more better

#76"DRINK ME" potion746
#1231337 7r0uZ0RZ100
#592334 scroll5
#1404-d camera1
#1214-dimensional guitar21
#924:20 bomb1
#26264067 scroll1
#394668 scroll1
#248A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 11
#39A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 43
#226A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 61
#968A. W. O. L. commendation1
#85Abyssal ember1
#259Alice's Army Mad Bomber1
#252Alice's Army Ninja1
🥈All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig1
#2231Ancient Saucehelm1
#330Angry Farmer candy364
#390Angry Farmer's Wife Candy1
#1223Argarggagarg's fang1
#571Asleep in the Cemetery3
#26Atomic Pop73
#441BGE 'cuddly critter' shirt2
#732BGE 'ferocious fruit' shirt1
#258BGE merchandise order form16
#564BGE pocket calendar1
#551BGE shotglass13
#454BGE temporary tattoo2
#633BGE tiny plastic toy2
#433Bartles and BRAAAINS wine cooler4
#222Bash-Ōs boxtop5
#290Bash-Ōs cereal1
#188Ben-Gal™ Balm5
#882Biddy Cracker's Old-Fashioned Cookbook1
🥈Big Candy's tophat1
#527Bit O' Ectoplasm3
#18Black Angus blackburger3
#68Blatantly Canadian112
#502Blizzards I Have Died In2
#528Blood Light2
🥇Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf1
#472Bone's Farm "wine"2
#282C.A.R.N.I.V.O.R.E. button2
#183C.H.U.M. lantern1
#364CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)3
#264CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)3
#289CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)3
#245CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)3
#252CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5)3
#529CRIMBCO lanyard1
#589CRIMBCO mug19
#484CRIMBCO wine16
#1702CRIMBCOIDS mints3
#72CSA bravery badge109
#51CSA fire-starting kit426
#43Camp Scout pup tent439
#445Cherry Cloaca Cola1
#51ChibiBuddy™ (off)1
#287Cinco Mayo Lager1
#740Claw of the Infernal Seal1
#1151Cloaca-Cola c-rations1
#1487Cloaca-Cola fatigues1
#1418Cloaca-Cola helmet1
#904Cloaca-Cola knapsack1
#1428Cloaca-Cola shield1
#610Cloaca-Cola-issue combat knife1
#168Cobb's Knob Wurstbrau3
#281Codex of Capsaicin Conjuration1
#270Cold Hots candy30
#233Connery's Elixir of Audacity1
#399Cookbook of the Damned1
#1448Corpse Island iced tea2
#35Crimbo Candy Cookbook98
#676Crimbo Credit1
#293Crimbo candied pecan45
#330Crimbo fudge37
#73Crimbo paste1
#309Crimbo peppermint bark41
#583Crimbo pie2
#83Crimbo salad7
#239Crimbo wreath3
#6Crimbomination Contraption1
#359Crimbonium fuel rod1
🥇Crimbot schematic: Data Analyzer1
🥇Crimbot schematic: Ribbon Manipulator1
#195DNOTC Box2
🥇Deactivated MiniMechaElf1
#416Dickory Farms Gift Basket15
#1105Dr. Hobo's scalpel2
#287Dreadsylvanian Almanac page1
#1084Dyspepsi-Cola d-rations1
#857Dyspepsi-Cola knapsack1
#177Eau de Guaneau3
#116El Vibrato power sphere13
#2386Elder Turtle Shell1
#169Elvish delight1
#367FDKOL commendation924
#30FDKOL fire hose1
#519FDKOL hotcakes1
#55Fauna Libre1
#252Ferrigno's Elixir of Power1
#170Field Guide to Skeletal Anatomy1
#207Freddy Kruegerand10
#249Fudgie Roll1
#285Game Grid ticket1
#194Game Grid token5
#277Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire1
#300Genalen™ Bottle5
#225Gnollish toolbox23
#137Gummy Brains1
#542Haunted Sorority House staff guide2
#249Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance1
#1142Heimandatz's heart1
#383Hell ramen5
#27Himalayan Hidalgo sauce16
#151Hippy Army MPE65
#273Iiti Kitty phone charm10
#707Instant Karma5
🥇Jackass Plumber home game1
#357Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet5
#835Kissin' Cousins1
#178Knob Goblin lunchbox9
#152Knob Kitchen grab-bag1
#147Knob jelly donut1
#189Knob nuts2
#342Knob pasty1
#121Knob sausage stir-fry1
#107Knob stir-fry2
