blank diary

blank diary

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This is a book titled "How I Spent Yesterday, by %playername." All of the sheets are blank.

This item will give you 40 Adventures and be consumed when it is used. It can't be used in Ronin or Hardcore, and you can't use more than one of them in a week.

🥈Skent and zushnew18






#6Mistress of the Obvious and gross dude12


#8Eroquin, Lord Stefano and OGL11


#11Dr_Unk, Wendil and whizdad10


#14Hojo Hominygrits, TheForce, magnet0 and weas9




#19Dr Strange, Lia_Sang, Mac_Gyver, Pastahead, eiderdown and safeashelicopters7


#25Buzzbuzz, Pumpkinheadme, Seth_OS and wile E Quixote6


#29AtlanteanScion, Drag0n, Nocsha and agargan5


#33Artie Effham, Diabolico, Doom_367, DuRhone, JB77, Keptuvis, Lorad, Merlinus Pastorian, Siloslider, TastesLikeChicken, Viral_Effigy, dcfiregirl, kirByllAmA and ricardo12345678904


#47Anonymous Git, Chadomancer, Club, Dread Pirate Roberts1, Elekkzzott, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Grommitt, Jesus, King, Lord Budroe, Lord Mellman, Magister30, Misha_Z, Mr_GlitterBall, Niven the Squeamish, Oldsfrk, PandaParade, Scarydave, TheBrent, ThunderGate, Zinnia, Zirrrus, chacmool, eav, fugitive247, ilikesloths, jenrose, phantom fox and xwingace3


#76Ashmodel, BigBadWolf, BorisTheSpider, Bubba9265, Christmas gerbil, Daron, DosBoot, Dreama, Edgy, ErisDiscordia, Fembot ArtsyPantS, Flaming Turtle, General_Herpes, Gourdy, Hamo_Boy, HighPriestessOfTinsel, KAIN, Kneegrow, Kurtispj, Lolly_Lives, Lungbutter, Lynn Gwynny, Marge, Melon Squeezer, Mongrel the Apathetic, Nychiesel, Poncho the Sane, Robert Plant, Rokusho999, SadOatcakes, Saiyansooner, Sal the Rapacious, Shrue, Sleepy Koala, Solve_Omnis, Spramen, Stabotron, The Wishing Well, TheLadyEsme, TwirlyRotini, Volc, Wagr, akiraadam, bad_player, baddddmonkey, chevarLY, ds13j, eggibagga, i_eat_food, kaateke2, kakakeke, magiKal mUffiN Top, moxom_s, myrth77, nardo polo, nolane3, powerturtle, saveuR, snow_clone, tbell30, wumbology and xtr0n2


