string of Crimbo lights

string of Crimbo lights

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This is a strand of brightly-colored Crimbo lights. They're great, because nothing says "holiday cheer" like wasting electricity.













#8Lake Snow Killer29


#9Mistress of the Obvious and Quaxalot28




#12Zulu Romeo23


#13Hojo Hominygrits22


#14Ganguran and Mystic_Potato21


#16Narth Vader_v220


#17Sabina and Spleenmaster19








#22RichardRahl and Swinka13


#24Chicken in Black, Gretta Dean, Knitbone, Mecha and Skent12


#29Big Al, Cres, Davolta, Drag0n, MarcyRoni, Mrs Crab, Neutron Star, Pal, Pringle, Saddy, SchwahXP, Thraxus, dfens73 and trailflyer11


#43DarkSpuddle, Lord T1000, Lungbutter, Mhoram, Rammerking, Rara, SwordsRCool, eav, firecat666 and ryo10


#53BagelCaretaker, Batsubabe, JuanEpstein, Miridian, NCSorcerer, SufiZak, ValentinaSnow and Zinnia9


#61Biohazzard, Bullson, Cockerham, LiamAndMe, Mars the Infomage, Ollie Oxenfree, Samuel24881, Spanks the Clown, hedonia, hortenweaver, kahroo, mwahaha and yueli78


#74Bruscettalia, Caseman09, Daitis, Grief, Lady Tomo, Lord Kobel, Mac_Gyver, Mairsil, Mal Sanguine, Swoglodyte, TawnyBrawn, Wizard_Hat, eFloss, mistressofthewok, moonbeams, nimrod_1, thundermaz and unisus807


#92ArtemisRae, Betty Page, Chezyourmom, Dawgpatch, EaterOfSorrow, Facemostat, Hallan Meras, Inconceivably OO, Keptuvis, KingFelix, Logmo, MaN_eGG, Maddog Doan, MagonKody, MaxEarWax, Nanna BuBu, Pumpkinheadme, ScUd RuCkInS, SkyElf, StaffordMeister, Tsolarok, TwirlyRotini, caseyweederman, glaucos, sjman3 and uberturtle6


#118Boccolotti, BongSwatMatt, CharlesBumgaurd, Chownzy, Cloony, Deeliteful, Doctor Jones, Easton, Edmund Fitzgerald, EvenHart, Fanatos, Fone, Gaffa, Guitain, HotCarrier, Jovanus, Larry Linguini, Linguini Loony, Livnmenwalk, MAnicDepressive, Mansausage, MrBunn, MrsPresident, Number Zero, Otterbee, Parco Molo, Punsoe, Ravioli Bob, Reiko Ishikawa, RoboMonkey, Russer Butter, Schwetty, Tableau, Tealsac, TheBigPickle, Trumpeteer, Uurson, Viki, WalterEgo, Xahil, johaneth, mule1 and vizsla5


#161AngrySeal, Annihilator, AntiErr, Artix The Seeker, Babaganoosh, BobKarns, Bottom Feeder, DarthB1, Deranged Cat, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Donutmaster, Drewsie, El Guapo, El Vibrato, Fish_and_Chips, Furtive Muffin, Garthim, Grinder, Grolm, HackandStabby, Hamstibamsti, Ignatious, Jesus, Joell, JudySeagram, Leopold Jimmleson, Lita Kino, Llamoo, LumberingOaf, LunarTic, Mco, Mipselled, MoxiousMouse, Neenja, Nikademus, Niktu, Noxume, Oafette, Optimus747, Oveja, Rum Bob Scurvy Pants, Sal the Rapacious, SnowsaNinja, Splendor, Starbuck, Steelheadon, StorellaDeville, TTBoyArDee, Terry, Yatsufusa, Yefi, ZnewmaN, agargan, antu, astronomer UNIsus, blik, corkythewinelord, hLegRice, molly999, mylittlesister, narnar, siniam, varooka and wertyloop4