#143Knob stroganoff2
#490Knoll shroomkabob1
#88Knoll stir-fry2
#253Lars the Cyberian2
#520Let Me Be!3
#549Lucky Surprise Egg4
#12Manual of Transcendent Olfaction2
#258Mariner's Friend cough drops1
#387Maxing, Relaxing3
#172Mer-kin foodbucket1
#111Mer-kin pressureglobe1
#191Mer-kin takebag1
#162Mer-kin thingpouch1
#193Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler21
#197Mick's IcyVapoHotness Rub433
#45Mini-Crimbot crate3
#271Mon Tiki2
#92Morlock's Mark Bourbon1
#32Mr. Joe's bangles25
#162NPZR chemistry set35
#299Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter I2
#383Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter II1
#307Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter III2
#324Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter IV1
#311Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter V1
#316Notes from the Elfpocalypse, Chapter VI1
#202Nuclear Blastball3
#256Oil of Parrrlay8
#195Orcish meat locker2
#526Order of the Silver Wossname1
#105Pick-O-Matic lockpicks15
#194Polka Pop1
#440Ram's Face Lager41
#47Red Rover BB gun71
#114Russian Ice1
#458SPF 451 lip balm4
#117Saccharine Maple pendant1
#714Safari Jack's moustache2
#14Salsa de las Epocas24
#658Sensual Massage for Creeps2
#471Sinful Desires1
#82Spooky Surprise Egg224
#477Spooky-Gro fertilizer1
#642Steal This Candy1
#81Steam Card: DemonStar (#2)1
#70Steam Card: Space Trip (#2)2
#667Sugar Cog1
#100Summer Nights8
#507Supernova Champagne4
#936Tales from the Fireside1
#480Tales of a Kansas Toymaker6
#98Tequiz Navidad1
#524The Cooler Out of Space1
#633The Joy of Wassailing4
🥈The Spirit of Crimbo1
#1041Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette3
🥇Tickle-Me Emilio1
#260Tiger-lily's milk2
#612Travels with Jerry2
#311Trivial Avocations Card: Where?1
🥇Trivial Avocations board game1
#338Typical Tavern swill12
#123Ultrasoldier Serum10
#1251Uncle Crimbo's Rations1
#422Uncle Greenspan's Bathroom Finance Guide27
#40Underworld sapling1
#1038Warm Subject gift certificate2
#48White Hyborian7
#472Wolfman Nardz1
#772Workytime Tea1
#1117Yakisoba's hat1
#261Ye Wizard's Shack snack voucher2
#157a butt tuba8
#473a little sump'm sump'm3
🥈a suspicious address1
#32abominable blubber99
#719abominable snowcone10
#193accidental cider10
#1005acoustic guitarrr1
#196adder bladder66
#1566adorable seal larva1
#296agua de vida3
#616all-purpose cleaner2
🥇all-year sucker1
#348alphabet gum4
#126amber aviator shades1
#37ammonite candy mold7
#910ammonite fossil2
#337amulet of extreme plot significance43
#218ancient cursed foot locker1
#519ancient frozen dinner2
#222ancient poisoned dart3
#52ancient turtle shell1
#57ancient turtle shell helmet1
#495ancient vinyl coin purse3
#227anniversary chutney sculpture1
#478anniversary gift box7
#846annoying pitchfork2
#69ant agonist66
#115ant hoe4
#253ant pick1
#103ant pitchfork4
#139ant rake3
#106ant sickle4
#198antique bottle of cough syrup3
#501antique hand mirror3
#405antique packet of ketchup2
#278antique record album10
#170asbestos crossbow string1
#122asbestos helmet turtle1
#112asparagus knife91
#139asparagus lo mein1
#1088atomic vector plotter1
#65attorney's badge28
#245awful poetry journal623
#60baby cuddlefish4
#203baby killer bee46
#380bacon bath ball2
#32bad vibroknife1
#59bad-ass club3
#83badass pie2
#13bag of Cheat-Os2,014
#53bag of GORF412
#49bag of GORP513
#106bag of QWOP42
#243bag of W&Ws15
#117bag of lard10
#145baggie of powdered sugar209
#1029balloon monkey1
#337banana cream pie1
#285banana smoothie2
#185banana supersucker2
#23bananarama bangle5
#961barbed-wire fence1
#239bargain flash powder2
#72bark beret1
#70bark boxers1
#91bark bracelet1
#183bark rootbeer5
#110barskin cloak1
