Blizzards I Have Died In

Blizzards I Have Died In

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This is a dog-eared paperback by a popular author of arctic tales -- mostly tales in which the protagonist slowly freezes to death.

🥇J Mo238
🥈Mistress of the Obvious69












#8Artie Effham42














#15Dannyb0y, DosBoot and whizdad18


#18CA Dude, Schlurp, Two__T, eskimodave and godless heathen17




#24Lord Harkstead and Mana Yachanichu15


#26Caldric and DuRhone14


#28Brally and sage112513


#30Catatonia, King Stupid, Nikademus and Triffels12


#34Archipelago71, Donavin69, Longuine, Mac_Gyver, Mr Bignuts, Subacai, Veracity, saucybandit and spooky kid11


#43Al K Hall, Babaganoosh, Cyria, Dust, GadTheHero, General_Herpes, Lord Stefano, QGrav42, Stony Porker, Zanchvegas, demonizer and raynstorm10


#55Chadomancer, Clubbrz L337, Dancin Fool, GryWizard, Late nite Ramen, Mojo Rising, Nanna BuBu, Wagr, derpherp and testostronaut9


#65Choolies, CreOsOTe, Cri, Devore, Eddie Trojan, HerculesRomanus, InspectorX, Maclind, Mictlan, Noskilz, Wembley Fraggle, Yarple, kEVIn the sLightly INconTinENT, payguhn and sfwarlock8


#80Amazonian, BARON VON KILL, BlueThunder, DarkStanley, Darmut eDrien, Diabolico, Dizzier Dora, Django, Dr_Unk, Elayne, Fredrikson, Hawksmoor, JekCromium, Jzzybbe, Magister30, Meat_Curious, Mitza, MoxieContin, Nanimonai3, NeverEndingGlory, PapaCap, PlutoOfPluto, Quagdogg, Ranava, Razorpack, Rosarinita, Scattaloquarious, Sinep, StaffordMeister, Vandaahl, VelmaVelma, ahamster, cakeytaste, dagwoodmcd, eitak, kirByllAmA, murphs, pukalicious, rexfelis, tindrum and wondersherL7


#121Antic the Fearless, AuntBeast, Bleeko, CosmoCornelius, DoctorRotelle, Don Quai Poncerello, Gleamglade, Hagen Black, IdHitIt, Ima Bycch, Infopowerbroker, JawG, Jebustheathiest, KingArt, Magic2729, Manion, NewTexas, PeterTosh, Pinkytoe, Poseur, Pumpkinheadme, Quackosaur, Rotated8, Skipr, SpiderMcFly, The Rogue Fedora, TwirlyRotini, Wilfenite, hohofolderol, jmk_saint, kirahvikoira, laddus, meee, mflGrMp, ooshNaga, thE uPsTaiRs FrAnK and zoutroi6


#158Allikat, Ancientofearth, AnyLameName, Bean, Black_Cat, Blastphemist, Crunch10000, Davolta, Destre, Fafallina, Fearborn, Ferrex, FiNrot Crapbag, Flaming Turtle, FurballNinja, Garlick, Gaucho, Generic Hero, Glowing Star, Goblingrin II, Ibaslomofo, Jeff Jeff, KAIN, Kittenbabble, Knitbone, Kurtispj, Landar II, Miles OToole, MrTowel, Mrmongoose, Mystic_Potato, Niven the Squeamish, Nuurgle, Odeem, OldScratch, Optimus747, Philosofik, QVamp, Rishi Sunak, Rolagza, Rydet42, Seodfac, SmileyByte, Sputnik, Stan Maskelyne, Stinkman06, StonyTina, Suant_KaliMa, TaPol, TheNuge, The_Infamous_El_Guapo, Triplebass, Vorthox, Weird Alice, Wulfwyn, Wussy Pride, Yawsh, aliciawonderland, blik, darius180, koMmiEs, ladderman, mat9h, phantom fox, queenoftheNAUGHTiez, quoisme, spemik85 and violet wanda5


