crystallized memory

crystallized memory

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This memory has more in common with the chunks of salt in the corners of your eye than it does with the misty watercolors in the corners of your mind.





#4ScUd RuCkInS18




#6Keptuvis and Melon Squeezer14




#9Ganguran, Lord Stefano, Rhyann, Wr3cktangle and mudwog10


#14Jizwink and Mariani9


#16Caseman09, DarkSpuddle, Leopold Jimmleson and blik8


#20Batsubabe, Daya, HappyBizu, Hojo Hominygrits, InSinYou8, Maximillian the Red, Mistress of the Obvious, Pastahead, Samuel24881, eusst, neromike2 and superfoot7


#32Betty Page, Chickenkong, Depro Fundis, Evil_Angry_Hobo, JRRTolkienNut, Jherskow, Longuine, Mac_Gyver, Mad Dudy and warlord 0f mars6


#42Archham, Artie Effham, Lemonfresh, Lora Carver, NewTexas, Optimus747, Skinz, Terry, Viki, Wizard_Hat, Yurizan, felinoel, mule1, uberturtle, whatyouknow and whizdad5


#58AWestcottBaker, Amagalan, Boxy Brown, CSS_puke, Ferrex, Fossa, HeavnzRogue, Imperial Exchange, JudySeagram, King Stupid, Kittenbabble, LeafRivr, LobsterHime, Lord Fluffybottoms, MasterPython, MasterSilex, Mecha, Nanky, Nossidge, Oldsfrk, Rokusho999, Sal the Rapacious, Skent, Splendor, Spork of Doom, StaffordMeister, Swashbucklaarh, TheBrent, Viridinia, Will the Warrior, agargan, justhappytobehere, lagayNET, noinamg and testostronaut4


#93Alfagetti, Ancientofearth, Augon, Babaganoosh, BananaOfDoom, BlindMonk, Brew Geared, BuyMEaRound, Buzzbuzz, Concurrence, Darth Elmo, EdgarHippo, Edgy, EvenHart, FirstMateNora, Fokai, Gannet Swift, Ginsengi, Grenedle, Immelan, JozanGalanodel, Kneegrow, Kriana, L04GoThing, Likal Coraer, Loxodonta, Magic2729, Mairsil, Meridian, Mhoram, Mongrel the Apathetic, MooFrog, Nimisha, Picta the Painted, Pixidigit, Poncho the Sane, Psyko, Punkideas, Russer Butter, Ryllwyn, Scarydave, Secevalliv, Shadowknightx, Sinister Loathing, Snugglypoo, Spramen, SuppinStrange, Targrod, TawnyBrawn, Tellahff2, TheGreatReferencer, TheNice1, ThunderGate, Twinkertoes, Veracity, Vesiv, Vorthox, WoodOwl, allen_zhangcool, blace89, coderanger, crimsnferret, eav, entchen, giraffe man, glaucos, goom, hellsbelsonc, jackman6, justP, kahroo, muskratlove, orasfir, raynstorm, robin hood, ryo, vpnLibrarian and zathras3


#171AgentRocko, Airika, Anouris, Baranduin, BigBadWolf, Black Swordsman, BlackDave20, BlindOne, Castiel, Chartan, ChevellemanX, ComTechDave, Cres, Demicanadian, Emperor Hirohito, Er_Murazor, Eroquin, FantasticSpandex, Felisleo, FrankNBeans, FrozenGummyBear, Gluek, Hairshirt, HasteBro, Icnochys, Isladar, Jeny, Juntao, Kill_Life, Lubat, LuckyPuck, Margulies, Masterblue, MelonCollie, Muffin Break, Narcisat, Nassive, Nightvol, Nikademus, Niktu, Papa_Cools, Pumpkinheadme, Rogue Specter, Rooster21, Rosarinita, SexInYourCoffee, Shafedog0, Shrapnel, Simonite, Sp8z, Stavie33, SuperMentos, Tazy, Terrapin_Man, Thadisius, Thraxus, Tiny Plastic RBK, Totalschmuck, Trueself, UltraSuperboy, Vambann, Vlinderke, baddddmonkey, chacmool, chikensrule, cromulentia, crookedbassterd, delFuego, dumpybabe, flerdle, frogger, fugitive247, jcrkk, jdfinnie, jenrose, joncha, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, kaeboragaebora, ki77bot, ladderman, meh_64_12, paranpaji, petreska, sAuRman leRoux, slag, swallybee, thOngy, yushiie and zenrulez2


