fudge spork

fudge spork

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This is like one of those chocolate spoons you're supposed to melt into your coffee, only it's a spork, so you can let it melt into your fried chicken, instead.

🥇Mistress of the Obvious669














#9Stan Maskelyne115






#12Candice Dick102


#13Darkling and caducus100


#15Nanimonai3 and Vulcan900980


#17Master Spam75






















#28MysticalMolly and Nachtmahr22






#32Kemistry and Princess Erin18


#34Nomnominus Rex16






#37Dannyb0y, DarkSpuddle, Lord Mellman, Mongrel the Apathetic and Pr0nWayne12


#42Donavin69, SnackAttack and SupremeKingTom11


#45BitEMetWICe, LadySnarf, Lord Stefano, Mairsil, Nikademus, Roy, Stinkman06, ki77bot and nardo polo10


#54DickLeaky, Jizwink, Kamikaze777, Oldsfrk, Wraithtech and magic miss ile9


#60Artie Effham, Loathario, Rabbit House and mARty mcfly8


#64Dikiyoba, sarspastic and whizdad7


#67A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Badassimus Prime, Deatvert, Magic2729, Solve_Omnis, alLANrox1, allen_zhangcool, jlc2, rIcHaRdTsO1, splinter and testostronaut6


#78Cloony, Lepton614, Lotan, Plexchan, Spramen, Tom808, Tyrone_Jones, Viki, WalterEgo, amextex, bLObStER111, eav, mwahaha, rounDchilD and sciFIwiZ5


#93BeefThief, Blizzy, IP Frehley, Julitewn, LordVadar, Rosarinita, Squeezly Beezly, The Bitchslapper, VioletRay, VoraciousVulva, Wolffauer, excellente, hotdeth, hypsilyssa and killer59904


#108ArashiKurobara, Athanatos, Beljeferon, Bourbon_bot, Cappy Carl, CaptainRondo, Coindom Lathe, Dyzzyah, Eroquin, Faded, Fearium, Framistan, General_Herpes, Hallan Meras, I_Love_Pie, Jhusdhui, Kurtispj, Lineoleum, Lobster, Mariani, PokeyMan, Redmeat, SRO, Steakumz, Swinka, Victorinox, agargan, eiderdown, glaucos, meh_64_12, mikeyboypdx71, mjn73178, mutigers, phanty, sensibleb, shadeylady and unisus803


#145Adam1WPI, AelWyn, Alf, AspDIY, Bartender_1, Bassvamp, Belero, Betrayer, Bioland, Bobje Ratata, BoozedUp, BranNew, CMOT Dibbler, CWango, Caillean, Calmera, CannonFoddah, Cheeseums, Daav, Daffrid, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Dragonslayer91, Duddy01, FatQuack, Femtotechnician, Figfewdisgewd, FitzTheDestroyer, Galapagos James, GrafSchaf, Hotaru Uchiha, Ionox, Irritant, Junestar, Kaen, KapmK, Keptuvis, LastChans, Lord_Josh, LoverPrimeNumbah, Mao Ling, Master Grimwulf, MechanicalArm, Mojo Rising, Moxsassin, Muffinator, Musha, Mystiballs, NAYSLAYER, Nescent, Neuromancer, Nim, Nymall, Peccance, Pedeka, PolyesterMan, Poot, Pumpkinheadme, Reverend Bizarre, Rialle Blackthorne, Rikmach, Robacon, Sephiroth84, Shindhila, Snott, Space Ace, SpaceColonel, Spagetty, SparkleBeast, Splaterpunk, Spork of Doom, Stabotron, Stonecat, StuffedSandyGunfox, SuperMentos, Terrapin_Man, TheBrent, Trina, Vigilamus, Wagr, Wolf Kain, Wolfman6666, Yarble, Yarple, Zorrr0, Zounds, beowuuf, bleary, chimericthorn, coderanger, czxcjx2, enigmator, fyrefli, gLEnN_zhoU, intrepidcat, jackman6, jcrkk, kirbystar, legom7, lhart7907, liffe, lupus4, mat9h, minders, mylittlesister, pLaster, pantsthief, rosa blanco, slag, stink palm, the_Khamul, wile E Quixote, x_Elysium_x, x_LordBloodSorrowGothRaven_x and zmb2


