The Joy of Wassailing

The Joy of Wassailing

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This is a book about how to find true love and joy in the bottom of a cup of wassail. As if you needed a book to tell you that booze solves all of life's problems...

🥈ScUd RuCkInS1,086








#6Mistress of the Obvious337










#11The Weretree132


















#20Niven the Squeamish68


#21Spamyel Mashkevron67










#26Celion and street baby51




#29Farfalle al Dente, Mizem and Ultranibbles48


#32Hojo Hominygrits and hEnTo47


#34Poncho the Sane46












#40AuntBeast and stuffandthings37


#42Turtle Juice36




#44LunarTic and valys34


#46DosBoot, KingArt, Normanreedus and TheBrent33


#50OminousJackal and Zanchvegas32


#52Artie Effham, Werefrog and Wr3cktangle31


#55Aramada, Hsilwo, Melinhed, jadziadax and mule130


#60SkyElf and blik29


#62Darsabre, Euan McLeod, Froogle Man, Quackosaur, Russer Butter and Tricksy28


#68Loathsterson and Zucker27


#70Bioland, Darth Elmo, DuRhone, FrankNBeans, King Stupid, KingSuperGinny, Mac_Gyver, Mad Dudy and Noskilz26


#79Arakasi, Becca_007, Boxy Brown, Chaosblackwing, Hoonk, Pixie Styx and tHe_pOst25


#86LentilSoup, Lord Ydnar, Nohbody and cukky24


#90AltaZorn, Amazonian, Lungbutter, Swashbucklaarh, Uplink_Agent, allen_zhangcool, annamonster, bobbens, bogseyluke and shummie23


#100Bruce Garetz, DarkHyth, JanvierBellefeuille, Jicken Wings, Lady Tomo, Lord Kobel, Mr Grey, Nanna BuBu, Reydien, ThunderGate, Viridinia, ZombyWoof and el_jefe3422


#113Asimantos, Azreal, Emperor Hirohito, J Mo, Mankeylicious, Nikademus, Razorboy, SwordsRCool, TwirlyRotini, Vaneswprd, joyrekz, ki77bot and zoutroi21


#126Bigquack, DanElectro, Mairsil, Owlish, Parry Hotter, Theon, Veracity, Wagr, Zinnia, andrew3, goom, kaihern and kirByllAmA20


#139Allikat, Allis, Col Cobra, Cres, Dik, Eevilcat, Evangelist_Nine, Jardis, Kelne, LuckyPuck, Master of Nothing, Rolagza, Rutger von Horeburg, ShoTheBandit, Slym, Vandaahl, VelmaVelma, thesandslv and wulfbear19


#158Augon, Biohazzard, Bloodlust, CoupleK, Delilah, Keator, Knitbone, Mana Yachanichu, Raging Fire, Sputnik1, Therealtahu, Vashnar, Weber, Wulfwyn and sage112518


#173BARON VON KILL, Bruscettalia, DarkNewton, Eroquin, EvilBear, False Dragon, Foxy Boxy, GrimReaperCRO, Gryphtronic Maven, IceColdFever, Immelan, Jark, Jenny Saucepn, MagonKody, Numenor, Tibbiara, Wole, coderanger, enigmator and rounDchilD17


#193AngryKlingon, BigBadWolf, Bofink, Cnorgard, Darobi, FatQuack2, FitzTheDestroyer, Ganguran, Grimm Tooth, IngaTBW, Jizwink, Keptuvis, Kime, KingFelix, Manion, Miridian, Muush, Nachtmahr, Rutiger, Schmoola, Seyjan, The_Infamous_El_Guapo, WayneXtreme, deificus, koutetsu, mmogamr, mr_shush18 and wumbology16


#221BlueThunder, Casteel, Cri, Dibbin, DocGonzo, EaterOfSorrow, HIlFSdepp, KoL Honey, Schlurp, Vkkhamul, dammed if I do, graethynne, hohofolderol, longviewpnk, mat9h, pheonixACE and slag15


