teddy borg

teddy borg

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This adorable plush cyborg bear will always keep you company, even in the cold unfeeling vacuum of space (should you happen to find yourself there).

Resistance is futile -- you will go "awwww".



🥉Antic the Fearless2,618








#7Lord Zathrus1,060


#8Mistress of the Obvious791




#10Ashes and PackinMama757
























#23Pythagorus1987 and Suspect328


















#33ERJ1024, ForteSP and SikSyko200






#38Master Harper of Pern and Saucy_ash195




#41thE tRAveLiNg RetArD189






#44Puttan Esca172


#45Frenchy McFrench170


#46Tom the Mighty167






#49Tiny Plastic Grimmy155




#51Eevilcat and kashara153






#55I_Am_Jacks_Character and Satire142


















#65Xen of Borg and eusst128




#68Ashallond and Mrmongoose121


#70Teyrnon and The Big O119






#74teh swabs114


#75Big_Mike_55 and StickySteve113








#80KittYhm and Park107


#82Kol Miners Daughter104






#85Meru la Renat, Ytterbium Manganese, Zero_Sen, hanna_the_dream, red grog, volf and yeah602100


#92Mac_Gyver and wOrLDs_NumbER_1_granDpa98


#94lazy mork97




#96RockClimb and misque95


#98Stargazer67 and Tomgi94


#100Ceelgohsplatt, TNGRspacecadet and hEnTo93




#104Grinder, Tooks, Zendra and hagrid33389


#108Danger and Raylin88






#112Yubi Shines and ratbert83


#114Dadaca, TheNice1, WoofWoof and hohofolderol82




#119Grokly, Lindiwe and ale80




#123Entwhistle, Orlando, TrunkleBob and glaucos78




#128Gauln and Steve VAN76


#130FoxyMoxy, Mirror Kirby and hiimchels75


#133Nikademus and feedhead74


#135Raekwon da Chef and magermagician73


#137DJ_Axon, FFL2and3rocks, Pastahead, Samanthra, Sp8z and ilda71


#143Aximili, BMyers, Dement, UberPwner1337, V a n e s s a and oRANgatUan70


#149Ardsnard, Chocomeister, DiscoGrim and John Shaft69




#154Delekahn, silly_na and sl1me67


#157Captain Kirk, GpHerder, Mighty Mickey, Tatterwasp and elljaeT66


#162NeuroticPunk, Ninja Karl, SassyMcAsspants, Simon the Mystificator and chud65


#167fezzer and unisus8064


#169Mysyzygy and wombatICUS63






#173Disneeyore1, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Eniteris, Klink, LadyDelilah, Lycaeus, Pyler tUrdeN, Stephie and demchak60


#182Saucy_Sistah and Yessu59




#185Betty Page, Lilkeith07, Mamph the Maladjusted, Marmazett, Nomme, jgingrey and starspiritgeno57


#192Axilla Schmutz, DerMagus, VoraciousVulva, Zucker, art and jadziadax56


#198Mars the Infomage, Moonchilde, Ryouki and Skent55


#202Caseman09, ErstwhileWarrior, Xentrix and halfpenny54


#206A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Ekeinos, Froggie Legs, Shadowravyn, SupermanCY, l4g0s, nobodys_daughter and slag53


#214DMeleedy, Eihachew, Neave, PastaGolem and Tibbiara52


#219Jman22, Lightwolf, Vaginal Bloodfart and tush the pastagirl51


#223CharlesBumgaurd, MephistoWolf and Thraxus50


#226Babaganoosh, Cathowl, Dust, Fredmaehn, Hare Raiser, Lord Kobel, StDoodle, TwilightSun, bizkut and scratch49


#236ErnieR, Hariri, TheDarkOne, Tiersyvon and bunter48


#241Obsidean_00, Papilionoidea and Ranava47


#244Pierate, Plummy, PsymonM77, azupnod and lostcalpolydude46


#249Butterz, Chowdown, Czuki Czyzz, Firebyrdx and mailbox head45


#254Der_Koenig, Karistina Sedai and impactnoise44


#257Big_Papa_55, Dizzit, Jinya, Kerchara, Larry Trousers, Netheron, Show No Mercy and WhiskeyZours43


