anniversary pewter cape

anniversary pewter cape

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This is a cape made from everyone's favorite not-quite-a-precious-metal-but-great-for-making-game-miniatures: pewter. It's given as a gift to those few, those proud, those clinically insane who stay in the Kingdom of Loathing for TEN FULL YEARS. Pewter is the traditional gift for the tenth anniversary, because now that you've settled in for the long haul you've got to toughen up, and this reminds you to have less QQ and more pew-pew.

Congratulations! If x=amount of years you've played, and x is expressed in Roman numerals, you've played for X years!

🥈A Gressive Coffee Addict, AHHKellyClarkson, AK377CRS, ARgon07, ARthuR the human, Accordiologist, Achernar, AcornRivr, Adamantois, Adeeda, Adiem, Admiral, Aeero, AelWyn, AelfRhian, Aellinsar, Aeralis, Aeslyn, AfroDwarf, Agburanar, AgriCola, Ahdar Musicstopper, Ahorriblesn, Airicus, Ajnintactics, Akael, Akaiya, Aken0008, AkiraisJen, Akirasan, Al Alizzeza, Alan Gorealan, Albino Bigfoot, AlchemyRocks, Aldarana, Aldieb, Alex of Eden, Alexandrine, Alfredo_of_Earl, Algen, Allis, Allis Chalmers, Allora, AlmostMeek, Aloestril, Altaira, Amagalan, AmberRane, Ameliorate, Ampseconds, AnEvilTwin, Ana, Anaeri, Andalusia, Andranovich3, AndyNormal, Angafirith, Angel Hair, Angelorum, Angry Elf, Anita Coffee, Anixs, Anthony, Antic the Fearless, AnxiousHyrax, Apollyon, Arbiter_24, Arcanine_Gardevoir_Salamence, ArchangelUK, Architects of the Apocalypse, Archondelnoche, Arcticwolf15, Ardnajela, Argwarg, Arithil, Arket, Arnida, Aro CantCatchABreak, Arzea, As_the_palace_burns, AscendingOrder, Aschen, Asimantos, AssHat, AssTractionHero, Asterdw, Asterea, Atade, Ataug, Ataxophobia, Athanatos, AtomicLobsters, Atreyuu, Attila, Autumn1983, Avoca, Awnnree Bastiche, Ay7k, Ayasymi, Azrane, Azura, BBHood217, BUTTONS13, BWIceSoldier, BabyBees, BabyDragon26, BabyGasolineFairy, BabyJesus, BabyScarface, BabyYoshi, Bacchus, Bahke, BakaGaijin, Bale Frend, Baltar, Bananahead12, Bandanaman, Banditman5, Bank of Muush, Barbarian, Baron Meriwether, Baron Von Chrys, Baron von Sykes, BaronessRatsworth, BarrytheFerret, Bassvamp, Bastil, Batwood17, Beaches, Beastyclaire, Beat Bachs, Beavis P_Ness, Bedroom Eyes Pacino, BeeGeeSlave, BeefBurglar, Belero, Belgarath, Belgarion670, Beljeferon, Belly16, Ben Wu, Bernoulli, Bert of the Northwest, Betty Page, Bevanz, Bible Black, Biffle, Big Drewser, BigVinnie, Bigb00gie, Bigbadbongo, Bigdaddy913, Bigquack, Billthe3, BillyFail, BillyWin, BimboBarbie, Bingohost_age, Birdy, BitchBoy, Biznatch, BlackShadowShade, BlackVelveteen, Blackhorseman, BlakAcid, BlasphemousPhilosopher, Blixxx, Blizzy, Bloodlust, Bloodmoore, Bloody, Blox, BluTriffid, BlueBaker, BlueBurro, BlueOx, BlueThunder, Bluntor, Bo Peep No Sheep, BoBo, Boadicea, Bob the Undertaker, BobSagetBees, Bobje Ratata, Bobrobert, Bobsuruncle, BoiRDee, Bombastus, Boo_Boy525, Boogiecleaver, Boomhower, BorisTheSpider, Bork, BowToChris, Bowldipper, Brammie, Bran, Brandon0981, BreadStickMonkey, Brennil Skybar, BrianSpud33, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brirad, BrittyBear, Brocktoon, Broken