#226Adatur, Aequeus, Autumnwinds, Biblio1, Bioland, Blanky, Boesbert, Bruce Garetz, Bruscettalia, Candice Dick, Castiel, Chelonia, Chrysalis, CiaraCat, Crysalim, Cthulu_Zombie, Deimos, Depro Fundis, Desperatta, Do Not_uhm_I told ya, Dreama, DrunkenFrog, Duckyguy, Duddy01, EggNogIceCream, Euan McLeod, Forkbende, George Gay, Gogglz, HeavnzRogue, IMPaLIX, Ishavriel, JanvierBellefeuille, Jared_Allen, Jessalyn, Kareth, Kneegrow, Knifebende, LaNz, Lita Kino, LordHaplo, Lufskar, LunarTic, LuvLuvChef, MojaveGamer, MrDeFault, Mr_GlitterBall, OOnuthin, Oldsfrk, Othniel, Pegathy, Poncho the Sane, Ppaps, Qdo, RaZ, Ragnok, Ravenous Muffin, Rawk The Slayer, Senor Velasco, Shadowfyst, Shogun42, Sir Dinklege, Snugglypoo, Splotz, Stickie Pants, TawnyBrawn, The Antisanity, The Brown Ranger, The_SLY_Raven, Turtle Juice, Verminous, Zeeeker, Zirrrus, amid, annamonster, bunter, caelea, deadleeplatapus, duck3, eloberj, gaLAGa, gorrer, hax0r, hippyjoe2, hotpoo, kanselmo, madamkiss, medusa, noodleEd, patricia, prIncssTACO, sadosmurf, scole, simply_pasta, stuffandthings, w_ron_g, wendorf, wildrose, wohenhaonibuhao, xDanELx and yanGdEMei4


#327ARteMIs FowL, AgentRocko, Airika, AlephYin, AnaMoly837, Astraios, Athanatos, Bari DaBlenda, Beat Bachs, Beljeferon, BenzDoc, Bjornhilde, Bloodlust, Bluewoods, Bookworm5991, Boxy Brown, Brandizzle, Cedric E Collingswood III, ChasteGalahad, Cheesyname, Chim, Cleo, Crym, Daps, DarkHyth, Deatvert, Demonic, Des804, Devitt, Dibzannia, DocGonzo, DoomAwaits, Dragonslayer91, Elnya, Fedhax, Foggy, Fossa, FranNyan, Frieds, FuzzyOrangeRabbit, Ganguran, Gordbob, Grief, Gwinnifred, HIlFSdepp, Hannibal Smith, Hoisin, Hrag, JR Trolkin, JakAtk, Jark, Jaster Mereel, Jeddiah, Jo_Anonomous, Kenshin93, Khan0106, Khaostastic, Kyrial, LadyDelilah, Lagomorpho, Latsyrk, Lethamyr, Lotsaluck, LustyPirateWench, Macdaddy, MadBloodletter, Mammy_Yokum, Mansausage, Mars the Infomage, MiniMe1, Miridian, Mongrel the Apathetic, MonkeeBuddah, Morahs_Sale_Multi, Naked Knight, NameIsOng, NardoLoopa, NightShayde, Nips, NotArgent, OD, OHogan, Obnoxio The Clown, Onion Dagger, Oracle of Wuffing, Park, Pendulass, Porny Stroker, Pringle, Qasiel, Qixxstar, RenRetard, RevMattMacabre, Rikmach, Rivercloud, Rokov, Sal the Rapacious, Shadow_Falcon, SolarVoltage, Sololord, Sp8z, Sprucer, Stethorel, Tarragon, Tatyer24, Tazy, Terrapin_Man, Testocleese, The Raging Beerseeker, TheMightyDOOM, TheaterDemon, TimDrake, Totentanz, Trouserpress, UPJIceman, UV Apostrophe, Van Diemens, VeIStrAn, Vencho, Voraligne, Wapow, Windigo, Wolf Eye, Wolf Kain, WoofWoof, Wylin, Xploding Bill, Yarble, Yatsufusa, Yendi, Zapparoni N_CheeZe, Zs bee, bobbens, chemgirl, cubeof11, ds13j, enigmator, gLEnN_zhoU, geekrockgirl85, greatauntSALLY, gthegreat, hEnTo, iMMASMASHYOFACE, icy toes, ki77bot, kingalbundi, kirbyfan912, koutetsu, longviewpnk, lulubelle1956, m1sha, magyk285, mmcbride, monopolyman001, needmoney90, noinamg, outintheopenHermit, pLaster, pikawss, predator2000, rifforama, sarah_white, sarspastic, schrodingerscat, scizzix, shkspr, silly_na, sutaru, tarfu92, thing3, urizenXVII, whirtley66, xshootmeinthesmilex, yardbird G08 and zenrulez3


