
#12611-leaf clover1
#11501337 7r0uZ0RZ1
#101630669 scroll1
#122433398 scroll1
#933334 scroll1
#4424-dimensional guitar1
#9217-Foot Dwarven mattock1
#785ASCII shirt1
🥈Abuela Crimbo's special magnet1
#87Abyssal ember1
#98Accordion of Jordion1
#415Aluminum Epsilon of Humility1
#1323Ancient Saucehelm2
#1966Angry Farmer candy2
#297Ankh of Badahnkadh1
#299Baja sopapilla1
#612Baron von Ratsworth's money clip1
#4300Baron von Ratsworth's monocle1
#356Bash-ÅŒs boxtop3
#286Ben-Galâ„¢ Balm1
#414Bjorn's Hammer1
#774Black No. 21
#843Bonerdagon necklace12
#924Boris's ring1
#740Boss Bat bling4
#941Boss Bat britches14
#64Bram's choker2
#82Breakfast Blast wine cooler1
#19Brimstone Boxers2
#460C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button1
#288Cinco Mayo Lager1
#79Citrus Crush wine cooler1
#129Claybender glasses2
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1419Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#1429Cloaca-Cola shield1
#281Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration1
#555Codpiece of the Goblin King14
#2465Colander of Em-er'il1
#864Cold Hots candy3
🥇Comprehensive Cartographic Compendium (well-read)1
#232Connery's Elixir of Audacity1
#227Cookbook of the Damned2
#675Copper Alpha of Sincerity3
#249Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket3
🥇Crimbo training manual2
#3211Crown of the Goblin King3
#1840Daffy Taffy2
#534Danglin' Chad's loincloth1
#455Disco Banjo1
#1416Dolphin King's crown2
#1107Dr. Hobo's scalpel2
#1822Drowsy Sword4
#151Duskwalker fangs1
#1406Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues1
#1417Dyspepsi-Cola helmet1
#1376Dyspepsi-Cola shield1
#618El Sombrero De Lopez4
#493El Vibrato power sphere1
#291El Vibrato punchcard (129 holes)1
#179El Vibrato punchcard (142 holes)3
#216El Vibrato punchcard (165 holes)1
#197El Vibrato punchcard (213 holes)1
#202El Vibrato punchcard (216 holes)4
#216El Vibrato punchcard (88 holes)3
#285El Vibrato punchcard (97 holes)1
#1469Elder Turtle Shell2
#470Elmley shades1
#1008Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots1
#143Fitspirationâ„¢ poster3
#777Galapagosian Cuisses1
#787Garter of the Turtle Poacher1
#90Gathered Meat-Clip1
#277Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire1
#1026Glass Balls of the Goblin King2
#187Gnollish autoplunger1
#790Gnollish flyswatter1
#594Gnollish pie server1
#727Gnollish plunger1
#595Gnollish slotted spoon1
#441Gnomitronic Hyperspatial Demodulizer1
#337Grateful Undead T-shirt1
#473Gravyskin Belt of the Sauceblob2
#895Green Clover of Justice2
#568Hippy Army MPE1
#186Hollandaise helmet39
#110Hotwireâ„¢ brand candy rope1
#233Iiti Kitty Gumdrop1
#557Iiti Kitty phone charm2
#711Instant Karma5
#220Iron Beta of Industry45
#775Jarlsberg's earring1
#692Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet1
#141Knob Goblin Mutagen6
#430Knob Goblin Uberpants1
#820Knob Goblin elite helm2
#715Knob Goblin elite pants3
#792Knob Goblin elite polearm2
#892Knob Goblin elite shirt2
#1207Knob Goblin firecracker1
#1007Knob Goblin harem pants1
#997Knob Goblin harem veil1
#579Knob Goblin melon baller1
#913Knob Goblin pants2
#914Knob Goblin scimitar2
#941Knob Goblin steroids1
#963Knob Goblin tongs2
#746Knob Goblin visor2
#456L.I.M.P. Stock Certificate4
#83Leonard's glasses4
#1184Lord Spookyraven's ear trumpet21
#1985MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech1
#50Mark I Steam-Hat1
#51Mark II Steam-Hat1
