holiday cheese log

holiday cheese log

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If you're provolone for the holidays, nothing will make you feel gouda like this log of cheese rolled in sliced pecans. It'll help you camembert the stress of the season and avoid a feta worse than death.

If you're sick of cheese puns, just stop reading and edam up, already.



🥉Earl of Trellheim174


#4Lord Stefano140












#10Dr Danger101


#11Darkling and Xploding Bill100


#13DiscoGrim and tus98












#20StafDehat and txranger83






#24DanBob and Melcadrien74






#28Disco Stu25 and intrepidcat67




#31Player 42 and ivy_dizzie62


#33Wednesday and ak 4760






#37Dinin and Malokai55






#41Rotund and Toes48


#43Cat_KiIIer, Durgrim, calculon26 and garanimalstains46


#47Horngore Oxpoot45


#48Apollyon and hotdogbunny44


#50demarcis, lhart7907 and numerrik43


#53Rain, TerrapinTamerTina and homsar biotches42




#57Badassimus Prime and Thadril40


#59s t u p i d38


#60EdFox, FrAn iS faT, Nugglehop, StanTheManly and philthecat37


#65Darmut eDrien and snyper35






#69Cafenoire, Dibbin, Mousse9, Riganone, Shaede, Tatasha and zoidman32


#76AccidentlyEvil and icestar_c_m31


#78BeefThief, EricDraven26, TheBrent, ZmFlavius and tbell3130


#83CafeBoob, Chazriel, Towelie, Xenosis and fewyn28


#88MrTheSpork, Trick Question and Wolf Kain27


#91Decil, Ferdinard and Serai26


#94Gerbilman and Zakmos25


#96Bedazzled, CMOT Dibbler, Discdeath, EarWaxMax, GaRrG, Kommander, WangoTango and Yoshiko1124


#104PastryWoman, Que Chan Mok, RoidRage, Sololord and Soubrette23


#109Kneegrow, Mighty Joe, Mola_The_Great, Oafette, RoboNad and weggiecat22


#115BeardedShrimp, IP Frehley, Kirbydude616, Mercy and Mumu921


#120Casca, Crimbomaster918, FirmaMentalFalcon, Luminous, VelmaVelma, Wyrmhaven, Zesty and aaTOM20


#128EarthStone, FatQuack2, Infernau, Jacco, Muush, Mystical Unibrow, ToKoLoSH and alphaxion19


#136Crinkum Crankum, Grenedle, MagonKody, Melindria, alan0823, bydamas and natedog202318


#143Alaric Rex, PastaPhallus, eMick and underdown17


#147Alex Spence, Astrane, Da_Gimp_2, FLCL fan6, Pureblood14, Vaezilon, Yuzuru and wBreeona16


#155Forehead69, Frxnix, Mekgineer and nq2holic15


#159Acoustic_shadow, Ahnotahm, BlatantJoke, Bobsuruncle, C a g e_B a i t, Cheers, Colossus of Chronic, DanElectro, Mink, RalphTheBunny, Razorpack, Soth13, mskc and sniffles14


#173Ghorroj, Magic2729, MephistoWolf, Nymall and PlutoOfPluto13


#178Celsey, Cranstonn, Evil Bovine, ItsReallyMe, LittleItalia, Slith Warlord, Sluggoman, Winolord, XpLoshUn, cvutsin, flashdash, magyk285, puddin_up and shummie12


#192Ahorriblesn, AltheWeird, AspDIY, Black Belt, CharlesBumgaurd, FSM Worshiper, Foxy Boxy, Hairshirt, Lord_of_Ants, Moxsassin, Munkee, Solazy, SoloMallMulti and TheMightyDOOM11


#206A Gressive Coffee Addict, ABooRCKS123, Asterea, Atheos, BlackVelveteen, Blastphemist, Chyld, FOOD, Goetz, Gravinatrix, Kaars, LadyLaik, Malachi Constant, MerX, PokeyMan, Sal the Rapacious, Soulopr8r, jcrkk, n00sipher and viseu10


#226Blanky, Bourbon_bot, CDF4796, Chelonia, Dikiyoba, Eloquent Rune, Jererry, Keldar the Unbrave, Martyr Dom, Nikademus, slotwin and tOphAT9