#89bat hat1
#143bat wing stir-fry1
#331bath ball gift set15
#449battered Crimbo Crate24
#272bazookafish bubble gum5
#50beastly paste5
#232beefy fish meat1
#98beer basted brat2
#27beer goggles50
#57beer lens94
#239beer-scented teddy bear2
#16beer-soaked mop158
#233beet-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar3
#549bejeweled cufflinks6
#28belemnite candy mold10
#977belemnite fossil1
#148berries of suffering1
#215big bass drum5
#42big boom56
#94big glob of skin2
#472big rock1
#76big stirring stick1
#117bigger stick1
#112bilge wine342
#73bishop cookie1
#585bite-me-red lipstick1
#89black belt1
#165black cherry soda2
#103black cloak2
#86black cowboy hat1
#668black forest cake1
#389black kettle drum1
#561black paisley oyster egg9
#527black pension check2
#379black picnic basket2
#66black plastic oyster egg52
#312black polka-dot oyster egg17
#160black striped oyster egg25
#269black velvet box1
#138blank diary1
#246blank fudge mold1
#165blind-packed capsule toy97
#165blind-packed die-cast metal toy93
#217blob of Alphredo™1
#924blob-shaped Crimbo cookie7
#1653blood flower1
#1033bloody beer1
#1329blue paisley oyster egg3
#240blue pixel potion4
#223blue plastic oyster egg22
#201blue polka-dot oyster egg18
#76blue raspberry troll doll1
#122blue shell1
#1368blue striped oyster egg3
#437blue-frosted astral cupcake2
#69blunt cat claw1
#185booze-soaked cherry2
#139borrowed time2
#58bottle of Goldschnöckered1
#126bottle of Mystic Shell7
#214bottle of Pete's Sake1
#73bottle of Vangoghbitussin16
#347bottle of alcohol7
#257bottle of antifreeze4
#282bottle of fire13
#2996bottle of goofballs5
#79bottle of melodramamine1
#680bottle of pirate juice1
#1070bottle of single-barrel whiskey1
#154bottle of ultravitamins4
#154bowl of cottage cheese203
#223bowl of fishysoisse4
#450bowl of lucky charms1
#190bowl of oriole's nest soup1
#51box of Familiar Jacks10
#204box of Pokëmann band-aids1
#74box of hammers1
#3981box of sunshine14
#230box turtle1
#242boxing glove1
#246brains casserole1
#18brainwave-controlled unicorn horn3
#92brand new key1
#152breaded beer4
#110bronze handcuffs1
#159brown pixel1
#96bubble bauble bow1
#955bubbly potion1
#250bucket of honey4
#161bucket of wine1
#46bunch of square grapes245
#35bundle of "fragrant" herbs1
#338burnt flower3
#117bus pass9
#714cabbage-flavored Mr. Mediocrebar1
#436calle de miel2
#740can of Binarrrca11
#485can of CRIMBCOLA6
#96can of Red Minotaur51
#131can of depilatory cream1
#66can of maces16
#269can of spinach8
#477can-shaped gelatinous cranberry sauce19
#902candied kobold2
#643candied yams14
#620candy brain3
#532candy cane69
#703candy kneecapping stick4
#342candy knuckles6
#52candy skeleton35
#352cannonball charrrm14
#1750canteen of wine1
#335carob chunk cookies6
#375carob chunk noodles4
#214catgut taco1
#109catskin buckler1
#83catskin cap1
#288chainsaw chain1
#117chakra malt1
#234charming flute1
#158cheap plastic blowgun1
#272cherry pie1
#179children of the candy corn1
#286chocolate bath ball3
#482chocolate filthy lucre5
#48chocolate pasta spoon55
#141chocolate saucepan4
#214chocolate seal-clubbing club1
#529chorizo brownies2
#163chrome crossbow string1
#253chrome helmet turtle1
#429chrome staff1
#2111chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#663circular CRIMBCOOKIE3
#55clock-cleaning hammer1
#102clockwork hat1
#101clockwork pants1
#1979club necklace3
#433coffin lid2
#164cold hi mein3
#164collection of tiny spooky objects11
#529comfy coffin2
#188comfy pillow2
#106communications windchimes156
🥉control crystal1
#404copper ha'penny charrrm10
#316corn holder3
#81corncob pipe16
#896corpse on the beach5
#174correction fluid1
#481corrupted data15