#238Azarael, BMW, Bjornhilde, Bodhazapha, Drewsie, EdgarHippo, Forkbende, Galapagos James, Kneegrow, Lizmeis, Lotsaluck, Magic Hands, Maltro, Mogwoggle, Now I know why, Rotund, Skipr, Sololord, StaffordMeister, Stan Maskelyne, StuffedSandyGunfox, The Big O, TheCarrot, Transplanted_Entwife, Volc, Von Bek, htat, the_dog_god and wavedash14


#267Babaganoosh, BabySmasher, Blanky, BlueSeashell, Discdeath, Framistan, Garlick, Mr_Crac, Nobody22, Paisley Pollution, PenguinColor, Ryllwolf, Scattaloquarious, TehUberAnge, TheFishIsBig, Volvo, eskimodave and mitchelljpaul13


#285Achernar, Ananas, Bean, Bernardo, Daitis, Darkling, Diabolico, Donnikko, Galafrone, Icehero0003, JawG, Jherskow, K2_Fujative, Kaffeetrinken, Kalen Noreth, KaosFreak, Lexicon, Liguinetta, Lis, Lotan, Mansausage, Mojo Rising, Mondavidave, SbeLDridge, Splendor, Swush, Whampyri, alfabit, hortenweaver, laddus, myrth77, silrog and spemik8512


#318Archipelago71, Ashles, Athanatos, BoiRDee, BuZZT, Club, CrazyWoody, Donavin69, Duddy01, Duraldo, Lepton614, Lord Stefano, Lotully, Lufskar, Mahi_mahi_wings, Parastra, Rokusho999, SpiderMcFly, Squeekers, Stethorel, The Kestrel, Thraxus, Yoshiko11, alvinliu, dagwoodmcd, flerdle, icKygiRl, kahroo, maggie mcCube, mailbox head, piff133, suinoq, vpnLibrarian and welt11


#352Boogiecleaver, Castiel, Chicken in Black, Crunch10000, Deeliteful, ErisDiscordia, Jesusisagurl, KillerNoj, MammaBear, MikeyC, Morgana Rose, NataliaM, Nescire, PC_Goldman, Rabbit House, Rammerking, RichardRahl, Sajer the Forgotten, ShaBob, Snugglypoo, Steam, Targrod, Ticwith, Tommy82, Zelion, deathsausage, dewhashish, gLEnN_zhoU, jackman6, mooseoner and tinkerscuss10


#383Dakios, Darmut eDrien, GadTheHero, Hyzenthlay, Jack S, John274319, Kansas_Mac, KioRal, LadyDelilah, Mariani, Noodlius, Oldsfrk, Optimus747, PapaCap, PlutoOfPluto, Shogun42, Some Bloke, Spengles, TVirus26, Tealsac, The Antisanity, Tom808, Verdigris97, Vorthox, gothictranquility, lassaebola, minders, mskc, nardo polo, nerfherder, patricia, petreska, sensibleb and tristan9


#417AnaMoly837, ArtemisDove, Cheesecake102, Dannyb0y, Desperatta, Eddie Trojan, El Guapo, Firemummy, FratFever, Lord Juan, MarioB, Miss Chievous, Moxious Monkey, NCSorcerer, OD, Princess Erin, Roger Ramjet, Sir Clement the Meek, Sputnik, Trogdorian, Van Diemens, Zakmos, futinc, jaxman123, lopey and w_ron_g8


#443ADA WONG, Adam1WPI, Bibicu, Caplin, Corona Mortis, Dirx, Dyzzyah, Edgy, Elemenstor, HackandStabby, Hallan Meras, Hyp_nobono, Inconceivably OO, Itsatrap, Jersey_Tomato, Kwon, MrTowel, Mrfred, Muczachan, Nychiesel, Pan, PeRReRs, Poison_Taquito, Raisins, Rikmach, Rotated8, Schrotflinte the Bold, ShadowStafford, Skiema, Snarfla, Spramen, Stony Porker, StonyTina, The Clown Prince of Crime, Thy Ramen Man, Ucibius, Xena, Zazalof2, bobbyj31, caelea, catchops, chimericthorn, cubeof11, jayenright, kmarshall13, saneroz, stannius, theDork, thexmanlight and xsvenn7


