A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6

A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6



🥉Farfetchedchild and Pelsboble12


#5Maruzze, Sabina and Stand and Deliver10




#9Mariani and ScUd RuCkInS8


#11Bruscettalia, Swoglodyte and hotdeth7


#14Afrogumby, Dragon12, Hoonk, JoseCuervo, Mystic_Potato, Pastahead, VelmaVelma, Zucker and maggie mcCube6


#23Avia, Betty Page, Chadomancer, Elffie, HeavnzRogue, Jpatton, NDY Says Hello, Ninja Karl, Skent, WITCHBOT and blahloki5


#34BambooRick, Ceirdwyn, Damine, Mars the Infomage, Stook, Tony Danzig, burtonvelocity, bz_sleeper, humpyt, nimrod_1 and the Typhoon struggle4


#45Ashles, BadLuckBlacky, BagelCaretaker, BigBadWolf, Buteo, Count Smiorgan Baldhead, Da_Gimp_1, Darobi, Estivarus, Facetious, FarStrider, Forsquilis, Fossa, FratFever, Froogle Man, Generic Storage Device, Grinder, HIlFSdepp, I am here_why, Jabbie, Kareth, Mhoram, Mistress of the Obvious, Moggil, Newman, Nohbody, PhilThese, Roy, Rufus the Sequenced, Runemistress, Rutiger, Ryllwolf, Scarydave, SnowsaNinja, Sux2BU, Swashbucklaarh, TheBrent, TheOtherSpike, ThunderGate, UnderCoverPoncho, Vandaahl, Xeyk, aldervan, goodknight, homelesshobo, laddus, maximiiiian the red, murphs, ooshNaga, prETty, rani windchime, scurl, shaft007zz, susie_BicRAzorblaDe, tush the pastagirl, vacuum_imploder, valys, wondersherL and xsvenn3


#104AceLogan, AdraLamia, AmISam, Arutha, AuntBeast, BARON VON KILL, Bhac Ssylan, BlackfireTheUnmaker, BongSwatMatt, Boxy Brown, Brannon, Brew Geared, Bubba9265, BuyMEaRound, ChiOnGster, Cnorgard, Corgano, CtrlAltDefeat, Dakios, DarkSpuddle, Demicanadian, ElainesBar, Ephesos, FFiXMaster, Froggie Legs, Ganguran, Gawd uv Rawk, Gracefire, GreatChef, GrimReaperCRO, Grommitt, Gwalir, HomeyDaClown, HuggySmackBeast, IngaTBW, Itsaspade, Itsatrap, Jemini, Jherskow, Joell, KAIN, KINeraxn, Keptuvis, Kevin, Ladler, Laurenthegreat, Lemonfresh, Leopold Jimmleson, Lord Finisher, Lord Ydnar, Lotan, M41C01M, Magic2729, Maltro, Mipselled, Miridian, Mongrel the Apathetic, MrAdventurer, MrPresident, Nightvol, Nikademus, Noxume, Owlish, Park, Punsoe, Razorboy, Rhyann, Roger Ramjet, Rosarinita, Rutger von Horeburg, Savage Henri, Sethari, Sfox, Stan Maskelyne, Suant_KaliMa, Tazy, The Cowardly Swagman, The Kefka, Thraxus, Tsolarok, Tz_BG, Ulia, Ulysse, Victorinox, WillParryHDM, Wraithkin, Xahil, Zarqon, Zinnia, ale, annamonster, blik, demchak, dlowe, eibbeD, eskimodave, fewmets, hacker_human, hiimchels, jackal73, john1008, kenfowler, littletyger, magnet0, mflGrMp, mistressofthewok, mudwog, mule1, neromike2, noxious, ohkwarig, paranpaji, pukalicious, raynstorm, rosa blanco, sage1125, sealmaster55, snivlem, southrnbelle103, tiff, vividly vicariously vicious D, volf and weggiecat2


