grumpy old man charrrm

grumpy old man charrrm

🥇King of Mind21,815


🥉Mistress Fellatrix8,098










#8Mistress of the Obvious933










#13Artie Effham255


#14Olllllld man253




#16Rutherfoo and Snugglypoo206














#24brent ObeRLin134








#28Poncho the Sane120




#30Psychonaut and Slugshadow117




#33lupus4 and testostronaut112






#37Cryanger and PrincessAvariella106




#40Darkling and caducus100


#42Alice Dente and Ultranibbles98




#45Sal the Rapacious93


#46Nikademus and medusa90






#50Chadomancer and rickpay83




#53Bobje Ratata, DerMagus and rounDchilD79


#56ChevellemanX and vulvacrust77




#59Foggy and TheBrent71




#62LuckyPuck, PolyesterMan and Terrapin_Man68






#67gen0615 and myrth7759




#70Lungbutter and mskc57




#73Efilnikcufecin, LiamAndMe and LustyPirateWench53




#77Astin and the40ftboy50




#80Ms Bus Driver and maliphik47


#82Amarand, Darmut eDrien, Pink Monotreme and Skent46




#87CA Dude and greycat43


#89Aslan the layer, BabySmasher, Deimos and sfwarlock41


#93Mars the Infomage, Sir Loogey Du Phlegm and Stabotron40


#96Higgy, Miridian, Olorin and aenimus39


#100Cletus the slackjawed, Kneegrow, LordBaum, Luke, PokeyMan and Somber Goat38


#106BlueThunder, howlin_mad and jimmy_hoffa37


#109Flegel, Frisky Biscuit, Lady Listeria and eskimodave36


#113BabaRam dAss, Butt Pirate, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Ramonphilius and chebutykin35


#118Louie Looter, Pumpkinheadme and glaucos34


#121Nanimonai3 and VileAspirin33


#123Damic, Lewdguini, RustyPilotWrench, Scattaloquarious, Sennin, Spryte and pOOx32


#130Keldar the Unbrave, Placeholder, TheDotGamer, WangoTango and Wendil31


#135BlueWasabi, Loachette, Retro_Thrusters, SCYankee, bettie mae page and santifaller30






#143AKenny47, CSS_puke, Crinkum Crankum, Hida Man, TastesLikeChicken, Wolfman6666, Zanchvegas, artfagish, jlchamberlain49, mr0t, tanstaafl and ymprat72127


#155Maclind, madamkiss, nimrod_1 and omgwtfBBQ123456789026


#159Bastows, CMOT Dibbler, CreOsOTe, MolotovH, MrDent42, Paran, Tod Booster, ladderman and nordmert25


#168Jidam, Terran Karapace and reinstag24


#171Davolta, Galapagos James, Mega Ogg Boolbar, eloberj and poxy23


#176Brat forcE, Chadsworthy, EwokEater, FatQuack, MadddddDog, Mr_A, Oldsfrk, YorickU54, Zerai, dwoovre, poorlydrawnman and silly_na22


#188Aubzilla, LucyNaiad, Papilionoidea, Phantom Stag and Rumour Rhemer21


#193Dimloep, SpiderVeins McGee and slotwin20


#196Chineselegolas and darius18019


#198AlmAlphiA, Amandine, Mystic_Potato, Ninja Karl, RockClimb, Squall Thrawn, hotdeth, sciFIwiZ, unisus80 and yonpytr18


#208ARthuR the human, Hastings, Necrogetti, Troeke, case, iMMASMASHYOFACE, shkspr and thesandslv17


#216Captain Feathersword, Fellatrix, Hairshirt, Kawaikunai, MooseBlaster, Quackosaur, Valryia, completebastich and suwakia16


#225Damasta, DeDiddlyDawg, Eoraptor, HappyBizu, JoSSie II, Lord Stefano, SandyFlash, SauceAlt, ThiefAlt, crash bang boom, geekvoid, mrf and theflamingokid15


#238Ihernglass, Lorith, Matricii, SBD, cakyrespa, jlc2, raynstorm and spriteless14


#246BrassOnes, Caplin, Master Grimwulf, Mongrel the Apathetic, Pastfinder, Soba Rigatoni, The molehIll ThaT rIdES, TheVarian, crystal_ingram, gwesj, lhart7907 and lonerbear13