#44Mark III Steam-Hat1
#136Mark V Steam-Hat1
#696Maxwell's Silver Hammer1
#287Milk Studs1
#391Misty Cape1
#394Misty Cloak1
#851Mohawk wig2
#158Mr. Accessory1
#2546Mr. Mediocrebar2
#488Newman's Own Trousers2
#1575Nickel Gamma of Frugality1
#1271Orange Star of Sacrifice1
#678Orcish baseball cap2
#616Orcish cargo shorts2
#595Orcish frat-paddle2
#612PADL Phone1
#314PEEZ dispenser4
#160Pain Dip1
#476Pick-O-Matic lockpicks2
#818Pink Heart of Spirit1
#192Polka Pop1
#201Professor What T-Shirt2
#33Recipe of Before Yore: Boris's bread1
#36Recipe of Before Yore: Calzone of Legend1
#34Recipe of Before Yore: Pete's rich ricotta1
#32Recipe of Before Yore: Pete's wily whey bar1
#28Recipe of Before Yore: Pizza of Legend2
#37Recipe of Before Yore: baked veggie ricotta1
#33Recipe of Before Yore: plain calzone1
#37Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable focaccia1
#31Recipe of Before Yore: roasted vegetable of J.1
#94Red Army camouflage kit6
#80Red X Shield1
#2431Rock Pops3
#319Rock and Roll Legend4
#1073Safari Jack's moustache1
#1319Senior Mints1
#178Shivering Chèvre6
#135Skullery Maid's Knee4
#620Slow Talkin' Elliot's dogtags1
#139Smart Bone Dust1
#734Sneaky Pete's breath spray1
#727Snow Queen Crown1
#31Staff of the Black Kettle3
#35Steam Card: Jackass Plumber (#2)10
#25Steam Card: Meteoid (#2)12
#21Steam Card: Space Trip (#2)13
#129Super Weight-Gain 90001
#1954Tasty Fun Good rice candy1
#174Tears of the Quiet Healer7
#61The Lot's engagement ring1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#68The Superconductor's CPU1
#178Trainbot circuitry1
#168Trainbot linkages1
#172Trainbot plating1
#163Trainbot servomotors1
#236Trainbot slag1
#176Trainbot tubing1
#542Tuesday's ruby2
#1286Wand of Nagamar1
#1105Warm Subject gift certificate1
#237Way More Tearsâ„¢ pepper spray1
#142White Chocolate Golem Seeds5
#1120Yakisoba's hat1
#349Ye Olde Navy Fleece1
#476Yellow Moon of Compassion7
#2861Yummy Tummy bean2
#1172Zinc Delta of Tranquility1
#365a butt tuba1
#707a little sump'm sump'm1
#208abominable blubber1
#100acceptable bagel1
#132accord ion1
#121accordionoid rocca1
#1006acid-squirting flower1
#1006acoustic guitarrr1
#122actual tapas1
#822adder bladder1
#54agnolotti arboli1
#68alarm accordion1
#109amok putter1
#1433amulet of extreme plot significance1
#656ancient Magi-Wipes1
#183ancient ice cream scoop1
#534ancient spice1
🥈anniversary balsa wood socks1
🥇anniversary burlap belt1
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
🥈anniversary concrete fedora1
🥈anniversary pewter cape1
🥈anniversary safety glass vest1
🥈anniversary tiny latex mask1
#1082annoying pitchfork1
#186ant hoe2
#168ant pick2
#103ant pitchfork4
#103ant rake5
#166ant sickle2
#117antique accordion1
#887antique greaves1
#731antique hand mirror1
#899antique helmet1
#213antique machete1
#906antique shield1
#949antique spear1
#39armored prawn1
#489around the world1
#856arrrgyle socks1
#124artisanal hand-squeezed wheatgrass juice8
#435asbestos crossbow1
#1106asbestos ore1
#387asbestos staff1
#1081asparagus knife1
#140asparagus lo mein1
#179attorney's badge1
#1921awful poetry journal1
#265backwoods screwdriver1
#132bad-ass club1
#2086badass belt25
#289bag of W&Ws6
#12bakelite backpack1
#9bakelite badge1
#305balloon helmet1
#105balloon shield1
#312balloon sword1
#1234bar skin1
#122bar whip1
#961barbed-wire fence1
#121baritone accordion1
#73barskin buckler1
#110barskin cloak1
#367barskin hat1
#89bat hat1