#227ADA WONG, ADeadHeart, APOCALYPSE THROB, Aankhen, Aariana, AbNo, Accidentaldente, Adamdude, Adite, AelfRhian, AeonfLux iii, Aeyrhed, Agapanthus, Aidenolm Rosemourne, AkiraisJen, Akrim, Alan8or, AlectoPerdita, Alidawn924, AllThumbs, Alldarker, Allikat, Allora, Ammishdave, AnchoPete, Ancientofearth, Ander Hammer, Androcles Antepasta, Angry Villager, Antirrhinum, AnyLameName, Appleseed, Arc9, Archham, Archipelago71, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Ari, ArtemisDove, ArtemisRae, Artie Effham, Ashallond, Asinine, AstRelon, Athruien, Avanar, Aviendha, Awake, Axun, Azeron, BAbyDufus, BB Karo, BabySmasher, Badgerus, Baethan, BakaPyrite, Bamump, Banana Lord, Banon, Banrion, Bao, BatBrat, Bean, Beanieatrix, Becca_007, Beljeferon, BenzDoc, Bernardo, Biff Demiclaws, Bifferwine, BigPickle, Big_Papa_55, Big_Rob, BigglesWorth, Binary Dragon, BishopTutu, Bjornhilde, Black Belt, BlakAcid, Blarghgh, Bloody Sam Hackham, BlueBurro, BlueSeashell, BlueThunder, Bobje Ratata, Bobrobert, Bofink, BoiRDee, Bolognese Bozo, Bookworm5991, BorDeaUX523, Borommakot_15, Bors, Bottom Feeder, Brammie, Brirad, Brobdingna, Bruno St Aujus, Bubba321, Buffbot Does Not Bite, BuggerOff, CA Dude, CBomb, CK_, CONKER420, COwliCK, C_F_M, Caillean, Caplin, Cappas420, Capt Spaulding, CaptainKid, CaptainRondo, Caravaggio, Cardini, Carslyle, CasRaven, Casteel, Castiel, CathyOak, CeeLow, Ceredwin, Chalion, ChaosVaeden, CharlesBumgaurd, Charlie the Great, Chartan, ChasteGalahad, CheddarBeer, CheezBallz, ChevellemanX, Chez, Chezyourmom, Chicken in Black, Chickenkong, Chowdown, Circe, Cleo, Cloony, Clovis III, Club, Cobwebs, Colossus of Chronic, CosmoCornelius, CoupleK, CrUMBLenOoB, Crab Legs, Crabcancer, Crae Z, Cratus, CreOsOTe, Creelie, Cres, Crickeetbug, Crimpy, Croft, Crunch10000, CthulhuFlavorRamen, Cyan Luna, Cynorio, Cysteine, DISCokeir, DaBaddestHic, DaMule, Dah Cheese, Daitis, Dancin Fool, Dancing King, DandE, Danger, Dareka, DarkCalisto, DarkNewton, Darkenmeat, Darkling, Daron, Darth Elmo, Darth Vidar, Dave of the Hill People, Davethulhu, Davolta, Daya, Dead Marrow, DeathKnight668, Defying, DeletemanOmega, Deranged Cat, Descarta, Desperatta, Desquall, Dessalvara, Diabolico, Diane, Dik, Dinin, Dirty Immigrant, DirtyChurro, Dita of the Motley, Django, DmitrivonUppercut, DocGonzo, DocSauce, Doctor Daft, Doctor Jones, Doctor Nick, DoctorMcMinty, Don Quai Poncerello, Donavin69, Dongasm, Dori, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doz, DrEvi1, Dr_Van_van_Mojo, Dragon666, Dread Gambit, Dreamthief, Drewsie, Drize1989, DrunkenBob, DuRhone, Durgrim, EarL LLama, EaterOfSorrow, Edda, Eddie Trojan, EdgarHippo, Eevilcat, Eglath, El Gigante Elegante, Elektra, Elgarth, Elnya, Eloquent Rune, ElronBean, Elyas Machera, Emerilla, Emhgee, Emperor Hirohito, Enameless, Engessa, Eniteris, Eraine, Erion, Ernie Maskelyne, Eroquin, Escaflowne, Esme84, Espieglerie, Evangelist_Nine, Eventide, Evil Pez, EvilBear, Exactor it, FaNgA, Fadecaw, Fandral, FearlessX, Felgod, FhThD, Filipe_Tremere, Filmore, Firbaelvan, Firemummy, Flechette, Flegel, Fokai, Food