Dinah Hunter

#297A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 51
#1502Bulky Buddy Box1
#112Libram of Love Songs1
#45Libram of Pulled Taffy1
#23Pack of Every Card1
#170Rainbow's Gravity1
#129Scratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tome1
#69Sorcerers of the Shore Grimoire1
#1251Uncle Crimbo's Rations1
#138blank diary1
#6715box of sunshine2
#2111chunk of depleted Grimacite1
#261crystallized memory1
#77elven whittling knife2
#165floaty inverse geode1
#178leftover Crimbo rations1
#600string of Crimbo lights1
#296throbbing rage gland1
#1530tiny plastic Scream Queen1
#1132tropical wrapping paper1
#148unlocked meat locker1
#613witch hat1

Wow, that's 215 items total!

what items are this player missing?