antique record album

antique record album

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This is an LP in a crumbling cardboard sleeve so old and worn that you can't make out any details it may have once exhibited.

Okay, so "LP" stands for "Long Play." It's a music containment unit. It's a round vinyl disc, usually black, that stores about an hour of music. No, you can't change what music's on there. No, you can't add more memory to it. Yes, you can use it for a frisbee. Contains:



🥉Christopher Pike2,000




#5ScUd RuCkInS738








#9Mistress of the Obvious246






#12Crimbo Grotto188




#14Hojo Hominygrits168






#17Nyther Darken149


#18Artie Effham129








#22LiamAndMe and RobbyAnalog108






#26Rev Maskelyne, SHRINER and Stan Maskelyne103


#29bazo0ka and mule1101


#31Arc9, Darkling, Deranged Cat, Gemelli, Kwon, Nuheen, Phoenix Ninetales, Schmoola, Zephro, caducus and schrodingerscat100


#42Jherskow and Nescent99




#45Disco Pinglan81


#46MrAdventurer and Pythagorus198776


#48Lemonfresh and mistressofthewok75








#53Django, Mecha and Pastahead60


#56Poncho the Sane59






#59Galapagos James and Kemistry53


#61TheNice1 and frankenchrist52


#63Poot, kahroo and smugleafthesmug51


#66Darmut eDrien, EAF Marine, Graf von Steiff, Leopold Jimmleson, Moxious Monkey, Mystic_Potato and Punkideas50


#73BlueWasabi, Handhand and Vandaahl49




#77Dik, Mellissaleo and Yendor45




#81Nodosaurus, SirFist and oSfish42


#84Ganguran and SilentSound40


#86GryphonSlade and caPROsmaster39


#88Troeke and cromulentia38


#90Gulluoglu and Jesusisagurl37


#92Acinixys Planicauda36






#95A F Clubber and Meat_Curious33




#98Buzzbuzz, Gryphon_2, Isladar, Lord Finisher, Moonflame, Sean Clannery and TwirlyRotini30


#105BC_Goldman, Higgy, Lotully, LunarTic, Tsolarok, eibbeD and zacius29


#112BuyMEaRound, MI4 REAL, badverb and wulfbear27


#116ForteSP, Mr Lassitude and futinc26


#119CharlesBumgaurd, Eseche, Plexchan and Warren25


#123MikeSmith, Rolagza and angelrider24


#126Babaganoosh, Tricksy, Whispers and wile E Quixote23


#130Lord Stefano, Swashbucklaarh and lollipopzombie22


#133Ayatollah, I am here_why, Ishavriel, KAIN, Oldsfrk, Sandish, TheFishIsBig, deificus and suinoq21


#142AngryKlingon, Antipode, Bioland, Birgette, Cheesetoshiba, Darth Elmo, Journeyman, Mad Dudy, Mighty Joe, Miridian, Pringle, Snott, Virgmantx, blackbeargamer2 and murphs20


#157Arghhh, Blueshyguy, Eldron Balkhan, Ephesos, Grimrar, Jpatton, King Stupid, KingFelix, Mac_Gyver, MuttonChoppe, Puud, SkyElf, WalterSobchak and koutetsu19


#171Allikat, Capntastic, Drakmor, Nymall, Saiyansooner, ZoeHarriet and aaaaaaargh18


#178Framistan, Noskilz, santifaller and slugBoy17


#182Froogle Man, Zombie James Dio and hiimchels16


#185CaptainLoud, Gretta Dean, Jesus, Kyta, Mars the Infomage, Maskedpenguin, Mick Bagger, Mybloodyself, Phil de Pants, TheCarrot, Zulu Romeo, ajosHI and tinkerscuss15


#198Azeron, Devdogg, DoctorRotelle, DuRhone, Feral, Hero_in_a_half_shell, Icnochys, Imitation Plastic Bobba Fett, JerseyBoy, P3T3Y, PacHINKOid and Pickles14


#210Biff Demiclaws, Damasta, Lolly_Lives, Manion, Parry Hotter, Picklenose, Sporty Spice, Van Diemens, dumpybabe and ghostfire13


#220Adam1WPI, ArtemisRae, Brew Geared, CarltheChemist1, Damine, DanElectro, Eddie Trojan, Kae0s, KaleyObsidia, Lexicon, MojoMonkey, Niktu, Static, Vashnar, Zucker, andrew3, busdrivertohell, crimsnferret, eav, kyosys, shaft007zz and sloptunes12


