miner's helmet

miner's helmet

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This is a helmet taken from a 7-Foot Dwarf Miner. It's got a nifty light on the front of it.

🥈Kol Miners Daughter2,372








#6Mistress of the Obvious743


#7Artie Effham681


#8brent ObeRLin454




#10Clan Mule370








#14Poncho the Sane282
















#22Bobje Ratata218


























#35Hairshirt and sultry138




#38Ms Bus Driver128


#39Darmut eDrien and Keldar the Unbrave120


#41Hanson The Mighty114


#42CBParker and Tara the Inept112




#45Luc1fer and Scattaloquarious106


#47PolyesterMan and Sal the Rapacious105


#49john1008 and lupus4103


#51Darkling and SnowAngel100


#53LiamAndMe and salticid99




















#64Galapagos James81


#65Bioland and tanstaafl79






#69Mars the Infomage70


#70MammaBear, YorickU54 and howlin_mad68






#75Mojo Joe, Pimpjuice and olleH61




#79General_Herpes and Thingy58


#81CA Dude57






#84Mongrel the Apathetic and jlchamberlain4954






#88Dik, Gollum and glaucos49






#93I Do Not Have a Name and Salsa Picante46


#95Aife and Mac_Gyver45




#98Cookiecutter and Jidam43


#100Avanar and TheDotGamer42












#107Fylgia, Kemistry and Yarble35


#110Redcap04, darius180 and l4g0s34


#113Quixote113, XT_m_n_tx, cakyrespa and pLaster33


#117Gil Galad32


#118HansGruber, Olorin, Petit Bourgeois, PocketNinja, SauceAlt and jgingrey31


#124Snork Maiden, Stargazer67, Trullum, mskc and nordmert30


#129Diellan, Family Of Salsa, MadddddDog, Plucky, TheSilentMantis, c00lb0t, case, crash bang boom, donky and pristina29




#140AgentRocko, BlueThunder, DeDiddlyDawg, Destaven Fireheart, Knitbone, MrKeen, Razorbell and fsfwannabe27


#148ACMuseum, Error1 and Neithyme26


#151Amarand, Shlhu, Silas_L_Denturez, aenimus and santifaller25


#156Athanatos, BillieJo, DarthB1, EyeYam, Notwau, Shizzle42 and ev0lutioN24


#163Anarch, Chineselegolas, Mega Ogg Boolbar, PastaiestChefEver, Phantom Stag and Wolfman666623


#169Peachy Princess and sciFIwiZ22


#171J_7, MeLcator, Oldsfrk, PokeyMan and Slugfly21


#176CoffeeShopFrank, CottonMouth, Huntergap, Jimmy da Pooh, Johnny Ringo, Miridian, MissGnomer, Msyjsm, Rabi the Sheath, RileyMonster, SatireSloth, Sau_Kazumi, cukky and grimwald20


#190Antfattener, Baron Von Oglethorpe VII, Cantaloupe, Thurlingdrome, Wintermute, Zelgar the Savage and amrodg19


#197Blue Dragon, Candice Dick, GpHerder, Keator, LuxChroma, Murrman, Pumpkinheadme, Rogorx_THEmadd, Turkney Sol, sombrehippie and unisus8018


#208BenzDoc, Edwizzle, Foggy, LetsT, MasterOfPolka, Orochi, Sowyrd, Squids, The Banana Fairy, fiona_obrian and sauceclubber17


#219Alex Spence, Banker Bob, Cogniwhat, Frediablo, IncyWincyQuincy, Spo, Zerai and myrth7716


#227BanditAlt, Digan, MrBlack, Mr_A, Raylin, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm, StaffordMeister and Sylph Aldente15


#235BarbarianBob77, EggNogIceCream, Highbeam, Kool23kid, Quoisenot, SirSpanksAlot, Smellypharterer, d00bie, ironbob, jon316 and raynstorm14


#246Caplin, CoolBot, Davolta, Kaboon, L to the P, Mulvaney, Myriad69, Quimble, Radcliff247, Thelaan, Ugmo Joe, cubeof11, eav, maliphik and rowanthorn13


#261Angetet, Gourdy, Kareth, Kreegah, Kruntus, Quothz, WeeBuffBot, fuwafuwa, gen0615, ragnar0K, sfwarlock, wza and xephyne12


