🥇 | Flatt U Lance | 1,964 | |
🥈 | Kemistry | 433 | ⤴️ |
🥉 | NINjesse | 363 | ⤴️ |
#4 | mule1 | 250 | ⤴️ |
#5 | hOtzOss | 190 | ⤴️ |
#6 | Gorg | 105 | ⤴️ |
#7 | lechef | 93 | ⤴️ |
#8 | Dr NutButter | 79 | ⤴️ |
#9 | Mistress of the Obvious | 69 | ⤴️ |
#10 | LiamAndMe | 67 | ⤴️ |
#11 | mmcbride | 65 | ⤴️ |
#12 | Acheran | 61 | ⤴️ |
#13 | Nubtumbler | 52 | ⤴️ |
#14 | CA Dude and FoodJunkie | 51 | ⤴️ |
#16 | psychowolf | 50 | ⤴️ |
#17 | AubriAnne | 42 | ⤴️ |
#18 | Loibisch, Merlin_02_2002 and Yohman | 40 | ⤴️ |
#21 | duffield | 39 | ⤴️ |
#22 | Miestese | 35 | ⤴️ |
#23 | SatireSloth and Tara the Inept | 34 | ⤴️ |
#25 | InfernalDragon | 33 | ⤴️ |
#26 | PolkaPsycho and stipes | 32 | ⤴️ |
#28 | Wraithtech and mwahaha | 31 | ⤴️ |
#30 | Grokly, Kev015, SilverFoxfire and Thraxus | 30 | ⤴️ |
#34 | SilverSword | 29 | ⤴️ |
#35 | Lord Kushiel and Pastahead | 28 | ⤴️ |
#37 | AtlanteanScion, JizzMasterZero and Vanir | 27 | ⤴️ |
#40 | FooBarBaz | 26 | ⤴️ |
#41 | Droidlocks, Grosspointte, LustyPirateWench and sinupret | 25 | ⤴️ |
#45 | Arutha, AssHat, Lord Kobel and dfens73 | 24 | ⤴️ |
#49 | Luc1fer and Park | 23 | ⤴️ |
#51 | Ceelgohsplatt, DropShock, GoodnightMonkey, IngaTBW, Joey Jojo Jr Shabadoo, Stargazer67, V3it Thug, eusst and kahroo | 22 | ⤴️ |
#60 | Bunk, Kareth, MadMad, Minor Annoyance and Xentrix | 21 | ⤴️ |
#65 | Boris52, Grinder, Karmelya, Lyxia, Poochy, Ravenous, Rogue79, SentiuS, Vandaahl, Yiab, dark knight11, hagrid333 and maxguy56 | 20 | ⤴️ |
#78 | Punchessa, Salad_Dodger, Tarotina, WetRats and whitehatluck | 19 | ⤴️ |
#83 | Andis, Master Bates, motie and mudwog | 18 | ⤴️ |
#87 | Jill_Bob, RockClimb and swankidelic | 17 | ⤴️ |
#90 | Mal Sanguine, PetesSake, Poncho the Sane, Rattler, The Big O, Thingy, murphs and pantsthief | 16 | ⤴️ |
#98 | Anarch, Audioman, Jadziel, Lewdguini, Wendella, mintie and pebbles420 | 15 | ⤴️ |
#105 | Enkazama, Quixote113, SassyMcAsspants and ZuzusPetal | 14 | ⤴️ |
#109 | Afrogumby, Bad Hat Harry, Dr_Snugglebunny, Lord Zathrus, Nikademus, Renee47, Roberto Dobbsriguez, Tip Toes, broke robot, habeansha, john1008, karmadump and watts | 13 | ⤴️ |
#122 | Averion, Blythe, BronMac, DarkNewton, Ereshkigal, Liefizul, Merik, MixMasterQ, Nomnominus Rex, Saucy_Sistah, SkudMastaFlex, TheMall, ZenKiller, ikazuchi, justhappytobehere, reddening and rifa | 12 | ⤴️ |
#139 | Bambii, Bea Girl, Blizzy, Bobvs, Calincia, Carbono, Clemmy the Spotted, Clubbrz L337, Dingding, Diss, Doz, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, DrewT, Farfalla, Geldar, Ha1Ha1Ha, Jabbie, LdySaphyre, Longuine, MarinaraMario, MootMonkey, MrKeen, OwlBiter, Pakalolo, RustyPilotWrench, Skent, Swinka, ThunderGate, Tiny Plastic Littlest Shmoo, UncleBen, WalterEgo, Water Knight, Yakubyougami, badmonkey32, emerson, fen, glaucos, ispep1982, jotajota, jw8191, meganirene, pLaster, sensibleb, spooky kid, stepinrazor and woowoo | 11 | ⤴️ |
#185 | Adamar, Altara, Bacon Stoned, Chasing, Escaflowne, FZero, Grabtharr, GunshipVP, Kattawynn, Larry Trousers, Lauts, Lord Stefano, MakeshiftGorilla, Meridol, P1ayer, PaSTE, Piefight, Race_K2, RobN, Septh, Sir Beavis Poopsalot, TinyZu, Torvald the Gruntworthy, buglovin, cjswimmer, imthebigchief, jlc2, nerfherder, tHeEvIlIsHiE3 and txranger | 10 | ⤴️ |