#242Art_Shamsky, ArtfulTodger, Bert of the Northwest, Betty Page, BigPickle, CoconutHalf, Cres, DaBaddestHic, Darkfact, Discdeath, Edgy, Gaffa, Garthim, Gluek, Irrat, Kaffeetrinken, Keator, Kime, Lost Warrior, Maclind, NovaKnight21, RaisingOphelia, Riff, Rutger von Horeburg, Sauroni, Stickie Pants, Vulgaris, Wr3cktangle, dark lotus, dungbeetle, fugitive247, ladderman, paranpaji, rifforama, sadverb, symian and wexer911


#279Batsubabe, BlU_sKrEEm, BongSwatMatt, COwliCK, Caplin, Cleese of Sillywok, Corona Mortis, Cosmobot, DarkLord75253, DmitrivonUppercut, DoomAwaits, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Ernie Maskelyne, Fickle Fig, Guacanator, Hikash, HotCarrier, Imperialists, JakAtk, JanvierBellefeuille, Jared_Allen, Jeny, Krukedogg, Legend Dan, Magister30, Manbat, Marlee, Mayting, Myrtle, Neogeo, Olmec, Partasah, Piotr Pebblefist, PunkCerebus, Raging Fire, Rammerking, Redcap04, Regdab, Retro_Thrusters, Reydien, Ryllwolf, Saucy_ash, Sennin, Sjakie, Slavoc, Suendenbock, Tenebrius, Xrab, Yurizan, deathsausage, el_jefe34, eskimodave, furagu, gingerhat, jackman6, mad ophelia, magnet0, man tater, mooingsheep, more better, sciFIwiZ and tindrum10


#341Antic the Fearless, Asimantos, AuntBeast, Black Belt, Chili Mac, Kalen Noreth, Kelne, Kruncho, Kurtispj, MagonKody, Meat bank, Melinhed, Michifus, Muhandes, Nodens, RichardRahl, Ryllwyn, Scattaloquarious, Sethari, Sfox, Shalegrey, StalkingOfAshles, Swinka, Trajolifer, Wheremydemonslie, Zim4Ev3r, bazfum, hiddentiger, lupus4 and takenoko9


#371AelfRhian, Awake, BusterCap, Derek_M_Taylor, Emperor Destroyer, Froggie Legs, Lemoe, MOTH, Macdaddy, MolotovH, Sighy Pog, The Clown Prince of Crime, Tyme, hotdeth, joefARmer, malq and mara jade8


#388Antirrhinum, Appleseed, Dr Ragon, Erichwanh, First Tenor, Fredrikson, Granite_Grizz, Itsatrap, Jo Grant, KingArt, Lord Mellman, NightBird, Pumpkinheadme, ROFLtovH, Razorpack, Rotund, ScotlandsFinest, Soluzar, Solve_Omnis, Space Ace, Stabotron, StaffordMeister, Tazy, Thiosk, Yawsh, alan0823, arbalaragan, hngkong, jadziadax and mat9h7


#418AngrySeal, Beljeferon, BlueThunder, Boogaloogaloo, DISCokeir, Dread Pirate Roberts1, ErnieR, EvenHart, False Dragon, Gawd uv Rawk, Heliophage, Leafy Greens, Lord Googyll, Lord Ydnar, Rinnith, Rokusho999, Salsa Picante, Sbe123, Skulth, Snugglypoo, Starker, The Weretree, Veracity, Xahil, aarkwilde, abxy1, agargan, blider, eusst, fewmets, flowered angel, kinglink, molly999, mx indigo, notmuchofajesteR, sensibleb, stuffandthings, testostronaut and xapnomapcase6