#258Aimz_ICR, Dr Ragon, Dysamyne, JoeyX, LoverPrimeNumbah, Mistress_Shock and the_loath_ranger12


#265ACMuseum, Amish Information Systems, Arakasi, Archipelago71, BenzDoc, Betty Page, Chocolust, Choolies, DarkAxz, Dik, Donavin69, DrewT, FesteringFeste, FirstMateNora, Lord_of_Ants, Mazzy, Myriad69, Princess Erin, Quothz, SnackAttack, Steal My Toast, TamerAlt, VampireCake, Zaranthos, chaosagent, dingoboy, jenrose, orange_prose, rayorvax, spooky kid and xanth863111


#296Ace Palarum, Agent006, Androcles Antepasta, CaptainRondo, Escaflowne, Pippington III, PrinceCandyAss, Qasiel, ShoTheBandit, Stubbysquid, Zeklan, Zygie, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, l4g0s, selkiexangel and shanabanananut10


#312BurntKechup5, Chasing, Jazzy_Nena, LillithMoM, Razorbell, Smiles, edman18, hEarty, horkman, mwahaha and mylittlebrother9


#323Angetet, Candice Dick, GryWizard, HansGruber, LoneWolf1541, Riashi, Salsa Picante, Sowyrd, Stargazer67, Valarauko, Wylin, Xastoru, mumbeeni, oh_the_WIT and zcearo8


#338Asmyr, Captain_Condoriano, Ceelgohsplatt, Deeliteful, Douglas Hossenfeffer, DrHaggis, Evil Spawn of Molly, Fearium, Hison, Knitbone, MadChef, MrEff, NeitherCuddlyNorWuddly, Neithyme, Poison_Taquito, Princess Penelope, StaffordMeister, Truckdriver999, Wintermute and olleH7


#358Eron, Jacquelyn Hyde, JoetheRat, Kruntus, Nasher, Nightfire, Normanreedus, Oveja, Pentagram, Pickledorange, SchrodingerCat, Trompe Loeil, VaginaEnvy, Xierme, baphemat, cubeof11, cukky, deadr0sa and sensibleb6


#377Bo Peep No Sheep, Cold Pizza, Cookiecutter, CrispEaterz, DreamTune, Faded, Gloria Teasdale, Jack the Monkey, KOLOKI, Kaspersai, Lanista, Lord Zathrus, Martavius, Nancygirl, NeuroticPunk, OHogan, Otterpuss, Swelter OBeare, The Cowardly Swagman, Tony Danzig, Viki, Yandolino, c00lb0t, clovisbum, doris, dumpybabe, micros the tiny, mylittlesister, pestodigator, soelo and suicidalsue5


#408Artful Dodgerr, Athanatos, Ballas, Bdrag99, Beasticon, Bradley Morris, Delilah Jones, FireFly 3000, Forkbomb, Greycloak, Groo the Wanderer, Hallan Meras, Hawksmoor, JoebobVillaret, Kareth, Kikas, Kikki, Kool23kid, Maau, Marlee, MaxEarWax, OldBobLeashed, Poppet, Raylin, Sans the Comic, Schlicke, Slugfly, Snapperjack, Stanley the slight, Strych, Teyrnon, TheSilentMantis, Ubiq, Widget1985, YfoogtheGlandular, Yuzuru, b3ni, delvis_one, john1008, kikinthekan, pLaster, petreska, swallybee and xephyne4


#452Agent Smith, Alf, Aliilla, BigdoG, BlackEarthZERO, Bobsuruncle, Buckley, Chaiden, Daphen, DisComBoBulAteD, EarWaxMax, Eetchoo, ElronBean, Frediablo, Fylgia, GroTesQue1120, Hlover, Hunkpapa, Hyde the Hippy Lord, I_am_the_Night, JR Trolkin, Jasonbot, KittyEatsYou, Lhurgoyf, LolaMola, Londo38, Lumeria, MasterOfPolka, Mighty Kes, Miss Tarball, MissbHaven, Natalia Borisovna, Not That Kat, Pasta Roni, PirateRee, PoobahMa, Quimble, Rayi, SZINN, Saabre, SatireSloth, Sau_Kazumi, Schmaltz, Shellfish Jane, Skin Deep, Talon__crow, Tamlin, The Possum Trot, Themrog, TinyIronLustyPirateWench, Tolim, Unconventionable, Uurson, Warped12002, Wildcat_693, Wr3cktangle, Wyked2, Xaositects, aClArie, apisguy, d00bie, drgillybean, e_maleficent, fuwafuwa, more better, myu2k2, p4dd0, shaft007zz, sweet maple, unsavoury_charlatress, warlord 0f mars, windracer, xXGriftyXx and zippledoon3