#138ARthuR the human, A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Aaramir North, Achmedkhalim, Adamantois, Adeeda, AdjectiveFool, Aerosity, Afrogumby, Agath, Ahdar Musicstopper, Ahorriblesn, Aidenolm Rosemourne, Airicus, Akrim, Al the Credit Dependant, Alfred Motorworth, Alfredo Boyardee, All the Good Names Are Taken, Alldarker, Allis, AlphacatFelidae, Alsier, AltaZorn, AlteredState, Amarand, Ana, Anaeri, Anagram, Angmar, Anguaskye, Ankhram, AntiBuffBot, Antic the Fearless, Aravagantos, Araym, Arc Tech, Archham, Archipelago71, Archon386, ArgghFW, Arkannoyed, Aro CantCatchABreak, ArsianDuck, Arties Son, ArtisanBlowfish, ArtixBot, Arundel val Estar, Asdfghx, Ashles, Asimantos, AssTractionHero, AstRelon, AtomicPopcorn, Aubra, Augon, Auntie Pasta, AwesomeTed, Azendral, B A Takaline, BAbyDufus, BDrag0n, Babaganoosh, Bad Seagull, BadLuckBlacky, BadWillow, Badassimus Prime, BaddeMulti, Baltar, Banditman5, Baron Meriwether, Battleduck, Bayushi, Bean, Bearskinrug, Beat Bachs, Beavis P_Ness, BeefThief, Beerenkreutz, Beljeferon, Belly16, Benten, Biefstuk, Biff Demiclaws, Big dAdDy grImm, Bigba Dron, Bigquack, BiloxiJones, Bioland, Bixington, Biznatch, BlU_sKrEEm, BlackfireTheUnmaker, Blart DudaBarra, Bleeko, BleepBlorp, Blixxx, Blizzy, BobbyCorno, Bobje Ratata, Bobmar, Boesbert, BoiRDee, BoogieBear, Boxy Brown, Bradley Morris, BranNew, BreadStickMonkey, Brew Geared, BrianSpud33, Brianna, Brirad, Bruce Garetz, Bullson, Butt Pirate, BuyMEaRound, CK_, CMx2, CNminus, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caitt, CapHector, Caplin, CapnFailboat, Cappy Carl, Captain Comrade, Captain Vittles, CaptainRondo, CaptainSpam, CaptainUrsus, Carling, Carrec, Caseman09, CathyOak, Ceirdwyn, Celsey, ChE clarinetist, Chaosblackwing, Charasan, Chartan, ChasteGalahad, Chef_Rannos, Chelonia, ChevellemanX, Chicken in Black, Chicken n Dumplings, Chim, Chocolust, Cholupa, Chondara, Chunky Spelunky, Chyld, Chynn, Cienheridas, Cindipool, Clarinet, Clarkus, Click_Clack, Closegesture, Cobwebs, Cockerham, Cold Pizza, Collectors Score, Concurrence, Coogi Hat, CoolBobbey, Copy Pasta, Corruptus, CoveredinBees, Crabcancer, Cres, CrimsonKing, Cristiona, Crono666, Crono725, Cullots, Cuz, Cyrean, CyroN, D L, D3tox, DJ Dungeon, DVB, DaBaddestHic, DaGimpster, Da_Gimp_1, Da_Gimp_2, Daemondred, Dafro, Dah Cheese, DaisyMaesy, Damasta, Damic, Damine, Damuckle, DanaO, Danishe, Dannyb0y, Dark Lord Poofy, DarkAxz, Darkling, Darth Ceder, DarthConflict, Dashzap, Datrev, Dawgpatch, DeadlyAngel, Deathman_Elf, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Deimos, Delilah Jones, DellyBelly, Demonsquiggle, DerMagus, Derdrom, DerektheRed, Des804, Desmondman1, Dessalvara, Deus Ex Machina, DevilishOne, DiEgO1mArCuS, Dibzannia, Dibzdevil, DickLeaky, Digan, Dim Mak, Dinah Hunter, Dingo Boy, Dinsdale67, Disco Stu25, DiscoFevaDiva, Disir, DizzyJ, DjTeriyaki, DocRosey, DocSauce, DoctorWeebl, Doglover3716, Donavin69, Dorngen, Dotav, DownyFlake, Doz, Dr4g0n5h4d0w, DrKirre, DracoTrainer, DragonOfMany, Drakmor, Drakono82, Draven, Dread Gambit, Drewsie, Drize1989, Duddy01, DuoFox, Dyne A Might, Dysis, Earl Good Boi, EarthStone, EasilyDistracted, Easton, EdFox, Eddie Trojan, Edgar Fizzlewhip, Eevilcat, EhSteve, Eileen Alphabet, El Gigante Elegante, El Lombris, El Snitch, El Terwilliger, Elayle, Eleron, Eloquent Rune, Emerilla, Emhgee, Engineered