#259ARthuR the human, Aariana, Acoustic_shadow, AdmiralBob, AelfRhian, Aerin Frost, Ahnotahm, Akaiya, Akrim, AlchemicalPanda, Alexandrine, Alldarker, Allis, Allora, Alodar, Alpha Omicron, AltAir12, AltheWeird, AltrashiKurobara, AmISam, Amagalan, Amanda28, AnchoPete, AndromacheNoble, AngrySeal, AntiMoron, Antic the Fearless, Aquabat, Archipelago71, AresGodOfWar, AridWaste, Aro CantCatchABreak, Asdfghx, Ashles, Asmoridin, AtlanteanScion, Augon, Autumn1983, Ayslumreject, Azarael, Babaganoosh, BabySmasher, Bagel Brigade, Baron Meriwether, BatBrat, Batwood17, Bearskinrug, Beavis P_Ness, Benjamintino, BenzDoc, Betty Page, Biffle, BigglesWorth, BlackThunder, Blanky, BlasphemousPhilosopher, Blazer, Blit, Blondie, BlueBaker, BlueBurro, BlueThunder, Bluewoods, Bodhazapha, BoiRDee, Boogiecleaver, Brew Geared, Brickus, Brirad, Bronwyn, Bubba9265, Bungee, Buzzbuzz, CK_, CafeBabe, CafeBoob, Calistus, CapHector, Caplin, Captain Comrade, CaptainRandom, Carrec, Casteel, Castiel, Catalyst, Catatonia, Celsey, Chaos Kitten, Charasan, Chartan, ChasteGalahad, Chelonia, Chickenkong, Chipchaw, Churchie, Chynn, Clancy, Clarinet, Club, Cnorgard, CoconutHalf, Crickeetbug, CronoTalon, Crumbling Buttercookie, Curbludgeon, CyberTurtle, Cyrilis, CyroN, DMag, DTMaster, Da Mullet, DaBaddestHic, Da_Poofhead, Dah Cheese, DaisyMaesy, Daitis, Damic, Dancin Fool, Dante87336, Dark Lord Poofy, DarkLord75253, Darzil, Davolta, Deeliteful, Deemoney, DementedFae, Demicanadian, Demonsquiggle, Desperatta, Dessalvara, Diamond Stud, Dibzannia, Digit, Discoius Banditius, Diss, Doctor Nick, Dorngen, Doryna, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Doz, DracoTrainer, Draconik, DreamBreaker, DrgnMaster, Drize1989, Drondh, DuRhone, EaterOfSorrow, Eddie Trojan, Edgy, Edwin the Pastinaceous, EggBandit, EhSteve, El Geedo, El Guapo, El_Shaddai_666, Elitany, Elmo_The_Thundergod, Emerilla, Erichwanh, ErisDiscordia, Escaflowne, Eseche, Ev3r, Evangelist_Nine, Evil Bovine, Evil Machine Terrorking, Evil_Angry_Hobo, Expensive Beard, Extirpator, False Dragon, Fannypack, Farfalle al Dente, FarmerDan, FatQuack2, Fawfulhasfury, Fee, Feral, Fignut, FionaFairhame, Flammo, Flurry, Foggy, FoolOfPoop, Fortez, Foxxy_Cleopatra, FranswahPetite, Free Martha, Fronobulax, Fryguy9, Fundamagargle, Funk_Fu, GGXTCC, GadTheHero, Gaeriel, Gaffa, Galafrone, GamesMaster, Ganguran, Garthim, Gaucho, Gauln, GecoLupesco, Gen Eric Cola, Gitaroo Man, Glerf, Gnobor, Goobris, GorgeousGeorge, Gracefire, Graev, Gravymaker22, GreatFailure, Greckle, Greeny30, Grenedle, Gryphtronic Maven, Gullwhacker, Guy Bone, HOldeRofSecrEts, Haggas, Hallway Walker, Hamon, Handersas, HansGruber, HappyDeadChicken, Hard Headed Woman, Harry Canyon, HasteBro, HastiferArken, Head_Moid, Healer, Higgy, Hjorvarthr, Hnetu, HotCha0, HotPasta, HubertCumberdale, Hunkpapa, Hurkamer Von Vannabe, Hyzenthlay, I am a