Golem, Bronwyn, Bruno2788, Bryn 23011, BuRNJoB420, BubbRubb, Bubba9265, BubbaNDN, Buffomatic, Bunkertor7, Burk, Busaiku, Busch Light, Bushwiggler, Busturr, CHAZ918, CHeeSEbuTT, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Cairnarvon, Callum, CalvinTheHobb, Camlost, Cantor Malus, Capn Gnarly, Cappas420, Captain Funky, Captain Insano, Captain Scotch, Captain Tragedy, Captain Zen, CaptainPapaya, CaptainRondo, CaptainSpam, Carnot, Carny Asada, Casca, Castiel, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, CatBurgler, Cat_Killer, Catt Although, CaySedai, Cecil B Demented, CecilBTurtle, Celsey, Chalks, Chara, Character1, Charles the Cat, Charlesque, ChasteGalahad, Chazriel, CheGuevara, Chedley, CheesCake, Cheesy Noodle, Cheloni, Chelonia, Chester Bogus, ChesterArthurXXI, Chieftan Mews, ChinaMANbobalOO, Chocolate Man, ChocolateNaruto, Chocolust, Chow Chow, ChrisMcG, Christineressiatulanie, Chunky_boo, Cinnaman, Clarinet, Clarity, Cloudy J, Clubberella, ClubberoX, Clubby McClubs, Cobain Dougans, Cobwebs, Codster38, Cold Pizza, CollectAllFive, Colympian, ComTechDave, CombatWombat, ComradeKraken, Comrade_Petrof, Conan the Retired, Cookiemonster123, Coppy the Copper, Corporal Pibb, CosmicPickle, Coulrophobia, Cpro33, Craggle, CrapMachine, Crawldad, CrazyCatLady, CreOsOTe, Creelie, Crex, Crim799, Crimbo Muush, CrimboElf, CrimsonShadow, Cristao, Cristiona, Cristiona the Femmessiah, Croft465, Crono666, Crooker, Crumbling Buttercookie, Crystalline, Curbludgeon, Curt, Cutey, CyberWar, Cypher3, Cyrean, Cyrilis, Cysteine, D3tox, DJRubberducky, DJWaz, DYLAN, DaBaddestHic, Da_Gimp_1, Daelm, Daffrid, Dafro, Dah Cheese, Daltonator, DancinMachine, DancingLarry, Danielle Marie, Dannyb0y, DanteDim, Darene, Dark Lord Poofy, DarkAngel, DarkCalisto, Dark_Magic, Dark_Ragu, Darkane, Darkgeneral, Daron, Darth Grapefruit, Darth Traci, DarthCrimbo, DataVortex, DavidMcC, Davolta, Day_Walker, Dazz, DeGrassi, Dead_Phoenix, DeadlyAngel, Deadmanwalking, Deadnight Warrior, Deadpan, DeaksDeetee, DeathAngel, DeathNight, DeathToRudy, Deatvert, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Decay, Decil, Deeliteful, Defenestrating_Professor, Deg, Delilah, Denizen_of_the_Dark, Derek_M_Taylor, DesertMagic, Desert_Eagle, Deshwitat, Desktop, Desmondman1, Devilon, Diane, Dibbin, Dibzdevil, DickLeaky, Digan, Digit, Dilplunk, Dingo Boy, Dink_smallwood, Dinosaur Dentist, Dinsdale67, Disco Stu25, DiscoFevaDiva, DiscoKiller, DiscoShen, DiscordantSong, Disposable Hero, DizzyJ, DoOdLe1, Doctor Worm, Donkey Forker, Dontkillmezach, Doodlebug, DoomAwaits, Dorngen, Doryna, DosBoot, Double_D777, Doz, Dpfran, Dr Ragon, Dr Strange, DrBoneGagger, DrEvil92, DrHaggis, DrKirre, DrOctogon, DrZaius, Dr_Paine, Dracholm, Draco The Silly, DraconisUK, Dracul Mihawk, Drag0n, DragonOfMany, Drar, Dreabob, Dreadful Penny, DreamBreaker, Drooid, Druss, Dryhad, DuCroix, DuRhone, DuckNUTZ, Ducky, Dude2004, Dumb333, Dumbo, Dupe, Durf, DuskKetla, Dussk, Dust Bunny1, Dylea the Metal Weaver, Dysis, Dyzzyah, EarthStone, EaterofCinnabar, Ecce Idle, Eclipsing, Eddie