#274Archipelago71, Bert of the Northwest, Betty Page, Calatan, Donavin69, DycesKynes, GecoLupesco, Greycloak, Jehanmandeville, Listen2Reason, Lord_of_Ants, MariposaTheMonarch, Monkeyboyjp, Mystic_Potato, PinoyGenius, SBD, Shinebox, Sondroch, SwordsRCool, TamerAlt, Vaan, Vauran, Wolfger, Z_Bvrvkrt, iMMASMASHYOFACE, mellorisagayafrobear, pOOx, skulz13 and spooky kid11


#303Agent006, Chasing, Choolies, Ephimeteus, Escaflowne, Klide, Lord Stefano, Pippington III, Sjakie, TurtleTamyr, Uurson, Wildcat_693, bergelveist, gwesj, justmatt9283, madamkiss and yonpytr10


#320BlackThunder, Debobe, Dysamyne, Fluffmullen_the_Bad, Gnoogie, Hubert Farnsworth, IceScorcher, Kinttavo, Lungbutter, Mirsadies, Rebel SMURF, ThiefAlt, Ukyou, Vollrath, Wyvern Soul, Zanch Pornoflict, chanaleh, cnutt, nimrod_1, ortegojohanson and sleepyjason9


#341AdmiralKit, Akeldama, ChrisMcG, Chucky_Pain, Coyerre, Davrick, Ducky, EddieLoo, Fellatrix, ForcedToWork, Gaunt, Gorthag, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Llabak, Me33333, Raian, RcGuy10, RedFeniX, ShenanigansMaster, ShoTheBandit, Snapperjack, Suspect, Tiny plastic raging vole, Ubiq, hoyifung05, micros the tiny, oooo, padlock, pestodigator, suPer mACho MAN, the_postman and thesandslv8


#373Albenis, BrassOnes, Cobain Dougans, Decapitator_Of_Souls, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Eoghnved, FMtheGood, Garakain, Geologygirl, Hidesunset, HikingPete, Kaas Chuig, Kaspersai, Lerxt, Pompo_Schmelkin, PrinceCandyAss, Randomloser, RuthlessX, SapphirePhoenix, Sarafina826, Skent, Soylent Black, UglyPanda, Widget1985, Yatsufusa, dammed if I do, epithet, kartez, kissenger, kslash1, mhwombat, mwahaha, swift001, thE_nekO_jimboB and valdamos7


#408AlmAlphiA, BonesHurt, Cinder, Cold Pizza, Cristao, DarkWeasel, Defenseman, Devilpapaya, Disowned, HIYOUYOUSUCK, Jared_Allen, JediKnight219, Karsey, Kneegrow, Lalartu, LordPatriarch, Marluxia, Mister_Turd, Mystex, Nanimonai3, Piros, Regnar, Scorpion, Steal My Toast, Tod Booster, Underlord76, Warped12002, Yoyogod, aClArie, chaosagent, j01041999, senorrandom, sensibleb, thebanjoman and turtlelove1016


#443BRRITO, Baneful_Intruder, BatWinger, Bradley Morris, Bristelle, CuddlyBear, Dedsox, DreamTune, Farfetchedchild, KendricksRedtail, Lord Tasbo Tavoc, Miss Informed, Nick_Carney94, Noonan, OldBobLeashed, P1ayer, Retro_Thrusters, Rodiicio, S3phirothsdemise, Sanguina, Saucy_Sistah, Shiska_bob, Stabotron, Strych, Tenchikun, Teyrnon, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, The_Smartass, TinOmenWorlock, Tirg08, Viki, WakeoftheBounty, Zerstu, debobe2, delvis_one, edman18, fatesjoke01, jcrkk, jlc2, pyro fr3ak, shArgrAith, squawk, tHeEvIlIsHiE3 and thejok5