#457ADA WONG, Aeslyn, BadLuckBlacky, Celsey, Chimminy, Crunch10000, CtrlAltDefeat, Cyan Luna, Daitis, DarkNewton, Don Quai Poncerello, Donnikko, Dorngen, ErisDiscordia, Ferrex, Filmore, FrankNBeans, Gawea, General_Herpes, Glukthar, Gourdy, Her Likkle Baby Lion, Hulyen, Hyp_nobono, IceColdFever, IngaTBW, Irongroin, Issolta, Jizwink, Jutturna, Kirby5, Krisk, LarfSnarf, Magic2729, Mauller, Mervin, Monkeysnott, Mr Bignuts, MrGrimm, MysticalMolly, NeverEndingGlory, Nikki xx, OldScratch, Opossum, Pal, Pfff, Ph0r00mites Contest Multi, Prince Ffring Bing Bing, Professor_Underscore, Remma, Roy, Stephie, SuzyQs, Syi, Terry, TheManStark, Troo, Viki, Volc, VoraciousVulva, Vorthox, W12A1TH, Wole, Zermelo, annamonster, coderanger, dagnabit_again, ds13j, gLEnN_zhoU, hetchsgirl, jairen1, kol7716, meh_64_12, piff133, sddsDD, theeconomy, trailflyer, vladmyr and wavedash5


#536AelWyn, Ari, Bearskinrug, Boesbert, CZARWHUZHERE666, CoupleK, CrUMBLenOoB, ERJ1024, Eroquin, FatQuack2, FrenchiePoo, Genevieve Alfredo, Glwenn der Tapfer, Hagen Black, Hooch Pandersnatch, ILoath, Jean Claude Van Loathing, JoJobi, JoseCuervo, Kamaji6, Klarth, Loathario, Meridian, Mongrel the Apathetic, Mystiballs, Nilyi, Nimisha, Nomnominus Rex, Oakleaf, Optimus747, Passacaglia, PokeyMan, PrinceAmled, Princess Erin, Pyren, RagingTurtle, RikAstley, Sceptileus, Sebastian Stone, SourMilk, Spleenmaster, Starbearer, Steel Nut Dave, SupremeKingTom, SwinginCelt, TheGreatReferencer, Ticwith, Tomahto, Tommy82, Tragus, Vecingettorix, Yatsufusa, Zock, amytrip, chaos_assasain, emu, feAr_tOwn, hedonia, j00, jOURNE, jaxman123, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, lamp3254, mei, octopodey, patricia, peacemall, shummie, superfoot, t4kato, thE tRAveLiNg RetArD and that geology chick4


#608Agath, Angry Elf, Asmodais, Bananna39, Baron Meriwether, Bernardo, Biblio1, BigBadWolf, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Bruscettalia, CA Dude, CarltheChemist, CeeLow, Cnorgard, DanaO, DeathKnight668, Divisible By Zero, EdgarHippo, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Elffie, Faloran, Fearium, Firemummy, Flaming Turtle, Free Martha, Gogoglovitch, Hadanelith, Hairshirt, Hsilwo, Ima Bycch, Itsaspade, JR Trolkin, Joy, Kaen, Kahdrick, Lizmeis, Lorad, LostDreams, Maddog Doan, Managwa, MasterPython, Mirrorshades, Miss Chievous, MrVelocipede, Nachtmahr, Nim, Ninja Karl, NintenDave0, Omegatank, OminousJackal, Panda, PeKaJe, Pixidigit, Point Blank Range, Princesoul, Quisar, Rosarinita, Rotated8, Salayer, Serhina, SinPro, Sirake, Spij, Tallror, Tatorlicious, TheNuge, Thor, Thy Stuffie Trader, TimCruz, Transplanted_Entwife, Triffels, Ultranibbles, Vaginal Bloodfart, Very Flash, Vik3Vince, Viva La Blink, Wendil, Willy the Small, Wizard_Hat, Wulfwyn, Xtanstic, Zeenon, ak 47, brent ObeRLin, crazeycorey, eeyore211, euDoxus, flynthorn, goodknight, goom, kli1195, liffe, matter over mind, meowmeowmilktea, neromike2, orasfir, pOOx, payguhn, quinn_julia, selkiexangel, siege72, silrog, suicidalsue, the doWnsTairs Frank, tudnut and ungratefuljester3