#238Aximili, BunBun, CloakingDevice, Dramageek94, HomeFry, IntellectualWhore, Kartal, Klaranth, Kurtispj2, Man With the Pan, Mansausage, Megamaw, NotBot, Oragami Sauce, Radiopulse, Sir Clement the Meek, Sircian, Snott, SweetLeaf, Tariya Bonedigger, Trompe Loeil, agargan, anamainiacks, katami45, politiksjunkie, takenoko, targlez, typelogin, viandebaiser and yetti28


#268APM, AltaZorn, ArashiKurobara, Bioland, CapnFailboat, Chickenkong, CoupleK, DeathToRudy, Demigod 303, ElVatoLoco, Etherin, GGXTCC, Hareless, Higgy, HodgeyBasher7L, Jherskow, K2_Fujative, K3yBlad3Mast3r, Mr Ernest, Parastra, Powerkillera, RagingTurtle, Rude_Badger, SparkleBeast, Theon, Walking, Wireus, Xevabis, XinK, demonizer, eMMaMiA, euDoxus, graethynne, lupus4, osc630 and soandso7


#304A_Shogun_Named_Marcus, Aaiy, Aevum Decessus, Agapanthus, Al the Credit Dependant, Aubra, Ayslumreject, Baina, Barton26, Beleg_strongbow, Biznatch, BlueBaker, Broche, Buffer Than You, Buzzbuzz, Chillmoore, Cyrilis, Douglas Hossenfeffer, Drinkerbell, Flammo, Flybynight, Fraxinus, Free Martha, FreezerBurn, GurrenLagann, HIYOUYOUSUCK, Igor Priapus, Itsatrap, Jacques Pepin, Jitsaki, Jt13, Kerchara, Kol Hero, Lexicon, Lobster, Lord Artan, Macatoni, Macdaddy, ManBearRabbit, Mawna Kur, Nikikins, Nuit, Oforf, Olesmiley, Optimus747, PAK215, Peeble, Picklenose, Plucky, Pocket Wolf, Rabbit House, Raider123, Raven Darkchild, Sceezmo, Shaman_Drood, Sighy Pog, Spamantha, Spoon the Omnipotent, Sprucer, StuartLarkin, Stymee, SuperMentos, TTBoyArDee, The Rogue Fedora, VinnydeMafia, Vulturas, Z3RO, ZedINGale1, andrew3, badfae, evilsarah, hekiryuu, lassaebola, loklm2, mylittlebrother, obsessedwriter, rally_ho, shonk, theeconomy and wulfbear6


#384Alfredo Garcia, Amazonian, Anastasia Blackthorne, Anuvar, ArtemisDove, Ashles, Azarael, Batsubabe, Cowbell, Cri, Crooker, DarkSpuddle, DeathofPasta, Delilah, Disposable Hero, DocGonzo, Donutmaster, Doorbell, Drec Sutal, Drizzit, FhThD, Guyy, Hallan Meras, HasteBro, Hetchman, HighPlainsChef, Hsilwo, Hyzenthlay, Jeedai, Jessican, Kearia, KingRamses, Liv, MammaBear, Master Grimwulf, Miridian, Mirrraculix, Misha_Z, Nerdanel, NeverEndingGlory, Olorin, Pandum, Pawn69, PeKaJe, Princess Erin, PrincessArnold, PubicPubLover, Rhyann, Sabazius, Sabina, Satns_sphnctr, Sezja, Shindhila, SidVicious, Silkrivre, Skojar, Slacker1995, Slanidrac, Spij, Stony Porker, Stook, Super Soviet Missile Mastar, The Repah, Tooks, Triplebass, Vencho, Vigilamus, Viki, Watermill Barbosa, Werefrog, Wuldain, Xahil, Zenzizenzizenzic, Zionico, Zombie Feynman, Zorrr0, apothocaryrose, badverb, bobsyouruncle, clalibus, cyberninja monkeyboy, deificus, futinc, gamma_RAy, gnoCCo, hLegRice, harumph, indykenobi, jtoast, kayliek, ki77bot, kingalbundi, lazy_fire, mrf, ora henry, orange_prose, poopslAve, theBOywhOwasthemanontHemOOn and wildflowered5