Banana, IAmtheDisco, IceColdFever, Idran, Immelan, Impalator, Insidious Bandetta Vendetta, InspectorX, Ironbar Blackfinger, Isibeal, Italianchefpastaway, Itsatrap, J Random Adventurer, Jacco, Jackass1234, Jadyte, Jagg, Jambowy, JanvierBellefeuille, Jared_Allen, Jax2282, Jaylee, Jeddiah, Jeny, Jitsaki, JohnDoe244, JustPlainBeau, KIRBACHEV, Kaboon, Kahdrick, Kale, Kaljatukku, Kansas_Mac, KaosFreak, Kassandra, Kerchara, Keta, Kevin, King Candy, King Hustle, KingArt, KitTheHunter, Kitsunegami, Kneegrow, Knitbone, Kommander, Kooky Kirby, Kordeleski, Kraazor, Kristyalmighty, Kristyl, Kritin, Kvice, Kyp_Durron, Kyrial, Kyron, LEafyGreenS, La Zania, Lady Tomo, Lagomorpho, Lao Ming, Lauts, Lavion, Lazer, Leaper, Leicontis, Lemonade Lucy, Lendezco, LentilSoup, LepRECon, Lerdy, LevelZero, LiamAndMe, LntiX, Loachette, LoanMe, LogicalMadness, Lolly_Lives, Lord Noob, Lord_of_Ants, Lorith, Lotsaluck, LuckyPuck, Luke, LumberingOaf, Luminous, Lycanthra33, Lyle332, Mac_Gyver, MadTrent, Madballs, Magister30, Magnamanus, Magnus Thunderblade, Maharito, Maller, MammaBear, Marie Elin, MarioB, Marm, Master of Nothing, Mathfalda, Mathwega, Mattacius, Mawna Kur, MaxEarWax, Maxdroom, Maxstick, Mc7Man, Meester Slow, Mega Ogg Boolbar, Megabass, Mehified, Mellissaleo, Melvin DoOver, Menawa, MiB, Michifus, Mifdsam, Mike Antleg, Miridian, Misha_Z, Mishau, Miss Chievous, Mme_Defarge, Mondavidave, Moonflame, Morgoth1145, MotherMary13, MrDeFault, MrFatso, Mr_GlitterBall, Ms Bus Driver, Mud Duck, Muroni, Mybloodyself, Mynar, Mystical Unibrow, MzSwan, NICKgoncalves, NIUGuber, Natedogg, Necrophage, Nemmie, NewbieFoundation, Nick4925, Nienor, NightRipper, Nightvol, Nikolay, Ninja Karl, Nion, Nodosaurus, Noj Jorn, Nonia, Noskilz, NotsupposedtobeherE, Numeron, Nyx, OHogan, Oafette, Oculi Caeruli, Oddysey, OhMahGourd, OlWotchamakalit, Olekeg, Olesmiley, Olorin, Omatherius, OminousJackal, OnyXx, Oracle of Wuffing, Oroku Saki, Osbert, PSY, Paalikles, Pallidyne, Pamelia, PanSolo, Paragon99, Parastra, Paraxis, Parco Molo, Pasta Thief, Pastatizer2, PastryPusher, PatTheGreat, Patamunzo Lingananda, Paugus, PeKaJe, Pedinor, Perkk, Pers, Phlylgenion, Phreakyphobic444, Pineapple of Despair, Pizzleman, Plater, Plott DeWeiss, Plucky, PlutoGang, Pmbullethole, Ponsawan, Possidea, PrickllyPineapple, PrinceAmled, PrincessArnold, Pronell, Provoke, Prufrax, Psittaciphile, PuDs, Pure_Ownage, PuttyMcman, QGrav42, QVamp, Quackosaur, Quick Tabrin, QuietOne, ROdger_FLint, Radorescent, Raider123, Ranava, Ransak_the_Elder, RantWilliams, Raug, Ravingmad, Raylin, RazorGerbil, Rebeccahgotsharped, RedIrish, RedRuffenSore, Rejem, RelthasVe, Retro_Thrusters, RikAstley, Roa, Rock Flying Pig, Roger Ramjet, RogerMexico, Rora, Rorek, Rotund, RubyLucky, Rutger von Horeburg, Rutiger, Ryo_Sangnoir, SBD, Saanen, Sabazius, SadOatcakes, Saddler, Sakurabisu, Sal the