#526Achmedkhalim, Akeldama, Antunar, April O_Neil, Bart Logan, Beswycke Bechamel, BigSchtick, Char Takeo, ChubbsMcKenzie, Da_Buha, DancesWithTrekkies, Dane, Darth Steve, Decomposer, DementedFae, EXOR169, Edro, El Vibrato, Etheralled, EyeYam, FairyCharmed, Fenric, Foster86, Foxxy Vyvy, FrenchiePoo, GLWill, Gimp, Glerf, Gohan4, Goodch, Guinevere, Habib the Unsightly, Hetcher, Hughie, Irma La Douce, John Watson, Kariboka, Kayleigh, King_of_Fate, LisaTheMad, Lorad, LordOfCreepers, Malik, MeLcator, Mirsadies, Mistress Darkmoon, Mrs Leon S Kennedy, Mugglywumply, Mz_NuNu, Original_Pez, Orochi, PassionFever, Pertelote, Picker, Poor Camel, Princess Luna Bleu, RoV, RuthlessX, S3phirothsdemise, Sajer the Forgotten, Sanorace, Scurvy McGurk, Senor Velasco, Sevir, Shockerdemon, SirAzor, Sistanis, SmarmKing, Solve_Omnis, Sopoforic, StanTheManly, StuStu, Svidrigailov, Tenebrae, The 8Bit Pirate, The Cereal Killers, ThiefDude, TortoiseFace, Tz_BG, UV Apostrophe, Udonotknowme1, Ultionis, Wrongfellow, blueberry, clacklack2, davidsan, dennyboy, disco flying monkey, dnaworks, e7ora, eav, giyvin, hoyifung04, jcrkk, kissenger, minhLONG, moogieme5, rcl1917, sauceclubber, sirsmackalot, stpatgirl1987, ta993r, theBananagod, uptight flea, zchrist and zombiedust2