#483AIice, Ackyri, Al Alizzeza, Arcticwolf15, AuntieM, Azura, Beasticon, Blasmeister, BliTZerKriEG, BobaJames, CA Dude, Caplin, Concurrence, DancinMachine, Davolta, Drize1989, ElleMinnowPea, Emanueldnx, Forsquilis, Gen Eric Cola, Genghizcohen, Gluek, Irritant, Jacky Faber, Jeny, JudySeagram, Kaffeetrinken, KiMMYJ, Knitbone, Kurtispj3, Lagomorpho, Lecavian, Lorelei Beatrix, Loxodonta, LuckyPuck, Master Spam, McSpankWithCheese, Monkey R Us, Mz_NuNu, Naranduil, Nohbody, Onion Dagger, PavoNariz, Roman_the_evil, Someuser14, Spacer One, SupremeKingTom, TVirus26, Thraxus, Ttggl, TurtleSpirit of Lich, Varg Plortha, Verdigris97, Voldreya, Wraith850, cankergIRL, canniBALLS, clovisbum, davidsan, doglord, e7ora, gheyst1214, idgrave, isthisarash, maxsnotwick, moooo566, more better, profoundly anngry, salticid, sexkitten, thantos913, vulcant13 and w_ron_g4


#556AngrySeal, Aravagantos, BMW, BagelJr, Bean, Bitsy, BlU_sKrEEm, Churchie, Darobi, Farflier, JR Trolkin, Jaylee, Joltykun, Jomeo, Kaboobi, Kemistry, Lazarus, LiamAndMe, Lord_Josh, Magister30, Major Meat, Managwa, MrFatso, MrVelocipede, Muffinator, Mynar, NTesla, Nikki xx, PSY, PeRReRs, PoiPoi, Porkhead, PsychicBologna, Quackosaur, QueVee, Racso, Rumour Rhemer, Seyjan, Shelton, Shorts, Splendor, Spramen, Steven Q Urkel, Terrapin_Man, The Clown Prince of Crime, TheSporkinator, UGZ_Log, Ultranibbles, Victorinox, VioletRay, Weber, aja minor, boyrdee, dammed if I do, dark lotus, fleshy, halfpenny, jankanpo, jojobu, kmwc666, nworbetan, ololo666, pestodigator, relyk, robotworld, sub, testing123456789, thundergrrL, unisus80 and zombiedust3


#626ARthuR the human, Accordion Abuser, Acolyte99, Adam1WPI, Adamantois, AelfRhian, Akapish, Allis, AnxiousHyrax, Archipelago71, Artie Effham, Arties Son, Artimis the Avenger, BanditoburritO, Banshee, Bearskinrug, Benevolent Familiar, BiohAZArdMan, Bodito, Brink450, CancerMan, Casteel, Catatonia, Cleo, Cnorgard, Crunchy Bob, DCarlston, Dancin Fool, Dark343, DarthScorpian, Deeliteful, Derdrom, Dirk Gently, Doctor Mortimus, DogBiscuit, DooMinaTor, Draco The Silly, DraconisalaRomanadvraTreylunda, Duct Tape, DuoOnizuka, Edir, Edmund Fitzgerald, EmilyGrant, Erwyn, FarmerDan, Femtotechnician, Ferrex, FitzTheDestroyer, Foxxy_Cleopatra, FredStadler, Gehenna, General Tak, Gigglii, GorgeousGeorge, Gorillo, Grandmaster Tygon, Guimoiun, Hjorvarthr, Hnaef, Hrotli, I am a Banana, I am here_why, I g g y, IAmtheDisco, Icehero0003, IncidenceOfRealism, IngaTBW, Irodoramatic, J Mo, J Random Adventurer, JK Phoenix, Jasonbot, Jeddiah, JediScorpian, Jonzo, Joshiskoolguy, Josim, JustPlainBeau, Kassandra, Kassidy, Kill Snowly, KillerNoj, Kinof, Klutz Lament, Kostej Kostejsson, Kurtispj4, LAMPayatot, LadyDelilah, LeePopsicle1, Legalese, Leiah, Lindiwe, Lineoleum, Linguinelad, Lizmeis, Loach king, Lolly_Lives, Lord Boozeraven, Lord Enzo, Lord Mackerel, Luke, Madballs, MaggieMoo, MagicFreak010, Maller, Marm, MaxEarWax, McBeest, MeTorterra, Meagen Image, Meat Maid, MickelPickel, MickelPickler, Mike the Best, Miss Channel, Mongrel the Apathetic, MrBlack, Mr_Parks, Ms Bus Driver, MuggleGal, MuttonChoppe, Mybloodyself, Nekosoft, Newbot, Nfika, Nienor, Ninja Karl, Noisyhand, Nutrigrain Bra, Oculi Caeruli, Ometeotl, Otto Lechner, Pastahead, Patamunzo Lingananda, Pedeka, Phred Green, Place_Holder, Placeholder, Ponsawan, Prestige, Pumpkinheadme, Pure_Ownage, Qasiel, Resinteck_lives4ya, Retro_Thrusters, Rhyet Swordmistress, Rice President Dmitri, Rikmach, Sacez, Scattaloquarious, Shad0, Shadow Tera, Shadowsinger, Silverstein898, SirSwank, Skelwing, Skent, Smitler, Solve_Omnis, Spamyel Mashkevron, Spectral Enema, Sputnik1, Spy Donkey, StalkingOfAshles, Strych, Svidrigailov, Tannerhaus, Tenebrius, The Muffin Man, The Smutographer, The Wishing Well, TheClouds, TheFishIsBig, Thorgarl, Thrakker, Thudder, TiaraElbow, Uggh, Uli Kunkel, Vaginal Bloodfart, Van Diemens, Volteccer, Volvo, Waltz, Water Dragon, Whale Clubber, Witch Hunter, WopopTart, Xenthes, Zacharygolf, Zamodin, Zob Rombie, Zolobatron, adiabatic, alfalfa13, artfagish, b2412, bobwoco, bonehead, chaosagent, chikensrule, cubeof11, dumpybabe, eFloss, flyingwollymamouth, gaihtf, gizpotato, gothictranquility, hotdeth, intermIssion, jilscott, katcob, killemall, koMmiEs, ladderman, maliphik, malphador, mazaru, moonbeams, motoXXXozzy, msmouse, mule1, mx indigo, myrth77, nainodel, nerfherder, octopodey, patricia, saucybandit, schmy, sensibleb, slugman, stink palm, the sloth, uglijarofmarbles, wavedash, welt, whizdad, wwwbandagerockcom, xoyv and zmb2


