mylar scout drone

mylar scout drone

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This is a lightweight single-fixed-wing scout drone, designed to sail on the wind high above an enemy encampment for observational purposes.

Or in regular language, a shiny silver kite with a camera on it.

🥇Michael Landon9,435








#6Mistress of the Obvious905




#8Mars the Infomage737






























#23kahroo and thewolfdog123134




#26Do Not_uhm_I told ya131




#28Swinka and Ytterbium Manganese129










#34Joyce100 and Pyler tUrdeN111






#38Biohazzard, Lucrio, Pinkytoe, SnowAngel, StickySteve and caducus100


#44JuanEpstein and kashara98


#46SilveRaven and silly_na96










#52drinks galore79




#54Mighty Mickey and NeuroticGalen76


#56AssHat and LustyPirateWench74


#58Skent and alan082370


#60ElVatoLoco and NikolaiFrey69


#62Loffull, NotArgent and mylittlebrother68








#68Bigquack and Debs63


#70SCJohns and allmitybob62






#74JustABass01 and Nymall58


#76Tarotina, amplitude, eav and john100857


#80Loathario and punicron55


#82ErsatzHipHop, Gordon McStats, HammeredOne and orwellmbc7754




#87Cosmosis Kwik52


#88Lord Goober, Meru la Renat, Rana Sylvatica and The Cowardly Swagman51


#92Chef Wolfgang, Larry Trousers and ZuzusPetal50


#95GpHerder, HansGruber and pfpf48


#98TsunemonoPinku and necronomicon47


#100Otto of Prussia and Raylin45


#102Quothz, The Hogfather and liz_brock44


#105AubriAnne, Grosspointte, Mansausage, SirThursday, Teyrnon, j01041999 and teke18442


#112Abunai and BMyers41


#114Imitation Plastic Bobba Fett, RedNeckReb and Wr3cktangle40


#117Gaknar and nimrod_139


#119JulzRogueNine, King Stupid and shaggy10038


#122DeathAngel, Snapperjack, Wintersmith, bulbocapnine and jWang37


#127IncidenceOfRealism, Linzy217, Muffinator, Sliquid and mx indigo36


#132Ask your Doctor about Levitra, Babaganoosh and BenzDoc35


#135Astin, Mrmongoose, Tom808, Ucibius, h7u9i and legom733


#141HappyCrab, WalterEgo and iMMASMASHYOFACE32


#144JCS, Pompadour Crust, SupermanCY and txranger31


#148Annihilator, L Teal, Mr Hardnoodle, Scat, Sowyrd and elljaeT30


#154Baltar, Coalface, Heir to The Ancient of Days, Knitbone, Robur Velvetclaw and shadeylady29


#160CA Dude, HackandStabby, Macdaddy, Mr HeadCase, Mysty42, Sendaben, TTBoyArDee, crash bang boom and italia_stallion28


#169BarbarianBob77, BenjaNoob, Celebmacil, Farfalle al Dente, Keptuvis, LuxoCrusher, MikeMar, PFC Walker, Stargazer67, flerdle and xapnomapcase27


#180John Ramen, M3ph1st0, MagikGir, RGlock, Rahmuss, Rata Tooey, Ryouki, Wolfman and apr131958s_daughter26


#189Davyboy, Deeliteful, Deer, Prague, Redhandedstealer and SikSyko25


#195Batsubabe, Bob_Pesterfello, Crooker, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Freman, Itsatrap, LiamAndMe, Sal the Rapacious, Shadowlord, Sir Sir for Sure, TwirlyRotini, mooj and thymn24


#208BleachedBaby, DaBaddestHic, Dadaca, Getafix, Locutus, Sandpapyrus, Sunpocket, gingerhat, johnnyrichter, magicmegancatgirl and mumbeeni23


#219Betty Page, DoxieDog, Geldar, Jingo, PsychoPerson, Salsa Picante, intrepidcat and morjax22


#227BlueSeashell, Cinder, DarkNewton, Devan, ElronBean, Landar, LoverPrimeNumbah, Miridian, Pryderi, Tess LaCoil, Tiffany Anne, Tz_BG, daehtihS and mskc21


#241Darth Steve, DocGonzo, EvilTwinSkippy, Fallstonite, Grokly, HMSRobotman, Heffed, Kruntus, MugWump, Raine, Retro_Thrusters, Rip Green, TC0418, TamCoan, bbhunghk and binarybookworm20