#77bat whip1
#167bat-ass leather jacket1
#227battered hubcap1
#288beach glass necklace1
#282beanbag chair1
#50beefy pill1
#967beer bomb1
#572beer bong1
#673beer helmet1
#725beer lens1
#133beer-battered accordion1
#208beer-soaked mop1
#233bejeweled accordion strap1
#745bejeweled pledge pin1
#348big bad voodoo mask1
#395big bass drum1
#1007big red clown nose1
#111big rock23
#378bird rib1
#520bit of clingfilm8
#589black & tan1
#89black belt1
#120black blade1
#124black cloak1
#86black cowboy hat1
#134black eye shadow1
#510black eyedrops1
#127black friar's tonsure4
#694black greaves1
#695black helmet1
#390black kettle drum1
#160black magic powder1
#577black pepper1
#667black shield1
#727black sword1
#269blackberry combat boots1
#143blackberry galoshes1
#152blackberry polite1
#138blank diary1
#3305blob-shaped Crimbo cookie1
#120bloodied surgical dungarees1
#1034bloody beer1
#964bloody clown pants1
#1231blue pixel1
#377blue pixel potion1
#83blue suede shoes1
#168bone abacus1
#118bone bandoneon1
#659bone chips11
#428bone flute1
#665bone rattle1
#174book of matches1
#752booty chest charrrm1
#105booty chest charrrm bracelet1
#980borg sock monkey1
#280boring spaghetti1
#386bottle of Jorge Sinsonte1
#743bottle of Monsieur Bubble1
#698bottle of alcohol1
#1330bottle of gin1
#134bottle of laundry sherry1
#408bottle of peppermint schnapps1
#1584bottle of rum1
#68bottle of sea wine1
#1367bottle of tequila1
#1260bottle of vodka1
#1505bottle of whiskey1
#544bottle opener belt buckle1
#38bounty-hunting helmet1
#32bounty-hunting pants1
#38bounty-hunting rifle1
#1139bowl of cottage cheese1
#166bowl of mernudo1
#42bowl of topioca1
#246bowling ball1
#298box of Dweebs3
#4678box of sunshine9
#230box turtle1
#1335boxed wine1
#241boxing glove1
#226brass gear1
#229breath mint1
#436brick of sand1
#138brigand brittle45
#26broken El Vibrato drone1
#50broken beer bottle2
#625broken sword1
#590bronze breastplate1
#541bronzed locust1
#200brown felt tophat1
#141brown paper bag mask1
#138brown paper pants1
#299buñuelos Jaliscos1
#424bubblin' crude1
🥇bucket of anniversary lard1
#1102bugbear beanie1
#1109bugbear bungguard1
#592bullet-proof corduroys1
#1095bum cheek1
#27bundle of firewood1
#970bunny liver1
#10burglar/sleep mask1
#50burning newspaper1
#21burnt stick1
#228burrowgrub hive1
#227bus pass1
#90button rouge7
#185calavera concertina1
#535calle de miel1
#15campfire baked potato1
#14campfire beans2
#19campfire coffee2
#17campfire hot dog2
#16campfire s'more2
#17campfire smoke1
#16campfire stew1
#1890can of CRIMBCOLA2
#243can of Ghuol-B-Goneâ„¢2
#396can of franks 'n' beans1
#401can of maces2
#6candy drive button1
#2000candy kneecapping stick1
#62candy knife4
#1852candy knuckles1
#80cannonball charrrm bracelet1
#529carbonated soy milk1
#634carbonated water lily1
#221cardboard katana2
#521cardboard wakizashi2
#667carob chunk cookies1
#262carton of rotten eggs1
#153cast-iron legacy paddle1
#687cat appendix1
#63catskin buckler2
#40catskin cap2
#691centipede eggs1
#8chalk chapeau1
#1613chaos butterfly2
#235charming flute1
#158cheap plastic blowgun1
#825chef's hat3
#189chintzy accordion pin3
#545chintzy disco ball pendant1
#509chintzy noodle ring1
#508chintzy saucepan earring1
#370chintzy seal pendant2
#216chintzy turtle brooch4
#230chocolate pasta spoon1
#212chocolate stolen accordion1
#452chrome crossbow1
#133chrome helmet turtle2
#871chrome ore2
#429chrome staff1
#153cigar box turtle1