#116crazy little Turkish delight248
#433cream pie1
#49creepy voodoo doll7
#113crotchety pants1
#364crumbling rat skull1
#118crystalline cheer948
#220cup of primitive beer10
#268cyclops eyedrops1
#666cymbal syrup1
#585dance card1
#124das boot1
#179deactivated MicroMechaMech1
#109dead lights pie1
#33deanimated reanimator's coffin1
#179decanter of fine Scotch1
#268decent brain1
#466delicious noodles1
#229delicious spicy noodles1
#188deluxe fax machine2
#164demonskin jacket1
#374denim axe1
#516depleted uranium seal figurine1
#911designer handbag2
#173devilish folio3
#696diamond necklace10
#374digital key lime pie1
#146dingy planks2
#391dire fudgesicle2
#983distilled fortified wine1
#548divine blowout1
#506divine can of silly string2
#572divine champagne flute1
#410divine champagne popper2
#478divine cracker1
#502divine noisemaker2
#64donkey flipbook11
#585dope gangsta bling-bling1
#122draggin' ball hat97
#466drop of water-371
#1253drywall axe5
#132dubious peppermint1
#515ducha de oro1
#256duct tape wallet1
#126dueling turtle1
#317dull fish scale8
#194dusty Crimbo crate47
#442dwarf bread9
#174dwarvish magazine7
#896eXtreme mittens1
#854eXtreme scarf1
#2970easter egg balloon5
#111electric crutch1
#1590elven limbos gingerbread2
#1052elven cellocello19
#287elven hardtack1
#1394elven moonshine2
#266elven squeeze3
#692elven suicide capsule25
#386enchanted toothpick3
#304enormous hoop earring3
#121epic wad5
#719evil golden arch4
#125evil golden arches11
#2681evil teddy bear1
#111extra-flat panini1
#162extra-potent gremlin mutagen1
#1947facsimile dictionary1
#371fake blood3
#750fake plastic grass2
#242fancy bath salts67
#787fancy chocolate4
#347fancy chocolate car8
#790fancy dress ball13
#723fancy opera glasses3
#6fancy schmancy cheese sauce128
#72fat bottom quark30
#405fat loot token1
#1427festive holiday hat1
#349festive sausage6
🥈festive warbear bank1
#322fettucini Inconnu1
#634filth-encrusted futon1
#983filthy lucre28
#195finger cymbals3
#470[2426]fire flower2
#723flaming crutch3
#80flask of baconstone juice1
#165floaty inverse geode1
#274flower petal pie1
#146flute of flat champagne100
#25flytrap bezoar2
#127flytrap pellet2
#725foam dart5
#172fossilized demon skull3
#572fossilized limb9
#307fossilized spider skull1
#359fossilized spine4
#638fossilized torso3
#479fossilized wing5
#279fossilized wyrm skull2
#126frayed rope belt11
#282freezerburned ice cube1
#1448friendly cheez blob1
#224frigid fudgepuck17
#56frigid hankyū17
#103frostbite-flavored Hob-O6
#325frozen Mob Penguin4
#707frozen banquet1
#125frozen nunchaku30
#96fry-oil-flavored Hob-O7
#377fudge bunny1
#197fudge cube1
#728fudge lily2
#259fudge spork1
#323funhouse mirror1
#355ga-ga radio5
#196garbage-juice-flavored Hob-O1
#68generic healing potion1
#551ghost pickle on a stick1
#292ghost trap3
#494ghostly body paint1
#366ghuol egg49
#777giant designer sunglasses3
#1275giant discarded bottlecap2
#2408giant discarded plastic fork1
#1516giant discarded torn-up glove1
#104giant foam finger51
#130giant marshmallow3
#185giant needle406
#132giant yellow gummi bear1
#320gin-soaked blotter paper1
#885gingerbread bugbear25
#214gingerbread house3
#2418gingerbread mutant bugbear2
#187glass of warm milk1
#128glass of warm water1
#273glittery mascara1
#86glob of green slime25
#225glow-in-the-dark dart gun1
#53glowing esca3
#329glowing red eye49
#736gnauga hide1
#220gnocchetti di Nietzsche2
#421gnoll teeth8
#169goat cheese taco1
#2190googly eye2
#1387gray bow tie1
#697green candy heart9
#323green gummi ingot101
#197green peawee marble2
#237green smoke bomb9
#640green snowcone4
#325green-frosted astral cupcake3
#300gremlin juice6
#198gremlin mutagen1
#54grouper fangirl1
