
#9237-Foot Dwarven mattock1
#1166Amulet of Yendor5
#634Better Than Cuddling Cake2
#798Brimstone Chicken Sandwich3
#163Cerebral Cloche1
#733Cloaca grenade16
#2464Colander of Em-er'il1
#433Crimbo pie4
#1960Crown of the Goblin King9
#230Deactivated O. A. F.3
#2662Disco 'Fro Pick1
#454Disco Banjo1
#668Doc's Miracle Cure1
#1938Dolphin King's crown1
#843Double Bacon Beelzeburger2
#589Dyspepsi grenade21
#788Gnollish flyswatter1
#725Gnollish plunger1
#547Gnollish toolbox3
#86Great Ball of Frozen Fire1
#340Happy Birthday, Claude! cake3
#900Jumbo Dr. Lucifer2
#127Kevlar balloon1
#430Knob Goblin Uberpants1
#989Knob Goblin elite helm1
#995Knob Goblin elite pants1
#973Knob Goblin elite polearm1
#738Knob Goblin perfume1
#1057Knob Goblin scimitar1
#1117Knob Goblin tongs1
#891Knob Goblin visor1
#782Lord of the Flies-sized fries3
#438Mace of the Tortoise1
#1036Mad Train wine25
#260Mae West with a fly in it1
#1985MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech1
#403Meat detector1
#396Miniborg beeper1
#362Miniborg hiveminder1
#394Miniborg laser1
#443Miniborg stomper1
#405Miniborg strangler1
#985Mohawk wig1
#833Mountain Stream soda4
#2683Mr. Mediocrebar1
#116Mylar balloon2
#217Now and Earlier20
#1599Pan-Dimensional Gargle Blaster2
#542Pine-Fresh air freshener3
#266Pretty Predator Clawicure Kit1
#1086Senior Mints2
#1452St. Sneaky Pete's Day goodies basket1
#19Trollhouse cookies9,008
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#527Valentine's Day cake1
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#1105Warm Subject gift certificate1
#1005acid-squirting flower1
#1005acoustic guitarrr1
#1099amulet of extreme plot significance3
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#2607anniversary gift box1
#681annoying pitchfork3
#538arrow'd heart balloon1
#478asbestos sword1
#132bad penguin egg1
#4411badass belt7
#133badger badge1
#951bag of Cheat-Os1
#1081bag of airline peanuts17
#1029balloon monkey1
#961barbed-wire fence1
#723beer lens1
#233bejeweled accordion strap1
#42bell-shaped Crimbo cookie13
#245black snowcone15
#964bloody clown pants1
#646blue snowcone4
🥈blue traffic cone1
#665bone rattle1
#981borg sock monkey1
#624bottle of Pinot Renoir1
#458bottle of Vangoghbitussin1
#95bottled green pixie1
#1769box of sunshine87
#318brass stinger1
#678brown sugar cane1
#1095bum cheek1
#3617candy cane3
#11carob chunk cookies2,188
#1823cheap plastic bottle opener1
#716chocolate filthy lucre1
#409chocolate spurs1
#939chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses1
#87clockwork maid2
#1798clown hammer1
#1349club necklace5
#696cocoa eggshell fragment31
#95congratulatory cake1
#185crossbow string1
#537cyborg stompin' boot4
#801dead guy's watch4
#1357defective skull2
#1956diamond necklace3
#1095dirty hobo gloves1
#506divine can of silly string2
#547divine noisemaker1
#395double daisy1
#1978drywall axe1
#2701easter egg balloon6
#870empty blowgun1
#184enchanted brass knuckles1
#1481enchanted leopard-print barbell2
#651enchanted toothpick1
#1021encoder ring3
#2681evil teddy bear1
#191evil teddy bear sewing kit1
#1370explosion-flavored chewing gum7
#1167facsimile dictionary5
#1713fake fake vomit3
#1543fake hand3
#291false eyelashes1
#303fez of etymology1
#1000filthy corduroys1
#970filthy knitted dread sack1
#940flaming talons1
#838flashing novelty button2
#791foolscap fool's cap1
#462fortune cookie1
#152fruit basket1
#427furry pants1
#3219fuzzy dice2
#1088ghuol egg3
#2408giant discarded plastic fork1
#2534giant pinky ring1
#82gilded lily1
#423golden ring55
#1168goth kid t-shirt1
#594green balloon2
#1909green beer1
#671green candy heart10
#1006green glowstick1
#364green snowcone32
🥈green traffic cone1
#4475grue egg2
#870guitar pick1
#236handmade hobby horse1
#570harem girl t-shirt1
#1648heart necklace4
#776heart-shaped balloon4
#1592helmet turtle3
#909herb brownies5
#892hot katana blade2
#604huge spoon1
#728hypodermic needle1
#10ice baby1
#7ice skates1
#214immense cyborg hand11
#682irate sombrero1
#959jabañero-flavored chewing gum3
#1204jar of swamp gas2
#1510jazz soap4
#499kickback cookbook1
#233killing feather86
#600laser-broiled pear13
#748lavender candy heart7
#268lavender candygram1
#1294lead necklace1
#492left half of a heart necklace1
#1007lihc eye1
#328limburger biker boots1