#260A Gressive Coffee Addict, AIice, ARthuR the human, AbuBamsry, Accidentaldente, AceLogan, Acolyte99, Acoustic_shadow, Adamwsat, Adatur, Admiral, AelfRhian, Aeodan, AeonfLux iii, Aerion111, Afrogumby, Alldarker, Allis, AlphaDeltaHotel, Am33, AmaraMagma, Ammishdave, AnaMoly837, Anal Intruder, AnchoPete, Andman315, Androcles Antepasta, Angry1, AngryRantingBob, AngrySeal, Antfattener, Antonyious, AnxiousHyrax, AnyLameName, Aox, Arc9, Archipelago71, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Arkantos, Armus, Arties Son, Arutha, Ashes, Asinine, AssHat, AstRelon, Astin, AstronomyKing, Athanatos, AtlanteanScion, AuntBeast, Avanar, Avena, Avia, AxiS Shadowbane, Azarael, Azoun, Azreal, BC_Goldman, BabyGirlTigger05, BagelCaretaker, Banana Lord, BanditoburritO, Barbaras, Batiste, BawbAlt1, Beat Bachs, Beavis P_Ness, BenzDoc, Bewitched, Bhac Ssylan, Biblio1, Big Evil, Bigbadbongo, BigdoG, BigglesWorth, BillDaKat, Biohazzard, Birdy, Bixington, BlU_sKrEEm, Black_Cat, Blanky, Blizzy, Bloodlust, BlueBurro, BlueSeashell, BlueToad, BlueWasabi, Bob the Tea, Bobje Ratata, Bobmar, Bobsuruncle, Boccolotti, BoiRDee, Boo, Bradley Morris, Brain, Brannon, Brianna, Brickus, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brirad, Bryce, Buddahb, Bufferin Head, Bullson, Butt Pirate, Butterfly Rose, CA Dude, CBParker, CMOT Dibbler, CWango, CafeBabe, Cait, CaitiffsEros, CapHector, Caplin, Capn Stabby, Cappy Carl, Captain Kirk, CaptainRandom, CaptainRondo, CarltheChemist, CarltheChemist1, Carnivorous Sheep, Ceasarious, CecilBTurtle, Ceirdwyn, Cerdom, Cereal Killer 024, Charasan, Charles the Cat, CheddarBeer, CheddarWhiskey, ChefRachael, Chelonia, Chez, Chicken in Black, Chim, Chimminy, Chimpy80808, Chondara, Choolies, Clan Bank, Cloakblade, Club, Cnorgard, Coalface, CobaltDawn, Cockerham, Colossus of Chronic, Constantinos, Coralon, Corgano, Corlain, Cornelius MacFly, Costanzafaust, Crabcancer, Crickeetbug, Crimbo Bandito, Crimpy, Crono725, Crumpet, Crunchy Hamster, DISCokeir, DMeleedy, DOctOr Mickey, DaBaddestHic, DaMule, Daffrid, Dah Cheese, Damascus, Damasta, Damic, Damuckle, Danucal, DarkMaiden, DarkStanley, Darkfacimile, Darkling, Darkrift, Darth Steve, DarthThaddeus, Dawgpatch, DeDiddlyDawg, Death by Gnocchi, Deathman_Elf, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Dee_Ta_Dee, Deetroid, DenMark, DerMagus, Derbina, Derek_M_Taylor, Desquall, Dessalvara, Destirinity, Destruction Matter, Dethlord, Dethwng, Devdogg, Dijonius, Dinah Hunter, Dingo69, DirtyChurro, Diss, Djabsolut, Doctor Jones, Doctor Nick, DoctorMcMinty, Don Quai Poncerello, Donavin69, DoomKnight2, DosBoot, DoubleHelixHero, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dr Danger, DrEvi1, Dr_Stangelove, Drag0n, Dragoon Sage, Drazool, Dread Pirate Roberts1, DuRhone, Duty, Dysamyne, ELRIC064, EPsonIC, Easton, EaterOfSorrow, Eb_, Eddie Trojan, Edmund Fitzgerald, El