#215 | Barbari0n, BobbyNoPants, Boman, Club, ErisDiscordia, Holla Back, Kitcats, Naamah, Thepersonwhohatesyoubestest, Webley, butsuri, trailbossc and whizdad | 9 | ⤴️ |
#228 | Archipelago71, Azeron, Cinder, DerMagus, Gamerman, HappyHead, KittYhm, Lomithral, Marmot, Muffinator, OriginalSnarf, Shayol Ghul, Shellie_Webster, Shlhu, StinkyChip, TheNice1, chango, cubby, donatebloodplease, goblinishgoblin, hotdeth, latrodectus and raynstorm | 8 | ⤴️ |
#251 | AKU, Arthas, DISCokeir, Earth3141, Eoghnved, Erage, Flabberjack, Hadrien, Hamstibamsti, HeavnzRogue, Idle Hands, KimmyRocks, Lady Tomo, LilSnarfer, Lord Nightmare, Mazakan E, Mitheor, Ninja Karl, Pumpkinheadme, Raefyn, Sutra, The Fluffy, Victorinox, Yamcha, corvi, gunfighter, maluenda, mx indigo, phlip and squeally | 7 | ⤴️ |
#281 | A Tiny Plastic Puddle, Ankopitch, Babbat56, BobbyCorno, BoiRDee, Bronzesse, CPF, Clarrissa Lockjaw, Claudia_Balzac, Darwins Grabbag, Doc Noc, ElVatoLoco, Garnet Rene, Jidam, Jusano, Keator, Killa K, Kolf, LeMuffin, Maau, Maharet, MikeMar, Mikel, MonkeeBuddah, Nathyn, Oldsfrk, Otto of Prussia, Phixius, Quaxalot, Ratenela, Retro_Thrusters, Roga, Sand_Buffalo, Saucerror, SaucyLady, ScUd RuCkInS, SeaSparkzz, Sen, ShadowsLight, Snowjenni, Uzumaki, Zelda459, allmitybob, btran, chibiscuro, jadziadax, jiandawg, liVewiredude22, meringue, n3bul4, snstrx and valump6 | 6 | ⤴️ |
#333 | AlmostMeek, AlreadyDead, Annihilator, Ask your Doctor about Levitra, AspDIY, Augon, Barrett, BigBadWolf, BigdoG, Bigquack, BlueFish, Bomber, Bung the Elder, Camo_Dude, Charles Bronson, Chinami, CrAzYApE, Danthemanowar, Decapitator_Of_Souls, Devious Dave, Doctor Fettuccini, ElCankerSore, Elektra, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Freerefill, FullMetalTrogdor, Glitch 319, Goobertina, HMSRobotman, Hulyen, I Urn Chef, JerBu, KamikazeeWatermelon, Krel, Lady_Deimos, Late nite Ramen, Loathario, Loxodonta, MILF Hunter, MagnuM, Mister Mister, NoRrisTheNooDleyDooDler, OGready, Perkk, PlyrKlr, PrettyHateMachine, QueenOfTheNight, QuiCksteR, Ravenous Muffin, RoseThorne, Rutiger, Salsa Joe, SatanicJellyBean, SilverbackTiger, Simetra, SlowMotionMagic, Solve_Omnis, Spetter, Stu Like Whoa, SupermanCY, Ubiq, Ucibius, Vidalia, Viki, Zaranthos, blex, c3l14, calamityjane, caliope, corpa, cuddledove, eav, erigone, hotc17, inuss352, izchak, jcrkk, mOjOmadness, malenfant, matter over mind, moop, oogabooga, pebblesapo, phrainck, rexfelis, segamage, sgt911, shepherd, shorebot whizky, smokeyliker, sweet freak, tomkitty, viZion, willied1 and yayamcg | 5 | ⤴️ |