#156cigarette lighter1
#31clingfilm cap1
#40clingfilm slippers1
#557clown shoes3
#115clown whip1
#82clown wig3
#120clownskin belt3
#111clownskin buckler1
#202clownskin harness1
#27club of corruption1
#69clumsiness bark30
#104coal dust1
#73coal shovel2
#612cocktail napkin1
#290cocktail onion1
#1226cocoa egg1
#1183coconut shell2
#435coffin lid2
#624cold ninja mask2
#360cold nuggets1
#297cold powder1
#374cold wad1
#129cold water bottle2
#165colorful toad1
#86combat fan1
#883commemorative war stein1
#172compression stocking2
#129concentrated cordial of concentration1
#201cool mushroom wine1
#558cool whip3
#741copper ha'penny charrrm1
#226cordial of concentration1
#317corn holder3
#37corrupt club of corrupt corruption1
#216costume sword3
#108crêepy mask2
#316cranberry schnapps2
#140crappy waiter disguise1
#19creepy-ass club1
#63cyan seashell1
#268cyclops eyedrops1
#585dance card1
#102dancing fan5
#964dark potion1
#1038dead guy's watch2
#93demon buckler1
#1266dense meat stack1
#438dented harmonica1
#851diamond-studded cane2
#1098dirty hobo gloves1
#532disbelief suspenders1
#406disco ball90
#353disco mask102
#292disembodied smile1
#490distressed denim pants2
#1717disturbing fanfic2
#351donated candy16
#586dope gangsta bling-bling1
#269double-barreled sling1
#772draggin' ball hat2
#1677drywall axe2
#1647duct tape6
#80duct tape buckler1
#127duct tape dockers1
#255duct tape wallet1
#126dueling turtle1
#554dungeoneer's dungarees1
#272dusty animal cranium1
#307dusty animal pelvis1
#305dusty eleventh thoracic vertebra1
#295dusty fifth caudal vertebra1
#316dusty fifth cervical vertebra1
#301dusty fifth lumbar vertebra1
#292dusty fifth thoracic vertebra1
#291dusty first caudal vertebra1
#303dusty first cervical vertebra1
#323dusty first thoracic vertebra1
#278dusty fourth caudal vertebra1
#299dusty fourth thoracic vertebra1
#320dusty left clavicle1
#303dusty left eleventh rib1
#307dusty left femur1
#286dusty left fibula1
#189dusty left fifth rib2
#291dusty left first front claw1
#323dusty left first rear claw1
#297dusty left fourth front claw1
#197dusty left fourth rib2
#305dusty left humerus1
#294dusty left kneecap1
#209dusty left ninth rib2
#294dusty left scapula1
#296dusty left second rib1
#309dusty left seventh rib1
#278dusty left sixth rib1
#303dusty left third rear claw1
#305dusty left thumb1
#312dusty left tibia1
#308dusty left twelfth rib1
#296dusty left ulna1
#286dusty ninth caudal vertebra1
#310dusty right eighth rib1
#289dusty right eleventh rib1
#301dusty right femur1
#309dusty right fibula1
#310dusty right first front claw1
#296dusty right first rear claw1
#288dusty right first rib1
#281dusty right fourth front claw1
#294dusty right fourth rear claw1
#288dusty right fourth rib1
#197dusty right kneecap2
#308dusty right ninth rib1
#314dusty right second rear claw1
#299dusty right sixth rib1
#188dusty right third rib2
#308dusty right thumb1
#315dusty right twelfth rib1
#194dusty right ulna2
#310dusty sacral vertebrae1
#288dusty second cervical vertebra1
#305dusty second lumbar vertebra1
#296dusty second thoracic vertebra1
#187dusty seventh lumbar vertebra2
#270dusty seventh thoracic vertebra1
#290dusty sixth caudal vertebra1
#188dusty sixth thoracic vertebra2
#288dusty third caudal vertebra1
#292dusty third cervical vertebra1
#288dusty third thoracic vertebra1
#400eXtreme Bi-Polar Fleece Vest1
#719eXtreme mittens2
#672eXtreme scarf2
#139eldritch dough3
#371eldritch effluvium2