#3471grue egg4
#452grumpy old man charrrm3
#468guy made of bee pollen5
#39hair of the calf7
#164half-baked potion12
#401half-rotten brain1
#135half-sized guitar8
#189handful of Laughing Willow bark1
#3462handful of confetti5
#396handful of numbers1
#1227heart necklace6
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#1395heart of the volcano2
#211henna face paint8
#178henna tattoo5
#465hideous egg4
#147hipposkin poncho1
#112hippy protest button58
#484holiday cheese log4
#85holiday log3
#81honey stick8
#266horizontal tango4
#341hot plate1
#460hot wad1
🥉hovering sombrero398
#182huge bowl of candy5
#179huge pumpkin1
#259huge spoon7
#662ice-cold Sir Schlitz100
#152ice-cold Willer500
#180imitation crab crate1
#62imitation crab zoea1
#43imp air28
#512incense bath ball1
#202infernal fife7
#15insanely spicy bean burrito2,010
#303interesting-looking twig1
#454intriguing puzzle box1
#130invisibility potion1
#52irate sombrero50
#178jack flapper4
#697jar of fermented pickle juice1
#585jar of swamp gas48
#561jerky coins31
#123jet bennie marble1
#41jingle bell1
#130jumping bean taco1
#499kickback cookbook1
#69knob bugle26
#1420knuckle sandwich2
#195kumquat supersucker2
#183ladle of mystery1
#921lavender candy heart3
#1286lavender polka-dot oyster egg2
#222lavender striped oyster egg10
#450leather chaps4
#361lemon meringue pie1
#103lemon popsicle1
#124less-than-three-shaped box2
#432lesser grodulated violet1
#1830licorice garrote1
#447licorice root6
#173lime supersucker2
#114linoleum helmet turtle1
#219live wire4
#109liver and let pie2
#114liver popsicle1
#123llama lama gong53
#990lollipop stick1
#306long pork4
#454longhaired hippy wig1
#233lotion of coldness1
#237lotion of hotness1
#294love song of disturbing obsession2
#302love song of naughty innuendo2
#272love song of smoldering passion5
#262love song of sugary cuteness4
#319love song of vague ambiguity1
#92lucky bottlecap15
#251lump of coal1
#266lunar isotope17
#1420macaroni duck1
#34magic dragonfish fry2
#384magic lamp1
#1025magical ice cubes4
#643magical mystery juice1
🥉marinara jug1
#215marshmallow flambé3
#1292mauve paisley oyster egg2
#2254mauve plastic oyster egg1
#615mauve polka-dot oyster egg5
#265menudo ravioli1
#26mime army camouflage kit6
#72mime army challenge coin1
#25mime army insignia (espionage)1
#90mime army superserum2
#137mime soul fragment30
#109misfit dolly1
#131moist sailor's cap1
#364mojo filter2
#1157monomolecular yo-yo14
#494mother's little helper3
#247motivational poster16
#825murky potion2
#377mushroom pizza1
#82mysterious present7
#445mysterious silver lapel pin2
#772nanite-infested candy cane15
#2559nanite-infested eggnog2
#3327nanite-infested fruitcake1
#2715nanite-infested gingerbread bugbear2
#96nasty rat mask1
#474necrotizing body spray3
#870night-vision goggles2
#231obnoxious riddle2
#242ocarina of space9
#445ocean motion2
#439off-white paisley oyster egg5
#433off-white plastic oyster egg11
#1733off-white polka-dot oyster egg1
#472off-white striped oyster egg6
#119office-supply crossbow1
#691old coin purse1
#593old leather wallet2
#1858old sweatpants4
#119olive stir-fry1
#818orange candy heart7
#74orange popsicle2
#629orange snowcone6
#268orange-frosted astral cupcake4
#133out-of-tune biwa2
#211oversized pizza cutter41
#473pack of KWE trading card7
#103pack of chewing gum5
#608pack of pogs22
#129padded tortoise1
#160painted turtle1
#1159pair of bolt cutters2
#319pair of ragged claws1
#81panhandle panhandling hat17
#618papaya slung1
#277paranormal ricotta2
#364parasitic claw1
#228parasitic headgnawer1
#233parasitic strangleworm1
#190parasitic tentacles1
#1403passable elf mask3
#94pawn cookie3
#59peanut brittle shield69