#257Boogiecleaver, Chelonia, DreamBreaker, Hiroshi42, Vi the Vench, foozbat, jayvaughn, jlchamberlain49 and kiizu19


#266Lilkeith07, Maria Mafaldine, Master Bates, MoxieDoxie, Phantom Stag, Sir Jefe, Solve_Omnis, Sprad, Tatterwasp, Twiggie, jaqueitche, nikske94, shogie and turtlesrock118


#280BlackThunder, BoiRDee, Captain Kirk, ChaoticGalen, Conan the Numismatist, DonPuza, Goodch, Icon of Sin, JoSSie II, KittYhm, LongBrulee, Lycaeus, PatTheGreat, Sasori_uk, Selengeist, Sir Porkloin, TheBrent, Vincent13Valentine, WaaNaNa, Watter, Yefi, icy toes and noob_meat17


#303AspDIY, Davolta, Dyann, Eniteris, Janno, JudySeagram, Morganfyre, MorriesOtherAccount, Ninja Karl, Pendulass, Rutiger, Sicila, Steelheadon, Stroby, TRiGDOR, The Repah, Theon, TwilightSun, Voraligne, gen0615, jadziadax, madamkiss, meh_64_12, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, sUZIka, superfoot and tush the pastagirl16


#330Asmyr, Bassvamp, Chansey, DiscoKiller, Doctor Fettuccini, Donutmaster, Gretta Dean, Keranita_ye, Lotan, OHogan, OlWotchamakalit, QueenOfTheNight, Ravenous Muffin, Rhaine, Sceptileus, Squeegee McDoo, Terrapin_Man, TheOtherSpike, Ulysses S Grant, Vencho, Victorinox, chibiscuro and j00s15


#353Androcles Antepasta, AuntBeast, Baranduin, Cathowl, Ffthed, Franklin D Roosevelt, Generic Hero, Juha, Lyle332, Magister30, Pan, Pineapple of Despair, PinkLady, Punsoe, PuzzleMaster, Rafterclaw, Sp8z, Subacai, Targrod, TheLogMan, TheNice1, Thraxus, Tyramon, jdfinnie, matter over mind, scorpian kings halfwit brother and spemik8514


#380Beljeferon, DanElectro, Jack the mad, Linguinelad, Lunamis, MolotovH, Nardolin, PrinceCandyAss, ShawnD, SilentMystFaery, Su8Z3r0, Terrawang, ThiefDude, Vorbis, WriterWolf2000, bluedancer, dSt3313, doublefistodoom, fezzer, mat9h, noodleEd, panne and slidebomb13


#403Arutha, Ashfox, Clinto_Bean, DragnMaster8, GreyBeer, HaliBoranje, HangDude, Logmo, LordBobXIII, LycaontheOdd, Mabster, Misterfuffie, MrZesty, MysticalMolly, PastaGolem, Pertelote, SatireSloth, Slaek, Squeaky_ball, Synnia, Tariya Bonedigger, VelmaVelma, Wynne, Yoshiko11, cheddaqueen, crawatt, darius180, fatesjoke01, hEnTo and zcearo12


#433Aegis Black, Archipelago71, AtlanteanScion, Baby_Girl_1979_2005, Biffle, Black Belt, Bozo the Ozob, Christoph, Club, Clubbrz L337, Cordum, DeathNight, DocValance, DoctorRotelle, Donavin69, Doz, DrewT, Edgy, El Vibrato, Elyas Machera, Faustus Fusilli, Fiddler2, Gouku, GryphonSlade, Jzzybbe, KimVengeance, Kipling, Levitra, Longuine, Lord Kobel, Lord Stefano, Lord_of_Ants, MAginiNjA, MissPolka, Moxious Mystery, MysticMelvin, Nathanl, Nomnominus Rex, Noodle_Appendage, Perrin Aybara, Phoenix Ninetales, Poncho the Sane, Qdo, Quick Tabrin, Quietust, SnuggleFluff, SwinginCelt, Synthetik, TImecube, ThunderGate, TurtleGirlPower, UncleBen, Zinnia, Zwickle, aalleenn, andrew3, chizza, eight bit hero, gLEnN_zhoU, imthebigchief, jessticle, kirByllAmA, lord_nknn, phyllis dietrichson, scheijan, spooky kid and tezlovespez11