Vibrato, ElVatoLoco, Elishatheman, Elmo_The_Thundergod, ElronBean, Emerilla, Emhgee, Enigma, Erichwanh, ErisDiscordia, Erisand, ErstwhileWarrior, Escaflowne, Evangelist_Nine, Evil Kitten, EvilTwinSkippy, Exactor it, FMguru, Fabulous, FaeRiEDancer, FarStrider, FatQuack, FatQuack2, Fedora Pirate, Fig Bucket, FinalRagnarok, Fineldar, Fion, Firebyrdx, Firvagor, Fish Food230, Fitje, Fluck You, Fone, Foogy, Forkbende, Framistan, FrenchiePoo, Friend of Gamera, Frodo Ramone, Fronobulax, Froogle Man, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, GCByzantine, GJB, Gaddse, Gaephrius, Garrulous Grace, Gauln, GeckO25, Gen Eric Cola, Genbu Cosplayer, Gengis, Getafix, Girlpanda, Gmorg, Gogar, GolfinNinja, Goobertina, Gourdy, Gracefire, Gradzilla, Graf von Steiff, GrafSchaf, GraniteGrizz, Granite_Grizz, GreenLightening, Greenday2005, Greenrider, Grief, GrimReaperCRO, Grinder, Grumble Guy, GrumpyElephant, Grunk McSaucy, Gryphon_2, Guacanator, Guitain, Gulluoglu, Gurei, Guthlaf, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HMSRobotman, HOldeRofSecrEts, Habib the Unsightly, Halfwayhouse, Hallan Meras, HammeredOne, HappyHead, Hastings, HatshepsutLecter, Head_Moid, Hearte, HedwARDs, Heeheehee, Heffed, Hellfire_Death, Helloimbob, Hetchman, Hot Mamma, HotCarrier, Hsilwo, Hula Girl, Hypgnosis, I Eat Lotsa Babies, IamNOBODY, Ibaslomofo, IceScorcher, Idran, Idu, Iktome, Iminene, Imperialists, IncidenceOfRealism, IngaTBW, Irongroin, Irresponsibility, Itsatrap, Iweni, J Mo, Jacco, Jack S, Jacky T, Jander, Jannifer, Jantastic, JanvierBellefeuille, Jasonbot, Jay Peg, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jelatto, Jemini, Jidam, Jingo, JizmStick, JizzMasterZero, JoeyBaggadonuts, JohnDoe244, JohnPatrickMCP, Johnatton, Johnny Uppercut, Jonze, Joorrke, JoseCuervo, Juniper, K3yBlad3Mast3r, KINeraxn, Kaboon, Kaley, Kalismaal, Kaljatukku, Kamikaze777, KaosFreak, Kareth, Kaspersai, Katezilla, Katitonic, Katrinesse, Kcirtap, Kelne, Kelvin1230, Ketchup Monger, Kevin, Khurby, KillOZap, Kilyle, KingFelix, Knifebende, Koentinius, Kol Miners Daughter, Kolyn, Kool23kid, KorTehGehn, Kyn1000, LAMPayatot, Laddie Aie, Lady Bladethrust, Lady Miss Wolfie, Lady Radagu, Lake Snow Killer, Languid, Larry Linguini, Laser Fight Hot Pants, Lassea, LastResortMan, Layton Draxby, Lazyiness, LeansCuisine, Lewdguini, Liam, LiamAndMe, Lightwolf, LimblessBandit, Livnmenwalk, Llamoo, Loachette, Lokiator, Lomithral, LoneWalrus, Lorad, Lorc, Lord Finisher, Lord Kobel, Lord Noob, Lord T1000, Lord of the Souls, Lord_of_Ants, Lorelai, Lost Gypsy, LoverPrimeNumbah, Lungbutter, LuvLuvChef, Lyle332, Lytol, M41C01M, MC_Macro, MI4 REAL, Magister30, MagonKody, Malkey428, Mana Yachanichu, Managwa, Manbat, Mansausage, MarksReturn, Marksmule, Marlowe, Master Grimwulf, Master Harper of Pern, Master of the Unapparent, MaxEarWax, Mc7Man, Me Hokkien, Me33333, Meats, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Mellissaleo, MiB, Miasma, Michael Landon, Mikachu, Mike Antleg, Minute