#76electric copperhead potion18
#128elegant nightstick1
#126eleven-foot pole2
#1117empty Cloaca-Cola bottle1
#170enchanted muesli5
#489enchanted toothpick2
#462energy drink IV2
#367enormous hoop earring2
#199extra-large palm-frond toupee1
#47extra-toasted half sandwich1
#779fancy bath salts2
#1883fancy chocolate car1
#1784fancy dress ball3
#656ferret bait1
#120filthy armor1
#800filthy corduroys2
#972filthy knitted dread sack1
#603filthy pestle1
#299finger cymbals1
#955flaming crutch1
#87flaming glowsticks6
#793flaming talons2
#297flan del mar1
#174flask flops1
#139fleetwood chain1
#216flimsy clipboard2
#384flowing hippy skirt1
#55flytrap bezoar1
#496foam noodle1
#793foolscap fool's cap1
#235freshwater pearl necklace1
#511friendly cheez blob5
#256frigid hankyū1
#680frilly skirt2
#731frozen nunchaku1
#73frozen turtle shell2
#542furniture dolly1
#428furry pants1
#571fuzzy busby2
#4739fuzzy dice1
#609fuzzy montera1
#33fuzzy polar bear ears1
#642ga-ga radio1
#662gas balloon1
#183gauze shorts1
#696gearbox necklace1
#100ghost accordion1
#592ghost of a necklace1
#125ghost toga1
#161giant artisanal rice peeler1
#118giant breath mint4
#293giant cactus quill2
#1279giant discarded bottlecap2
#2409giant discarded plastic fork1
#1517giant discarded torn-up glove1
#565giant foam finger1
#205giant gym membership card1
#243giant marshmallow1
#104giant neckbeard11
#1119giant needle2
#106giant pearl1
#214giant penguin keychain1
#2128giant pinky ring2
#184giant safety pin1
#191giant tube of black lipstick10
#99gilt perfume bottle7
#121giraffe-necked turtle5
#158glass of gnat milk5
#175glass of warm milk2
#263glow-in-the-dark wristwatch1
#953glowing red eye2
#821goat beard1
#429goatskin umbrella2
#395gold lamé pants1
#590gold wedding ring4
#719goth kid t-shirt3
#428grassy cutlass1
#393grave robbing shovel2
#804green clay bead4
#489green smoke bomb1
#973grouchy restless spirit1
#5341grue egg1
#633grumpy old man charrrm1
#298grungy bandana2
#369grungy flannel shirt1
#240guard turtle collar2
#351guard turtle shell1
#655hair spray1
#100half-melted spoon1
#402half-rotten brain1
#112half-size scalpel1
#250half-sized guitar2
#525handful of confetti77
#900handful of sand1
#632handful of sawdust1
#89handful of stubble5
#110head mirror1
#325headhunter necktie1
#1083heart of the volcano4
#541heavy metal thunderrr guitarrr1
#550helmet turtle68
#797hemp string2
#134hippo skin buckler1
#161hippo whip1
#313hippy bongo1
#481hippy medical kit2
#144holistic headache remedy15
#189honey-drenched ham slice1
#354hors d'oeuvre tray2
#122hot pink lipstick9
#288hot plate2
#606huge spoon1
#729hypodermic needle1
#72iced-out bling6
#111icy hairspray1
#426icy-hot katana1
#383imp unity ring2
#356infernal fife1
#740infernal insoles1
#577inflatable duck1
#64ingot turtle1
#80invisibility cream2
#683irate sombrero1
#170irradiated turtle1
#157janglin' bones7
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#120jaunty feather1
#213jungle drum2
#419keg shield2
#419ketchup hound9
#77killing jar12
#1603kneecapping stick2
#368knob bugle1
#151knobby helmet turtle2
#268lavender candygram1
#1295lead necklace1
#206lead yo-yo1
#202leaf of grass1
#558leather chaps2
#106leather glove2
#731leather mask2
#617leftovers of indeterminate origin1
#1830licorice garrote1
#661licorice root1
#751lihc face2
#148limburger biker boots3
#521linoleum sword1
#141little black book1
#1297little paper umbrella1
#836live wire1