#301linoleum crossbow2
#437linoleum staff1
#1942loaded serum blowgun1
#590long-stemmed rose1
#1230loose teeth4
#532magical ice cube with a fly in it57
#387magnifying glass1
#579many-eyed glasses2
#575marionette collective1
#1321marzipan skull1
#235meatcar model2
#210meatsmithing guide1
#63metal mandible2
#790miner's helmet1
#785miner's pants1
#137miniature dormouse1
#487miniature stuffed Goth Giant1
#260monomolecular yo-yo276
#598mullet wig1
#433mylar scout drone11
#1323nanite-infested candy cane7
#3217nanite-infested eggnog1
#361nanite-infested fruitcake12
#482nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear10
#858ninja hot pants1
#218onion shurikens1
#848orange candy heart6
#320orange candygram1
#160oversized fish scaler16
#1351oyster basket2
#1186pack of KWE trading card2
#396palm-frond toupee1
#1584pants of the Slug Lord1
#150penguin shorts1
#192penguin whip1
#1379pet rock "Groucho" disguise4
#1502pet rock "Snooty" disguise5
#969pickle-flavored chewing gum3
#1094pile of candy1
#736pink candy heart7
#286pink candygram1
#592pink pony1
#1725pixellated candy heart2
#655polyalloy shield6
#148porquoise necklace2
#299portable corkscrew22
#27potion of potency47
#272potted fern2
#2035pretty flower1
#730prosthetic forehead1
#164red pixel potion33
#373red snowcone32
#9red traffic cone1
#366ring of adornment1
#738ring of aggravate monster4
#203ring of increase damage3
#339robotronic egg74
#386rogue swarmer83
#10rose-colored glasses1
#2723rubber WWBD? bracelet2
#1108rubber WWJD? bracelet7
#2765rubber WWSPD? bracelet2
#1264rubber WWtNSD? bracelet6
#740rubber emo roe39
#1005ruby W1
#678rusty grave robbing shovel2
#682safarrri hat1
#1703sandwich of the gods2
#379sawblade fragment78
#210set of jacks1
#368shimmering rainbow sand1
#2956shiny ring1
#412shock collar1
#943skeleton key1
#509skewer-mounted razor blade1
#237slap and tickle with a fly in it1
#548small leather glove1
#801snowboarder pants1
#1043spade necklace7
#138special sauce glove1
#1160spider web1
#978spooky bicycle chain2
#3326spooky eggnog1
#562spooky eyeliner5
#767spooky lipstick4
#1220spooky stick1
#284stick of dynamite7
#204string of blue beads49
#249string of green beads42
#200string of red beads48
#8936stuffed Cheshire bitten1
#8937stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#6269stuffed angry cow4
#8973stuffed astral badger1
#7693stuffed cocoabo2
#7019stuffed flaming gravy fairy3
#8971stuffed frozen gravy fairy1
#950stuffed ghuol whelp1
#314stuffed gray blob151
#6330stuffed hand turkey4
#7826stuffed mind flayer2
#6373stuffed scary death orb4
#6370stuffed sleazy gravy fairy4
#6908stuffed snowy owl3
#6993stuffed spooky gravy fairy3
#6280stuffed stinky gravy fairy4
#5320stuffed undead elbow macaroni6
#766sucky decal1
#177sweet rims1
#1210tamarind-flavored chewing gum1
#384targeting chip1
#269teddy bear sewing kit1
#577teddy borg15
#608ten-leaf clover11
#601tenderizing hammer1
#148thought balloon1
#297three-tiered wedding cake2
🥇time sleigh1
#325tiny Mountie hat1
#411tiny balloon knife1
#268tiny knife and fork2
#101tiny makeup kit1
#463tiny maracas1
#625tiny ninja sword1
#4312tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#1550tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#2948tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo1
#1732tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll1
#1738tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire1
#2706tiny plastic hermit2
#1558tiny plastic skeletal reindeer1
#4038tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#694tiny shaker of salt3
#1050titanium assault umbrella1
#921toy maglev monorail1
#1384toy train1
#39tree-shaped Crimbo cookie13
🥇tropical Crimbo pressie1
#600tropical paperweight1
#364unstable laser battery71
#728urinal cake1
#1255useless powder19
#714vibrating cyborg knife9
#505vitachoconutriment capsule12
#893vorpal blade1
#538white balloon3
#708white candy heart10
🥈white chocolate chip cookies35,890
#664whoopie cushion46
#786wind-up chattering teeth36
#34wreath-shaped Crimbo cookie13
#1047x-ray specs8
#228ye olde golde frontes1
#761yellow candy heart13
#399yellow candygram1
#2048yellow plastic oyster egg2
#1403yellow snowcone10
#1229yeti fur11

Wow, that's 49,818 items total!

what items are this player missing?