🥇time sleigh1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#411tiny balloon knife1
#596tiny bottle of absinthe10
#63tiny bust of Pallas2
#1256tiny house19
#16tiny knife and fork40
#144tiny maracas6
#416tiny ninja sword2
#96tiny nose-bone fetish1
#3986tiny plastic 7-foot dwarf1
#1280tiny plastic Axe Wound6
#1176tiny plastic Baron von Ratsworth4
#2094tiny plastic Beelzebozo2
#1228tiny plastic Black Knight6
#942tiny plastic Bonerdagon5
#1151tiny plastic Boss Bat4
#3991tiny plastic Cheshire bat4
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#1147tiny plastic Felonia4
#3830tiny plastic G Imp1
#3953tiny plastic Gnollish crossdresser1
#2787tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester2
#1459tiny plastic Hellion5
#1758tiny plastic Iiti Kitty4
#2060tiny plastic Knob Goblin King2
#2195tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter3
#2783tiny plastic Knob Goblin harem girl2
#2772tiny plastic Knob Goblin mad scientist2
#3894tiny plastic Knott Yeti1
#2119tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy3
#2782tiny plastic Protagonist2
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#2759tiny plastic Spam Witch2
#3890tiny plastic Spunky Princess1
#2057tiny plastic The Man2
#2830tiny plastic Trouser Snake2
#2759tiny plastic XXX pr0n2
#4540tiny plastic accordion thief1
#420tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll4
#1801tiny plastic angry bugbear4
#3948tiny plastic angry goat4
#3940tiny plastic anime smiley1
#1240tiny plastic apathetic lizardman6
#1442tiny plastic astronomer5
#6168tiny plastic baby gravy fairy2
#3935tiny plastic barrrnacle4
#1762tiny plastic beanbat4
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#4839tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball3
#1236tiny plastic blooper6
#2217tiny plastic brainsweeper3
#1217tiny plastic briefcase bat6
#8089tiny plastic cocoabo1
#3296tiny plastic coffee pixie5
#1502tiny plastic conservationist hippy3
#1764tiny plastic cubist bull4
#2769tiny plastic demoninja2
#4494tiny plastic disco bandit1
#2157tiny plastic drunk goat3
#2137tiny plastic fiendish can of asparagus3
#2830tiny plastic filthy hippy jewelry maker2
#2182tiny plastic fluffy bunny3
#3923tiny plastic fruit golem1
#3987tiny plastic fuzzy dice4
#4856tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick3
#6153tiny plastic ghuol whelp2
#1709tiny plastic giant pair of tweezers4
#637tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire3
#1765tiny plastic goth giant4
#4809tiny plastic grue3
#2794tiny plastic handsome mariachi2
#2706tiny plastic hermit2
#3971tiny plastic howling balloon monkey4
#4792tiny plastic killer bee3
#2824tiny plastic lemon-in-the-box2
#6168tiny plastic leprechaun2
#8100tiny plastic levitating potato1
#3835tiny plastic lobsterfrogman1
#8107tiny plastic mosquito1
#1272tiny plastic ninja snowman6
#2600tiny plastic pastamancer2
#4798tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime3
#4463tiny plastic sauceror1
#2607tiny plastic seal clubber2
#2783tiny plastic senile lihc2
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#2818tiny plastic smarmy pirate2
#2144tiny plastic spiny skelelton3
#3365tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton5
#3935tiny plastic spooky vampire1
#3946tiny plastic stab bat4
#3347tiny plastic star starfish5
#1742tiny plastic taco cat4
#2768tiny plastic topiary golem2
#4478tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#2753tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni2
#2762tiny plastic warwelf2
#1435tiny plastic whitesnake5
#403tiny shaker of salt6
#1864tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookie1
#2084toothsome rock2
#38toy jet pack155
#418toy maglev monorail3
#977toy mercenary5
#215toy ray gun48
#68toy space helmet121
#198tree-eating kite188
#600tropical paperweight1
#435unstable laser battery66
#165vampire duck-on-a-string75
#673vitachoconutriment capsule7

Wow, that's 5,774 items total!

what items are this player missing?