Waltz, Er_Murazor, Ereinion, Etheria, Euan McLeod, Evangelist_Nine, Evey Jane, Evil Dead Ned, Evil Spawn of Molly, Ezandora, F00daholic, FLCL fan6, FMguru, Fabio11234, Faded, Fallstonite, False Dragon, Falsesense, Fargblabble, Fellfrosch, Fettuccine LaPreggo, FetusXmas, Fig Bucket, Figfewdisgewd, FinaiAttack, Fire Fiter, Firemummy, Fireproof Cheese, Fish, FishFishFish, FitzTheDestroyer, FlaxMouse, FlubaGuba, Flurry, Flybynight, FoB, Fone, For Sale, Foxy Boxy, Framistan, Fredrikson, Fronobulax, Frosty Fox, Fundamagargle, FurballNinja, Fuzzinskaya One Eye, GLWill, GMPH, GOGAR, GT1, GTone, GadTheHero, Gaephrius, Galafrone, Galapagos James, Gallade, Gallagen, Ganomex, Garjon, Garthim, Gauln, Gawea, Gbuphallow, Gemelli, Gen Eric Cola, GeneGene, Gerkistar, GespenstKAF, Gifted, Gil Galad, Ginpeporimeg, Glerf, Glittersnorter, Glowing Star, Gnocciqueen, Gnocciwhore, God_of_Muffins, GoddessSixx, Goonbucket, GraniteGrizz, Granite_Grizz, Graymalkin, Gredashe, Greenen72, Grenedle, Greylin, Grim Digger, Grogum, Gryphon_2, Guis, Guitain, Gurei, Gurps Runal, Guy Bone, Guyy, H473N4, HIDINGHERMIT, HIlFSdepp, HMSRobotman, HOldeRofSecrEts, HackandStabby, Hairshirt, Handhand, Handmade Mocha, Hannibal Smith, HansGruber, Hanson The Mighty, HappyDeadChicken, Hardcore Foamy, Hekatchu, Heliouse, Hellbear88, Hellfire_Death, Helloimbob, Her Likkle Baby Lion, Hermitess, Hetzer, Highlord Thorgrim, Hilikus, Hippie Dude, Homusexual, Honesty, HotCha0, Hsilwo, Hunior, Hunkpapa, HypPy, I am here_why, I g g y, I said therefore, IAmATurnip, IAmtheDisco, Ibaslomofo, Igor Priapus, Il Cazzo, Ima Blonde, Impalator, IndyNaptownBlues, Infernau, Infopowerbroker, Insanely Crazy, InsanityPrelude, InspectorX, Ironbar Blackfinger, Ishamaell, Isladar, ItHeller, Itsaspade, Itsatrap, J Mo, J Random Adventurer, JD McSquinty, JLE, Jack Harlequin, Jack S, JakAtk, JamesMatte, Jantastic, Jasper_Claire, Jaylee, JebThePleb, Jeedai, Jeff Jeff, Jeff the Mediocre, Jellyman, JenZahara, Jenkilm, Jenny the Bread Wench, Jeo1234, Jererry, JerseyBoy, Jest Phulin, Jhusdhui, Jim Trowell, Jizwink, JizzMasterZero, Joedon, Johnny V, Joltykun, Jorbo, JoseCuervo, JoshZero, Journ_O_LST_3, JudySeagram, Juiced and GinGerman, JulieIndiana, Julitewn, Junestar, Juntao, K2_Fujative, Kaffeetrinken, Kahdrick, Kailen, Kalbrand, KalliKitten, Kaluna, Kami, Kamikaze777, KaosFreak, KapmK, Kassandra, Kastaguy, Keekee, Keldar the Unbrave, Kelha, KeltiThePastaQueen, Kemistry, Ken, Kendo123, Khanrad, Khari, Khavren, Kilcannon, KingArt, KingFelix, KingPlum, Kingdom Comics, Kingdom Of Celibacy, KitiaranYC, Kitsunegami, Kly, Koentinius, Korikin, KrennVonSalzburg, Kriana, KuanKYH, Kugli, Kumar, Kurt Russell, Kyta, L4Z4RuX, LINEal, LaCucarachaDeFuego, Lady Tomo, LadyDelilah, Lao Ming, LastChans, Lavion, LeMuffin, LeafRivr, Leafsw0rd, Leanna, Leaper, Legalese, Lemonade Lucy, Lena Linguine, Lerdy, Lew_b81, LiamAndMe, Lightwolf, Linguinelad, LissaGail, Little Larry, Lizmeis, LntiX, LoafingOaf, Lobster, Log from Blammo Mall, Logan Five, LogicalMadness, Lokiator, Lokiator_Mall, Lord Enzo, Lord Kobel, Lord Vrel, LordJamroar, LordTshil, LordVyle, Lord_Teroh, Lord_of_Ants, Lordhyperion, Love Me, LuckyPuck, Lucy Star, Luke, LumberingOaf, LuvLuvChef, Lxndr, Lyle332, Lyndis, Lysander2, MC Face, MCScaredOfBees, MI4 REAL, Macdaddy, Mad Steve, MageBlue, MageRed, MagiMaster, Magnus Thunderblade, MagonKody, Maharito, Major