#500Anne with an e, Aximili, Bandanaman, Bloodlust, BlueThunder, Cloony, CodSmack, Dingo69, Doc Rock, ErisDiscordia, Escaflowne, Fegan, FootStepsOfMeat, Hamstersar, High Tower, Howling Rhombus, JB77, Jenkilm, Jeselino, John Shaft, Lanark, Lord Mackerel, Lord Zathrus, LuvLuvChef, Monster Hunter 2, Muffus, Noskilz, OLBuick, Pacone, Paksukainen, Ragamonster, Raz Mattaz, RedBeard LSN, SJSkydiver, Sarah Darling, Septh, SharpshooterX10, Skyemist, Soul Crusher, Tara Peen, Thor God of Thunder, Thunderclees, Tiffeh, Wolfman6666, Yamcha, alienbaby42, bazfum, bingoking2099, completebastich, diSCwORldiaN, embobly, fret669, fyre_tzygrax, inuss352, mr0t, muhs420, pestodigator, praetorianguard, rebrane, rosa blanco, sleepysunlight, snurg, snyper and yourkie192110


#564Barbarian, BlakAcid, CaitiffsEros, DMeleedy, DarkAzrael, Devine, Dibzannia, Drathro, Fell, Fossa, Gradis, Jman22, Junestar, Kaley, KitTheHunter, Mandrake1, Melia, Mystia_Wildfire, Pink Monotreme, RacWade, Rude_Badger, Samuel17170, Selkielass, Soreth, Splaily, Stonecat, THEman123, Two__T, Uroshnor, Waltz, Wank, Weatherboy, Weber, erct657, fuwafuwa, garanimalstains, golden_cow2, great456, gwesj, laire256, lupus4, mallou, medusa, mervella, mwahaha, pastamonstr, patricia, ratbert, raynstorm and sfwarlock9


#614AHHKellyClarkson, Adam1WPI, Alexandrine, BeaverFan, BobbyNoPants, BucephalusBouncingBall, Cicadalek, CollaCentaur, Crazy Sauce, Cres, Dikiyoba, Dinosaur Dentist, DoctorMcMinty, Eevilcat, Elektra, FlawlessWalrus, FrenchiePoo, Grinder, Hare Raiser, HeliumBased, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Jeddiah, Justice Steak, Kneegrow, LordTJ, Mink, OracleofDreams, ScUd RuCkInS, Shimbo, Single Malt, Spramen, Squirrelboy12, Suzie China, Terran Karapace, The Kefka, TheSilentMantis, Ticwith, Torynnn, Triple Option, Urudezu, Valarauko, Vesiv, anticosmo, baby eater, glitterboy, hhhhh, idfku, kissenger, pgunn, spamfg6666, spoothbrush, warriorwarrior and wondersherL8


#667Amandine, Aroura, Arthas, AuntieM, Bruleemix, ButterflyBabe, CMOT Dibbler, CannonFoddah, ChaseZ, Chineselegolas, CrAcksHoT, Darmut eDrien, DataVortex, Deadhound17, Demonic, Dilldo_Baggins, Dragoon Sage, Duhric, Eddie Trojan, Flash Gordon, Galapagos James, Hamusutaa, Hyzenthlay, Jonzo, Kleo, Lady Miss Wolfie, Lassea, Lexicdark, Lorad, Lumeria, Mirounga Masher, NeonREV, NeuroticPunk, NeverEndingGlory, NoodlyAppendage, Not That Kat, Owlish, Peter Porker, Petronella, Rakkasan, Rexcor, Schlemiel, Schmoola, Shindhila, Squirt Shorts, Stubbysquid, Tazy, TeamDave, TheGreyArcher, TinyPlastic Alumni, Turleyron, Ulysses Katarn, Victorias Secret, Wagr, WickedTitties, WorldsUgliestMan, Yarple, ZaphodB42, dewy, dfens73, elsen, gunfighter, h0l0gram, iphone clan slave, ipq, jdfalcon06, killerwill, la fee Verte, mrf, pantsthief, phray, sealmaster55, tanstaafl, toefungus and zOod7