Trojan, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Eenee, Eevle, EffingClassy, Efftien, EggNogIceCream, Eggbert, Egidio, El Changito Mal, El Diablo Jefe, El Ponando, El Zaban, ElVatoLoco, Electra, Electro, Ellis D, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Eloquent Rune, Elsinor, Elyas Machera, Emerilla, EnderNightshade, EnigmaWolf, Eoline, Eorache, Eoraptor, Er_Murazor, Erathaol, Ereinion, EricDraven26, EricMills, ErisDiscordia, Ermidor, ErnieR, Eroquin, Eskemo, Etheria, Etsuko, Euan McLeod, Euphie, Evil Spawn of Molly, Evil Taco, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Eyeball, FOOD, FURj, Faded, Faeries Wear Boots, FairyCharmed, Falcon, Famoth83, FantasticSpandex, FarmChick, Fata Morgana, Fearborn, FearlessX, Feldhorn, Felix Croc, Felyndaer, Feng Shweez, Fernir, FerrusManus, Fessor Eli, Ficlogic, Fiery1, Figfewdisgewd, Fijikin, Finalstuff, FireFreak91287, Firestorm ZERO, FireyPhoenix, Fitje, Flammo, Follyhall, Fonzo, Force of Light, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Frank Shliman, Franklin D Roosevelt, Freckleguy, FreezerBurn, FriedCookies, FrogNinja, Frogstomp, Fronobulax, FrozenGummyBear, Fryguy9, Fujiko, Fundamagargle, Furbulae, Fuzzinskaya One Eye, Fuzzled, FuzzyElf, Fyll, G1R, G28401, GAH, GCByzantine, GGXTCC, GLWill, GMoneyClip, GOGAR, GPS_Knee, GWAR, GadTheHero, Gaenovas, Gaephrius, GamesMaster, Ganomex, Garath_McGrath, Gatito, Gedren, Gehenna, Genbu Cosplayer, General Tiberius, General_Herpes, General_Kurt, Gerbilman, Geske, Getafix, Ghostface Killah, Giboc, Gigglii, Gladstone, Glitch, Glops, Glukthar, Gnocchi Masala, GoddessSixx, Gofer, GogoGogo, Golden Stew, GoldenRgnrk, Golemix, Goobertina, GoodKnYght, Gorrilla Hands, Goth, GpHerder, Graev, GrammarWhore, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, GreatWyrmGold, Gredashe, GrendelPrime, Grey Sage, Greycloak, Greylin, Greywolf87, Grinder, Grippingworm, Grizzled the Grizzly, GroggBeoir, Grogum, Grokly, Groshing, GuerrillaHermit, Guiseppi, Guy Bone, GwynMyrddin, HHHolmes, HIDINGHERMIT, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hairshirt, HalfwayBaked, Halibut, Halloween, Halnon, HamsterishOne, Hamusutaa, Hannibal Smith, Hanson The Mighty, Haplo, Happimael, Happy Bunny, HappyDeadChicken, HappyEngineer, Happychaos, Hareless, HarlequinGoddess, Harpsichordo, Harukodo, Hasand, HasteBro, Haveabadday5, Havoc Jack, HawkinVXN, Hawumph, Hayden Kinsman, He_Who_Smokes_Bitches, HeavenboundFluke, Heavy Q, Hekatchu, HellBane, Hennesey the Girth, Hepcat Merkin, Herm, Herustari, Hifly123, Highpockets, Hippie Boy, Hix, Hnetu, Hoaxmetal, HobNobber, Hobart, Hobbes557, HoboBob24, Hobs Goblin, Holmboy, HolyKraP, HolyWarrior, Honesty, HorusForelock, Hostility Incarnate, Hot Mamma, Hot Pho, HowardthyDuck, Hrotli, Hsilwo, Hubler, Hulyen, HumanSlayer, Humbi, Hustle, HyperKitti, I AM ED, I g g y, I has a club, IAmATurnip, IAreBacon, ILILILI, IMTEHWALRUS, I_AM_ZOOL_BOWDOWN, Iamthesuxxor, Iason, Iceheart, IdeDude, Idiot, Idran, Idu, Ignifer, Il Cazzo, Illyana, Ima Robot, InSinYou8, InbredShoe, Indivisibility, Infidelbert, Infrared, Innis, InsomniAxeMurderer, InspectorX, Invariel, Iridia, IronExpert, Iron_Chef_Jethro, Ironbar