#265AubriAnne, DaBaddestHic, Sundkvist, SvS, mndsm and werrez42


#271Bitter Hawk, Joorrke and hotdeth41


#274AlexHahn82, Annihilator, Beswycke Bechamel, Chef Wolfgang, DiscoKiller, Gordon McStats, Kitschycat and Vidalia40


#282Afrogumby, BlueWasabi, Chansey, Dutton, Mythticalness, PrehensileSpine and Two__T39


#289JanvierBellefeuille, QhRiZ, mrgreat, reddening and yodaBABE38


#294Aczen, Alqarine, Augon, BlackThunder, DeFalen, Doxical, Necco Wafer, Triplebass, amplitude, bubbafraze, judayre and smilydeth37


#306Qwerky, Snarfla and WeatherWarrior36


#309Elektra, HMSRobotman, Landar, Melon Squeezer, NobodysFool, RGlock, Strange Little Pixie, Tealsac, jackal73, mwahaha and queenoftheNAUGHTiez35


#320CheezyGrits, DarkMaiden, Kareth, LuxoCrusher, Terry, TheSilentMantis and WidoWMakeR34


#327EAF Marine, Fenric, Mighty Xerxes, Nekosoft, SatireSloth, Secret_treaties, angelrider and glitterboy33


#335DarkStanley, Jolan, Mabster, Moxious Mystery, PaperCut, Tom808, smanoli and sweettooth_tm232


#343DISCokeir, FrankNBeans, Madelyn North, Nardsmasher, apr131958s_daughter and imthebigchief31


#349Akaiya, Avisamo, CaitiffsEros, Debs, Farfalle al Dente, Headlock, Keptuvis, Levitra, Mecha, Neotemplar, Omnibus, Rafterclaw, Rikmach, Rutiger and case30


#364Albino Ferret, Darth Steve, Geldar, Jubala, Perkk, QueenMaleficent, Sy Simmerer, TimScheff, Yendi and h7u9i29


#374Batsubabe, Fearium, MaxEarWax, Misterfuffie, Mr HeadCase, Quothz, ThunderGate, baba44713 and xapnomapcase28


#383Abunai, BoiRDee, Devdogg, ErsatzHipHop, Griv, Humiliations Galore, Iason, Nurial, Princess Luna Bleu, ZeddWhyte, eav and mylittlesister27


#395Andis, AssHat, Hulihuli, Joyce100, Poncho the Sane, Rawoul, imtalking2u and lagayNET26


#403Dante Kinkade, Koshchei, Nearly, Pacone, Samos, Sprad, artoo, gwesj, jojotheimp, mangofeet and punicron25


#414Adam1WPI, Ben Wu, DrunkDuckie, Flaming Gummi Ork, Higgy, Koentinius, LongBrulee, LuckyPuck, Triantiwontigongolop and apathetical24


#424Cicadalek, Conan the Numismatist, Dammit Janet, Disco Lord Ross, Eroquin, Kartal, KevDeneen, OHogan, Paksukainen, Su8Z3r0, Zazilia, howlin_mad, johnnyrichter, orwellmbc77 and panne23


#439Barbari0n, DocValance, Dragons Midnight, HasteBro, Llathias, MysticMelvin, Sandslash, Sicila, Splendatron, TurtleGirlPower and darius18022


#450Beljeferon, Coldrain, Euan McLeod, GreatChef, IceDomina, Jayuul, Jmoen, Johab, Kemistry, Lord Stefano, LuvLuvChef, MiniMeat, Roary, Sir Francis, Sir Porkloin, Tui, Vedekka, Wojo, alan0823, blocko, fyre_tzygrax, idfku, sugarpop and superfoot21


#474Angus Mac, Bacall, Devan, Devore, DrunkenFrog, EarWaxMax, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Ghorroj, Gozza, JoSSie II, KydrouKair, L0tech, NIUGuber, Provoke, Scat, Scurvy McGurk, VideoGamerPaul, Yarple, Yoshiko11, ghar18, raynstorm and thudean20


#496BabyScarface, Bors, Dilldo_Baggins, Ecchi_Kitty, Jingo, Mansausage, Mike Czech, Rettulf, SUgAR MaGNOLiA, Zinnia, doublefistodoom, radicalpenguin, rue and the Mayor of Fuzzytown19