Reef, Foxxy_Cleopatra, Fredrikson, Free Martha, Frogfactory, FrolickingHavok, Fronobulax, FrostWolf67, Fryguy9, Fuegofrio, FurryBird, GT1, GadTheHero, Gaffa, Gannet Swift, Gauln, Gayle, Gdunge, Gedren, Genevieve Alfredo, Gerkistar, Gildon Dancypants, Glenugie, Gloria Teasdale, Gluek, Glwenn der Tapfer, Goobertina, Gorden Shumway, Grave The Doomed, GreenAiden555, Greenday2005, Gretta Dean, GreyBacon, Greycloak, Greywords, Grin, Grumble Guy, GrumpySteen, Grunk McSaucy, GryphonSlade, Gryphtronic Maven, Gulluoglu, Guwuffle, Guy Bone, Gwinnifred, Gwydeon, HIYOUYOUSUCK, HOldeRofSecrEts, HairyAngel, HaliBoranje, Han FalconFlyer, HansGruber, HappyDeadChicken, HasteBro, Havaroth, Head_Moid, Healer, Hetchman, Holdenix, HorseManDemon, HotCarrier, Hrag, Huff, Hulyen, Hut Sut Rawlson, Hyzenthlay, IAmATurnip, IceDomina, IceWorm, Idran, Ilyia, Imby, Imperialists, Indivisibility, Innis, Introspectrix, Invariel, Irregular, Isibeal, Iskaffe, Isvarka, Ithanox, JANT19294, JB77, JBlade, JDavis, JOssiE, Jaeda, Jag Pasta, Jagg, Jampd, JanvierBellefeuille, Jatopian, Jay Peg, Jaydog, Jaylee, Jef, Jellyman, Jersey_Tomato, Jesseee, Jessican, Jesus, JiK4eva, Jill_Bob, Jim Gamma, Jippofarmer, Jo_Anonomous, Joelle, John Quincy Adams, Joringel Iceheart, JoshuaKing, JulieIndiana, Juliet, Justarius, Kaluna, KaosFreak, Kateywoo, Kayarath, Kazzles, Kelemvor, Kemistry, Kendo123, Kime, King Hustle, King Puff, KingOfMalkier, KingSuperGinny, KingdomLoather, Kissu, Klaranth, Kneegrow, Knitbone, KolBuffs, KramYacep, Kritin, Kwaidan, Kwon, L0tech, LAMPayatot, Lady Davis, Lady Radagu, Lalartu, Lallander, Lanth, Larry Linguini, Lawliet, Lazarus, LazloFruvous, LeMuffin, LeansCuisine, Lexicon, Liam, LiamAndMe, Likal Coraer, Lilkeith07, Lilli, LimeyGreg, Lindiwe, Linguinelad, Loachette, LobsterHime, Lolly_Lives, Lomithral, LoneWalrus, Lord Goober, Lord Juan, Lord Kobel, Lord Mellman, Lord President, Lord Stefano, LordOpus, Lotsaluck, LoverPrimeNumbah, Loxodonta, Lubat, LuckyPuck, Lungbutter, Lupperi, MTPockets, MaN_eGG, Mac_Gyver, MachineMainframe, MaddJackyl, Magic Hands, Magister30, Mairsil, Major John, Makka, Malosavich, Manbat, Marconius, Maria Pesto, Mario Speedwagon, Martavius, Master of Nothing, MasterSilex, Mathfalda, Matmoncoo, MaxEarWax, Mc7Man, McCrusthead, Meat_Curious, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Meggers422, Melindria, Mellissaleo, MelonCollie, MephistoWolf, Mercurious, Meridian, Mervin, Metal_Mickey, MiB, Mictlan, Mifdsam, Mighty Mickey, Mike Antleg, Mike Czech, Mike the Best, MikeyC, MikeyTsi, Mikeyii, Minute Man, Misha_Z, Miss Chievous, Miss Moxie, Miss Sexualconduct, Mitchell, Mizem, Mme_Defarge, Moderniste, Modran, Mogwai_Hunter_99, MooFrog, Moonflame, Moonshae, Moscow Mule, Mousse9, Moxious Monkey, Mr H, Mr Hardnoodle, Mr Monkey, Mr_Parks, Ms Adventure, Ms