#225Adam1WPI, AdraLamia, AnxiousHyrax, Arc9, Archham, Artie Effham, Athanatos, BallsofMeat, Bandanaman, Bearskinrug, Beljeferon, BlueBaker, Bob the Tea, Bolognese Bozo, Bruja Hermosa, Butt Pirate, Crimbomaster918, Crunch10000, Diatonic DiTz, Dita of the Motley, DocterDJ213, Doctor Fettuccini, Donio, DragonOfMany, Dread Pirate Roberts1, ELROSS, EarWaxMax, Elemenstor, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Estivarus, FarmerBrown, FrankNBeans, Froogle Man, G1R, Gorbo, Hledjolf, Hulyen, Ibaslomofo, IngaTBW, Jizwink, Killer Tune, Lexicdark, Liquid Sasquatch, Loathario, Lotan, Meggers422, Meridian, Moonflame, Mr_Crac, NE1_4PNIS, Noskilz, Not Quite Zen, OkamotoSan, PROnetoLetmAPSEat, Persephone, Photon Chang, PokeyMan, Princess SporK, Quothz, RenRetard, RobN, Rotated8, Sceptileus, Sinister Loathing, SnackAttack, Spamela, Splaily, StabbyMcGee, Stan Maskelyne, StuffedSandyGunfox, SuperDave1989, Tarragon, TempusThales, The Big O, The Cowardly Swagman, ThunderGate, Tom808, Wildcat_693, Wolf Eye, Wraithtech, Yavnik, Yawsh, Zimako, adverb, evilsarah, goodknight, goozmanII, hellotylerHARDCORE, icy toes, jadziadax, jamfan14, jaxman123, jonsi_4, justhappytobehere, kylemug, mflGrMp, mootboot, more better, mylittlebrother, n00bert, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rosa blanco, rumblebot, scorpian kings halfwit brother, slag and superfoot3


#331Acoustic_shadow, Albino Bigfoot, Alice Dente, Antirrhinum, Aramada, Archipelago71, Armonzo, Arsinoe83, Ashallond, Ashes, Aximili, BARON VON KILL, Babycakes, Barbaras, Bewitched, Bhac Ssylan, BlakAcid, Bobmar, Boleyn, Boogiecleaver, BoyBob38, Brew Geared, Bronzer, BruceLeroy, Bruno St Aujus, Bubba9265, Cappas420, Carnivorous Sheep, Castiel, Catalyst, Catatonia, Chelonia, ChevellemanX, ChiOnGster, ChuRRy, Cir Bonehead, Crazy14, CrimsonKing, CtrlAltDefeat, Cysteine, DISCokeir, Dannyb0y, DarkMaiden, Darth Brooks, Darth Steve, DeDiddlyDawg, DerMagus, DocGonzo, Doctor Nick, Dragonslayer91, Dragoon Sage, Eevilcat, ElenaMarie, Enkidubious, Ephesos, Eroquin, ErstwhileWarrior, Evil Pez, Faded, False Dragon, Faustus Fusilli, Felisleo, Feral, Ffthed, Filmore, Framistan, Free Martha, Fyresoul, Gmorg, Graf von Steiff, Grave The Doomed, Grey Street, Hamon, HeavnzRogue, HotPasta, IceColdFever, IceDomina, Idu, Irregular, JakAtk, Jamesacus, Jasonbot, Jenkilm, Jo_Anonomous, Johnson, Kaley, KaosFreak, Kareth, Katitonic, Kerchara, Kilyle, King Stupid, L04GoThing, Lady SUMMERbrook, LadySnarf, Legalese, Leiah, Leicontis, Lemonfresh, Lobster, Lord Fluffybottoms, Lord Stefano, LuvLuvChef, Maclind, Magic2729, MajorLandmark, Mariani, Mawna Kur, Minijohnny, MolotovH, Monkeysnott, Morgad, Mymble, Mystiballs, Nobody Sinister, Nomnominus Rex, Nyther Darken, OHogan, OminousJackal, POPs, Palladium, Panda, Paroni, Parry Hotter, PastaGolem, Pastatizer2, Patamunzo Lingananda, PemyJay, Pettios, PlastikObst, PmatAula, PogueMahone, PolyesterMan, Poncho the Sane, Quagdogg, Quaggie, Rata Tooey, Ravenous Muffin, Razorbell, Razorboy, RedNeckReb, Retro_Thrusters, Reydien, Rhyet Swordmistress, Roger Ramjet, Rooster21, Rosarinita, Runemistress, S3w3rGn0m3, Salayer, Salsa Picante, Sammie, Seathy, Secret_treaties, Seradina, Setzer_Eldricht, Shafedog0, ShawnD, Shindhila, Shmexymuffin, Sinthy, Sir Clement the Meek, Sluggoman, Slym, Snugglypoo, SourMilk, Spikeboi2007, Spoonbende, Spramen, StDoodle, Steam, StonyTina, Subacai, SuperDood, Synnia, Takaratiki, Tallror, Targrod, TastesLikeChicken, Tebryn, TehUberAnge, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Resanified, The Wishing Well, The3rdSon, TheBrent, TheDotGamer, Tirronius, Tokeylicious, Tongue, Transwarp, UltraSuperboy, Ulysse, UnderCoverPoncho, VelmaVelma, Victorinox, WangoTango, Will the Warrior, Wole, Wraithkin, Ytterbium Manganese, Zacharygolf, Zom8I3_808, alan0823, allen_zhangcool, almypal326, andyisverydumb, angelrider, billybob31, bkworm, blider, bluephoenix, busybugs, calculon26, cheshirecat387, codeSmack, coderanger, cokeman, dammed if I do, delvis_one, demonizer, dlowe, dungbeetle, emu, false penguin, fcj, frog_04, fyre_tzygrax, gingerhat, gladverb, godless heathen, hacker_human, hiimchels, humpyt, iamSoupCombust, iphone clan slave, jWang, jairen1, jewells of cheese, kurogin, laddus, lemonkeygirl, lhart7907, lich135, lizabandit, magnet0, mallou, mcinsand, mei, murphs, n00beast, narutofan721, orasfir, pantsthief, paxson, pizzar the foul, ratbert, raynstorm, rounDchilD, shadeylady, starksroadkill, takenoko, ungratefuljester, volf, whizdad, wickedwillie44, xDanELx, xapnomapcase and xephyne2