Man, Mirsadies, MissFroggie, MissPolka, Miss_Kala, Mister Dude, Mister_O, Mizem, Mizterry, Mme_Defarge, Moggil, MolotovH, MonkeyChipsNDip, MooCow1, Morgana Rose, Mosy, Mousey, Moxious Monkey, Mr Magnifico, Mr Mart, MrAdventurer, MrBudweg, MrDeFault, MrGrimm, Mr_Drucker, Mrmongoose, MrsSpookyKat, MsAngie, Muffinator, Mukiba, Munkee79, Mybloodyself, Mynar, Mystic_Potato, MysticalMolly, MysticalityContin, Mythcaptor, MzSabrina2, Nahtmmm, Nanimonai3, Naria, Natalia Borisovna, Natedogg, Nausicaa, Necrophage, Neferu, Neithyme, Neotemplar, Neptath, Neutron Star, NickFitts, NightRipper, Nihilistiskism, Nikikins, Nimnak, Niner, Ninga, Ninja Karl, Noodilicious, Number Zero, Numenor, Numeron, Nuts N Bolts, Nychiesel, Nyther Darken, OHogan, Obnoxio The Clown, Odspir, Oforf, Old1, OldBobLeashed, Olorin, OminousJackal, Onza no Kooya, Oorla, Orbrisa, Orcmors, Ornette, Oroku Saki, Oryhara, Otocyon megalotis, Otter13, Otto of Prussia, Owlish, P3T3Y, PAK215, PC_Goldman, PLUTONIUM, PSY, PWNED, PaganPrincess, Pan, Panda, Pantless Pete, Parco Molo, Park, ParseThePotatoes, Passacaglia, Pasta Thief, Pastopheles, PatTheGreat, Patamunzo Lingananda, Peewee, Pegathy, PemyJay, Pendulass, PenguinColor, Penguinist, Perkk, Pertelote, Peskil, Petite Mort, Pettios, Phalocrocorax, Phantom Stag, Phrim, Pidgeons, Pineapple of Despair, PiusIII, Pizzleman, Placeholder, PlastikObst, Playtoe, Plexchan, Plummy, Pohlredd, PokeyMan, PollyEster, PolyesterMan, Ponsawan, Poo Poo, Poot, PorcupineSpader, Poring Slayer, Porkymole, Pringle, Pronell, PsychicBologna, Psycho Sledge, PuDs, PuppyBucket, PuttyMcman, Pyctsi, QGrav42, QVamp, Quilp, RICArdo madGello, ROdger_FLint, Raging Fire, RaisingOphelia, Raisins, Ramonphilius, Rata Tooey, RatherDashing, Raudy Gabriev, Ravenous Muffin, RavioliOfDoom, Rax, RazorGerbil, Razorbell, Rebel SMURF, RedFeniX, RedIrish, RedNeckReb, Redmeat, Regdab, RenRetard, Retro_Thrusters, Rev Maskelyne, RichardRahl, Rick JameZ, Rigatoni Rex, RikAstley, Rikmach, Ritzenbunnik, RobN, RobbyAnalog, Robur Velvetclaw, RogerMexico, Rogueling, Root Stimulator, Rotund, Rubidoux, Ruby Sandyman, RubyLucky, Rusty Cell, Rutger von Horeburg, Ryo_Sangnoir, SBD, SRO, SaintDogbert, Sakurabisu, Salayer, Salsa Picante, Saqa, SarcasticAvenger, Sarkbo, Sativarg, Sauceticles, Saucy_ash, Savage Henri, Sawamura, Scattaloquarious, Schmaltz, Schwetty, Scroffy, Seahorse, SealclubberX, Sebastian Stone, SeeSaw, Sennin, SexyMomma, Sfox, Shade Angel, ShakenNotStirred, ShiningZapdos, Shmexymuffin, Simon the Mystificator, SimonMoto, Sir Bum, Sir Francis, Sir Jefe, SirSpanksAlot, SirThursday, Sith Lord, Six Vandrena, Skirmish, Skweeky Cheeks, SkyElf, Skyes of Arcadia, Slamboy, Slims, Slugbunny, Slym, Smarmalicious, Smashee, Smiles, Smite_O_Rama, Snapperjack, Sniddy, SnowsaNinja, Sobriquet835, SoccerBadass8, Soft Noodle, Sololord, Solum, Somnolent, Soth13, Space Ace, Spappy, SpoonBot, Spoonbende, Sprucer, Spunky, Sputnik1, Spygame, Squids, Stabotron, Stan Maskelyne and Stonecat1