#714Adella, Akrim, Alodar, AnchoPete, Aramada, Archipelago71, AsDFg, Asinine, Athanatos, BabySmasher, BenzDoc, Berith, Bhac Ssylan, BigdoG, Bleeko, BlueBaker, Bobje Ratata, BoiRDee, Bronwyn, Bubba9265, CaptainRondo, Castiel, Chezyourmom, Choo Choo, Closegesture, Coogi Hat, CoolBobbey, Corill, CthulhuFlavorRamen, Darklor, Dave of the Hill People, DellyBelly, Demicanadian, Desperatta, Disco S, Disowned, Doctor Jones, Doctor Nick, Doom_367, Drothar the Omniscient, Duo245, EaterOfSorrow, ElainesBar, Eloquent Rune, Esthier, EthelMertz, Evangelist_Nine, FallDownDrunk, Fish_and_Chips, GreatChef, Grey Sage, Grogum, Hjorvarthr, Hoover, Ilyia, Infopowerbroker, J Random Adventurer, Jannifer, Jantastic, Jellyman, Jersey_Tomato, Jhusdhui, Kaley, Kaluna, KingSuperGinny, Kneegrow, Knitbone, KoLaHoney, Kolyn, Laitaliel, Lalartu, Lokiator, LordFen, Madz, MagicalHobo, Maltro, Margaret Houlihan, Mawna Kur, Maxstick, Mazzzy, Megabuster, Mifdsam, MightyTurtle, Mike Antleg, Mikeman, Miss Informed, Miss Tarball, Missteria, Mizem, Monkey Death Cart, Moraglar Khilen, Morgana Rose, Mr Grey, NCSorcerer, Neptath, Nerdyfro, Nescire, Niven the Squeamish, Noodlius, OHogan, Onimoz, Osbert, POPs, PWNED, Padoogie, Pan, Pedeka, Phred Green, Pokey the Brave, ProfEssorjEllybEaN, Psyche, Psycho Sledge, Pure_Ownage, QGrav42, Que Chan Mok, QueVee, Radiopulse, RazorGerbil, Rebel SMURF, Refined Penguin, Sadglad, Sajer the Forgotten, Sativarg, Savage Henri, SbeLDridge, Sentrion, Seth_OS, Shadow_Lugia, Shafedog0, Sir Jefe, Slick Ace, Smashee, Sods, Stardock, Stethorel, Stormcaller58, Strych, Svidrigailov, SwordsRCool, TVirus26, Tableau, Targrod, Tealsac, The Purple Manpie, The Woo, TheCloverMan, Thud the Barmaid, Tinkerballa, Torquol, Trompe Loeil, Vampiregrrl, Victorias Secret, Victorinox, Viridinia, Volvo, W0rm, Wagr, Weldsoft, Whampyri, Xandor, Xaositects, Xploding Bill, Zanzibar1, Zarqon, Zeno, Zirrrus, Zs bee, aldervan, ashvixen, awaj2006, bigwavedave, bleary, bobbyj31, bonnie_love, cHIBImercury, chaos spawn, cubeof11, deafmute_bot, eXtyNT, el Finch, evaine, excellente, exkep, fbt, flerdle, floriSSanTTi, gemynd, gianterq, gothictranquility, greenbeans, herpman, humpyt, iamSoupCombust, icefall5, jcrkk, jibe, kaeboragaebora, karneval, koMmiEs, learnedone, linakrade, lizabandit, mazaru, mskc, nardo polo, noinamg, nooBsAucE, petreska, raynstorm, rgarz1, robotworld, salticid, scratch, theDork, threebullethamburgler, xwingace and zombiedust2


#931ARthuR the human, Accidentaldente, Acolyte99, Acoustic_shadow, Adapt, Adeleine, AdenOvirus, AdjectiveFool, Aeodan, Aerdrie, Agapanthus, Ahnotahm, Airbjorne, Alan8or, AlanQSmithee, Albert, Alex Spence, Alf, All the Good Names Are Taken, Alldarker, Allora, Alsier, AltaZorn, AlwaysInADream, Amagalan, Amanda28, Ancientofearth, Annihilator, AnxiousHyrax, ArcaneSpirit, Archham, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Arkantos, Arsenal, Artful Dodgerr, Arties Son, Asdfghx, AstRelon, Astin, AtomicLobstarrrs, AtomicPopcorn, Aubra, Augon, Avanar, Avatar of Sneaky JarlsBoris, Avena, Avenger Gates, AxiS Shadowbane, Azarael, Azoun, BabyBeluga, Bannana, Bauble, Bean, Beavis P_Ness, Benjamin Brown, Betrayer, Bewitched, BigLebowski1, BillyWin, Binary Dragon, BlasphemousPhilosopher, BliTZerKriEG, Blitzwing, Blondie, Bloody Sam Hackham, BlueElf and Bobsuruncle1
