
#55Black Hole1
#64Candy Alexander1
#55Dark & Starry1
#5Drunkula's wineglass2
#65Event Horizon1
#4Mint Yulep111
#66Plague of Locusts1
#211Ralph IX cognac1
#62Sloe Comfortable Zoo1
#87Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire1
🥇Superhero Reboots1
#136The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder1
#547ammonite fossil7
#619belemnite fossil5
#36blue raspberry troll doll2
#37cinnamon troll doll2
#194elven whittling knife1
#576fat stacks of cash11
#377fudge bunny1
#842fudge lily1
#259fudge spork1
#33grape troll doll2
#357green gummi ingot91
#145miniature antlers1
#174pile of gold coins11
#337red gummi ingot99
#932stuffed Baron von Ratsworth47
#1780stuffed Cheshire bitten28
#176stuffed Hodgman2
#1990stuffed MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech25
#819stuffed Meat57
#1529stuffed angry cow33
#1066stuffed astral badger48
#1452stuffed baby gravy fairy36
#1143stuffed cocoabo42
#922stuffed crazy bastard sword6
#1425stuffed flaming gravy fairy36
#1580stuffed frozen gravy fairy33
#1590stuffed hand turkey33
#695stuffed key81
#1461stuffed martini3
#1921stuffed mind flayer27
#820stuffed mink57
#1242stuffed monocle33
#1186stuffed scary death orb43
#1431stuffed sleazy gravy fairy36
#1381stuffed snowy owl36
#1109stuffed spooky gravy fairy46
#1487stuffed stinky gravy fairy34
#844stuffed teddy butler54
#947stuffed tin of caviar49
#832stuffed treasure chest62
#1176stuffed undead elbow macaroni43
#776stuffed zmobie1
#251stylish swimsuit1
#670trilobite fossil4
#362yellow gummi ingot89

Wow, that's 1,498 items total!

what items are this player missing?