#742ARthuR the human, AccordionStu, Alfonso the Great, AmaraMagma, Angua von Uberwald, Aro CantCatchABreak, Augon, BMW, Babbat56, Bearskinrug, BigSchtick, Bloodyfish, Bobby5, Borimerx, Butterfly Rose, Catatonia, Chadomancer, Cinimod, Claudia_Balzac, Dante Kinkade, DarkSpuddle, Disneeyore1, DropShock, EarWaxMax, FactWino, Glitch 319, Gork Grom, Griv, Hairshirt, Humiliations Galore, IROCK21, Iason, JToomey, Jared_Allen, Johnny Mash, Kaluna, Kenawick, Kerrian, Kevin Kirkpatrick, King Texas, Leopold Jimmleson, LilCuke, Maddog Doan, Marmazett, Master Grimwulf, Mighty Kes, Mister_Turd, MrTheSpork, Mz_NuNu, Nahtmmm, Naners, Necco Wafer, Ougadas Bob, PastaDanny, PastryPusher, Pauly_Shore, QueenMaleficent, Rabbit House, Ranger, RattyLabray, Rhonan, Roy, SgtMango, Slith Warlord, Splendor, Talon__crow, Xortag, Yessu, angelrider, baloume, blazingthunder, brent ObeRLin, collatoo, daikage, dammed if I do, great123, iftheydontbobble, jgingrey, melonmuncher, missmellieb, nailbender, notty_girl, poorlydrawnman, rutted road, s_g, santifaller, sensibleb, shanabanananut, stabbypisces, sweet freak, teh swabs, whiskey002, zaksquatch and zombiedust6


#836Applesauce Bitch, Bangaroo, Blechbeard, Boozetron, Canada Joe101, Cecil B Demented, Ceelgohsplatt, CoconutHalf, Cookbot, CrassMandoo, Crimbomaster918, Crinkum Crankum, Dadacanaidu, Darkspy, Davidson, Death T200, Deshwitat, Don Quai Poncerello, DragonDung, EEPiccolo, EaterOfSorrow, Eldoth, Eroquin, Faizah, FriedSteak, Froggie Legs, GenericCharacter, Gildon Dancypants, Gozza, Gwinnifred, Hawkie, Hsilwo, Hulyen, IAmTheWalrus, Immelan, JDCIWS, Jake, Kaspersai, KatyJane, Kerchara, KevinTheLucario, KnifeCzar, Knotso Mu Che, Koshchei, Lady Tomo, Landar II, Late nite Ramen, Laucian, Lewdguini, Liquid Sasquatch, Lotta Potz, Maclind, Magnus Thunderblade, Mailbox Maleficarum, Major John, Marm, Mirror Kirby, Moonchilde, MrKeen, MrSqueezeBox, Mrjingjing, NIUGuber, Neave, Nightmareblade, Oryhara, Perpetua, Pinkay, Pumpkinheadme, Rabi the Sheath, Ransak_the_Elder, Ravioli Bob, Rettulf, Rikmach, Robacon, Rumour Rhemer, Sennin, SexyMomma, She Who Twaddles Turnips, Shima, Simon the Mystificator, Slowmo10, Snarfla, Spiff, Squidrella, Stevethoggua, Stik guy, StrawberryDots, Strych, SupremeKingTom, The Resanified, TheDarkOne, Therealtahu, Thyralya, TimScheff, ToffyTom, TortoiseFace, Tyralan, VideoGamerPaul, Viki, Zacharygolf, Zanchvegas, Zeenon, aldervan, azupnod, bwned, dumpybabe, evaine, fFATsgnAL, feytenet, firemoon jezze, grethko, grovel, growl, harbouring, jackman6, jewells of cheese, kiehrieh, kimiiko, kof, lamlam, mizbrulee, mrfreeman, nrpgnome, payguhn, quinn_julia, rachels, red grog, rounDchilD, salmondine, seahawk730, seanqtx, sheldonbunny, slayer92, stln12, testostronaut, the_loath_ranger, wavedash and xephyne5


#974Aimz_ICR, Akara, Algor_Langeaux, Allen_36s, Allis, Antunar, Appleseed, Arbuckle Jon, Arc9, Artie Effham, Assmitten, Aubrey26, Bobby Rehab, Boberalla, Broly_13, ChevellemanX, Chewbud, Cnorgard, Czuki Czyzz, Daav, Damasta, Damuckle, Dark Grapefruit, Der Zilla, DisComBoBulAteD and Dissonus4