John, MajorLandmark, Makkaiveri, Malachi Constant, Mana Yachanichu, Markishnesss, Markisnitch, Marm, Marr Marr, Marte, Maru Bara, Master Grimwulf, Masutakusu, MattyFresh, Maxdroom, MayaB, Mc7Man, Mco, Meat Miner, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, MegaBee, Megabass, Megabuster, Mekgineer, Melindria, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, Mercy, Messiah87, Metal Chicken, Mezzo_soprano, MiB, Miah1116, Michael Landon, Mick Bagger, Mike Antleg, MiniLizard, Minijohnny, Minuit, Minute Man, Mipselled, Mirror Ball, Mirrorshades, Mister Edge, Mister Jinkles, Mizem, Mizer_E, Mme_Defarge, MojoPin, Mojomaiden, MolotovH, MontyBurns, Moonshae, Morah, Morgana Rose, Morgoth1145, Motrax, Mousseme, Moxsassin, MrFatso, MrSqueezeBox, Mr_Happy_Boy, Mrs Bill, Ms Bus Driver, Muffinator, Muhfin, Mukiba, Muluk, Munkee, Mxyzptlyk, Mynar, MyraFloren, Mystery_Wolf, Mystiballs, MythicGavin, MzSwan, NCDarkness, Nanimonai3, Nanky, Nanna BuBu, Nasius, Natano0, Natedogg, Nathanl, Navara, Necrophage, Nerdanel, Nerdyfro, NewTexas, NewbieFoundation, Newo5678, NicNak, Nidras, NightWatcher, Nightvol, Nikademus, Nillo, Nim, Nimisha, Nimitz, Ninja Karl, NintenDave0, Nion, Nips, Nitride, Noahs Ark, Nobody Sinister, Nodo2, Nodosaurus, Noelle, Nonia, Normanreedus, Noskilz, Now I know why, Numby55, Nurbleface, Nymall, Nyther Darken, OD, OHogan, OOnuthin, Oafette, Oculi Caeruli, OhMahGourd, OkamotoSan, OldBobLeashed, OldGuardMeat, Olorin, Omnibus, Onken, OnyXx, OracleofDreams, Orbrisa, Osbert, Osobayasan, Othar, Otto of Prussia, Owlish, P in Boots, P3T3Y, PJ45, PSY, Pa amb Tomaquet, PacHINKOid, Padoogie, PajamaJustice, Paklitaxel, Pampalini, PanSolo, Pando the Gourmet, Pants_O_Rama, Parastra, Parco Molo, Pasta Thief, PastryofDeath, Pat Minotar, PatTheGreat, Patamunzo Lingananda, Paugus, PeKaJe, Perkk, Pers, Phalocrocorax, Phantom Stag, Phillammon, PhillipBrooker, Philosofik, Phreakyphobic444, Phred Green, Phrunicus, Phunky D, Physicsjm32, PicklePizza, Piefight, PigRAT, PinballLizard, PiscesJourney, Playtoe, Plucky, Pobblebonk, PokeyMan, PolkaNDBack, PolyesterMan, Porkie, Porny Stroker, Post nubila Phoebus, PrehensileSpine, Prestige, Princess Erin, Professor_Underscore, Pronell, PsyKeout, Psyche, PsychicBologna, Psychosis730, PungentFungi, Putricia, Pyctsi, QTArbuthnot, QVamp, Qaianna, Qalthos, Que Chan Mok, Queen Diem, QuintAVirus, Quisar, RLBond86, ROdger_FLint, Rabbit House, Rabid Alpaca, RabidRob, Ragudantalus, Raguel, Rainborn, Random Lee, RatIOnAlPie, Ravengyre, Reaper Hippie, RedIrish, Retro_Thrusters, Rice President Dmitri, Rigatoni Rex, RikAstley, Rikmach, Rinnith, Robacon, Robivf, RoboChicken, Rock Flying Pig, Rogar7209, Rogue Cat, RogueTrader, Ronic, Roonygc8, Rorek, Rosarinita, RouxBrewer, Roxanne, Roy, RubyLucky, Russer Butter, RuthiePee, Ryo_Sangnoir, SBD, SEARCHINGchat, SRO, SUGbert, Saddler, Sajer the Forgotten, Sakura Rurouni, Sakurabisu, SallyNeverAscend, Salsa Joe, Samotheus, SantasAssassin, Sativarg, SaucierWench, SaucySam, Sawamura, Sbe123, SbeLDridge, Scarf, Scattaloquarious, Sceptileus, Schmoola, SchrodingerCat, ScoopKW, ScotlandsFinest, SealingAway, Sean Clannery, Secret_treaties, Segatron, Sendaben, Senkaku, Sentrion, SeraPHOny, Serhina, SerinBites, Shade Angel, Shadow Kaze, Shadowknightx, ShakenNotStirred, ShawnD, Sheik Ahmed, Shinryongdo, ShinyPlatypus, Shire Beyay, Shoop8000, Shrapnel, Shrek and Shure Song1