Rapacious, Scattaloquarious, SealingAway, Segatron, Sendaben, Serhina, SerinBites, ShaBob, Shadow Kaze, ShadowTogetic, ShawnD, Shire Beyay, Sichel, Sir Beary, Sir Clement the Meek, Sir John the Great, SisterCoyote, Sixty Shoes, Skdjoe, SkullRock, Smackers, Snarfla, Snugglypoo, Soba Rigatoni, SoggyBunny, Solazy, Soluzar, Somerlund, Sorryboss, Soth13, SpiderMcFly, Splendor, Splotz, Sprucer, Squeekers, Squiddhartha, Squirrelnuts, StaffordMeister, StalkingOfAshles, StandardBearer, Stanley the slight, Stethorel, StevieRay, Stopfwurst, Strange Al, Stumblemeister, SuperYepa, SuperYvan, Superbuck, SupermancerPrime, Sven Lahti, Sweetpea36, Sybilla LeStrange, SyrDotric, THE Duke of Doi Tung, TTBoyArDee, TVirus26, TaPol, TakingMoxieBack, Talsgar, TamGarTrinKiJoiDar, TastesLikeChicken, Tatsuya, Taunt, Tavian, Tazy, TechRat, Tenebrius, Teronic, TerraPinia, Thagorn, The Clown Prince of Crime, The Grand Ragu, The Kestrel, The Muffin Man, The PLANET Pluto, The Rayon Terror, The Wishing Well, TheGhost, TheJessieKirk, TheLetterM, TheNice1, Therealtahu, Thundernuts, Thy Ramen Man, Ticwith, Tiffeh, Tigger101, Tim Benzedrine, Titris Thrawns, Toes, Torne, Truckdriver999, Tsade, Turbulent Squirrel, Twinkertoes, TwirlyRotini, Twistedbutterfly, Tykinruoka, Tynie, UBEL, Ukluk Slugthrower, Umbra_Angelus, Valarauko, Vambann, Van Diemens, Vandalee, Vandermonde, Vashnar, Velvet Knight, Vesiv, Vhaeraun, Viper20, Voldreya, Volteccer, Vorzer, W0rm, Wamphyr, WavyGravy, Weber, Wesley Milton Dagwell III, Wheezer, Whyspyr, Willy the Small, Wole, WrathOfBob, Xen of Borg, Xenthes, XinK, Xkorean4evaX, Yatsufusa, Z3RO, ZanZarah, Zanbatouza, Zanchvegas, ZaphodB42, Zelynda, Zennie, Zerg_Rush, Zermoid, Zero Cool, Zilla The Great, Zinc Saucier, Zionico, Zog The Disturbed, Zolobatron, ZombyWoof, Zulu Romeo, Zurin, Zwickle, aja miner, ajosHI, akiraadam, alBATross, alex_avsfan, altmin, amytrip, andrew3, angelrider, anitert, annamonster, antwoan, apisguy, apophenia, averyL, bananaconda, bbhunghk, blahloki, bobbanana432, bobsyouruncle, bruteforcePWNsYou, bz_sleeper, cankergIRL, chaosagent, chica, coffindodger, cptjsparrow, crash bang boom, crystal_ingram, cullythecat, curly, cvutsin, d00bie, dangerosive, delvis_one, demonizer, derpherp, dirac, disco basket, disco flying monkey, dumpybabe, e6v6i6l, eQerxar, ebontane, eeyore211, eusst, evil_eye, fatesjoke01, fergyball88, fezzer, franz1, frodoBatman, frog_04, gaihtf, geniusisplay, gheyst1214, gonzo1399, graethynne, gylfi, h7u9i, highqualityx10, hiimchels, hyuuint, icefall5, imthedci, indykenobi, ipq, ireJ24, irrelephantfluffysparklehorse, jWang, jackal73, jankanpo, jasonz45, jbnimble, jesabele, johaneth, jonsi_4, kagero, kellie, ladderman, lilwen, littlebitofSonshine, lopey, lorin215, maladJUSTedSocIaLLY, maliphik, malphador, me259259, mendoza929, mflGrMp, mhwombat, micros the tiny, more better, mskc, mstieler, mule1 and mx indigo1