#600ADeadHeart, APM, Adamdude, Adella, AeonfLux V, AeonfLux iii, Aerin Frost, Aeslyn, AgentRocko, Ahorriblesn, AkiraisJen, Akrim, Alexandrine, Alidawn924, Allora, Allypeanut, AltheWeird, Alukcalb, AmISam, Anarchy1313, Ander Exelion, Androcles Antepasta, Angelhair2, AngrierKid, Angry Llama, Aquabat, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, ArteMatthew, Artimis the Avenger, Arutha, Ashton, Asinine, Astin, AtlanteanScion, Atronach, Aubra, AuntBeast, Auntie Pasta, AuntieM, AvalonHunter, Avanar, Avena, Avia, Avohir, Axt71, Aya_Shameimaru, Ayatollah, Ayslumreject, Azarael, Azoun, Azreal, BB Karo, BabyGirlTigger05, Backdoorbandit, BadLuckBlacky, BaddeMulti, Baeltor, Bagel Shades, BambooRick, BanditoburritO, Bannana, Banon, Banrion, Bassvamp, Batwood17, Beanieatrix, Beavis P_Ness, BeerHead, Belero, BenzDoc, Berserkas, Biff Demiclaws, Biffle, Big_Papa_55, Bigquack, Bioland, BlU_sKrEEm, Blazing Star, BlindMonk, Blondie, BlueBurro, BlueElf, BlueSeashell, BlueThunder, Bluewoods, Bobje Ratata, Boesbert, Bofink, BoiRDee, BorDeaUX523, Boris The Spider, Boxy Brown, Brannon, Brar the Crusader, BrianSpud33, Brirad, Brobdingna, Broly_13, Bruce Garetz, Bryce, BuZZT, Bungee, BunnyleFey, Butterfly Rose, BuyMEaRound, CA Dude, CBParker, CK_, CMOT Dibbler, CONKER420, COwliCK, CWango, CafeBabe, Caillean, Calibuur, Campcampingston, CannonFoddah, Cantryboy, CapHector, Caplin, Cappy Carl, Captain Comrade, CaptainRondo, Carrec, Casteel, Castratiti_I_Pervertiti, CathyOak, Ceirdwyn, Celsey, Cendiane, ChE clarinetist, Chaos_Rabbit, Charasan, Chartan, CheddarBeer, Cheffy, Chineselegolas, Chocolust, Cinder, Clan Bank, Cleo, Club, Cnorgard, Cobwebs, Colendez, ComTechDave, Coochie Coochie Coo, Coogi Hat, Cookie, Corisey, Corlain, CorranH, CosmoCornelius, Crab Legs, Crabcancer, Crae Z, Craggle, Crinkum Crankum, Croft, CrowManyClouds, Cryanger, CuddlyBear, DIXie, DaBaddestHic, Da_Gimp_2, Dah Cheese, DaisyMaesy, Damasta, Damic, Dancin Fool, DarkAxz, DarkNewton, DarkStanley, Darkenmeat, Darkling, Darmut eDrien, Darobi, Darsabre, DataVortex, Davidson, Deatvert, Dee_Ta_Dee, Deg, Demicanadian, Demonsquiggle, DenMark, Descarta, Dessalvara, Destirinity, Diamond Stud, Dibzannia, DickLeaky, Dinah Hunter, Dingo69, Dinin, Dinosaur Dentist, DirtyChurro, Discdeath, Don Quai Poncerello, Donavin69, Doodleman1, Dorkmuffin, Doryna, DoubleHelixHero, DoubleOFan, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doxical, Dr