
🥇Bodacious MechaElf Hunter Saga:Relay Wolf1
#51ChibiBuddy™ (off)1
#55Cursed Punch3
#234Princess Rutabaga trading card1
#1073Safari Jack's moustache1
#4Third Eye2
#608antique record album3
#138blank diary1
#99bugbear detector1
#213can of V-112
#68cinnamon troll doll1
#880commemorative war stein1
#400cursed black pearl onion2
#385cursed bottle of black-label rum2
#406cursed bottle of rum2
#322cursed cannonball2
#355cursed dirty joke scroll2
#377cursed piece of thirteen1
#383cursed sea biscuit2
#431cursed voodoo skull1
🥈festive warbear bank1
#377fudge bunny1
#634gingerbread robot2
#1657handful of confetti22
#144handful of honey65
🥇heart of dark chocolate1
#6ittah bittah hookah1
#43jar of anniversary jam1
#193lump of Saccharine Maple sap1
#364parasitic claw1
#228parasitic headgnawer1
#233parasitic strangleworm1
#190parasitic tentacles1
#107petit 4.16
#27phase-tuned shield generator belt1
#501pog #01 (spider)1
#484pog #02 (Knob goblin)1
#480pog #03 (warwelf)1
#481pog #04 (skleleton)1
#501pog #05 (ninja snowman)1
#488pog #06 (filthy hippy)1
#493pog #07 (orcish frat boy)1
#494pog #08 (hellion)1
#492pog #09 (pirate)1
#512pog #10 (hobo)1
#498pog #11 (Naughty Sorceress)1
#28quantum disintegrator pistol1
#103quantum nanopolymer spider web2
#925ridiculous cocktail1
#2841solid gold bowling ball1
#3127stuffed Baron von Ratsworth1
#8936stuffed Cheshire bitten1
#8938stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech1
#3103stuffed Meat1
#8863stuffed angry cow1
#8973stuffed astral badger1
#8950stuffed baby gravy fairy1
#8971stuffed frozen gravy fairy1
#8978stuffed hand turkey1
#2669stuffed key1
#8910stuffed mind flayer1
#3059stuffed mink1
#3100stuffed monocle1
#8943stuffed scary death orb1
#4800stuffed shoulder parrot1
#8957stuffed sleazy gravy fairy1
#8803stuffed snowy owl1
#8881stuffed spooky gravy fairy1
#3041stuffed spooky mushroom1
#8878stuffed stinky gravy fairy1
#3125stuffed teddy butler1
#3097stuffed tin of caviar1
#2694stuffed treasure chest1
#8891stuffed undead elbow macaroni1

Wow, that's 209 items total!

what items are this player missing?