#142pear supersucker3
#987penguin focaccia bread19
#1464penguin thesaurus1
#86peppermint patty1
#60peppermint rhino baby1
#198peppermint sprout1
#309perl necklace2
#268petrified wood38
#332phish stick3
#281picture of a dead guy's girlfriend3
#76pie man was not meant to eat46
#532pile of candy11
#317pile of dusty animal bones17
#292pile of jumping beans11
#169pile of loose snow1
#332pine tar1
#702pink candy heart9
#592pink pony1
#68pink-belly slapper1
#288pink-frosted astral cupcake3
#151pixel cross4
#193pixel holy water2
#66pixel morning star1
#71pixel orb1
#1240pixellated candy heart5
#183pixellated moneybag3
#191plain brown wrapper3
#428plain pizza1
#243plastic Crimbo reindeer3
#78plastic guitar45
#753plastic passion fruit1
#235plump juicy grub2
#268pocket theremin1
#257poison pen6
#82poisonous caviar10
#391portable photocopier17
#342possessed top16
#104potato sprout17
#51pottery hat1
#41pottery shield1
#42pottery training pants1
#144pr0n stir-fry1
#202pr0n taco1
#477press-on ribs4
#82pressurized potion of perception1
#70pressurized potion of perspicacity1
#59pressurized potion of proficiency1
#52pressurized potion of pulchritude2
#1807pretty flower2
#265prismatic wad7
#269puce plastic oyster egg13
#222puce polka-dot oyster egg15
#1057puce striped oyster egg2
#176pulsing flesh16
#81pumpkin beer14
#101pumpkin juice2
#75pumpkin pie3
#265pumpkinhead mask29
#334purple pixel pie1
#782purple snowcone2
#464purple-frosted astral cupcake2
#776quantum taco2
#177queen cookie4
#148rat appendix stir-fry1
#86ratskin belt1
#128rave whistle75
#222ravioli della hippy1
#434razor-tipped yo-yo20
#1729really dense meat stack1
#187really really sticky spider web1
#121recording of Benetton's Medley of Diversity1
#120recording of Elron's Explosive Etude1
#107recording of Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration1
#115recording of Prelude of Precision1
#115recording of The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder2
#318red gummi ingot104
#470red paisley oyster egg7
#530red plastic oyster egg9
#2205red polka-dot oyster egg1
#681red snowcone3
#807red striped oyster egg3
#51red-and-green sweater52
#209red-headed corpse1
#150resolution: be feistier1
#130resolution: be happier1
#126resolution: be wealthier1
#1108reverse-oscillating klystron1
#109ridiculous cocktail13
#855ridiculous sandwich1
#65ridiculous sunglasses1
#1451rigid carapace2
#458roasted marshmallow60
#452rockin' wagon1
#496rocky raccoon11
#69roll of Hob-Os40
#640roll of toilet paper111
#74rook cookie1
#210royal jelly taco1
#512rubber WWBD? bracelet14
#1290rubber WWJD? bracelet6
#1523rubber WWSPD? bracelet5
#934rubber WWtNSD? bracelet8
#132rubber axe8
#272rum barrel charrrm5
#1021rusty chain necklace1
#90rusty metal key2
#159rusty metal ring3
#91salinated mint julep11
#94samurai turtle1
#406sausage pizza1
#577savoy truffle1
#377scratch 'n' sniff UPC sticker1
#421scratch 'n' sniff apple sticker1
#404scratch 'n' sniff rock band sticker1
#335scratch 'n' sniff unicorn sticker4
#150sea carrot1
#121sea tangelo1
#46seal-toothed rock1
#1088servomechanical torsion facilitator1
#180sewer turtle1
#478shimmering tendrils1
#172shot of blackberry schnapps2
#194shrinking powder2
#71silver keg1
#171silver shotgun shell2
#219six tiny wedges of goat cheese8
#181skewered cat appendix1
#546slap and tickle1
#434sleeping stocking6
#417sleeping wereturtle1
#297slime convention swag bag1
#188slime convention t-shirt1
#67slime stack1
#82slimy chest1
#398slimy fermented bile bladder6
#425slip 'n' slide1
#548small leather glove1
#41smiley-face sticker1
#128smiling rat2
#970snifter of thoroughly aged brandy1
#522soda water1
#76soggy seed packet26