#200longhaired hippy wig3
#42loose purse strings1
#104low-budget shield1
#1976lucky rabbit's foot1
#29lynyrdskin breeches1
#26lynyrdskin cap1
#33lynyrdskin tunic1
#1009macaroni duck2
#386magic lamp1
#337magic whistle2
#110magical baguette1
#1220magical ice cubes1
#403magilaser blastercannon2
#677maiden wig1
#247makeshift cape1
#171makeshift skirt1
#181makeshift turban1
#70mama's squeezebox1
#750many-eyed glasses1
#709mariachi G-string1
#188mariachi hat38
#325mariachi pants59
#983meat paste1
#1042meat stack1
#1013meat vortex2
#212meatsmithing guide1
#471mesh cap3
#161midriff scrubs1
#610miner's helmet2
#602miner's pants2
#148miniature boiler1
#136miniature carton of clove cigarettes4
#100mocking turtle8
#588molotov cocktail cocktail1
#1765monomolecular yo-yo2
#152monster bait1
#117moose antlers1
#145moxie magnet1
#600mullet wig1
#240multi-level marzipan1
#219mummy mask1
#811mummy wrapping1
#93muscle oil4
#130musk turtle2
#1680mylar scout drone1
#81ninja eyeblack8
#83ninja fear powder7
#858ninja hot pants1
#629ninja mop1
#109non-Euclidean non-accordion1
#989obsidian dagger17
#471ocarina of space1
#120office-supply crossbow1
#69oil shell2
#84oil slacks1
#175ojo de pez burrito1
#909old sweatpants55
#441opera mask1
#179orc wrist1
#167ornate picture frame12
#618oversized pipe1
#726oversized pizza cutter2
#116oversized skullcap1
#1028oyster basket3
#129padded tortoise1
#122page of the Necrohobocon9
#117painted turtle2
#1325pair of bolt cutters1
#432palm frond9
#189palm-frond capris1
#239palm-frond cloak1
#152palm-frond fan1
#122palm-frond net1
#267palm-frond toupee2
#214palm-frond whip1
#1171pants of the Slug Lord2
#528papaya sling1
#7paraffin pendant1
#8paraffin pith helmet1
#363parasitic claw1
#228parasitic headgnawer1
#234parasitic strangleworm1
#191parasitic tentacles1
#807party hat1
#375pasta spoon70
#688pat-a-cake pendant1
#84peace accordion1
#150penguin shorts1
#192penguin whip1
#92peppermint twist1
#503perforated battle paddle2
#172perpendicular guano1
#332phish stick3
#1171phonics down1
#1147photoprotoneutron torpedo1
#207piece of after eight1
#225pile of Trainbot parts1
#52ping-pong paddle1
#196pink candygram2
#1003pink clay bead1
#421pirate pelvis5
#289pixel hat1
#163pixel pants1
#211pixel sword1
#28plaid pocket square1
#466plastic guitar1
#1281plot hole1
#27plush alielf1
#34plush hamsterpus1
#269pocket theremin1
#328pointed stick2
#1088poison pen1
#359polka-dot bow tie1
#914pool cue2
#118popular tart1
#1200possessed top4
#492powdered organs1
#1187procrastination potion1
#148programmable turtle1
#730prosthetic forehead1
#109punk patch13
#225punk rock jacket1
#634purple clay bead2
#110pygmy adder oil22
#486pygmy blowgun1
#81pygmy concertinette1
#296pygmy nose-bone2
#116pygmy papers17
#200pygmy spear2
#152pygmy witchhazel1
#40ratskin belt2
#489rave whistle1
#312ravioli hat98
#961razor-sharp can lid1
#1796razor-tipped yo-yo2
#171really thick bandage1
#111really thick spine1
#92red badge1
#145red book1
#190red button1
#103red coat1
#95red masque1
#661red pixel potion1
#92red shoe1
#93red-hot poker1
#577reinforced beaded headband1
#113remaindered axe1
#1124ridiculously huge sword1
#666ridiculously overelaborate ninja weapon1
#163ring of Detect Boring Doors1
#944ring of aggravate monster2
#376ring of conflict1
#341ring of gain strength1
#861ring of half-assed regeneration2
#414ring of increase damage1
#50robin's egg1
#824rocky raccoon1
#432roll of toilet paper210