#502Adam Antium, Algor_Langeaux, Alomir, Alphabetrix, Arc9, Arsenal, Ashfox, Asimantos, AssTractionHero, Backdoorbandit, BakaPyrite, Balzoid, Batsubabe, Berith, Black Swordsman, BlackThunder, BongSwatMatt, Boometh, Bubba321, CBParker, CWango, Caplin, Casteel, Celsey, Chadsworthy, ChaseZ, Chewbud, Coalface, Cobbweb, CoconutHalf, Crimbolecious, Crovax1234, DJLeethul, Dakios, Dammit Janet, DarkAndBright, DarkNewton, Darkling, Dazzle, DeathNachos, DerMagus, Devine, Dibzdevil, Disneyrocks, DmitrivonUppercut, Doctor Rockster, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Draven, Dumb333, Duncan MacLeod, Dutton, EXOR169, EaterOfSorrow, Edwina Appleblossom, Eggbert, El Gigante Elegante, Elemenstor, ElementaryPenguin, Elrobholio, Eron, FOGGYshot007, Fe1nt, Fearful, Filboid Studge, Fire Knight, Firemummy, Fish Food230, Flingo, Fogfrog, Frankenberry, Fundamagargle, Galapagos James, Gawd uv Rawk, GeeWizz, Glitch, Grandpa Joe, GrayWing, Grizzled the Grizzly, Grokly, GryphonSlade, Gulluoglu, Gullwhacker, Hairshirt, HansGruber, HasteBro, HatshepsutLecter, Heffed, Higgy, HippieSin, I be Will, IngaTBW, Isladar, Jazz Mister, Jenkilm, Jesusisagurl, Jingo, Joell, JoseCuervo, Ka Naram, Kalismaal, Kallo, Kaluna, Kaspersai, KevDeneen, Kevvy, Klutzygirl, Kritin, Lavion, LeafRivr, LoneZealot, Lorad, LordGrape, Lotan, Lt Havoc, Lungbutter, Lyle332, MachineMainframe, Maddog Doan, Mairsil, Malik, Mariance, Martavius, Maruzze, Mayting, MissHap, MisterDoobs, MokuMinion, MrBlack, MysticalMolly, MzSabrina2, Nasher, Nasko, Nod_Off, Nodosaurus, Numenor, PajamaJustice, Pandamanster, Partasah, Penne Basil, Phil de Pants, Pippi Pie, Powchekny, ProfEssorjEllybEaN, Protector of Felines, Quaxalot, Radcliff247, Rahmuss, RaisingOphelia, Raug, RawManiac, Retro_Thrusters, Rip Green, Roma, Ruby Eyes, Rufus the Sequenced, Rutger von Horeburg, S3w3rGn0m3, SadOatcakes, Salayer, Sasori_uk, Saucy_ash, Schmoola, ScottishDM, Shadow Tiger, ShaggyJDub, Sheik Ahmed, ShoTheBandit, SilentKnight, Sir Clement the Meek, SkullRock, Slamboy, SnackAttack, Snavley, Snork Maiden, Solve_Omnis, Some Bloke, Someuser14, Southern Sahaqiel, Spenk Bengalu, Splendor, Squirrelkin2, Starfire, Stargazer67, StaticMan, SulVetta, Sux2BU, SuzyQs, Svidrigailov, SweetLeaf, SwinginCelt, Targrod, Taylorwulf, Terion, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Mighty Tard, The Possum Trot, The Weretree, The Woo, TheBrownTable, TheDotGamer, TheOtherSpike, ThiefAlt, TongueKing, TracyBunny, Tragus, Trompe Loeil, Tundra_Wookie, Tyramon, Tz_BG, Unfortunate Bird, Valkyrie_Singer, Vengeful Chicken, Verdigris97, Volc, Wandering Tramp, Wank, Warped12002, WayneXtreme, Wendel XD, White Chocolate, Will the Warrior, Wolfman6666, WorkerDrone, Wr3cktangle, Wraithkin, Xander Whilkes, Xavgeon, Zaranthan, Zat, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zepheniah Craster, Zimmydoom, ZweiBlummen, aldervan, alexkb98, andrew3, artichoke2011, awesomedawson, bluespacething, bobtheparrot, bogseyluke, buffyangel, burgie12, burgin, cZarth, chalon9, chaosagent, corkythewinelord, crimsnferret, delvis_one, demarcis, eav, embyr, flerdle, goat314, groli, gunfighter, gwesj, h00k, hacker_human, hello547, hetchsgirl, hiimchels, homefrombasic, hotdeth, humpyt, iBlackSheep, icKygiRl, jayenright, jcrkk, john1008, kakakeke, kelsonkoh, kilroi, kimballkinnison, kiril15, kissenger, laire256, lassaebola, limpkraker, lupus4, master5997, mendoza929, minders, mootboot, more better, mousicle, multi420, mylittlesister, nimrod_1, omgwtfBBQ1234567890, osc630, pantsthief, rachels, ragnarok_now, rani windchime, rickshaw, rubian77, shesgotglasseson, sirCoOlWhip, snowskye, superfoot, takenoko, thankyouformybroccoli, thing4, thor from the village in the n, twiHARD4eva, unisus80, vpnLibrarian, wavedash, xsvenn, zacius and zoidman2