#493Aerdrie, Antic the Fearless, Arc9, Ayatollah, BadLuckBlacky, Bobsuruncle, CaitiffsEros, CharlesBumgaurd, Clubz, DahliaDiva, DarkStanley, Denego, DerMagus, DirtyChurro, Free Martha, Grief, Hjorvarthr, Ima Bycch, J Random Adventurer, Lazer, Lord Finisher, Lothario Squeezebox, LoverPrimeNumbah, Magic2729, MightyTurtle, Mystical Unibrow, MysticalMolly, NEcrOmAnceR vERaL, Nick1995, Raast, RagingTurtle, Ranava, Randomlord, Ravlen, Razorpack, Shindhila, Slamboy, Spoonbende, Starker, Strych, Sux2BU, Tarragon, Tatyer24, Tazy, The_Egan, Tomahto, Vencho, Vesiv, Victorinox, Wolfman6666, Xahil, cromulentia, hippyjoe2, humpyt, icestar_c_m, jankanpo, killer5990, liffe, lupus4, maude finch, payguhn, rubian77, santifaller and sub6


#557AngrySeal, AnyLameName, Auntie Pasta, Autumnwinds, Batwood17, Beljeferon, Cloakblade, Cthulu_Zombie, Dancin Fool, DellyBelly, Diss, Doctor Nick, Dr Newdell, DragonOfMany, El Geedo, Eloquent Rune, Ephesos, Evil Dead Ned, FarmerDan, FuzzyOrangeRabbit, Grindar, Grollo, Hooligan72, I am here_why, IAmATurnip, JoshZero, JudySeagram, Kareth, Kurtispj, LaCucarachaDeFuego, LevelZero, Loathario, Marm, Master Polka, Mawna Kur, MrFatso, MrPresident, OldScratch, Pants_O_Rama, Papilionoidea, Phred Green, Pippi Pie, Pkersteven, Quagdogg, Que Chan Mok, Sakura Rurouni, SkinnyBoy1213, Skojar, Southern Sahaqiel, Stabotron, Steelheadon, StevieRay, SupremeKingTom, TheNice1, Thiosk, UPJIceman, Viki, Viva La Blink, Volstav, Vulturas, Xaxor, Yarple, Zs bee, Zuke, bordemstirs, eFloss, faa Gamer, hotpoo, iBlackSheep, jenrose, miniLizmeis, mylittlebrother, rachels, reinstag, thing4 and umfum5


#633AdmiralBob, Almighty Sapling, AmaraMagma, Beanieatrix, Bearskinrug, China_Blue, Cleo, Davolta, DukeOfLoathing, Fickle Fig, FrozenGummyBear, G13, Gerfas, Gluek, Hellboy 2009, Hetchman, High Voltage, Jagg, JakAtk, Lemonfresh, Macdaddy, Mecha, Mrmongoose, Mugglywumply, Nightvol, Nuit, Omnibus, Ozark, Panda, PeKaJe, Pixidigit, Professor_Underscore, Psyko1, Pumpkinheadme, Quaxalot, Recon, Rip Green, Sinister Loathing, Sluggoman, Solve_Omnis, Space Ace, The Rogue Fedora, TheNuge, Turleyron, Williewanks, YILFIELLE, Zamodin, Zs_and_Ys, agargan, amegalily, blixa, cheeser, chikensrule, eloberj, feAr_tOwn, fezi, frankenchrist, iphone clan slave, katcob, mansho, mflGrMp, more better, skITh and zombiedust4


#697Acolyte99, Agapanthus, Amanda28, BagelJr, Bandanaman, BlueBaker, Boometh, Brew Geared, Bristelle, ChasteGalahad, CronoTalon, Dibzannia, Drag0n, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Flurry, Fredrikson, Geshtan, Golden Stew, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HighPriestessOfTinsel, Hulyen, Isladar, JR Trolkin, Jatopian, Jeddiah, Kevin, Kirbydude616, Kissu, Lexicdark, Magister30, Master Grimwulf, Mishau, MoneyGiver, Moraglar Khilen, Mr Bignuts, Mr Monkey, Mybloodyself, Neomage2021, Nodosaurus, Nymall, Olorin, PaedragGaidin, Parco Molo, PemyJay, Phil de Pants, PokeyMan, Pringle, ROdger_FLint, Reicheru, Retro_Thrusters, Rivercloud, Robacon, Robert McKnurly, Sal the Rapacious, Salayer, Sbe123, Secret_treaties, SmiLeY231, Snarkypants, Someuser14, Sprulle, SuperDave1989, SuperMentos, SuzyQs, TTBoyArDee, Tableau, Three_Eye, Twinkle tits, Vanir, Venomous, Willy the Small, ZmFlavius, bauhaus, bleary, excellente, fixer, gheyst1214, hatefulthings, iolair, joncha, kaeboragaebora, lich135, loottool, meh_64_12, orwellmbc77, powell_sia, raynstorm, siege72, tRoUBlefacE, wondersherL and xapnomapcase3