#510AdmiralBob, Bandanaman, BenzDoc, Blink, CharliePaige, HammeredOne, Lady Tomo, Master Bates, Ozark, Pyctsi, Stinksap, TheCoddess, Wintersmith, cukky and morjax18


#525Anakhra, Baron Meriwether, Blah Industries, CA Dude, Diss, Drothar the Omniscient, ElronBean, Fremen, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Juanita Cuervo, Kittyfang, Maruzze, MoxieMozzie, MrZesty, NikolaiFrey, Norel, Salsa Picante, TastesLikeChicken, Xploding Bill, baloume, crawatt, dfens73 and nitaeatspaste17


#548BarbarianBob77, Chineselegolas, Cinder, Cosmosis Kwik, Dadacanaidu, DarkNewton, DarkSpuddle, Demicanadian, Fellatrix, GreyBeer, HappyHead, Jizwink, Johnny the Johner, Kerrian, Majsju, Narth Vader_v2, Ninj of Feck, Pertelote, Snapperjack, Terps, TheVarian, Victorinox, Vorbis, cowstick, jennynorth, meh_64_12 and stone515016


#575Athanatos, Baby_Girl_1979_2005, DanElectro, Ethanson, Gaddse, HansGruber, JayCrow, Jookums the Skerry, Mahi_mahi_wings, NinjaThief, Nohurtme, Shaitana, Sir Jefe, Steel Nut Dave, WelshRarePasta, anticosmo, apr131958, gingerhat, intrepidcat, itisempty, jaqueitche, mskc, piro13, rainacake, rounDchilD and seanqtx15


#601AbsoluteZero, Der Zilla, DoomKnight2, Drathro, JToomey, Jenkilm, KyRoS, MadddddDog, MikeyTsi, MrTowel, Muffus, Phunky D, Sal the Rapacious, SassQueen, SirThursday, Swinka, TVirus26, Vesper1721, WakeoftheBounty, bruteforcePWNsYou, diSCwORldiaN, jWang, jackman6, jdfalcon06, joefranco, maestro13 and wholelottaman2wash14


#628A Tiny Plastic Puddle, AuntBeast, Bassvamp, Bunegeria, Charleyhorse, Dibzdevil, Drizzit, ElGrande, Frxnix, HappyCrab, Kyr, Maikeruu, Orochi, PinballLizard, Pirate_Ninja, Pustulio, Rexcor, Rude_Badger, Saemir, Swarthy Princess, Tarotina, Tegestologista, Tz_BG, Van Diemens, Xcess, ak 47, blackmyth, cakyrespa, killemall, laurathequeen, mk98mod4, nesburrito, shaggy100, sub and turtlesrock113


#663Arutha, Cecilias Nightingale, Celebmacil, DeathAngel, DragonDung, EvilPieMistress, Jack S, Kevin, KorTehGehn, Metallicus_Maximus, Mitchell, OLBuick, Penguinist, Ptomato, Razorpack, Squidrella, The Resanified, Viridinia, Watter, Wizard Stan, asmanla, elarrina, erTEST1, freakyguy99999, have2hunt, italia_stallion, jERdev, maribella, muskratlove, mx indigo, phreeq, piLyongpiLay and snpr12


#696Adatur, Aegis Black, Akara, Archipelago71, Biffle, CecilBTurtle, Christoph, Club, Clubbrz L337, Coalface, Darth Elmo, Donavin69, Doodleman1, Drachefly, Edgy, Framistan, Gwinnifred, HaliBoranje, HangDude, Icon of Sin, Jocy, Longuine, Lord_of_Ants, MAginiNjA, Mister Saturn, Mistress Valentine, Mousseme, PandaPants, Picklenose, Pimp Ninja, Qdo, Quietust, Ranger, Reekusan, ScUd RuCkInS, Selengeist, ShakenNotStirred, ShellScott, Sjakie, StinkyDrunk, TamCoan, Timble3, Tortica, UncleBen, Wilbur, Zermelo, bauhaus, busybugs, d_w, froodian, hedonia, ildas_daughter, jlc2, mittensss, payne1111, pfpf, sawsea, scheijan, sensibleb and spooky kid11