#143rolling pin1
#639round purple sunglasses1
#558rubber axe1
#103rubber ribcage1
#301rum barrel charrrm4
#253rusty bonesaw2
#596rusty chain necklace3
#849rusty grave robbing shovel1
#761sabre teeth2
#520safarrri hat2
#578savoy truffle1
#1031sawblade shield1
#317scorpion whip2
#405scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker1
#187screwing pooch1
#460scroll of ancient forbidden unspeakable evil2
#1479scroll of pasta summoning1
#1114scrumptious reagent1
#1104seal tooth1
#334seal-clubbing club112
#194seal-skull helmet100
#203secret mummy herbs and spices3
#399serpentine sword1
#105sewer snake1
#96sewer turtle3
#48shellacked shell1
#17shining star cap1
#436shiny butcherknife1
#2571shiny ring2
#77shocked shell2
#131short deposition5
#310shrinking powder1
#620silver shrimp fork2
#590silver tongue charrrm3
#115sinister-looking cat4
#172skelelton spine12
#206skeletal banana1
#1319skeleton bone2
#439skeleton key ring1
#338sleaze nuggets1
#319sleaze powder1
#356sleaze wad1
#177sleeping wereturtle5
#171slime convention swag bag3
#548small leather glove1
#1014smart skull1
#156smirking shrunken head1
#161smut orc sunglasses2
#43snailmail hauberk1
#660snowboarder pants2
#133soap knife3
#1348sock monkey1
#1334soft green echo eyedrop antidote1
#2845solid gold bowling ball1
#95sommelier's towel1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#417spark plug earring2
#513spectre scepter63
#1158spider web1
#821spiked femur1
#63spiky turtle shield1
🥈spinal-fluid-covered emotion chip1
#560spooky bicycle chain4
#569spooky cosmetics bag4
#124spooky gravy fairy warlock hat3
#392spooky nuggets1
#112spooky pirate skeleton13
#364spooky powder1
#1042spooky stick2
#387spray paint2
#995stainless steel scarf3
#2248stainless steel shillelagh1
#1049stainless steel slacks4
#1863stainless steel solitaire1
#1107stainless steel suspenders3
#105stapler bear1
#310star buckler1
#920star chart1
#460star crossbow1
#606star hat1
#330star pants1
#288star shirt1
#309star staff1
#145star stiletto1
#420star sword1
#118steampunk potion12
#376stench nuggets1
#327stench powder1
#944stick of "gum"1
#577stick of dynamite1
#389stolen accordion108
#147stolen necklace1
#273stone banjo1
#324stone baseball cap1
#1341stray chihuahua1
#3167stuffed alien blob1
#2479stuffed doppelshifter2
#2981stuffed gray blob1
#3419stuffed shoulder parrot3
#766sucky decal1
#561sunken chest17
#198super salad1
#113surgical mask1
#770swashbuckling pants2
#284sword behind inappropriate prepositions1
#170syncopated turtle1
#505tap shoes1
#96tarnished tastevin1
#603tarrrnish charrrm1
#344teeny-tiny ninja stars2
#1190ten-leaf clover1
#603tenderizing hammer1
#610tequila grenade1
#239that gum you like2
#220third-hand nunchaku1
#117three-legged pants1
#1442throwing wrench1
#110tiny bowler5
#10tiny domino mask1
#463tiny maracas1
#416tiny ninja sword2
#650tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#385tiny plastic Best Game Ever1
#3945tiny plastic Black Knight1
#3081tiny plastic Boss Bat1
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#8195tiny plastic Cheshire bat1
#620tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#4313tiny plastic Crimbo elf1
#2899tiny plastic Crimbo wreath1
#576tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#825tiny plastic Duke Starkiller1
#3125tiny plastic Felonia1
#798tiny plastic Gary Claybender1
#3878tiny plastic Gnomester Blomester1
#3961tiny plastic Knob Goblin bean counter1