#487Akinaz, Ashles, CaptainRondo, Carrackus, Castlekin001, Chaiden, Clandestine, Colendez, Damic, Danger, Daphen, El Vibrato, Faded, FireFly 3000, Friar Bacon, GLWill, Heavy Q, High Tower, Hlover, Hnetu, JinYe, Kthulax, Leatherback Jack, Mistress_Shock, Nightfire, Normanreedus, Onyx, SaitoLoather, Sennin, Talon__crow, Trompe Loeil, Truckdriver999, Uberw00tage, Unponderable, VicciousPoo, WeeMan147, Yuzuru, aNTiMaNceR, annu, bad_player, eskimodave, jay 55555, jrbmc2, kaoskiller1, kjdfskjasjk, mary jane watson, questlove69, syxx and the_hat4


#536Aelin, Angel of Music, Aroura, Bam_A_Pinniped, Beatdown, Benihime, Chrysthanium, Clown420, CroSs BowMaN, Crusader Rabbit, CyberWocky, DancesWithTrekkies, Danger Mouse, Derekwr, Dexorcyst, Dill93, DrEvil92, Eron, Flegel, Guppopolis, Hunkpapa, I be Will, Izayus, JR Trolkin, Jashler, JoeCorden, Kalliandra, Karrde03, Lamer xxiixx, Lasher, LazyStarfish, LotsaHair, Mano_Kane, MeTorterra, Metraxis, MrBiggg, MurderMaid, Muttolomule, Nicarra, NolanShields, Nymall, Olmec, Phanpy, Ruinator, SEED, Septh, Shaydn, SilentLinguist, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, Slamboy, Slick Ace, Smebb, Taconess, Tavian, Tigro, TowerLegion, TurtleSpirit of Lich, Wagr, Webley, Weird Al Yankervick, Yandolino, ZSStudios, acollectorisme, b3ni, charitybot, cheesypuff, copperbottom chef, demeon, gargirl, karmasuttra, medusa, minhLONG, slotwin and suwakia3


#610ARthuR the human, AeonfLux iii, Alf, Arties Son, Atomic Dog, Azuriel, Baranduin, Barfbag, Baughbe, BeefThief, BenBen47, Beswycke Bechamel, BigSchtick, Billyspeed, Bubba9265, Celebmacil, CharliePaige, Clevinger, ClownWithIssues, Cryanger, CzARiNA, DaBaddestHic, Dark_Horse, Data the Corrupted, Deeliteful, Deffener, Derdrom, Dexanth, Doggie Bear, Doomsayer, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Droidlocks, DuctTapeMan, Engorged Weapon, Etheralled, Evangelist_Nine, FreAkWerKs, FrenchiePoo, Gawain, GwynDragon, HNWombat, Habib the Unsightly, Heresy, Hobomouse, Hulyen, I g g y, I_am_the_Night, Imb4ack, Ivan the Ignoble, JCS, JangoFettucine, Jaylee, Jenn654, Jeny, Jittery_Fist, Jizz Master Zero, Kalimari, Kalismaal, Keptuvis, King_of_Fate, Knux7, LINGUINI, Lanky Nibs, Lazerous_Kane, Lilandra, LoneWolf1541, Lucelle Ball, Malathos, Martavius, Meowchi, MidnightBlue, Mighty Kes, Mikaboshi, MoRox, MotherMary13, MrAdventurer, Mud Duck, Mz_NuNu, NemYo, NewTexas, Nilly, NooDel, NukeDeth, OnyxRazor, Paladine_42, Pimp Ninja, Pop y, Pravda1, Presence, Quackosaur, Rayi, Rizzen, Rogar7209, RustyPilotWrench, Samog, Samuel17170, SexyMomma, ShadowsLight, Sheman, Shwa, Sir Dinklege, Smiling Spectre, Spatacus, SpiffyDrew, Starfevre, StuStu, Sunrise, Svidrigailov, Sweetstuff, Talsgar, Terran Karapace, The Green Fairy, The Muffin Man, The Sandwich Maker, TheGreenLing, The_driver, ThiefDude, Thyralya, TzTok Jad, Valarauko, Veszerin, VeszerinIRC, Vlinderke, Wadjet, Webbi McDuck, Weirdgirl, Wes Aaronson, Xaositects, Yen0s, YfoogtheGlandular, Zarethor, ZmFlavius, aceatheart262, apisguy, arjmanbassmasta, asabigdano, blanketgirl, blixa, blocko, booberrymel, burnage1, cosmicfool24, crystal_ingram, davidsan, don diego, elmo51689, ghostboots, hax0r, hoyifung04, imperator, jaffa_cak, jessishere, kidsampson, ksumoe, mahhafooznit, man of justice, morwen, niacin1, pianomaster42, pretty_in_pink, quinn_julia, saksi, samantha12, scorpian kings halfwit brother, scrabblegodz, shkspr, snoggo, stabbypisces, stpatgirl1987, texas1012, the_me, theflamingokid, trafficjam29, trips420, uptight flea, wakela, xanth8631, zakthe2nd, zillah80634, zmb and zoidman2


