
#104A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 12
#76A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 23
#19A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 35
#45A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 63
#306A. W. O. L. commendation20
#232Arrrmetia trading card1
#222Benetton's Medley of Diversity1
#814Blizzards I Have Died In1
#1119CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1)1
#1014CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2)1
#1055CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3)1
#1020CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4)1
#1009CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5)1
#650Crimbo wreath1
#550Dickory Farms Gift Basket11
#707Feng Shui for Big Dumb Idiots4
#257Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration3
#67Lars the Cyberian5
#246Nayztameetjoo trading card1
#175Prelude of Precision1
#973Sensual Massage for Creeps1
#946Summer Nights1
#138Tales of a Kansas Toymaker17
#398The Art of Slapfighting2
#682The Autobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones1
#136The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder1
#216The Grand Poo-Bah trading card1
#267The Joy of Wassailing13
#44The Legendary Beat1
#301The Necbronomicon1
#313Travels with Jerry4
#701Uncle Romulus1
#343antique painting of a landscape2
#354antique pair of blue jeans2
#278antique record album10
#383antique souvenir drawing2
#277bone meal1
#123brass gear28
#596chocolate-covered diamond-studded roses2
#333dense meat stack540
#378fossilized baboon skull1
#206fossilized bat skull3
#326fossilized limb27
#106fossilized serpent skull9
#307fossilized spider skull1
#357fossilized spike11
#212fossilized spine9
#188fossilized torso33
#628fossilized wing2
#225fossilized wyrm skull3
#609gingerbread house1
#78hideous egg24
#215hobo nickel1,342
#454intriguing puzzle box1

Wow, that's 2,165 items total!

what items are this player missing?