#3898tiny plastic Knott Yeti1
#47tiny plastic Mer-kin baker1
#1056tiny plastic Mob Penguin1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#3864tiny plastic Orcish Frat Boy1
#75tiny plastic Professor What1
#3069tiny plastic The Man1
#8217tiny plastic angry goat1
#3943tiny plastic anime smiley1
#3981tiny plastic astronomer1
#8131tiny plastic barrrnacle1
#8180tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#3958tiny plastic brainsweeper1
#39tiny plastic caboose1
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#37tiny plastic coal car1
#8224tiny plastic coffee pixie1
#3180tiny plastic conservationist hippy1
#3940tiny plastic demoninja1
#38tiny plastic dining car1
#3879tiny plastic drunk goat1
#1017tiny plastic fat stack of cash1
#428tiny plastic fax machine1
#8194tiny plastic ghost pickle on a stick1
#8099tiny plastic ghuol whelp1
#8064tiny plastic grue1
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#8132tiny plastic howling balloon monkey1
#8203tiny plastic leprechaun1
#8105tiny plastic levitating potato1
#3842tiny plastic lobsterfrogman1
#37tiny plastic locomotive1
#8118tiny plastic mosquito1
#1037tiny plastic mutant elf1
#41tiny plastic passenger car1
#4348tiny plastic pastamancer1
#8104tiny plastic sabre-toothed lime1
#2802tiny plastic scary clown2
#46tiny plastic sea elf1
#3839tiny plastic spiny skelelton1
#8228tiny plastic spooky pirate skeleton1
#8142tiny plastic star starfish1
#584tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#979tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#4041tiny plastic sweet nutcracker1
#3864tiny plastic taco cat1
#3863tiny plastic topiary golem1
#4484tiny plastic turtle tamer1
#3844tiny plastic undead elbow macaroni1
#3875tiny plastic warwelf1
#3854tiny plastic whitesnake1
#1125tiny shaker of salt1
#364tip jar2
#873titanium assault umbrella2
#641tomato daiquiri1
#44topiary nugglet100
#97toy accordion1
#2400toy crazy train1
#1564toy mercenary2
#1190toy soldier1
#2262toy space helmet1
#892toy train2
🥇train whistle1
#3146tree-eating kite1
#135troll britches1
#618tropical orchid1
#436turtle totem90
#88turtle wax shield1
#134turtle-shaped rock1
#286turtlemail bits1
#101turtlemail breeches1
#111turtlemail coif1
#113turtlemail hauberk1
#131turtling rod1
#184tuxedo shirt1
#539twinkly nuggets1
#517twinkly powder1
#1076twinkly wad1
#277ultimate ultimate frisbee1
#363untamable turtle6
#707useless powder114
#1984valuable trinket6
#2526vampire duck-on-a-string1
#454vertebra of the Bonerdagon22
#892viking helmet2
#112voodoo glowskull14
#896vorpal blade1
#481walrus-tusk earring2
#511war tongs1
#941water pipe bomb1
#474water wings1
#175waterlogged stuffing1
#61whatsit-covered turtle shell2
#259white chocolate and tomato pizza9
#448white collar2
#603white hat hacker T-shirt1
#1026white pixel1
#416white rice1
#641white satin pants2
#447white satin shield2
#122white snakeskin duster1
#690white sword2
#512wicker shield1
#476witty rapier2
#1079wolf mask2
#429wonderwall shield1
#596wool hat1
#411worn tophat2
#896worthless gewgaw1
#510worthless knick-knack9
#651worthless trinket2
#698woven baling wire bracelets1
#334wreath of laurels2
#1157wrench bracelet1
#9wrought-iron winch crank1
#1046wussiness potion1
#176yak anorak1
#118yak whip1
#109yakskin buckler1
#55yakskin pants2
#399yellow candygram1
#51zen motorcycle1
#164zombie hollandaise2

Wow, that's 4,083 items total!

what items are this player missing?