
#113"Humorous" T-shirt1
#27Ax of L'rose1
#932Better Than Cuddling Cake1
#1376CRIMBCO scrip15
#1940CRIMBCO wine1
#2424CRIMBCOIDS mints1
#1729Cloaca grenade1
#1151Cloaca-Cola c-rations1
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1418Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#904Cloaca-Cola knapsack1
#1428Cloaca-Cola shield1
#610Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife1
#650Crimbo wreath1
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#594Crimboween memo18
#1154Dickory Farms Gift Basket3
#668Doc's Miracle Cure1
#1512Dyspepsi grenade2
#1084Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations1
#1405Dyspepsi-Cola fatigues1
#1416Dyspepsi-Cola helmet1
#857Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack1
#1375Dyspepsi-Cola shield1
#580Dyspepsi-Cola-issue canteen1
#42El Vibrato energy spear1
#45El Vibrato helmet1
#31El Vibrato leg guards1
#170Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy1
#1985MagiMechTech NanoMechaMech1
#396Miniborg beeper1
#223Miniborg hiveminder2
#394Miniborg laser1
#443Miniborg stomper1
#405Miniborg strangler1
#2246Mob Penguin cellular phone1
#13Staff of the Woodfire1
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#574Tiki lighter1
#1294Time Juice1
#158Tropical Crimbo Hat1
#161Tropical Crimbo Shorts1
#189Tropical Crimbo Sword1
#1251Uncle Crimbo's Rations1
#200Unionize The Elves sign1
#273Valentine's Day cake2
#234Workytime Tea10
#139Yeti Protest Sign1
#288arrow'd heart balloon2
#564banana peel2
#677banana-frosted king cake3
#1661battered Crimbo Crate1
#128black spot6
#1653blood flower1
#759blue glowstick1
#253blue plastic baby1
#459blueberry-frosted king cake2
#36bone and arrows1
#52bone crusher1
#981borg sock monkey1
#494bottle of goofballs52
#771bouquet of circular saw blades1
#142bow staff1
#92bowl of Bounty-Os1
#150bowlegged pants1
#696broken cellular phone1
#447brown plastic baby1
#938bunch of bananas1
#227burrowgrub hive1
#53can of Binarrrca175
#547can of fake snow1
#1344cheap elven gloves1
#1514cheap plastic bottle opener2
#596chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses2
#31clingfilm cap1
#40clingfilm slippers1
#34clingfilm trousers1
#508colored-light "necklace"1
🥉control crystal1
#920cyborg doll1
#618deck of tropical cards1
#211double daisy2
#1579dusty Crimbo crate1
#1812elven limbos gingerbread1
#1135elven socks2
#77elven whittling knife2
#870empty blowgun1
#313epic wad1
#231fake blood5
#422fake plastic grass4
#165floaty inverse geode1
#225glow-in-the-dark dart gun1
#152glow-in-the-dark stuffed burrowgrub1
#2701golden ring4
#73grass blade2
#193grass hat1
#188grass skirt1
#1387gray bow tie1
#1006green glowstick1
#2518handful of confetti11
#626hideous egg1
#1370incredibly creepy marionette1
#1282iron pasta spoon1
#1295jar of swamp gas1
#1288killer rag doll1
#2543killing feather1
#510kneecapping stick24
#3057laser-broiled pear1
#1435loaded serum blowgun2
#565lovecat tail1
#218lucky Crimbo tiki necklace1
#2078mafia aria1
#575marionette collective1
#275miniature stuffed Goth Giant2
#433mylar scout drone11
#2715nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear2
#89oriole-feather headdress13
#153outrageous sombrero1
#747picture of a dead guy's girlfriend1
#1205pink glowstick1
#256pink plastic baby2
#753plastic passion fruit1
#1433portable corkscrew1
#1024portable photocopier1
#1614prehistoric spear1
#421purple glowstick3
#342questionable taco1
#866rag doll2
#130red plastic baby4
#10rose-colored glasses1
#2589sawblade fragment1
#1479scroll of pasta summoning1
#421severed rocking horse head1
#212shimmering rainbow sand2
#318sinister altar fragment1
#1097sleeping snowy owl1
#909sock monkey2
#988squirming egg sac1
#939strange shiny disc1
#1715stuffed ninja snowman1
#1711sturdy Crimbo crate1
#1487support cummerbund1
#75tasteful black bow tie1
#1092teddy borg5
🥇time sleigh1
#651tiny plastic 11 Dealer1
#445tiny plastic CRIMBCO HQ1
#622tiny plastic Crimbo Casino1
#2040tiny plastic Crimbo elf4
#1680tiny plastic Crimbo reindeer5
#1224tiny plastic Crimbo wreath3
#577tiny plastic Crimbomination1
#358tiny plastic Crimboween pentagram4
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#369tiny plastic Mob Penguin3
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#370tiny plastic Scream Queen4
#1808tiny plastic Uncle Crimbo2
#608tiny plastic ancient yuletide troll3
#4474tiny plastic bitchin' meatcar1
#989tiny plastic chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#427tiny plastic fax machine1
#637tiny plastic gift-wrapping vampire3
#1359tiny plastic hermit4
#1036tiny plastic mutant elf1
#508tiny plastic skeletal reindeer3
#585tiny plastic stocking mimic1
#978tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#1272tiny plastic sweet nutcracker7
#2084toothsome rock2
#2400toy crazy train1
#78toy deathbot12
#1175toy hoverpad5
#921toy maglev monorail1
#2127toy mercenary1
#2475toy ray gun1
#1190toy soldier1
#1384toy train1
#479tree skirt1
#600tropical paperweight1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#2813unstable laser battery1
#2525vampire duck-on-a-string1
#669vanilla-frosted king cake1
#2589vibrating cyborg knife1
#740yellow glowstick1

Wow, that's 633 items total!

what items are this player missing?