#815ADA WONG, AJ_Rimmer, Accidentaldente, AccordionStu, Achmedkhalim, Acoustic_shadow, AdjectiveFool, AeonfLux iii, Aerdrie, Aeslyn, Agapanthus, Ahorriblesn, Akrim, AlectoPerdita, Alice Dente, Allora, AlmAlphiA, Ama LaRia, Amaravalde, Anastasia Blackthorne, AnchoPete, Andralynn, Androcles Antepasta, Angelic_bookwoRm, Applesauce Bitch, Aramail, ArcaneSpirit, Archmage84, Argrus, Arktus, ArlonHarrison, Army, Artful Dodgerr, Arties Son, Artix The Seeker, Asarelah, Asinine, AspicioAvis, Astin, Asuki, AuDz, Avanar, Avena, Ayatollah, Ayslumreject, Azarael, BAbyDufus, BB Karo, BabelFist, BabySmasher, BadLuckBlacky, Bakken, Balloffire90, Ballrag, Baltar, Bangaroo, Barbar, Baron Munchhausen, BassGuitarBill, Bearskinrug, Beavis P_Ness, BeefThief, BeelzeBear, Belegbast, Belero, Benz_Doctor, Beornald, Betty Page, Bevanz, Bibli0phile, Biff Demiclaws, Bifferwine, BigPickle, BigdoG, BigglesWorth, BishopTutu, BjM, BlakAcid, BleachedBaby, Blend, BlindMonk, Blit, BobDoleSuperior, BobbyJones, Bobmar, Bofink, Bohatnik, Bokodasu, BorDeaUX523, Bozo the Ozob, Brammie, Brass_Bandito, Brennil Skybar, Brirad, Bristelle, BrittyBear, Broken Golem, BronMac, Bryce, Bryx, BuDnOtBuDDy2, BuRNJoB420, BuZZT, Bubo, Buff Muscularo, Butt Pirate, ButtErFeets, CBomb, CK_, COwliCK, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Caldiren, Calibuur, Callot, Campie, Candy X, Canine, CapHector, Capsr, Capt Spaulding, CaptainCavemaniac, CaptainRondo, Caravaggio, Cask, Ceredwin, CeruleanArcher, Chacho, Chanifean, Chaos Kitten, Chaosblackwing, ChaoticGalen, Charasan, CharlesBumgaurd, Chartan, Cheesewrangler, Chef Ross, Chez, Chezyourmom, ChiasaSunSun, Chibz, Chickenkong, ChillyDragon, Chiquitita Vargas, Chrysoares, ChubbsMcKenzie, Chunky Spelunky, Cinder, Circaea, Circe, ClaudioFratelino, Clawleone, Clow Reed, Club, ClubboBoye, Cobain Dougans, CodSmack, Comfortador, Constipated, Copy Pasta, CorranH, Cratus, Crickeetbug, CrickenNigfops, Cricket McGee, Croft, Crovizzle, CrowManyClouds, Crunchy Hamster, CrzyMdScntst123, CthulhuFlavorRamen, Cullots, Cunningham, Cupcakes of Hell, Cutey, CyberWar, Cynorio, Cysteine, DALEKSECOND, DAMNEDguy, DJ Dungeon, DJAlBassoon, DMagg, DaBaddestHic and Dah Cheese1