#756Boesbert, ChristieBunny, Cloony, Crinkum Crankum, Escaflowne, FallenSnowflake, Gnocci Man, Grimm Tooth, Highwaywoman, IMPaLIX, JOSHypooski, Jidam, Khilante, Kneegrow, Loathario, Lyndis, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monster Hunter 2, Morganfyre, Mystic Knite, PencilFetish, Porkymole, Prague, PsychoPerson, RedNeckReb, Ric Fule, Rodiicio, Sandpapyrus, Septh, ShiroSirius, Skyemist, Spiff, Syaldia, The Wishing Well, Theralyn, Timewraith, Turleyron, Vanir, Wraithkin, Yiab, aalleenn, antwoan, calculon26, eskimodave, inuss352, knighty knight, mizbrulee, mooj, noob_meat, pikawss, sAuRman leRoux, sheldonbunny, theFurryOne, varooka, wondersherL and xsneAkeR07x10


#812Agent Orangey, AkumaExtreme, Derrikan, DiNo_gS, Drewsie, Drider, Equestrian, Fitje, Gaffa, Gonain, Graf von Steiff, Grosspointte, Hexidimentional, Ima Bycch, Jamesacus, Kaloula, Kara Rae, Kaspersai, Klown Slayer, Krisha Chaos, Logmo, Lumeria, Nacho Mein, Niktu, PeopledOntunDerStand, Photon Chang, Rhonan, RigaTony, RttlesnkeWhiskey, Shimbo, SkyElf, Sourceman, Sowyrd, Splaily, Stook, Synthetik, Targrod, Teaxe, Tilde the Hyphenator, Werebear, Yamcha, aClArie, allmitybob, anakha, annamonster, balbriggan, ettil, firstplaceloss, grease monkey, jackstraw, lupus4, mflGrMp, pantsthief, stykera, testostronaut, whitehatluck and xXxSnappyxXx9


#869ARthuR the human, Ace Palarum, Akieal, Arbos, Aro CantCatchABreak, Ashfox, BenjaNoob, BobbyNoPants, Clown420, CodSmack, CreOsOTe, Cri, Cytherion, Dethlord, Dibzannia, Dik, Doc Rock, FratFever, Frita Bandita, Gumbyman, Hamstibamsti, Hawksmoor, J Random Adventurer, JudySeagram, Kapi_K, Karnyvore, LUNAirie, Laurence208y, Lily Summers, LoverPrimeNumbah, Macdaddy, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Nihilistiskism, Pibemall, Rosarinita, Sarah Darling, Sasori_uk, Shadowlord, Slavoc, Stabotron, SwordsRCool, Twiggie, TwirlyRotini, Vencho, astronomer UNIsus, bcsnate, broodwich, chibiscuro, dumpybabe, eitak, flerdle, melonmuncher, rosa blanco, sealmaster55, skravelle, slayer_78372, theasswhisperer, whizdad, wolfybrie, xVIRUSx and xXxMrsSnappyxXx8


#930Aesop the Rapscallion, Allen_36s, Babbat56, BabyGirlTigger05, Bjornhilde, BlueHat, BlueThunder, Bo Peep No Sheep, Bob_Pesterfello, Bubo, CeeLow, CzARiNA, Digit, El Vibrato, FootStepsOfMeat, GarlicGrim, Generic Hero, Gil Galad, Goobertina, Heffed, HelbaQ, LadyWater, Lazer, Linknoid, Lnk the Lurker, Lord of the Souls, Magic2729, Mala the Sad, Megabuster, Melia, Mplo, Oldy, Otterbee, Pineapple of Despair, PixySnot, PlutoOfPluto, Pumpkinheadme, Rumour Rhemer, Spoonbende, Spramen, Spygame, StrawberryLetter23, SwinginCelt, Telgar the Blue, The Hunter of Thompson, Thor God of Thunder, Unzeitgeist, Wembley Fraggle, Whiskaz, Wolffauer, a930, amextex, c00lb0t, elsen, futinc, gnatlet, gunfighter, herpman, kemoore86, killerwill, lazy_fire, minders, mylittlebrother, necronomicon, octopodey, phiLOfarnSwORth, pukalicious, sariainn, syxx and takenoko7