Blackfinger, Isadf Medicci, Isibeal, Isladar, Izhebel, J Random Adventurer, JAD, JLE, JLE2, Jack Harlequin, Jack In The Box, JackalKat, Jadyte, Jaelith, Jag Pasta, Jain, Jakal, Jakemon, JamPaladin, James, Jansan, Jantastic, Jarran, Jaster Mereel, Jaydog, Jaylee, JebusHasTouchedMe, Jef, Jellyman, JenZahara, Jenn666, Jeny, Jer Bear, Jererry, Jesusisagurl, Jezebelle, Jimmy0x52, Jinzo Fusilli, Jixx, JmintyJ, Jmintyj36, JoVapa, Joe Zombie, Joeisme, JoetheRat, JoeyBaggadonuts, John Quincy Adams, JohnCub, Jokei, Jon_the_ACE, Jonze, Jonzo, Joshiskoolguy, Josim, Josmul123, Jpnkn, Juan Taco, JudySeagram, Jugger14, JulianGitche, Julitewn, JumboShell, Jump the Shark, Junestar, Jynnan Tonnyx, KOL Mall, Kaboon, Kabosh, Kaen, Kajoran, Kalira, Kamikaze Tool, Kana, KaniBal Klown, KaosFreak, Kaptain Kidd, Kara Rae, Kareno, Kareth, Kari Filth, Karl_T, Kaspersai, Kastaguy, KatTheBrat, Katrinesse, Kawamura, Kbpikachu, Keator, Kederaveth, Kegger, Keldar the Unbrave, Kemistry, Kendo123, Kenosaki, Kenshin8671, Kenshin93, Kerallyn, Kerrigan, Kerringar, Ketoes13, Kevin, Khamul, Khanrad, Khavren, KiMMYJ, KikiSian, Kill05, KillMe4XPs, Killer Leader500, KillerBobZilla, KillxthexJoy, King, King Loathing, King Stupid, King of Mind, KingRamses, Kinglett, Kinnah, Kinof, Kirbydude616, Kitsunegami, KittenOfDoom, Kizehk, Klassy, Klunge, Kmart Unit, Kneegrow, KnifeDancer, Knott Slanding, Knud, KolMohDee, Kolyn, Kostej Kostejsson, Kravoorn, KrisKo The Reaper, Kristyl, KrosantMan, Kubota, Kulthozuer, Kung Fungus, Kurtispj, KushKush, Kvice, Kwaidan, KweenIsabelle, Kyekeiko, Kyndi, Kyree, Kyta, LCJS, La Lechuga de El Diablo, LaRoni, Laa, LabRat, Lady Auron, Lady Buttercup, Lady Envy, Lady Tomo, LadyDelilah, LadyMidnight, Lady_Noire, Lahl, Lan1324, Lana Sorcery, Lancer, Lanthir_nara, Laorin, LarfSnarf, Lasagnalla, Lasagnetta, Laser Turkey, Laserrobotics, LastMinuteName, Last_One, Lauts, Lazer, Le_Chuck, LeafRivr, Legalese, Lewy210, Lexitrix, Liberty, Libgaek of the Shadows, LifeAfterDeath, LifeIsALemon, Lilkeith07, LinaCandle, Lincoln Home, LisaTheMad, LissaGail, Lizzy_LaVey, Lj2damaxxX, Llamoo, Llando the Ok, Loach king, LoafingOaf, Log from Blammo Mall, LogicalMadness, Login_Character Name, Logmo, LoisGriffin, LollieGoddess, Lonefire, Longuine, Loot, LorD420, Lord Baldrick, Lord Enzo, Lord Kobel, Lord Mellman, Lord Stefano, Lord T1000, Lord Tyranus, Lord Wiggles, LordAo, LordTshil, LordVyle, Lord_Josh, Lord_of_Ants, LostDreams, Loxodonta, Lpoi, LucaShoal, LuigiFan, Lurcherino, Lycanthra33, Lyle332, Lynnielily, Lytol, Lyxia, M3ph1st0, MCScaredOfBees, MI4 REAL, MMGgamer, MTM_Fminus, MaRin0, Mabus, MacGregor, Macaroni the Bent, Machevort, MackemChris, Maddog Doan, Madmax721, MadonnaOfTheWasps, Maelvir, Maenai, Magic2729, Magister30, Magnus Thunderblade, Maikeruu, Major Meat, Major159, MajorLandmark, Majsju, Mal Sanguine, Malakite1976, Maldorf, Malhaku, Malhavok, Man Who Go Boo, Manion, Marconius, Mareusio, Marge, Marie Elin, Marionetteowl, Mark Ryden, Marm, Marterix, Martyr Dom, MaryAnarchy, Maseck, Mask of Sanity, Master Grimwulf, Master Polka, MasterGuru, Mat Cauthon, Matini, Matt_afi, Max Frost, MayaB and MayaMina1