#788Aankhen, Adam Antium, Aessassen, Akrim, Alex Spence, Alsier, Amagalan, Arkantos, Bao, BarkerJr, Batsubabe, BeefThief, Beleg_strongbow, Black Belt, BlackThunder, BlanketGuard, Bluewoods, Bobje Ratata, Bookworm5991, BranNew, Caillean, CaptainRondo, Chezyourmom, CoconutHalf, Colt45Style, Crovax1234, DaBaddestHic, DataVortex, Deer, Desiderata, DmitrivonUppercut, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Dysis, EarWaxMax, Earl of Trellheim, El Gigante Elegante, Elayle, Eldron Balkhan, Erwyn, Fadecaw, Faded, Fallen2004, Fee, Fianor, Flegel, FrodosUncle, Gedren, Gracefire, Graf von Steiff, GreenAiden555, Grinder, Haggas, Hairshirt, HairyAngel, Handhand, HasteBro, Healer, HodgeyBasher7L, Hrag, IP Frehley, Ibaslomofo, Iona, Jay Peg, Jaylee, Jill_Bob, Joell, Joltykun, Jonivxx, Jzzybbe, Kaen, Kaluna, Kassidy, Katitonic, Kly, Kneef, Knifebende, LAMPayatot, LegoManc3r, Lobster, Lorad, MOTH, MagiMaster, Marie Elin, MaxEarWax, Meridian, Mighty Joe, Mikachu, Mirrraculix, Misha_Z, Mongrel the Apathetic, Monkeysnott, MrBlack, Mr_Parks, Mud Duck, Muffinator, Muhfin, Mystiballs, Nahtmmm, Ninja Karl, Noodilicious, Oculi Caeruli, Onimoz, Pegathy, Picklenose, Plucky, PrehensileSpine, Prince_Ragoczy, Psychosis730, QVamp, Radiopulse, RalphTheBunny, RavenStealsTheLight, RazorGerbil, Razorbell, RigaTony, RikAstley, RogerMexico, Rosarinita, Rude_Badger, Ruebear, Skyes of Arcadia, Slugshadow, SnackAttack, Snott, Spij, Sprucer, Squirrelkin2, Suggestion Killers NooBot, Thagorn, The Postmodernist, The Repah, TheLetterM, Ubiratan, Vampiregrrl, Veck, Warped12002, Weird Lou, Wembley Fraggle, Xenthes, Yuzuru, Zarqon, alLANrox1, alan0823, anitert, awaj2006, baddddmonkey, c00lb0t, clalibus, crimbux baller, crimsnferret, diginferno, eav, electricjesus, fcj, future_cow, fyrefli, goat314, hepsibah, hiimchels, home_grown75, jcrkk, killemall, kilroi, kissenger, legom7, magyk285, n00bert, octopodey, osc630, prankster2150, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, rjhills, rosa blanco, sarah_white, sauceclubber, shkspr, shonk, testostronaut and yardbird G082


#967ADeadHeart, AIice, Aariana, Accidentaldente, AccidentlyEvil, Acinixys Planicauda, Acoustic_shadow, Aeslyn, AlectoPerdita, Alexandrine, Alldarker, Anastasia Blackthorne, AnchoPete, Angel_of_Life, Anthalessa, Anuvar, Appleseed, Aravagantos, Archmage84, Ardlen, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Armonzo, ArteMatthew, Arties Son, AsDFg, AspDIY, Astari, Asterea, Astin, Asuki, Avohir and Azeron1