#428 | Asdfghx, Bado Aureo, Batwood17, Beki, Boel, Book_Babe, ButterflyBabe, CSS_puke, Caerwen, Canada Joe101, Cheerio, Crostatino, Daav, Darklor, Ephimeteus, EvilDeathBee, FatQuack2, Flinguine, FluffyThumbTacks, Gouku, HackandStabby, Highbeam, ImanAA, IntellectualPanther, Jacque_D_Charlo, Jallopy Zeus, Jark, Joebob, Karsey, Kerrian, Ladochi, LuvLuvChef, Macdaddy, Maenai, Max52, MongooseofMyth, MrAnnouncer, MrFantastic2005, MynX, Nardsmasher, Ominous, OvergrownGoblin, PhotoFlow3, Raine, Ramentok, Raylin, Razorbell, Roscoe P, Samos, Scarlett, SeldON, Sichi, Sir Sir for Sure, Slippyriffic, Snarfla, Suspect, TC0418, Tellah, The DMD, The Repah, Triantiwontigongolop, Tsolarok, Underlord76, Zwickle, abbey, alan0823, angelrider, antabus, bluedancer, fliptopsean, geopetal, hedonia, jimmy_hoffa, johns test multi, ladderman, liz_brock, mailbox head, menggu, mervella, minders, motheshmo, painic, pinkocommie, rounDchilD, senon, someone, stabby, takoshi515 and unisus80 | 4 | ⤴️ |
#517 | Acini di Pepe, AelfRhian, AlmAlphiA, Anne_Tipahzto, Anta, Ark42, BarrytheFerret, Beelzebul, Beljeferon, BenjaNoob, Blodax Devourer of Souls, BlueSeashell, Bobje Ratata, Boofalo, Captain Coco Paws, Cecil B Demented, Chalks, ChaoticGalen, Chris_Kid, Cloony, Cosmosis Kwik, Cousin_Daisy, CraZy_JesS, Cres, CriticalGirl, Darkwulf, Davenport Spiff jr, Der Zilla, Dirty Immigrant, Drag0n, Draven1, Drider, Duck Bizmark, Eileen, El_Pirateo, ElleBee, Envoy, Ewie, ExAcademic, Faustus Fusilli, Fell, Feminine Dave, Flange_Of_Destiny, FrankNBeans, GSrider, GenericCharacter, Gonain, Gorloth, Greystoke, Hare Raiser, Hellmar, Hen3ry, HummerLuver58, HyacinthineMoon, Iason, Isla, Isladar, JR Trolkin, Jedi_Coconut, Jimmy da Pooh, JimmyJunk, Joedon, Jokar, JoshuaGrey, JudySeagram, Justice1234, Kaley, Kara Rae, Knight of Neit, Ladies Against Women, Lexicon, Liddabird, Llamoo, LoisGriffin, Lostillusion, LunaWolvesMan, Lycanthrope13, MarcyRoni, Marm, MazePhase, Meatloaf wannabe, MetalHeart, Mikemtl, Mohammed Wong, MooMaNa, Mossimus, Mr Croup, MuffinFuzz, Mythticalness, Nacho Mein, Nahtmmm, Nalsa, Natenife, Neave, Necco Wafer, Neopifex, NewJams, Nomme, Nonmouse, Noskilz, NrKissed, Nurishi, Oroku Saki, PCGamer, PSY, Paksukainen, PastaGolem, PoingPoingSplat, PsYcHoJoE, PsykotiK, Pyrose, Quoisenot, RabbitAvenger, Raodin, RoseRed, Roy, Rumour Rhemer, Sad Monkey, SassQueen, Scat, Schibbitywah, SealLover, SerinBites, SirNicholai, Slamboy, Squeegee McDoo, Squeeguy, Supermooer, Supremum, TTBoyArDee, Tape Ball, TheBrent, TheMightyFnord, Therum, TimScheff, TomTurbo17, Trippedandfell, Urudezu, Vike, Weird Al Yankervick, Wr3cktangle, Xerin, Yessu, Yossarian, Yukiatollah, Yukinator, Zermoid, ZombieKiller13, anticosmo, babe11221, bibichka, blaisenwolf, burnout69, cheddaqueen, cherubin, coyote ugly, d_w, denial_land, docmARionum1, ebay123, hippee, idamay, issarocks, jinkles, kibi, lamlam, magnetman, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, melonmuncher, midnight breeze, nimrod_1, redmergoddess, seong lIkes bulls, serion, singswithmoxie, skipperic, speared, sweetpezak, thanthos, the strongest guy ever, timble2, triantiwontigongolop2, udon_rouge, veranique and verbena128 | 3 | ⤴️ |