#791ABHOR, Aariana, Abbyrod, AbuBamsry, Accordiologist, AccordionBoy, Acebones, Acorn Express, Adam Sandler, Advn2rgirl, Aegis Black, Aeodan, Aerdrie, Aere0n, AeriusPrimus, Agent Smith, Ailhanna, Airika, Al Frodo, Al_Diablo, Al_Khowarizmi, Albeorn, Alcolmiztli of the Equator, Aldarana, Aleke, AlenAlda, Alexandra Knight, Alldarker, Allora, Almost Last, Althalus Kirvar, Altoholic, Alucir, AlwaysInADream, Alwaysheaven, Amaris, Amrothlin, AnItOcH, Anabel Leigh, AnchoPete, Androcles Antepasta, AnghelMall, Animus, Ankopitch, Annalia, AnomTheTerror, Antoni, Apinamies, ArchCrazyFool, Archinaut, Arckanghel, Arejay, AresGodOfWar, ArgUS5, Argrus, Arkadian, Arkose Realgar, Artiric, Arya Stark, Aryck, Asereth, Ashton, Asinine, Asmoridin, Astin, Astralwolf, Astrid Haven, Ataug, Atomic1159, Attila, Axt71, Ayatollah, Aybara, Azoun, Azurite, B A Takaline, BDF Loathers, BMW, BOD, BUrNingdeSire, Baby_Girl_1979_2005, Bad Hat Harry, Badde Daria, Baerie Bryr, Balmung 09, Bandit B, Barbierella, Baron von Chickenpants, Barrow_Troll, Bartuf the Strongest, Bassvamp, BeanHead, BeccaBug, Becklee, Beelzebubble, Beeplet, Bellae, Bibiza, Big Gipper, Big_Bubba_Luv, Bigdaddy913, Bilbo, Bizarro Murphy, Black Easterling, BlackDragon007, BlindMonk, Blit, Blizzard, Bloody_Killa, BlueHeart_627, Bob, BobApril, BobSaget12, BobTheFlish, BobTheGreat, Bobofred, Bodito, Bogadarion, BongSwatMatt, Bonnikers, Boondog_Dan, BoozeAvenger, BorDeaUX523, Borimerx, Bortlby, Boxy Brown, BrAD soup, Bran, Brandon Koh 1, Brannon, Bratensaft, BraydenKyler, Brick Steakface, Brickiemon, Brickus, Brirad, BrittyBear, BroKor, Bubbles, Buckley, BuddytheCat, BuffMonkeyShine, BunnyFuFu, Burning Monkey, Busybyeski, ButterflyBabe, CK_, CNCaudata, CaelDranwylr, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caitt, Camlost, CapHector, Captain Stupendous, CaptainRandom, Caravaggio, Carbon_chicken, Cardinal Fang, Carmen, Carslyle, Casuist, Cedric E Collingswood III, Centy, Chaedal, ChandelierSwallows, ChaosTheDarkMage, Chaotic Chili, Charas, Charasa, Charasan, Chartan, Chatty, Cheese3 1416, Cheeseboyardee, ChiefWelliger, Chimera77, Chrysiridia, ChubbsMcKenzie, Chunkystu, Chvarakmeshetar, Circe, Circlecat, Cleaver The Strong, Clerric, Club, ClubberoX, Cobra8644, Cockroach, Cocomotion, CodSmack, Coldrain, Coldshade, Corielle, Cosmosis Kwik, Cousin_Dan, Coy_Celine, Cprime101, Crack Jackie, Crawl, Croft, CrowManyClouds, Crystal56, CsCaudata, Curly Howard, DTMaster, Da Quashinator, Dadacanaidu and Dah Cheese1