Misanthropy, Muffinator, Muhandes, Muhfin, Mybloodyself, Mymble, Mynar, Myrtle, Mystiballs, MysticalMolly, Mysyzygy, N3RD, NCSorcerer, Nakama, Nanimonai3, Nassive, NateTheDuck, Natedogg, Necrophage, Neenie2, NeverEndingGlory, NewTexas, NightRipper, Nightcrawler_X, Nihilistiskism, Nikki xx, Nion, Niven the Squeamish, NjordSifusansoo, Noahs Ark, Nolij, NoodleQueen, Noogles, NotArgent, NovaKnight21, Nuheen, Nychiesel, Nymall, Nyx, OHogan, O_Dog, Oculi Caeruli, Oforf, Oldsfrk, Ollie Oxenfree, Olmec, OmegaZone, OminousJackal, Omnibus, Omri, Optimus747, Orlando, Orshelack, Otto von Cheesebiscuit, PSY, Palissandre, Para Fert, Parco Molo, Partasah, PastaDude7L, PastaGolem, PastryPusher, Pat Minotar, PeLLaTTa, Peanuts_1987, Peccance, PegLeg, Pendulass, Perkk, Persephone, Ph0r00mites Contest Multi, Phar, Philandre, Photon Chang, Pibemanden, Pineapple of Despair, Pixidigit, Pizzleman, PlastikObst, Pleather Panther, Plexchan, PmatAula, PokeyMan, Poo Poo, PorcupineSpader, Poring Slayer, Princess SporK, Pronell, Psyche, PsychoPerson, Pumpkinheadme, Punished Rufus, Punkideas, Pyctsi, Pyler tUrdeN, Pyrosocks, QLou, Qasiel, Qen, Quagdogg, Quaggie, Queen Zo, QuiCksteR, Quietust, Quothz, RGlock, Rainribbon, RaisingOphelia, Ralkin, Rammerking, Ranger, RattyLabray, Rawk The Slayer, Razvan_cj, RedIrish, RedNeckReb, RedbeardDaPyrate, Remma, RenRetard, Repo Man, Retro_Thrusters, Rev Maskelyne, Reydien, Ric Fule, Rick JameZ, Riff, Rigatoni Rex, Rigga Tony, RikAstley, Ritzenbunnik, RobN, Robacon, Rogueling, Rokusho999, Roman_the_evil, Romh, Rotated8, Rotund, Rsm_lazarus, Ruby Eyes, RubyLucky, Ruebear, Rumour Rhemer, Runus, Russer Butter, Ryebread, Ryllwyn, Saddy, SaintDogbert, Sakura Rurouni, Sal the Rapacious, SallyTheCat, Sancheese, Sarmatron, Satoshi, SaturdayNightStealer, Sau_Kazumi, ScaryStickFigureGuy, Scattaloquarious, Scodi, ScottishDM, Scroffy, Secret_treaties, Seerah, Selchie, Selexor, Seradina, Serenia, Severus Snape, ShaBob, Shalegrey, Shaudius, Shevy, Shisoru, Shlhu, ShoTheBandit, Sinthy, Sir Jefe, Sir John the Great, Sitten Spynne, SkyElf, Slavoc, Slayer of all Things Slayable, Sliquid, Sluggoman, Slym, Smirkette, Smitler, Snaelda, Snickel, Snotten, Snugglypoo, Soluzar, Somerlund, Somnolent, Soth13, Southwest, Space Ace, Spaketchup, Spamela, Speedcore Daemon, Spellena, SpiderVeins McGee, Spiny Twizzler, Splaily, Splendor, Spocktagon, Spramen, Sprucer, Spudchat, Squall Thrawn, Squeekers, StaffordMeister, Stangus, Stanley the slight, Starbuck, Starlady174, SteemerClams, Stephie, Stkdvnd, Stone Boogie, Stonecat, StorellaDeville, StuffedSandyGunfox, Stynkee Fingazz, Sugartits2, Sumo, SuperLuigi, SuperMentos, Superbuck, SupermanCY, SuppinStrange, SupremeKingTom, SuzyQs, Sven, SweetPotatoeFries, Swervy, THE Duke of Doi Tung, THEeggplantWIZard, TNGRspacecadet, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, Tango Clubdancer, Tanliel, Tannerhaus, Tarc, Targrod, Tarpy, TawnyBrawn, Tealsac, Telis_R, Ten Puppies, Tenshii, Terrabull, Terrae, Terrapin_Man, ThaT CooL KiD, That FN Ninja, The Bitchslapper, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Hottest Man Alive, The Kestrel and The Possum Trot1