#702 | APPLE BLOSSOM, Aammyy, Abaddon1, AccordionBoy, AccordionStu, Adran, AelWyn, Aerodynamic Trunks, Akuji, Alomir, AlricTheGoofy, Alycya, Amazing Grass, Angry Elf, Anouris, Antfattener, Aramail, Aras, ArgghFW, Aro CantCatchABreak, Asho, Astrane, Auguris, Autumn1983, Avaunt, BZoeBZie, BabyScarface, BabyStewy, BagelMan, Baltar, Bandanaman, Banoffi, Basket__Case, Biffle, Big Boss, BigglesWorth, Biohazzard, BlaDeeBlah, Bloodroot, Bomby, Bootz, Borachio, Boxwood, Brat forcE, Brinta, Brown Eyed Phoenix, Bubble Girl, Bungee, CRX, Caillean, CaitiffsEros, Caplin, Capn Stabby, CaptainSpam, Castiel, Catan, CathyOak, Cerberus111188, ChaosTheDarkMage, Chili Mac, ChooseOne, Collirabba, Count Scrofula, Crack Jackie, Craftage, CreOsOTe, Crinkum Crankum, Cuthbert_Allgood, Cyan Luna, DakX, Damom, Danger, Dark Trooper, DarkAzrael, Darth Steve, Dazzle, Death T200, DeathAngel, DeathNight, Deeliteful, Der_Koenig, Derdrom, Devan, DevilishOne, Dewlanna, Dexanth, Dhivael, Diatonic, Dinosaur Dentist, DiskoChick, Doctor Beef, DoctorMcMinty, Dominator773, Doom Rider, DoomAwaits, DoomKnight2, Dorkomatic, Dr_Bruiser, Dr_Frankenpaws, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Drool, DrunkenFrog, Dyann, DycesKynes, EbolaWoman, Eddie Trojan, EddieLoo, Edwin the Pastinaceous, El Vibrato, ElectroPunkGrrrl, ElissaYoung, Elsynoodle, Emperor Bukkake, Eniteris, Eroquin, EvilTwinSkippy, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Faizah, Falcon01, Family Of Salsa, Fearium, Fegan, Ffthed, Fisheyez69, Framistan, FranNyan, Franklin D Roosevelt, Friznik, FrodosUncle, Frood, FuryMeat, GUnitGangsta, Gaknar, Gauln, Gessika33, Gheed, Ghent, Giggles the Emo Boy, Giselle117, Gnoogie, GrammarWhore, GreatFailure, Gregstrom, Gretta Dean, GreyKnight, Grimmie, GromitBear, Habib the Unsightly, Happy Monkey, HellBane, Hison, Ho Slappa, Hostility Incarnate, HotCha0, IceDomina, IcyStikman, Immelan, Insanelunatic, IronicChef, J Mo, JK Phoenix, J_pop, Jack Vermicelli, Jaeda, JakeTheGreat, Jan Ravolta, Jaxnoth, Jaybone, Jeddiah, Jherskow, JiggaBoo, Jinya, JodyRules, Joel101, Johansensen, JonnyBoy1977, Joyce100, JustChill, KageOokami, KaosFreak, Kaos_Demonik, Kar Wai, KarneLoki, Kensoir, Keptuvis, Kevin, Killjoy, King Stupid, KitTheHunter, Knitbone, KnuffleBunny, Kollie, Krendel, Kyrial, LEMMING53, LadyArwyn, Landwirt, LanstuL, Leg o Lam, Lego Lastic, Link226, LissaGail, Lord Dougal, Lord Zelix, Lyle332, Lytsu, Lyza, MArse, Mad Hamish, Magiric, Maikeruu, MalLardo, Malicious Tubbs, Malik, Man the Stan, March Hare, Mars the Infomage, Martavius, Master Polka, MeLcator, Mighty Mickey, Mikkjel1, MiniLizard, Miridian, Mishey22, Miss Informed, Misswisp, Modern Hydra, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monochromous, Monster Hunter 2, Mony Tanero, Mosquito, Motty, Mr Hardnoodle, Mr No Name, Murphus, Mutcha, MysticMelvin, Naners, Nardolin, Nathanl, Nati, Necros, Nectaris, Nectura, Neenie2, Nekosoft, Neotemplar, Newman, NickHab, Ninifi, Noble_Lance, Nobodys Hero, Not U, Nydgill, Nymall, Obfusjake, OhMyDaughter, OracleofDreams, PaganPrincess, Palmer, Paprika, PassionFever, PastaWoman, PatTheGreat, Penelope X, Perpetua, PleasEaThat, Pompadour Crust, Porphyrial, PrecioSura, Psikory, Ptomato, PutAna, Q_tip, QubitsLie, QuicksilverFox85, Quix, Qyindilyn, Raeyn, RattyLabray, Rebel SMURF, RedGeisha, Retrospecter, Rickton, Rikmach, Roman_the_evil, Rudiger Skeiyer, RunningPyro3, SRO, STARbeast, Sajer the Forgotten, Sasori_uk, SaturdayNightFever, SdoGoo32, Sennin and Severswoed | 2 | ⤴️ |