#867ADeadHeart, Aankhen, Aariana, Adapt, Adeeda, Aerospace_Forgiving, Agburanar, Akrim, Albino Bigfoot, Alexandrine, Allora, AmISam, AndromacheNoble, Appleseed, Arc9, Archon386, AresGodOfWar, Argrus, Asixton, Astin, AtlanteanScion, Auntie Pasta, Autumnwinds, Axt71, Balala, Baltar, Bassvamp, Batwood17, Beanieatrix, Beavis P_Ness, Becca_007, BenzDoc, BethikaTheBunny, Betty Page, Bewitched, Biff Demiclaws, Big Dave, Bigquack, BillStBill, Billfred, BlakWido, Blauqy, BlueBurro, BlueThunder, Bluewoods, Boadicea, Bobje Ratata, Bodhazapha, Boogiecleaver, BorDeaUX523, Brannon, BraveSirRobin, Brickus, BrightButt The Defenestrator, Brizzolian, Busch Light, CafeBabe, Cait, Captain Comrade, CaptainRandom, CarbonBased, Carrec, Castiel, Catalyst, Chartan, CheesCake, Cheloni, Chez, ChocolateNaruto, Choo Choo, Chrysiridia, CloakHack, Club, Cobwebs, Colendez, Craggle, CrimsonKing, Croft, Crying Fish, Cubsmaniac, CuddlyBear, Curbludgeon, Cyan Luna, Cysteine, Czuki Czyzz, DJWaz, DMag_oshc, DaBaddestHic, Dah Cheese, Damic, Dannyb0y, Darsabre, Darzil, Datin, DeathNight, Deathman_Elf, Debbie Queen of New Jersey, Delassa, Demicanadian, Derbina, Desmondman1, Diamond Stud, DocBosh, DocSauce, Doctor Jones, Doctor Nick, Dogilicious, Donnikko, Doz, Dr Newdell, Drewsie, Duffinator, Duraldo, EAF Marine, EarL LLama, EaterOfSorrow, Eclipsing, Edgy, Edwin the Pastinaceous, Eenee, El Geedo, ElenaMarie, Emerilla, Eoline, Eseche, EskimoBlueKim, Evangelist_Nine, Extirpator, Fasta, Fee, FionaFairhame, FlashFireLeon and Fortez1