#632A Dirty Lurker, AB810236, ACDCFreaK, Abby_Sinthe, Al Frodo, Al_Diablo, Albreicht, Alex Spence, Alexandra Knight, Alldarker, Allora, Almost Last, Amaris, Amerlynn_Rose, Anaeri, AnchoPete, Anelej, Angua von Uberwald, Anne with an e, Arbuckle Jon, Arckanghel, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Aroura, Arties Son, Asinine, AspDIY, Atomic Dog, Avanar, Aybara, Azoun, B A Takaline, Badde Hugs, BarbarianBob77, Baron von Chickenpants, BatWinger, BeanHead, Beavis P_Ness, BeccaBug, BeefThief, Beelzebubble, BenBenX, Bigger_Dick, BimboBarbie, BlackThunder, BlindMonk, Blit, BlodeV2, Blood, Bob_Pesterfello, Bodito, BonesHurt, BongSwatMatt, Boondog_Dan, BorDeaUX523, BranNew, Brandon Koh 1, Brannon, BraydenKyler, Brickus, Brirad, BrittyBear, BubbRubb, Bubbles, Bunegeria, Buoyant, Butter Bean, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caitlin11, CapHector, CaptainRandom, Catfood, Chaotic Chili, Charasa, Charasan, CharmingMimi, Chartan, Cheeseboyardee, ChiefWelliger, Chrysthanium, Clandestine, Clevinger, Club, Clubberella, CodSmack, Confo, CorrieManslayer, Cosmicteapot, Cosmosis Kwik, Cristao, CsCaudata, CuddlyBear, CuteNDeadly, Cyan Luna, DTMaster, DaBaddestHic, Dadacanaidu, Dah Cheese, Damarosa, Damascus, Dante87336, DarkLordKirby, Darkenmeat, Darkeris, Daultimate, Deeter, DellyBelly, Derdrom, Deshwitat, Desper, Dessalvara, Destaven Fireheart, Destirinity, DevilCreme, Diamond Stud, Dibzannia, Digan, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Doctor Nick, Dorkomatic, DrEvi1, Drac, Duckie Sweetleaf, Dushy, Dyena, Earl Good Boi, Eergic, EggNogIceCream, El Geedo, El Pollo Diablo, ElVatoLoco, El_Shaddai_666, Elkstra, Emerilla, Erebus2161, Evangelist_Nine, Evil Pez, EvilNinjaMoby, Evilnerd, FSM Worshiper, Fasta, Fenghuang, Firvagor, Framistan, FreezerBurn, Fronobulax, Frxnix, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, FunkyMunkle, Gangsta Guy, Garbageone, Garthim, Gaunt, GeneralStark, Geologygirl, Gil Galad, Gildon Dancypants, Gothmog1065, Gracefire, GreAT_teaCHEr_onizuka, Greeny30, Grime Jello, Gruezelda, GrumpyElephant, Guppopolis, Guthlaf, Guy Bone, Gyzmette, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HNWombat, HOldeRofSecrEts, Hannibal Kol Lector, Hayou, Heika, Heretic Soul, Hinz, IdeDude, Idran, Igor Priapus, Introspector, Introspectrix, Irin, Ironbar Blackfinger, Ironfist, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Isvarka, JDCIWS, Jacnbake, Janine White, Jared_Allen, Jaydog, Jaylee, JediKnight219, Jef, Jehanmandeville, JoeCorden, JohnDoe244, Jonnnyb13, Jpatton, Justin Smoak, Kaas Chuig, Kaboon, Kaljatukku, Kami_no_Musha, KamikazePilot, Kanco, Kapow123, Karrde03, Kastaguy, KatTheBrat, Katarra, Katitonic, Kcirtap, Kelyva, Keranita_ye, Kill Snowly, King Texas, Kinttavo, Klenta, KnifeDancer, Knight of Columbus, KorTehGehn, Koriandr, Krystal Fyre, Kwycstix, Ladril, Lady Adelie, Lady Bladethrust, Lady SUMMERbrook, Lallander, LameGuy, Lamer, Lance_Lake, LastResortMan, Lava, Leef, Lego6245, Lendezco, LepRECon, Liam, Lilandra, Livnmenwalk, Loatholas, LoisGriffin, Lord Noob, LordBobXIII, Lou Nasadah, Lucelle Ball, LunaWolvesMan, Lunamis, MGYoda, MageRed, Magic2729, Magnus Thunderblade, Malathos, Marcella, Marie Elin, Marlo, MarshWiggle, Master Mizara, Mathwega, Mator, Maximillian the Red, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, Me33333, Meester Slow, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, MetaLynith, MiB, Mictlan, Mike Antleg, MiniMe1, Mirth II, Misery Chick, Misha_Z, Miss Informed, Misti, Mistral, Mme_Defarge, MoRox, Moggil, Mondor, Moongoyal, MotherMary13, Mowglia, MoxFulder, Muffin Break, Musica, MyGildedFantasy, Mydnytfire, Mynar, MysticalMolly, MythieWinters, Natedogg, Necrophage, Neer, NeverEndingGlory, Nibbles the Destroyer, Nick_Carney94, NightRipper, NightShayde, Nikikins, Nilly, Nimnak, NineFingeredMenace, Ninja Taco, Nirsh, Nivel Tane, NobGobbler, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Noisyhand, Nonia, NooDel, Nora Batty, NotsupposedtobeherE, Numeron, Nuurgle, Nymall, Olekeg, Olidimarra, Olmec, OmegaZone, OnyXx, OracleOfDelphi, Originalcyn, Osbert, PSY, Paradoxtim, Pawlifer, Peace and Love, Pedeka, Pennergy, Perkk, Peu4000, Phantomea, Phlylgenion, Phrim, PinballLizard, Pineapple of Despair, PirateKit, Pixie Kat, PixySnot, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, PokyLittlePuppy, Presto Ragu, Priscorn, Prodical, Professor Jumbo, Pronell, Prufrax, PsyMar, Pukebeard, Putricia, QVamp, Qpnaosc, Quacksalver, Rabi the Sheath, Raevyn, Random Odds and Rathskellar1