Danger, Dr Ragon, DrClown, DrEvi1, DrLux, DrTee, Dr_Obvious, Draven, Drazool, DreamBreaker, Drize1989, Dryhad, DuRhone, Dyad, EarL LLama, Earl Good Boi, Ecce Idle, EdGein, Eddie Trojan, Edgy, Eggpie, Eggsaladdin, Eglath, El Lombris, El Ponando, ElVatoLoco, Elemental_Burn, ElronBean, EmKay, Emerilla, Emperor Hirohito, Enameless, Ender Alexander, Enigma, Erebus2161, Erichwanh, Erion, ErisDiscordia, ErnieR, Erwaro, Escaflowne, EthelMertz, Ev3r, EvaSaDiablo, Evangelist_Nine, Evil Librarian, EvilPanda, EvilTwinSkippy, Evil_Angry_Hobo, FMguru, Faie, FallenSnowflake, FantasticSpandex, Farfalline, FatQuack, FatQuack2, Felgod, Felyndaer, Fenghuang, Ferrex, FionaFairhame, FistMeister, FitzTheDestroyer, FluffyThumbTacks, Forneus Brewer, Forsquilis, ForteSP, Fossa, Foxy Boxy, Frank Plumpton, Frantasia, FreezerBurn, FriedSteak, FriedTofu, Friend of Gamera, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, FufuBunnySlayer, Galapagos James, Galeesa, Garmoshka, Gauln, GecoLupesco, Genea, General Tak, Getafix, GigiBurdell, Gil Galad, Gildon Dancypants, GirlsRule, Glerf, Glitch 319, Glukthar, Godspeed, Golianor, Goobertina, Gourdy, Gracefire, GrafSchaf, Grandmaster Tygon, Great Gazoo, GreatChef, Grenedle, Greycloak, GrimReaperCRO, Grimm Tooth, Grunk McSaucy, GryphonSlade, Gryphtronic Maven, Gulluoglu, Gullwhacker, Gurps Runal, Guy Bone, Gwalir, H2G2, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, HadesSL, Hairshirt, Hakaiya, HaliBoranje, Happy Bunny, HappyDeadChicken, Harry Dotter, Hatereliminator, Havaroth, Haveabadday5, Head_Moid, Hermit_Boy, HoboBob24, Hoboscat, Hooligan72, HorseManDemon, HotCha0, Hotaru Uchiha, Howiefeltersnatch, Hsilwo, HubertCumberdale, Hut Sut Rawlson, Hyperion1144, I Am, I Shot Liberty Valance, I Wrestled A Bear Once, I am here_why, I g g y, IAmtheDisco, IanDaemon, Idran, Immelan, Impalator, Imperialists, Indivisibility, Infidelbert, Innis, IntellectualWhore, Ironbar Blackfinger, Ironfist, Irresponsibility, Isadf Medicci, Isibeal, IsidoreStabby, Itsaspade, Itsatrap, J Mo, J Orchid, J Random Adventurer, JANT19294, JB77, JDavis, JK Phoenix, JRRTolkienNut, Jacco, Jaeda, Jag Pasta, Jander, JanvierBellefeuille, Jaster Mereel, Jay Peg, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jeddiah, JeevesJaner, Jef, Jesusisagurl, JhRowlands, Jherskow, Jidam, Jill_Bob, JoJoBa, John Quincy Adams and JohnDoe2441