#2328solid gold bowling ball2
#447solid gold pegleg5
#120soup turtle1
#10space jam toast20
#904spade necklace8
#352spaghetti with Skullheads1
#106spandex anniversary shorts1
#73spectral jelly1
#3298spectre scepter2
#1368spooky cosmetics bag1
#3326spooky eggnog1
#548spooky pirate skeleton1
#207spooky scarecrow1
#1103square CRIMBCOOKIE2
#502squirming egg sac16
#105stapler bear1
#338star key lime pie1
#446stench wad1
#31sterno-flavored Hob-O41
#78stomach turnover1
#153stone frisbee36
#696strawberry daiquiri1
#318strawberry pie1
#68strawberry popsicle2
#225strawberry supersucker1
#464strawberry wine1
#40strawberry-flavored Hob-O25
#173stress ball1
#225string of Crimbo lights3
#653stuffed Baron von Ratsworth67
#711stuffed Cheshire bitten63
#697stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech65
#744stuffed Meat63
#621stuffed angry cow71
#835stuffed astral badger58
#689stuffed baby gravy fairy69
#593stuffed cocoabo73
#797stuffed flaming gravy fairy61
#699stuffed frozen gravy fairy68
#746stuffed hand turkey64
#414stuffed key137
#551stuffed mind flayer81
#708stuffed mink66
#785stuffed monocle60
#1715stuffed ninja snowman1
#593stuffed scary death orb77
#3954stuffed shoulder parrot2
#575stuffed sleazy gravy fairy79
#797stuffed snowy owl59
#747stuffed spooky gravy fairy65
#686stuffed spooky mushroom12
#678stuffed stinky gravy fairy68
#738stuffed teddy butler64
#790stuffed tin of caviar60
#433stuffed treasure chest131
#867stuffed undead elbow macaroni57
#553stuffed yo-yo1
#366sturdy Crimbo crate47
#720sucker scaffold2
#197super salad1
#162superheated fudge28
#732swirly potion4
#456t8r tots9
#189tainted seal's blood1
#355tarrrnish charrrm5
#1964teddy borg1
#535teeny-tiny magic scroll1
#776ten-leaf clover6
#259teqiwila slammer1
#437tequila sunrise1
#347tequila with training wheels1
#222terrible poem4
#449thermos full of Knob coffee1
#360thermos of brew1
#353thistle wine5
#368throwing wrench10
#124time halo1
#131time's arrow2
#582tin cup of mulligan stew1
#421tin magnolia1
#723tiny bottle of absinthe5
#635tiny plastic Don Crimbo1
#403tiny plastic Mr. Mination1
#8169tiny plastic blood-faced volleyball1
#427tiny plastic hobo elf1
#978tiny plastic strand of DNA1
#216tiny slimy cyst2
#13toe jam toast19
#544tofu casserole1
#106tofu stir-fry1
#132tofu taco1
#1013tofurkey gravy8
#760tofurkey leg11
#484tomato daiquiri2
#148tomb ratchet8
#748torn hellseal sinew1
#899toy deathbot1
#2262toy space helmet1
#13traffic jam toast19
#183transporter transponder4
#2301tree-eating kite4
#1158triangular CRIMBCOOKIE2
#16trilobite candy mold16
#828trilobite fossil2
#42trout fang7
#180tube of hair oil2
#145turtle wax3
#247twitching claw15
#967untamable turtle2
#37urchin roe1
#349urinal cake6
#1810useless powder2
#20vampire glitter20
#1821vertebra of the Bonerdagon1
#51very large caltrop1
#210vial of patchouli oil3
#257vodka stratocaster1
#600voodoo snuff1
🥇wand of fudge control1
#108wasabi-infused sake1
#113weremoose spit4
#57wet venom duct7
#457whisker pencil2
#513whiskey and cola2
#48white belt1
#891white candy heart4
#685white chocolate and tomato pizza2
#739white chocolate chip cookies1
#298white collar4
#1102white lightning1
#122white snakeskin duster1
#480wind-up meatcar18
#284wolfman mask26
#191wooden figurine1
#280world's smallest violin1
#700woven baling wire bracelets1
#1158wrench bracelet1
#335yellow brick road1
#787yellow candy heart11
#325yellow gummi ingot100
#850yellow paisley oyster egg3
#966yellow plastic oyster egg6
#511yellow polka-dot oyster egg4
#1061yellow striped oyster egg2
#201yummy death watch beetle1
#1863zombie pineal gland1

Wow, that's 24,211 items total!

what items are this player missing?